Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

The hispanics will take over much of the southwest. Chinese immigration will create the republic of California and Igor Panarin will end up exactly correct.

The inevitable might bring some sorrow, but in the deaths of the old country there will be four separate countries with Alaska going back to Russia. Life will still go on, but hispanics who try to immigrate out of the Texas Republic will be shot on sight.
Limbaugh said, let's do a test. Introduce a bill to make all illegals, legal, as long as they are not allowed to vote for 25 years after they have been made legal. We would then know if the democrats really care about "people" or if it just about having people come to this country that believe, already (!), that the gov't is the source of "wealth".

Interesting experiment.

why dont you want to allow them to vote?

Because they entered this country illegally and that's the punishment for doing so. They don't get to come here illegally and get full citizenship including voting, there has to be a negative for coming here the wrong way. They can get onto a path to citizenship (back of the line) but it will not include the right to vote, ever.
Talk to Hannitty and Boehner and Rice, who apparently are, driveby.

This is over.

Hannity is a pundit, fuck him. I want to know why Obama and the Democrats want amnesty so bad, is because they're compassionate or because they want their votes?.......

I say give them a path to citizenship (back of the line) with the condition that anyone who has come here illegally can never vote, any children born here to illegals can never vote either.

I got a better idea. Send them home. Allowing them to stay is a slap in the face to every legal immigrant in this nation, not to mention the millions of people who were denied entry (including friends of our family and my brother's mother in law) and didn't break the law to come into this country.
Limbaugh said, let's do a test. Introduce a bill to make all illegals, legal, as long as they are not allowed to vote for 25 years after they have been made legal. We would then know if the democrats really care about "people" or if it just about having people come to this country that believe, already (!), that the gov't is the source of "wealth".

Interesting experiment.

why dont you want to allow them to vote?

Because they entered this country illegally and that's the punishment for doing so. They don't get to come here illegally and get full citizenship including voting, there has to be a negative for coming here the wrong way. They can get onto a path to citizenship (back of the line) but it will not include the right to vote, ever.

The punishment for entering this country illegally should be a one way ticket home and loss of all assets earned in this country. Jailtime for anyone who hires them or who helps them in anyway. Uphold the immigration laws we already have and we wouldn't have so many illegals in this country now.

Many illegals simply overstayed their visas. I had a Japanese girl living with us while she went to college, but her English wasn't good enough and she ended up flunking out. Her visa was withdrawn and she was told to go home. I took her to the airport. we were both crying as she left, yet she left. It was illegal for her to stay. Why on earth do you think that ANYONE should be able to break our laws to stay here? Do you think for a second we can break their laws and stay in their countries?
Just open the borders...There are no jobs for us let alone them

why bother anymore you people seemed determined to give our country away

Unfortunately Reps are giving away the country by not being electable. By sticking to your guns and giving up any real power. Think commander-in-chief, Supreme Court, just to start. Time for a reality check, you can't see the big picture and you are willing to let the country suffer for it. How much closer are we now to controlling the boarder?
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Haters. Shut up. The immigration reform issue now comes down to mechanics. The issue of whether is settled. The immigrants are staying. End of subject.
Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

One day after the GOP suffered a crushing presidential defeat that spotlighted the party's unpopularity with Latino voters, Fox News star Sean Hannity announced that his position on undocumented immigrants had "evolved" and that he now supports a pathway to citizenship.


Are you for amnesty? If so, why?
No, I'm for shipping all illegals to the southernmost tip of Mexico. Let them first cross their own country before attempting to get into our again.

I'm also for severely restricting immigration to friendly countries. We don't need Pakistanis, Saudis, etc. getting great educations here, then going back with that knowledge to their countries to figure out how best to fuck us.
btw, since when did Sean "I look like Nathan Lane" Hannity become relevant?

The #1 rated cable news station (that makes them the mainstream media, by definition) gives him 60 minutes of prime time, 5 nights a week.

That makes him relevant. It also makes him a spokesperson for the Right.

No, it makes him a high rated, popular talking head NOT a spokesperson for the right.
When was the last time you heard a Republican politician call out Hannity on something he has said?
Talk to Hannitty and Boehner and Rice, who apparently are, driveby.

This is over.

Hannity is a pundit, fuck him. I want to know why Obama and the Democrats want amnesty so bad, is because they're compassionate or because they want their votes?.......

Got any other bullshit talking points? :lol:

Obama’s Record-High Deportations Draw Hispanic Scorn

The record-setting deportation of illegal immigrants under President Obama has drawn scorn from Hispanic Americans, despite recent administration efforts to temper the policy, according to a new Pew Hispanic Center study.

Fifty-nine percent of Latinos said they disapprove of the president’s approach to removing illegal immigrants, more than double the number who said they approved in Pew’s nationwide survey.

Among Latino registered voters, the sentiment was nearly as strong, with 52 percent disapproving of the Obama administration’s handling of deportations.

Since 2009, the annual average number of deportations has approached 400,000, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That’s double the annual average during President George W. Bush’s first term and 30 percent higher than the average when he left office.

Meanwhile, the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States has hit a decade low because of the down economy and stepped-up enforcement efforts.
why dont you want to allow them to vote?

Because they entered this country illegally and that's the punishment for doing so. They don't get to come here illegally and get full citizenship including voting, there has to be a negative for coming here the wrong way. They can get onto a path to citizenship (back of the line) but it will not include the right to vote, ever.

The punishment for entering this country illegally should be a one way ticket home and loss of all assets earned in this country. Jailtime for anyone who hires them or who helps them in anyway. Uphold the immigration laws we already have and we wouldn't have so many illegals in this country now.

I don't disagree with this but the reality is that is never, ever going to happen so we need to move past it. Yes, it sucks but that is the truth. Has mass deportation ever happened? What makes you think it ever will? And with a growing latino population the more the right cries "boot them" the more they push legal latinos towards voting Dem. Sad but true.

So what do we do? Move on to plan B. Path to citizenship (back of line), no right to vote ever for those illegals and any children they have here (while the parents are illegal), fine/jail businesses who hire illegals, make coming here legally more beneficial than coming here illegally, and secure the damn borders once and for all.

Many illegals simply overstayed their visas. I had a Japanese girl living with us while she went to college, but her English wasn't good enough and she ended up flunking out. Her visa was withdrawn and she was told to go home. I took her to the airport. we were both crying as she left, yet she left. It was illegal for her to stay. Why on earth do you think that ANYONE should be able to break our laws to stay here? Do you think for a second we can break their laws and stay in their countries?

We are not other countries and the D.C. crowd will never, ever go the 'boot them' root. Period. I don't think people who enter illegally should be able to stay but again, the reality is that mass deportation will never happen. The problem needs to be solved not yapped about with solutions that won't happen.
The #1 rated cable news station (that makes them the mainstream media, by definition) gives him 60 minutes of prime time, 5 nights a week.

That makes him relevant. It also makes him a spokesperson for the Right.

No, it makes him a high rated, popular talking head NOT a spokesperson for the right.
When was the last time you heard a Republican politician call out Hannity on something he has said?

When was the last time you heard a Democrat politician call out lefty talking heads or pundits on something they have said?

Get real Synth.
The 'anchor baby' nonsense is over, guys. Their parents stay, the legals vote, and the immigrants who are legalized get to become citizens eventually and vote, and their children born in the meantime will get to vote.

Grow up, haters.
I call it "Changing my mind". I may have been against something, but after learning more about it i CHANGED MY MIND about it. Means the same thing as Flipping......something everyone does at some time.

I have done it too. Gay marriage. Opposed now support. I call it learning and being open to change. Isn't that the progressive way? :D

I wonder if that was a bad thing in the world of Synth?

It is the progressive way. Conservatism is barrier to progress.
Hannity would have more credibility (any credibility?) if he had said this 3-6 months ago instead of the day after getting his ass handed to him.
Limbaugh said, let's do a test. Introduce a bill to make all illegals, legal, as long as they are not allowed to vote for 25 years after they have been made legal. We would then know if the democrats really care about "people" or if it just about having people come to this country that believe, already (!), that the gov't is the source of "wealth".

Interesting experiment.

why dont you want to allow them to vote?

Why do you want them to vote?
Because government actions affect the citizens. All citizens should have a say in who makes up their government.

It's the American way. No wonder you don't get it.
Hannity is a pundit, fuck him. I want to know why Obama and the Democrats want amnesty so bad, is because they're compassionate or because they want their votes?.......

I say give them a path to citizenship (back of the line) with the condition that anyone who has come here illegally can never vote, any children born here to illegals can never vote either.

I got a better idea. Send them home. Allowing them to stay is a slap in the face to every legal immigrant in this nation, not to mention the millions of people who were denied entry (including friends of our family and my brother's mother in law) and didn't break the law to come into this country.

Sean Hannity Flips On Immigration Reform, Now Supports Pathway To Citizenship

One day after the GOP suffered a crushing presidential defeat that spotlighted the party's unpopularity with Latino voters, Fox News star Sean Hannity announced that his position on undocumented immigrants had "evolved" and that he now supports a pathway to citizenship.

Are you for amnesty? If so, why?

No, I'm for shipping all illegals to the southernmost tip of Mexico. Let them first cross their own country before attempting to get into our again.

I'm also for severely restricting immigration to friendly countries. We don't need Pakistanis, Saudis, etc. getting great educations here, then going back with that knowledge to their countries to figure out how best to fuck us.

The bolded -- I agree with both of you but the reality is that will never, ever happen. It if was going to happen it would have. D.C. dicky doos around this issue, grants mass amnesty without securing the border properly, business hire illegals and few face any consequences, and on and on.

I've thought about this a lot over the past year or so and as much as I'd rather boot them it's time to get real. If they are granted a path to citizenship (back of the line, fines, whatever) but never, ever have the right to vote (that includes any children born here while the parents are illegal, those kids will never have the right to vote) that at least keeps illegals from favoring one side or the other once they do become legal. That vote is what the pols seek; don't give it to them. They are here anyway, they are using our resources anyway, making them legal they will at least be paying into the system.

Why haven't they been booted? Do you honestly think they ever will be booted?

D.C. crowd says no way, Jose.
The 'anchor baby' nonsense is over, guys. Their parents stay, the legals vote, and the immigrants who are legalized get to become citizens eventually and vote, and their children born in the meantime will get to vote.

Grow up, haters.

No, they don't get to become citizens with the right to vote if they enter illegally. You are granting them a full blown pardon for breaking the law. Why would anyone bother entering legally if they know if they just hang around long enough they'll get a free pass? Or that their kids born here to illegals get a free pass? No, there has to be a negative consequence for their crime and that consequence is not being allowed to vote.
No, it makes him a high rated, popular talking head NOT a spokesperson for the right.
When was the last time you heard a Republican politician call out Hannity on something he has said?

When was the last time you heard a Democrat politician call out lefty talking heads or pundits on something they have said?

Get real Synth.
How about when Ed Shultz called Laura Ingraham a "right-wing slut"? He was denounced by everybody and suspended.

When has Hannity or Limbaugh ever been suspended for what they have said?

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