Too late.. Can't tell anymore on the ballots already loaded from Tues to Friday.. The damage is done and can't be undone..

Um, no. Ballots already counted were not the late-arriving. The late-arriving ballots were segregated into a separate pile, and they will remain in a separate pile even after the counting, if they get counted. That was done intentionally, so that a corrupt court couldn't rule "Well, all the mail ballots are tainted now, so you have to throw them all out!".

They will be thrown out, the laws of the State demands it.

Trump attempted to dismantle the post office prior to an election knowing that there would be huge numbers of mail in ballots due to the epidemic and that his opponent's party was more likely to use the mail in system.

Not true.. The whole thing about disappearing mailboxes started back in 2012 or so.. Postal is WAAAY down since 2000, and they can't OPERATE like it was before. The "tightening" was a LONG TERM PLAN.. End of story..

And ANYWAYS -- ballot mail usually never travels more the 50 miles round trip.. USUALLY considerably less. It's LOCAL pick-up and distribution.. Gots nothing to do with most of Post Office infrastructure..

And no mail box was removed without public input before hand, as required by postal regulations.

Breaking News. SCOTUS is already weighing in.

This is just the beginning...

The software used in Michigan that gave over 6,000 votes for Trump to Biden is being used in 40 counties. Potential for improperly adjudicated votes from Trump to Biden is 48,000+ votes depending on number of votes in the county. Worse Still is 38 states use this same software. This means everything is going to end up being a hand recount.

Now SCOTUS has told all counties to separate all ballots received after 8pm on election day.

Trump is going to bring down the Cabal and now the evidence is everywhere..
LOL. trump will incite a tremendous cytoplasm storm, and will win bigly.
Breaking News. SCOTUS is already weighing in.

So I'm curious, how does segregating the votes impact the total? Am guessing the ones which did not arrive by 8 pm won't count?

Dear Santa, can we have an efficient voting system for Christmas this year?
Breaking News. SCOTUS is already weighing in.

So I'm curious, how does segregating the votes impact the total? Am guessing the ones which did not arrive by 8 pm won't count?

Dear Santa, can we have an efficient voting system for Christmas this year?
It sets the stage for a hand recount to ensure Alito's order was actually followed.
Its not going to change anything.
You trumobots need to accept defeat
For the love of all that is Holy. You've been whining like a orphaned 2 year old for 4 years.
WTF are you talking about? You joined less than an hour ago

And you joined 8 years ago and he's already more insightful than you!
Arent you like 80? Dont you think you need to grow up?
Allegations are not evidence in any legal sense.

As we have so learned over the last 4 years.
Evidence is material documentation and testimony used in a legal case.

Whatever happened to that old fool Mueller, anyway? Notice how the dems and their liberal media empire carefully make their past agents who have failed miserably disappear from the news entirely.
Wikipedia says he's working at some big law firm.
Too late.. Can't tell anymore on the ballots already loaded from Tues to Friday.. The damage is done and can't be undone..

Um, no. Ballots already counted were not the late-arriving. The late-arriving ballots were segregated into a separate pile, and they will remain in a separate pile even after the counting, if they get counted. That was done intentionally, so that a corrupt court couldn't rule "Well, all the mail ballots are tainted now, so you have to throw them all out!".

And exactly WHAT IS the "chain of evidence" for identifying WHEN the ballot was recieved once the envelopes are opened and all that envelope paper tossed? Is there PROOF that they segregated these ballots.. I watched them OPEN THEM in several states. There was NO ELECTRONIC keyboard for entering ANYTHING at these desks..

In other words -- it's TOO LATE to HAVE any evidence for which ballots arrived "too late"..

Penn supct gave them 3 days to CONTINUE to receive ballots.. That's potentially several thousand votes MINIMUM.. And THAT verdict violates their OWN CONSTITUTION in that state.. Was not lawfully done by their legislature.. In FACT -- the governor TRIED to get the legislature to extend and they refused...
Is there PROOF that they segregated these ballots..

Well, yes. The correct procedures were followed in that regard. You throwing a tantrum doesn't change that.

Give it up. Pennsylvania officials recognized what your coup strategy would be long ago, and they headed it off successfully. You will not be allowed to, in fine Stalinist style, trash votes just because they were for the other guy.

Penn supct gave them 3 days to CONTINUE to receive ballots.. That's potentially several thousand votes MINIMUM..

Which isn't even close to being enough to change the outcome. Like I said, you're just looking for an excuse to say that all of the mail-in ballots are tainted, which is a big steaming pile.

And THAT verdict violates their OWN CONSTITUTION in that state..

As is almost always the case, what you claim is the precise opposite of reality. The PSC ruled that _not_ counting those votes violated the state constitution.

Was not lawfully done by their legislature.. In FACT -- the governor TRIED to get the legislature to extend and they refused...

Which violated the state constitution. Hence, the courts did what courts are supposed to do when two laws are in conflict. They ruled which law takes precedence. In this case, they ruled the state constitution took precedence over the legislature's bad law.
Breaking News. SCOTUS is already weighing in.

Yeah well, the question is, with the USPS backdating untold numbers, I'm not sure how reliability we can tell which is which. The SCOTUS is too little too late-- -- the time to get this crap right is during the actual original counting.
Is there PROOF that they segregated these ballots..
Give it up. Pennsylvania officials recognized what your coup strategy would be long ago, and they headed it off successfully.

So, ahh, you recognized our coup to win an election long ago by voting, so headed it off with state law violations, illegal mandates and a lot of cheating, to make sure it didn't succeed?! :smoke:

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