Scott Brown Calls Out Obama Dems

The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

You don't listen well, either. WHY would elected officials listen to an American public so fucking lazy that they are not willing to read the legislation before the speak out on it? That would be ludicrous.

Oh please, those same elected officials have voted on legislation without reading it. After promising to post it on the web for 5 days first.
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

that's what you like to tell yourself, and I'm pretty sure its not true. Many people want healthcare reform

Yes we all pretty much agree we need health care reform. But the majority also agree that we do not need this health care reform.
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

You don't listen well, either. WHY would elected officials listen to an American public so fucking lazy that they are not willing to read the legislation before the speak out on it? That would be ludicrous.

VaY...I guess you were too lazy to read it as well for if you did, I would believe your little rant would have been something like this...

"why would the elected officials expect the average American person to have the capability to decipher exactly what is being said in the 2000 plus pages"

If you read it, which you obviously did not, you will find that it is constantly referring the reader to other pages for 'further information and explanation'...and when you are talking about over 2100 pages, that can get a bit complicating and to a certain degree, illegible for the average reader.

Try rerading it, then give it to someone who has a family of four, a job that gets them home at 7PM, weekend commitments for the kids and family....and tell me exactly when they will have the time to figure the dam thing out.
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

You don't listen well, either. WHY would elected officials listen to an American public so fucking lazy that they are not willing to read the legislation before the speak out on it? That would be ludicrous.

VaY...I guess you were too lazy to read it as well for if you did, I would believe your little rant would have been something like this...

"why would the elected officials expect the average American person to have the capability to decipher exactly what is being said in the 2000 plus pages"

If you read it, which you obviously did not, you will find that it is constantly referring the reader to other pages for 'further information and explanation'...and when you are talking about over 2100 pages, that can get a bit complicating and to a certain degree, illegible for the average reader.

Try rerading it, then give it to someone who has a family of four, a job that gets them home at 7PM, weekend commitments for the kids and family....and tell me exactly when they will have the time to figure the dam thing out.

Sounds just like tax forms.
You don't listen well, either. WHY would elected officials listen to an American public so fucking lazy that they are not willing to read the legislation before the speak out on it? That would be ludicrous.

VaY...I guess you were too lazy to read it as well for if you did, I would believe your little rant would have been something like this...

"why would the elected officials expect the average American person to have the capability to decipher exactly what is being said in the 2000 plus pages"

If you read it, which you obviously did not, you will find that it is constantly referring the reader to other pages for 'further information and explanation'...and when you are talking about over 2100 pages, that can get a bit complicating and to a certain degree, illegible for the average reader.

Try rerading it, then give it to someone who has a family of four, a job that gets them home at 7PM, weekend commitments for the kids and family....and tell me exactly when they will have the time to figure the dam thing out.

Sounds just like tax forms.

And it makes one wonder exactly what the "healthcare forms" are going to look like. Imagine having to fill out 2 hours of forms everytime you see a doctor.
In very short order, Senator Brown is effectively utilizing his political influence to rebuke Obama's intended nuclear option on Obamacare...

YouTube - Scott Brown Reacts To Democrats Using Reconciliation To Pass Health Care

Obama will probably just say he is a tea-bagging, redneck, pickup driver and dismiss the challenge.....oh wait that's Pelosi, All progressives sound alike to me :lol:
They sure are on the same page with the talking points about the doubt about that.

So you got my joke :D

Brown's already turning out to be a pretty good leader. I'm impressed. The Democrats really should listen to him on this one. 10% approval ratings?? Do they have anything to lose at this point. Back to the drawing board for sure.
I didn't say that the People didn't want Health Care reform. I said that they agree with Brown on not wanting this massive Democrat Boondoggle.

DING DING DING. That is the EXACT situation.

The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

that's what you like to tell yourself, and I'm pretty sure its not true. Many people want healthcare reform

They just don't want the current bloated bullshit that's been presented...

Exactly...which is what scott brown ran on.

The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

that's what you like to tell yourself, and I'm pretty sure its not true. Many people want healthcare reform

Many people want a new car. Does not mean they should buy a mercedes that will put them in over their head.

Or ask the government to buy that mercedez for them.
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

Again, the bill is unpopular because it is TOO BIPARTISAN, not because it's too lefty. In those polls you guys are always quoting, more than half who disapprove do so because it "doesn't go far enough."

That said, let's say 60% "Disapprove" and 40% "Approve." That's 40 who like the bill the way it is, 30 who say it doesn't reach far enough, and only 30% who agree with you, that it reaches too far.

Contrary to all this noise I keep hearing about the dems future... NOT passing it would be devastating. Passing it will almost certainly raise their approval ratings. Watch.
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

Again, the bill is unpopular because it is TOO BIPARTISAN, not because it's too lefty. In those polls you guys are always quoting, more than half who disapprove do so because it "doesn't go far enough."

That said, let's say 60% "Disapprove" and 40% "Approve." That's 40 who like the bill the way it is, 30 who say it doesn't reach far enough, and only 30% who agree with you, that it reaches too far.

Contrary to all this noise I keep hearing about the dems future... NOT passing it would be devastating. Passing it will almost certainly raise their approval ratings. Watch.

Do you actually believe that??
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

Again, the bill is unpopular because it is TOO BIPARTISAN, not because it's too lefty. In those polls you guys are always quoting, more than half who disapprove do so because it "doesn't go far enough."

That said, let's say 60% "Disapprove" and 40% "Approve." That's 40 who like the bill the way it is, 30 who say it doesn't reach far enough, and only 30% who agree with you, that it reaches too far.

Contrary to all this noise I keep hearing about the dems future... NOT passing it would be devastating. Passing it will almost certainly raise their approval ratings. Watch.

Do you actually believe that??

If it plays out the way I say... Will you kiss my ring in front of everyone here?
Again, the bill is unpopular because it is TOO BIPARTISAN, not because it's too lefty. In those polls you guys are always quoting, more than half who disapprove do so because it "doesn't go far enough."

That said, let's say 60% "Disapprove" and 40% "Approve." That's 40 who like the bill the way it is, 30 who say it doesn't reach far enough, and only 30% who agree with you, that it reaches too far.

Contrary to all this noise I keep hearing about the dems future... NOT passing it would be devastating. Passing it will almost certainly raise their approval ratings. Watch.

Do you actually believe that??

If it plays out the way I say... Will you kiss my ring in front of everyone here?

Scratch that. Will you open a new public thread titled "Cuyo was right" and thank me publicly, and use the following smiley...?
:udaman: <-----------------That one??
VaY...I guess you were too lazy to read it as well for if you did, I would believe your little rant would have been something like this...

"why would the elected officials expect the average American person to have the capability to decipher exactly what is being said in the 2000 plus pages"

If you read it, which you obviously did not, you will find that it is constantly referring the reader to other pages for 'further information and explanation'...and when you are talking about over 2100 pages, that can get a bit complicating and to a certain degree, illegible for the average reader.

Try rerading it, then give it to someone who has a family of four, a job that gets them home at 7PM, weekend commitments for the kids and family....and tell me exactly when they will have the time to figure the dam thing out.

Sounds just like tax forms.

And it makes one wonder exactly what the "healthcare forms" are going to look like. Imagine having to fill out 2 hours of forms everytime you see a doctor.


And don't forget the high quality DMV-style customer service!! :lol:
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

Again, the bill is unpopular because it is TOO BIPARTISAN, not because it's too lefty. In those polls you guys are always quoting, more than half who disapprove do so because it "doesn't go far enough."

That said, let's say 60% "Disapprove" and 40% "Approve." That's 40 who like the bill the way it is, 30 who say it doesn't reach far enough, and only 30% who agree with you, that it reaches too far.

Contrary to all this noise I keep hearing about the dems future... NOT passing it would be devastating. Passing it will almost certainly raise their approval ratings. Watch.

Oh we are watching, and the people will be voting. As they have already shown.
Man, I wonder where all you people were when the Republicans were using reconciliation 16 times out of the 19 times it has been used since it's inception?
Man, I wonder where all you people were when the Republicans were using reconciliation 16 times out of the 19 times it has been used since it's inception?

Did any of those 16 times change or affect 17% of our entire economy? And how many of those 16 actually would have passed without it, ie had 60+ votes anyway?
Man, I wonder where all you people were when the Republicans were using reconciliation 16 times out of the 19 times it has been used since it's inception?

How does the fact the republicans were turds when they did this make the democrats doing it better? Is that how you justify bad behavior, by pointing to other bad behavior?

A better question is where were you?

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