Scott Brown Calls Out Obama Dems

You got that right. The Govt starts these programs and good or bad they are here forever.

Just think. Another huge entitlement that we will support forever. That is of course the country doesnt' go bankrupt.

Bush's tax cuts expire this year so everyones taxes will go back up. I wonder how much more they can squeeze out of those that pay taxes?? I also wonder when they are going to start squeezing those that don't pay for anything??

Don't know about you but I can hardly wait for the FUN to start. Jeeze.
[B said:
Claudette;2065341]You got that right. The Govt starts these programs and good or bad they are here forever. [/B]

Just think. Another huge entitlement that we will support forever. That is of course the country doesnt' go bankrupt.

Bush's tax cuts expire this year so everyones taxes will go back up. I wonder how much more they can squeeze out of those that pay taxes?? I also wonder when they are going to start squeezing those that don't pay for anything??

Don't know about you but I can hardly wait for the FUN to start. Jeeze.

Yup - Entitlement Nation is taking over America...
If this passes it is just the tip of the iceberg. It is the foot in the door to universal medicine/socialized medicine . . . to total government control over health care . . . and health care is just the first step . . .

The lawmakers said Obama assured them the legislation was merely the first step, and he promised to work with them in the future to improve its provisions.

It's the opportunity of a generation, he told them -- and a chance to revive the party's agenda after his rough first year in office.

"The president very pointedly talked about how important this is historically," said Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva, "how he needs our help." Obama told them that "'this is an opportunity, it'll give us momentum"' on other issues, the congressman said. - Obama Pleads With Dems to Pass His Health Bill

Why do people want the government to control everything?
Why the fuck are people so eager to have this government fundamentally change America?
Why the hell can't you see that this health care bill is nothing but a giant clusterfuck that will only contribute to the eventual crushing of America?
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This healthcare bill has taken up a major amount of time during the last 12 months, while the unemployment has gone to hell, and people are out of work and with no healthcare benefits. Was this a planned operation from the likes of Emanuel (never let a crisis go to waste) Rahm to try and get the people on board with this so they COULD ram it down our throats?

By the way......this is how much I trust my government. I put nothing past them.
In very short order, Senator Brown is effectively utilizing his political influence to rebuke Obama's intended nuclear option on Obamacare...

YouTube - Scott Brown Reacts To Democrats Using Reconciliation To Pass Health Care

Obama will probably just say he is a tea-bagging, redneck, pickup driver and dismiss the challenge.....oh wait that's Pelosi, All progressives sound alike to me :lol:
They sure are on the same page with the talking points about the doubt about that.
I've been hearing this crap for over a year now. Let's brake out the baseball bats and go to DC! Just kidding.

You may have been kidding, but there are some people out there who are buying stuff like this hook, line and sinker.
Most Americans agree with Scott Brown. They have already spoken on this Democrat debacle. It's time for the Dems to scrap their debacle and go back to the drawing board. It really is a 2,800 page Nightmare. The Democrats and this President aren't listening to the People. They're just being stubborn and partisan. This Dem-led Congress now has an astounding 10% approval rating and i suspect that number will reach single digits if they force their debacle through. They might want to listen to Brown on this one. I guess we'll see though.
Most Americans agree with Scott Brown. They have already spoken on this Democrat debacle. It's time for the Dems to scrap their debacle and go back to the drawing board. It really is a 2,800 page Nightmare. The Democrats and this President aren't listening to the People. They're just being stubborn and partisan. This Dem-led Congress now has an astounding 10% approval rating and i suspect that number will reach single digits if they force their debacle through. They might want to listen to Brown on this one. I guess we'll see though.

What an idiot you really fucking are. YOU have not read this bill, nor have 99% of the people you say the Democrats should listen to. Are you REALLY stupid enough to think ANYONE on this board (except for LiarFrank) buys the bullshit you are selling?
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

You don't listen well, either. WHY would elected officials listen to an American public so fucking lazy that they are not willing to read the legislation before the speak out on it? That would be ludicrous.
Brown comes out and calls for people to contact their Reps and Senators and tell them, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH".

That is a solid rebuke of Obama, the Obama Dems, and Obamacare - and given Brown's current and considerable political status - a powerful rebuke at that...

I'll call mine and say "enough is enough" start standing up to the do nothing republicans
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

that's what you like to tell yourself, and I'm pretty sure its not true. Many people want healthcare reform
I didn't say that the People didn't want Health Care reform. I said that they agree with Brown on not wanting this massive Democrat Boondoggle.
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

that's what you like to tell yourself, and I'm pretty sure its not true. Many people want healthcare reform

They just don't want the current bloated bullshit that's been presented...
I didn't say that the People didn't want Health Care reform. I said that they agree with Brown on not wanting this massive Democrat Boondoggle.


Exactly - and there have been very wise proposals put forth that should have bi-partisan support:

-State-to-state competition that would greatly increase competition and lower cost.

-Enhanced HSA programs that would help reduce overall cost and improve portability.

-Initiate existing condition protections.

-Tort reform that will lower cost and improve overall accessibility. (See Texas)

These are all relatively simple and inexpensive fixes that the Democrats have given little to no attention to minus using the existing condition aspect as reason to support their trillion dollar take over of 1/6th of the American economy. The liberal Obama Democrats are attempting to create yet another HUGE government agency, increase taxes, and government power/control - which will greatly increase healthcare cost, not reduce it, while at the same time, require cuts in service - primarily to seniors.

There has not been a "healthcare crisis" in America. We enjoy the highest quality healthcare in the world. There is a limited access issue that could be far more easily remedied with those basic proposals listed above than the Big Government solution/non-solution being put forth by the Obama Democrats.

The majority of Americans understand this - and are growing increasingly uncomfortable with the tone-deaf Obamacrats unwillingness to listen...
The fact is,most Americans do agree with Scott Brown. The Democrats need to quit being stubborn and partisan. The People have already spoken. They don't want this Massive Democrat Boondoggle. They really should take Brown's advice and scrap their debacle. Forcing it through by way of Reconciliation or the Nuclear Option will definitely backfire on them.

that's what you like to tell yourself, and I'm pretty sure its not true. Many people want healthcare reform

Many people want a new car. Does not mean they should buy a mercedes that will put them in over their head.

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