Scientists ask Obama to prosecute global warming skeptics


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

These guys must be getting desperate. If enough people stop believing in global warming, these guys will start to lose grant money, and that will put them out of a job.

I see ridiculous stories like this all the time, and every day it gets more ridiculous.

People are not going to believe in end of the world scenarios, no matter how hard you try to scare them.

I saw a very stupid movie called "The Day After Tomorrow" and seeing that movie convinced me that the global warming people had to be complete morons.

Their calls to arrest people and put them under the Inquisition is the just the latest travesty.
Here's another lunatic, who suggests the death penalty for global warming skeptics and the Pope:

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope

Harmless professor?

Yes, for now.

The Pope isn't a Global Warming Skeptic. He has come out in full support of fighting the faux "Global Warming" and making it a top priority of the Vatican. There are many articles about it - I'm surprised you don't know this, Blackrook.

The papal warning on global warming
It's a clear, strong statement from a religious leader with 1.2 billion followers who is also a global statesman and, you can't help but notice, a trained chemist. That's because his letter, the first ever papal encyclical devoted entirely to the environment, quickly gets into the nitty-gritty of climate science. In the early pages of the 184-page document, released Thursday, Francis explains the greenhouse effect, notes that volcanic activity is also a factor in global warming and warns of the destruction of species and rising seas.

In his call for a "cultural revolution" to protect the earth, Francis shocks and shames his audience while pushing nations to reduce emissions of the carbon dioxide gases responsible for global warming. He presses for a deal on carbon reductions, to be negotiated at a U.N. climate summit in Paris in December, and takes a shot at Western consumerism for its wasteful habits.
Pope Francis is a trained Chemist. The Scientists supporting the false reports on Global Warming must be thrilled.

Pope: 'Revolution' needed to fight climate change -

CNN)As a former teacher, Pope Francis knows how to deliver a stern lecture. On Thursday, he gave one for the ages.

While slamming a slew of modern trends -- the heedless worship of technology, our addiction to fossil fuels and compulsive consumerism -- the Pope said humanity's "reckless" behavior has pushed the planet to a perilous "breaking point."

"Doomsday predictions," the Pope warned, "can no longer be met with irony or disdain."

Citing the scientific consensus that global warming is disturbingly real, Francis left little doubt about who to blame.

Big businesses, energy companies, short-sighted politicians, scurrilous scientists, laissez faire economists, indifferent individuals, callous Christians and myopic media professionals. Scarcely any area of society escaped his withering criticism.

Pope Francis Ties Human Trafficking To Global Warming, Recruits Mayors To Fight Both

A two-day symposium on modern day slavery and climate change continues Wednesday at the Vatican with Walsh expecting to take the podium. Monday the assembly heard from Pope Francis, who encouraged the mayors to do all they can to compel their respective governments to cut carbon emissions and save the planet.

In the spiritual fight against climate change, the pope is not alone
Pope Francis will be in Paris, too, fighting for the actions he deems morally necessary to care for our “one single human family.” On that note, he is not the only faith leader who’s got climate on the mind. Here’s what the world’s other major religions have to say about the subject.

Environmental consciousness first took root in Islam in the 1970s, with many “green Muslims” turning to passages in the Koran that discussed the sacredness of nature. It wasn’t until 2009, however, that Sheikh Ali Gomaa, the Gran Mufti of Egypt—nicknamed the "Green Mufti"—announced a seven-year plan to make Islam more environmentally friendly.
Does it get any more ridiculous than this? Unfortunately? Yes. This man who calls himself the Pope is reported to be now teaching his followers there is no such thing as a literal hell, that they should not take the bible "literally" (how else should one take God's Word??!) that atheists can go to heaven on their good works (no need to be born again - Believe on Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and repent of their sins) and that all religions including followers of Islam, New Age, Hinduism are going to heaven. The Blasphemy this man teaches is disgusting. He is a false teacher and with all the evidence provided even to those in the legal profession - yet they refuse to examine the evidence but would rather condemn it without examination in order to remain eternally ignorant of the truth! oh! the irony of it all......
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Here's another lunatic, who suggests the death penalty for global warming skeptics and the Pope:

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope

Harmless professor?

Yes, for now.

The Pope isn't a Global Warming Skeptic. He has come out in full support of fighting the faux "Global Warming" and making it a top priority of the Vatican. There are many articles about it - I'm surprised you don't know this, Blackrook.

The papal warning on global warming
This article was published before Francis was Pope.
Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

These guys must be getting desperate. If enough people stop believing in global warming, these guys will start to lose grant money, and that will put them out of a job.

I see ridiculous stories like this all the time, and every day it gets more ridiculous.

People are not going to believe in end of the world scenarios, no matter how hard you try to scare them.

I saw a very stupid movie called "The Day After Tomorrow" and seeing that movie convinced me that the global warming people had to be complete morons.

Their calls to arrest people and put them under the Inquisition is the just the latest travesty.

"I saw a very stupid movie called "The Day After Tomorrow" and seeing that movie convinced me that the global warming people had to be complete morons."

Why you flat-earthers always believe fiction but run away from science?
Here's another lunatic, who suggests the death penalty for global warming skeptics and the Pope:

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope

Harmless professor?

Yes, for now.

The Pope isn't a Global Warming Skeptic. He has come out in full support of fighting the faux "Global Warming" and making it a top priority of the Vatican. There are many articles about it - I'm surprised you don't know this, Blackrook.

The papal warning on global warming
This article was published before Francis was Pope.

So what? The Pope is fully on board with the Global Warming Scam and if asked would most likely hardily approve of arresting any skeptics especially if he finds they are fundamentalist Christians, Blackrook.
Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

These guys must be getting desperate. If enough people stop believing in global warming, these guys will start to lose grant money, and that will put them out of a job.

I see ridiculous stories like this all the time, and every day it gets more ridiculous.

People are not going to believe in end of the world scenarios, no matter how hard you try to scare them.

I saw a very stupid movie called "The Day After Tomorrow" and seeing that movie convinced me that the global warming people had to be complete morons.

Their calls to arrest people and put them under the Inquisition is the just the latest travesty.

"I saw a very stupid movie called "The Day After Tomorrow" and seeing that movie convinced me that the global warming people had to be complete morons."

Why you flat-earthers always believe fiction but run away from science?
No one ever believed in a flat earth, that is a myth.

myth.How Ancient Greeks Knew Earth Was Round | RCScience
Here's another lunatic, who suggests the death penalty for global warming skeptics and the Pope:

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope

Harmless professor?

Yes, for now.

The Pope isn't a Global Warming Skeptic. He has come out in full support of fighting the faux "Global Warming" and making it a top priority of the Vatican. There are many articles about it - I'm surprised you don't know this, Blackrook.

The papal warning on global warming
This article was published before Francis was Pope.

So what? The Pope is fully on board with the Global Warming Scam and if asked would most likely hardily approve of arresting any skeptics especially if he finds they are fundamentalist Christians, Blackrook.
Jeremy, you are like a mosquito jabbing at my neck. What are you trying to say?
All I hear from global warmists is a desperate attempt to get us to believe their cracked up theory of how the whole world was going to end if the atmosphere gets a few degrees hotter.

Well, so what does it matter if it does?

Life adapts to change, and human life adapts even faster.

We will survive whatever comes.
Here's another lunatic, who suggests the death penalty for global warming skeptics and the Pope:

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope

Harmless professor?

Yes, for now.

The Pope isn't a Global Warming Skeptic. He has come out in full support of fighting the faux "Global Warming" and making it a top priority of the Vatican. There are many articles about it - I'm surprised you don't know this, Blackrook.

The papal warning on global warming
This article was published before Francis was Pope.

So what? The Pope is fully on board with the Global Warming Scam and if asked would most likely hardily approve of arresting any skeptics especially if he finds they are fundamentalist Christians, Blackrook.
Jeremy, you are like a mosquito jabbing at my neck. What are you trying to say?

You're a lawyer. An advocate for the truth. Figure it out.

The more the world progresses the more it stays the same as we now move from the Christian Inquisitions to the Secular Government Inquisitions.


Here's another lunatic, who suggests the death penalty for global warming skeptics and the Pope:

Progressive Professor Demands Death Penalty for Global Warming Skeptics and the Pope

Harmless professor?

Yes, for now.

The Pope isn't a Global Warming Skeptic. He has come out in full support of fighting the faux "Global Warming" and making it a top priority of the Vatican. There are many articles about it - I'm surprised you don't know this, Blackrook.

The papal warning on global warming
This article was published before Francis was Pope.

So what? The Pope is fully on board with the Global Warming Scam and if asked would most likely hardily approve of arresting any skeptics especially if he finds they are fundamentalist Christians, Blackrook.
Jeremy, you are like a mosquito jabbing at my neck. What are you trying to say?

You're a lawyer. An advocate for the truth. Figure it out.
You misunderstand what a lawyer does.
The only way to keep us safe from these crackpots is for every American to own a gun, and know how to use it.
Members of the GOP, backed by the Kochs and energy corporations, tried to prosecute scientists for publishing their research. That is a fact. The man that did headed the effort later ran, unsuccessfully, for governor of Virginia.

There are enough lies and corruption by the corporations on this issue to warrant an investigation of the monies they are putting into politicians pockets to repeat their lies.
This article was published before Francis was Pope.

So what? The Pope is fully on board with the Global Warming Scam and if asked would most likely hardily approve of arresting any skeptics especially if he finds they are fundamentalist Christians, Blackrook.
Jeremy, you are like a mosquito jabbing at my neck. What are you trying to say?

You're a lawyer. An advocate for the truth. Figure it out.
You misunderstand what a lawyer does.

No, I've misunderstood you. That is what I've misunderstood. You're in love with the idea of truth, holiness and virtue but not enough to actually live it out for yourself. I did pray as you asked me to for the raise and the job and that is the last of it. Read Psalm 103 and do not forget to thank God for his goodness towards you. Bye now.
Well, thanks for your prayer. I have recently picked up two new clients, one last month, and one today. If your prayers helped that happen, well thank you.

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