97 percent myth

I bet your mother wouldn't approve of such speech. You have not cast the slightest doubt on the data that the vast majority of climate scientists accept as entirely valid.
Mom died 44 years ago. When she lived, she did not have to suffer such fools as there are today over climate. Why do you deny man can control climate?
The topic is not the public's opinion about climate science. The topic is the consensus of climate scientists towards the conclusions of the IPCC assessment reports.
We are having what is said to be record snow falls. Are they lying to us?
So I guess we can conclude that you've never taken Probability and Statistics 101.
You seem to forget that for centuries 100% of the "scientific community" thought malaria was caused by "swamp miasmas" or that the proper treatment for most diseases was to bleed the patient or that the sun circled the earth daily.

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