Science Journal Nature Says Defining Gender By Genitals ‘Has No Foundation In Science’

I wonder if this kind of stuff occurred in the last days of the Roman Empire too.

Science journal Nature finds assigning gender by the genitals one is born with 'has no foundation in science'
It appears that JGalt and yourself missed this: "biology is not as straightforward as the proposal suggests. By some estimates, as many as one in 100 people have differences or disorders of sex development, such as hormonal conditions, genetic changes or anatomical ambiguities, some of which mean that their genitalia cannot clearly be classified as male or female."

Now the editorial goes on and lists arguments other than scientific ones, which waters it all down. But facts matter

So men can say, "my uterus, my choice!" and decide they can bear a child.

This new learning amazes me!
2 hours later and no one has been able to show me a single boy who has a uterus. How predictable.
Is it a week later or more .. So, what gender would a hermaphrodite be?

As stated in my original post, a hermaphrodite has different DNA, meaning yes they are neither male nor female. That' a genetic anomaly, and by the one they can't change, even if they have surgery.

Why does the left hate science so much?

The hermophodite happens 1-1500 to 1-2000 births, it is birth defect, just like big ears, type 1 diabetes and mental illness.
true, so what gender would you classify them as?

are you know saying there is a 3rd gender?

think about what you are implying

what gender would you classify hermaphrodites as?

Depends on the chromosomes. They are either male or female.

People that are gender confused have a mental illness.

chromosomes, so both a boy and a girl can have a penis? That is what you are saying? A hermaphrodite with a penis, but chromosomes that say girl is .. a girl with a penis?

is that how you want to defend gender as being biological and not a human construct?

Why do you people hate science? A hermaphrodite has BOTH sexes reproductive organs, or at least partially has both. You will NEVER see , for example a person born with XX chromosomes but they have only a femae's sex organs. That's not what a hermaphrodite is.

Party of science my ass.
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any other Social Conservative Justice Warriors want to tackle a simple question:

Simple question and maybe for the likes of you, a difficult one: What gender is a hermaphrodite?

ask bear513 to help you here
advice: ignore Papageorgio as he/she has a few issues being honest about what was asked

We already know .ooooo5 %

".ooooo5 %"

is considered a gender?

somebody tell Papageorgio his 31 genders just became 32 LOL

You have the nerve to talk about being honest and then misrepresent what I said, sorry dude, there are two sexes, you don’t like the answers and are trying to skew direct your argument where there is not argument. Try being honest for a change.

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