School Punishes Boy for Opposing Homosexuality

The kid is back in school and the teacher has been removed from the school.

I expect the Teacher will soon be fired.

I expect the Teacher to be given the option of being the girl's Basketball coach.
then they could all wear the same makeup... right.?
better than a lesbian coach....right!

What are you babbling about: If the Queer wants to be a teacher, then put him in a position where his sensativity to anti-gay opinion won't matter.
I expect the Teacher to be given the option of being the girl's Basketball coach.
then they could all wear the same makeup... right.?
better than a lesbian coach....right!

What are you babbling about: If the Queer wants to be a teacher, then put him in a position where his sensativity to anti-gay opinion won't matter.
check your last post. now that babbling.
and this one is just nonsense.
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Is Homosexuality natural?
I was reading some of the news items on this topic. Most of the authors seem to address this issue using the words like ‘unnatural’, ‘abnormal’, as if it is an ailment or handicap that can be remedied or corrected. Here’s an article that appeared in THE HINDU recently:

Mohana Krishnaswamy, who says that he is a ‘paramedical person by qualification’, writes,

“ …arrested on charges of homosexual practice. The remedy to that should be to educate the police and make them more human, to sympathise with the conditions of abnormality in human behaviour…”

“While we can sympathise with people practising homosexuality, it is an altogether socially, ethically and medically unacceptable idea to treat them as normal. There are no homosexuals among any species of animals. Such practice is fundamentally against nature. With all our sympathy, we have to treat them as abnormal.”

Before I start giving out my position on this, I would like define certain terms, like what is ‘natural’, ‘normal’ and ‘human’? Natural is something that is found in the nature without the intervention of man. Trees, rocks, mountains are natural, while plastic is artificial. Sex, suckling, reproduction, baby care, etc are natural, since it is found in certain higher order animals. These are natural and biological. Feelings, conscience, sense of justice, ability to produce music and art, etc, are human, and not necessarily found even in higher order mammals. These are natural and in addition, they are human.

Now, do we accept everything that is biological and natural as acceptable? Not really! Killing another human (not for food) can easily be shown to be natural, but we do not accept it. There are certain traits which are found in humans, like war, kill for sport (not for food), rape, etc, which are natural to humans but not necessarily desirable. Therefore a certain sense of law and order and its affiliated institutions are introduced, which are entirely human, to suppress, control or curb certain human traits. Therefore, though certain things are natural, we consider some of them to be inhuman. Now what is normal? When something deviates from what is expected, it is 'not normal'. For example, deafness or blindness is considered 'not normal'. It is deficiency or a handicap by which a person will not function the same way as any normal person would (of course, this is highly debatable). A person who is born with a deformity of hand will not be able to perform certain actions the way a normal person would and hence it is considered abnormality.

Coming to homosexuality, Is it ‘unnatural’, ‘abnormal’, or ‘inhuman’?

Homosexuality is natural

Homosexuality is found in many other animal and bird species. Wikipedia lists nearly 500 species of mammals, birds, fish and other animals which display homosexuality. Recently a museum opened up in Oslo, Norway, exhibiting homosexuality among animals. There is documentary evidence of homosexual behavior in giraffes, penguins, parrots, beetles, whales and dozens of other creatures. One of the exhibit statement says- "We may have opinions on a lot of things, but one thing is clear -- homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom, it is not against nature". Geir Soeli, the project leader of the exhibition entitled "Against Nature", says: "Homosexuality has been observed for more than 1,500 animal species, and is well documented for 500 of them." According to this news report, Greek philosopher Aristotle observed apparent homosexual behavior among hyenas 2,300 years ago but evidence of animal homosexuality has often been ignored by researchers, perhaps because of distaste, lack of interest or fear or ridicule. Bonobos, a type of chimpanzee, very close to humans according genetic studies, are among extremes in having sex with either males or females, apparently as part of social bonding. According to Soeli, "Bonobos are bisexuals, all of them.”

The Oslo Natural History Museum concludes human homosexuality cannot be viewed as "unnatural".

Homosexuality is normal

Homosexuality is found in every culture, every religion, every nation, in both female and male, and at all ages. It has been found since time immemorial and is in fact as old as human itself. It is not something very different from a left-handedness, which is seen in minority population but is still normal. It is not a handicap by which a homosexual is not able to perform certain physical or mental activities which a heterosexual can. Except for sexual orientation, a homosexual is similar to a heterosexual. It is neither a genetic defect nor a biological abnormality. Homosexuals are normal people with a different sexual orientation.

Is homosexuality legal, moral, inhuman or common?

One has to understand that law is made by man to control man. There were many things that were illegal once, like pre-marital sex, which are now completely legal. While some legal things in past, like slavery, are made illegal now. Homosexuality is legal in very few parts of the world, and in most parts of the world it remains illegal. Coming to whether it is ethical or moral, I don’t want to debate. It is up to individual’s opinion; I leave it to my readers. I do not think it is inhuman either since it does not involve in encroaching on other people’s rights or freedom. It does not bring harm to other people or cause inconvenience to them. There is no reason to treat it as a crime.

But yes, I agree that is not common, and if it is, it is hidden, and hence most of us do not know about it. Just because we do not know about it doesn’t make it go away, make it unnatural or abnormal.


Homosexuality is completely natural, completely normal, but yes, it is uncommon. We may have grown up not knowing about it, but there is a way to teach the young generations about it. As a kid, I haven’t known many things- I didn’t know about sex or pornography. There is a way one can know about these things. If the teaching is shunned or if it is done in the negative light as seen from the above article written in THE HINDU, we will not be able to understand it and may grow negative or wrong prejudices and start targeting homosexuals.

To consider homosexuality to be unnatural or abnormal is completely wrong. It’s not an ailment that can be cured; it’s not a disease that can be eradicated. It is not a mental condition that can be corrected through therapy. If your kid is homosexual, accept him/her. If you are a believer in God, consider the kid to be a creation of that God. If that God has created homosexuals in animals, so he did in humans. And if you are an atheist, like me, I don’t think you need to be told anything, you already know it.
Is Homosexuality natural?
. If that God has created homosexuals in animals, so he did in humans. And if you are an atheist, like me, I don’t think you need to be told anything, you already know it.

Everything Animals do is NATURAL

Some animals eat their own shit.

Some humans eat their own shit (daws comes to mind).

Therefore Shit-eating Humans should be nutured.
Is Homosexuality natural?
. If that God has created homosexuals in animals, so he did in humans. And if you are an atheist, like me, I don’t think you need to be told anything, you already know it.

Everything Animals do is NATURAL

Some animals eat their own shit.

Some humans eat their own shit (daws comes to mind).

Therefore Shit-eating Humans should be nurtured.

Don't forget the tentacle suckers need nurturing too! :thup:
Is Homosexuality natural?
. If that God has created homosexuals in animals, so he did in humans. And if you are an atheist, like me, I don’t think you need to be told anything, you already know it.

Everything Animals do is NATURAL

Some animals eat their own shit.

Some humans eat their own shit (daws comes to mind).

Therefore Shit-eating Humans should be nutured.
did you mean neutered?
Definition of NEUTER
transitive verb
1: castrate, alter
2: to remove the force or effectiveness of
See neuter defined for English-language learners »
Examples of NEUTER
She had her dog neutered by the veterinarian.
The bill was neutered by the changes made by the legislature.
First Known Use of NEUTER
Related to NEUTER
Synonyms: alter, desex, fix
Related Words: castrate, emasculate, geld; spay; sterilize

might wanna try spell check if multi syllabic words are a tough concept for you.

A homophobe and a Christian! always a winning combination!:clap2::clap2:
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As far as I can tell, there is no valid legal argument against gay marriage.

If it's a choice then it's ok to discriminate against them, just like it's ok to discriminate against smokers.

Seriously, try harder. :thup:

No it isn't.

And the fact that it isn't a choice doesn't mean it's a birth defect, retard.

If they're born that way then by definition it's a genetic abnormality.

Fact, not opinion.
If it's a choice then it's ok to discriminate against them, just like it's ok to discriminate against smokers.

Seriously, try harder. :thup:

No it isn't.

And the fact that it isn't a choice doesn't mean it's a birth defect, retard.

If they're born that way then by definition it's a genetic abnormality.

Fact, not opinion.

Lo0k at you with the semantic word games!
An honors student in Fort Worth, Texas, was sent to the principal’s office and punished for telling a classmate that he believes homosexuality is wrong.

Texas School Punishes Boy For Opposing Homosexuality | Fox News
I read your article, Tank.

The teacher who teaches a language course has a history of introducing homosexual images to his classes, and homosexuality is not a part of the curriculum.

Parents in the school are wondering why that is.
No it isn't.

And the fact that it isn't a choice doesn't mean it's a birth defect, retard.

If they're born that way then by definition it's a genetic abnormality.

Fact, not opinion.

Lo0k at you with the semantic word games!

Fail :thup:

Statistically speaking, homosexuality is abnormal. That's a fact.

Therefore if it's genetic, it's a genetic abnormality.

No semantics, no games, just the facts ma'am.
I honestly don't care what a person does in the privacy of their home and it doesn't bother me one way or another if a person is homosexual as what they do has no affect on me or my family. That said, I do personally believe it is wrong. That is my belief and I usually keep it to myself. Now, as far as laws against it? No, because that violates individual liberty to do with our life as we see fit. Do I want it taught in school to my child? Hell no. Do I want my child punished for expressing his opinion whatever it is or however unpopular it is? Hell no. That is his freedom to think as he wants...
I honestly don't care what a person does in the privacy of their home and it doesn't bother me one way or another if a person is homosexual as what they do has no affect on me or my family.
What do you mean by "affect"?
If it's a choice then it's ok to discriminate against them, just like it's ok to discriminate against smokers.

Seriously, try harder. :thup:

No it isn't.

And the fact that it isn't a choice doesn't mean it's a birth defect, retard.

If they're born that way then by definition it's a genetic abnormality.

Fact, not opinion.
Like women, right?

Oh my!

If anyone ever dated you I'd say she had a birth defect.

Fact, not opinion.

Let it be know that manipoop believes anyone not born a white male is afflicted with a genetic defect.

No one hopes their children are born homosexual

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