School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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Islam is not protected by the 1st amendment.

The Courts disagree with you.

But as long as you merely continue to advocate your pissing on the Constitution- your speech is protected.

When you advocate the killing of Muslim Americans- with actual intent- then you are just a cowardly asshole whose speech is not protected.

This speech is not protected,

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"(Translation is from the Noble Quran)

Not only does it call for imminent violence but the likelihood that the result will be imminent violence is proven conclusively by the tens of thousands of violent actions which it has inspired!
$20 says I can find similar barbarisms in the Holy Bible. Are you a Christian? I know you're not a Jew because you love Nazis.

I love Nazis?

You love the behavior of the Nazi's and want the United States to act like the Nazi's. I doubt you actually love anyone.

You're the one defending Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet which calls for the genocide of Jews and whose founder perpetrated genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Jewish Banu tribes of Arabia.
Oh certainly I do.

Oh no you don't.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

lol at the tired old 'Crusades' mythology. Ignore a few hundred years of Islmao-vermin rampaging around, then snivel about the defensive wars that followed,. Trulu stupid..

And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.

All of that combined doesn't even reach the death toll of the 80 million genocide of Hindus and Buddhists on the Indian subcontinent perpetrated by the Islamic Imperialists.
Witch burning was a pagan pastime. The crime of 'witchcraft' covered a lot of crimes, usually poisoning and other forms of murder, and most 'burnings' took place during the Enlightenment, not the per-Renaissance centuries; the so-called 'Enlightenment' wasn't as 'Enlightening' as is widely claimed.

There was also a strong regional pattern to them, mostly areas where the peasantry was still mostly illiterate and superstitious, holding on to their local pagan traditions, as some still do to this day. In any case, there fewer than 12,000 of them over some a period of a 1,000 years. Most of the hysterical drivel about them comes from anti-Catholic Protestant propaganda; if as many people were killed as was claimed, including 'witch burnings', Inquisitions, and the rest, Europe would have a population of maybe 5 today. The numbers are so way over the top absurd on their face only idiots still believe them.

So, over some 1,300 years, from 500 A.D. to the end of the 18th century, all the big noises about the Evul Xian Bloodbath amounts to maybe 25,000, most of it related to local politics, hysteria, and nothing to do with Christianity. Jewish pogroms against Christians killed far more than that before 100 A.D.
So are Christmas trees and rabbits at Easter, but Christians practice them.

ISIS and Islamic Jihadists, without a doubt, are the most largest and most barbaric religious fanatics in the 21st Century, but it's a lie to say Christians haven't, or don't, practice barbaric things themselves. The differences are in degrees and numbers, not whether or not they do it. Unlike the Islamophobes, I'm not advocating banning any religion nor executing anyone for believing. In fact I support people becoming more spiritually aware. What I'm against is anyone who uses religion to harm others. Those assholes need to be neutralized.
The Courts disagree with you.

But as long as you merely continue to advocate your pissing on the Constitution- your speech is protected.

When you advocate the killing of Muslim Americans- with actual intent- then you are just a cowardly asshole whose speech is not protected.

This speech is not protected,

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"(Translation is from the Noble Quran)

Not only does it call for imminent violence but the likelihood that the result will be imminent violence is proven conclusively by the tens of thousands of violent actions which it has inspired!
$20 says I can find similar barbarisms in the Holy Bible. Are you a Christian? I know you're not a Jew because you love Nazis.

I love Nazis?

You love the behavior of the Nazi's and want the United States to act like the Nazi's. I doubt you actually love anyone.

You're the one defending Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet which calls for the genocide of Jews and whose founder perpetrated genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Jewish Banu tribes of Arabia.
Oooh, dude. I thought I was special when you used that same bullshit with me. Of course, I proved you wrong in later posts including pointing out how your advocation to murder innocent Americans is anti-Constitutional.
The 1st amendment does not apply to clear and probable dangers to the security of the United States. And you absolutely are supporting the invasion of western civilization by the Islamic Imperialists who promote not only virulent anti-Semitism but homophobia, misogyny, and theocracy as well (again we are talking about 90%+ of the worlds Muslims not radical fringe groups) you sir are an ardent supporter of the largest hate group in the history of the planet.
Oooh, dude. I thought I was special when you used that same bullshit with me. Of course, I proved you wrong in later posts including pointing out how your advocation to murder innocent Americans is anti-Constitutional.

You proved nothing, please explain how yiur defense of Islam is any different from defending National Socialism, is it because the former anti-Semitic, genocidal, totalitarian ideology claims to be ordained by an invisible sky daddy?
....Christians are just as capable as anyone else of twisting their religion to their own murderous rationalizations.
Agreed. There's just not as many that fucking crazy. A major exception are the anti-abortion nutjobs bombing clinics and murdering doctors by shooting them in the back.

Not as many fucking crazy- now.

Frankly our civilization- and the Christian religion- evolved- and we are in a place that is more peaceful than many others- including the Middle East- and Russia- and the 'stans' and Africa.
Less people were killed during the hundreds of years of the inquisition than were killed on 9-11.

The Roman Inquisition executed no one after the Cathars debacle,

I like that "Cathars' debacle"- is that like the 9/11 debacle?

is reply, recalled by Caesarius of Heisterbach, a fellow Cistercian, thirty years later was "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius"—"Kill them all, the Lord will recognise His own".[61][62] The doors of the church of St Mary Magdalene were broken down and the refugees dragged out and slaughtered. Reportedly at least 7,000 innocent men, women and children were killed there by Christian forces. Elsewhere in the town, many more thousands were mutilated and killed. Prisoners were blinded, dragged behind horses, and used for target practice.[63] What remained of the city was razed by fire. Arnaud-Amaury wrote to Pope Innocent III, "Today your Holiness, twenty thousand heretics were put to the sword, regardless of rank, age, or sex."[64][65]

Friday, May 13 1239, 183 Cathars, men and women, were delivered to the flames of the bonfire lit on the flanks of Mont-Aimé in Champagne

From May 1243 to March 1244, the Cathar fortress of Montségur was besieged by the troops of the seneschal of Carcassonne and the archbishop of Narbonne.[71] On 16 March 1244, a large and symbolically important massacre took place, where over 200 Cathar Perfects were burnt in an enormous pyre at the prat dels cremats ("field of the burned") near the foot of the castle.[71

Of course that was just one of many of the 'debacles' Christians in France waged in the name of Christianity.

Tell us more how the Christians of the era were so much better than the Muslims.
Oooh, dude. I thought I was special when you used that same bullshit with me. Of course, I proved you wrong in later posts including pointing out how your advocation to murder innocent Americans is anti-Constitutional.

You proved nothing, please explain how yiur defense of Islam is any different from defending National Socialism,

Islam is a religion- and like all religions is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution- regardless of whatever crazy crap is in any of your holy books- you have the right in America to worship as you will- so long as you do not break the law- or advocate breaking the law.

I defend all religions from religious bigots like you.

National Socialism- German Nationalism- was a political ideology- not a religion- and not protected by the First Amendment. But even Nazi's in America have their speech protected- so long as they don't advocate violence or breaking the law.

Now compare- in this thread- it is not followers of Islam advocating violence against Americans- it is not followers of Islam advocating pissing on the Constitution- that would be you.

I don't defend you acting like a good little Fascist.
The Courts disagree with you.

But as long as you merely continue to advocate your pissing on the Constitution- your speech is protected.

When you advocate the killing of Muslim Americans- with actual intent- then you are just a cowardly asshole whose speech is not protected.

This speech is not protected,

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"(Translation is from the Noble Quran)

Not only does it call for imminent violence but the likelihood that the result will be imminent violence is proven conclusively by the tens of thousands of violent actions which it has inspired!
$20 says I can find similar barbarisms in the Holy Bible. Are you a Christian? I know you're not a Jew because you love Nazis.

I love Nazis?

You love the behavior of the Nazi's and want the United States to act like the Nazi's. I doubt you actually love anyone.

You're the one defending Islam

When did I defend Islam? I have no love of Islam.

I believe in the Constitution- and freedom of religion- and you do not.

Muslims, and Christians and Hindus and Mormons and Jews- and even you have the right to follow any crazy ass religion you want so long as you do not break the law, or advocate violence or violation of the Constitution.

All of which you do- and not a single Muslim in this thread has done.
Oh certainly I do.

Oh no you don't.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

lol at the tired old 'Crusades' mythology. Ignore a few hundred years of Islmao-vermin rampaging around, then snivel about the defensive wars that followed,. Trulu stupid..

And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.

All of that combined .

I do love the arguments of the Christians who argue

"Look we are better than Muslims because the millions we murdered are fewer than the millions the Muslims murdered"

Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.
Oh certainly I do.

Oh no you don't.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

lol at the tired old 'Crusades' mythology. Ignore a few hundred years of Islmao-vermin rampaging around, then snivel about the defensive wars that followed,. Trulu stupid..

And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.

All of that combined .

I do love the arguments of the Christians who argue

"Look we are better than Muslims because the millions we murdered are fewer than the millions the Muslims murdered"

Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Not because of religion. Because their just assholes... Bad leaders, leading their sheep down bad paths. They harm others in all aspects of human existence, from religion, to politics, to business.
Witch burning was a pagan pastime. The crime of 'witchcraft' covered a lot of crimes, usually poisoning and other forms of murder, and most 'burnings' took place during the Enlightenment, not the per-Renaissance centuries; the so-called 'Enlightenment' wasn't as 'Enlightening' as is widely claimed.

There was also a strong regional pattern to them, mostly areas where the peasantry was still mostly illiterate and superstitious, holding on to their local pagan traditions, as some still do to this day. In any case, there fewer than 12,000 of them over some a period of a 1,000 years. Most of the hysterical drivel about them comes from anti-Catholic Protestant propaganda; if as many people were killed as was claimed, including 'witch burnings', Inquisitions, and the rest, Europe would have a population of maybe 5 today. The numbers are so way over the top absurd on their face only idiots still believe them.

So, over some 1,300 years, from 500 A.D. to the end of the 18th century, all the big noises about the Evul Xian Bloodbath amounts to maybe 25,000, most of it related to local politics, hysteria, and nothing to do with Christianity. Jewish pogroms against Christians killed far more than that before 100 A.D.
So are Christmas trees and rabbits at Easter, but Christians practice them.

ISIS and Islamic Jihadists, without a doubt, are the most largest and most barbaric religious fanatics in the 21st Century, but it's a lie to say Christians haven't, or don't, practice barbaric things themselves. The differences are in degrees and numbers, not whether or not they do it. Unlike the Islamophobes, I'm not advocating banning any religion nor executing anyone for believing. In fact I support people becoming more spiritually aware. What I'm against is anyone who uses religion to harm others. Those assholes need to be neutralized.


Attacking all of Islam plays right into the hands of Islamic Extremists- ISIS in particular believes that a final battle is coming between the 'faithful'(everyone who believes only what ISIS tells them to believe- which ISIS intends to be all Muslims)- and the West.

Those in the West who promote the idea of a war between Islam and the West are just promoting the agenda- and propaganda of ISIS.

By all means- let us target violent Islamic extremists- and work to end the teaching of extremism that leads to this.

Speaking of which- Trump is heading to Saudi Arabia- which is one of the leading enablers of Islamic extremism.
Oh certainly I do.

Oh no you don't.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

lol at the tired old 'Crusades' mythology. Ignore a few hundred years of Islmao-vermin rampaging around, then snivel about the defensive wars that followed,. Trulu stupid..

And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.

All of that combined .

I do love the arguments of the Christians who argue

"Look we are better than Muslims because the millions we murdered are fewer than the millions the Muslims murdered"

Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Not because of religion. Because their just assholes... Bad leaders, leading their sheep down bad paths. They harm others in all aspects of human existence, from religion, to politics, to business.

I agree- not because of religion- assholes use religion to murder people.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus etc want nothing more than to live a good life taking care of their family- the assholes work to incite others to violence because of religion.

Like Chaosboy here.
Oh no you don't.

lol at the tired old 'Crusades' mythology. Ignore a few hundred years of Islmao-vermin rampaging around, then snivel about the defensive wars that followed,. Trulu stupid..

And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.

All of that combined .

I do love the arguments of the Christians who argue

"Look we are better than Muslims because the millions we murdered are fewer than the millions the Muslims murdered"

Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Not because of religion. Because their just assholes... Bad leaders, leading their sheep down bad paths. They harm others in all aspects of human existence, from religion, to politics, to business.

I agree- not because of religion- assholes use religion to murder people.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus etc want nothing more than to live a good life taking care of their family- the assholes work to incite others to violence because of religion.

Like Chaosboy here.

I agree to a point, but at the same time Muslims need to understand that their views on women and homosexuals will /not/ be tolerated by American laws and values of freedom. As long as they can "let go" those incompatible parts of their religious doctrines then I have no fucks to give. IF however they cannot, and that includes within their communities, then we have problems. I am not going to tolerate having sections of the country being dangerous for gays or uncovered women, and shit like that. I don't care if they take over a city or not, it's against the laws of this nation and therefore cannot exist here.
And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.

All of that combined .

I do love the arguments of the Christians who argue

"Look we are better than Muslims because the millions we murdered are fewer than the millions the Muslims murdered"

Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Not because of religion. Because their just assholes... Bad leaders, leading their sheep down bad paths. They harm others in all aspects of human existence, from religion, to politics, to business.

I agree- not because of religion- assholes use religion to murder people.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus etc want nothing more than to live a good life taking care of their family- the assholes work to incite others to violence because of religion.

Like Chaosboy here.

I agree to a point, but at the same time Muslims need to understand that their views on women and homosexuals will /not/ be tolerated by American laws and values of freedom. As long as they can "let go" those incompatible parts of their religious doctrines then I have no fucks to give. IF however they cannot, and that includes within their communities, then we have problems. I am not going to tolerate having sections of the country being dangerous for gays or uncovered women, and shit like that. I don't care if they take over a city or not, it's against the laws of this nation and therefore cannot exist here.

'views on women and homosexuals'- i would hope you feel that way about anyone who holds those views on women and homosexuals- Christians and Muslims- and atheists alike.

I completely disagree with the orthodox religious view of homosexuality in Islam- and in Christianity- but as long as Christians and Muslims do not advocate violence, or breaking the law and the Constitution- then their opinions are protected.

I will point out- that it was not Muslims who made homosexuality illegal in the United States- it was Christians who believed that homosexuality was behavior that should be made illegal- because of their religious beliefs- and until the Supreme Court determined that such laws were illegal, homosexuals were being tossed in jail for the crime of having consensual sex.

I oppose anyone attempting to impose their religious views on others- and I also oppose those who try to deny the Constitutional rights of the religious.
All of that combined .

I do love the arguments of the Christians who argue

"Look we are better than Muslims because the millions we murdered are fewer than the millions the Muslims murdered"

Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Not because of religion. Because their just assholes... Bad leaders, leading their sheep down bad paths. They harm others in all aspects of human existence, from religion, to politics, to business.

I agree- not because of religion- assholes use religion to murder people.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus etc want nothing more than to live a good life taking care of their family- the assholes work to incite others to violence because of religion.

Like Chaosboy here.

I agree to a point, but at the same time Muslims need to understand that their views on women and homosexuals will /not/ be tolerated by American laws and values of freedom. As long as they can "let go" those incompatible parts of their religious doctrines then I have no fucks to give. IF however they cannot, and that includes within their communities, then we have problems. I am not going to tolerate having sections of the country being dangerous for gays or uncovered women, and shit like that. I don't care if they take over a city or not, it's against the laws of this nation and therefore cannot exist here.

'views on women and homosexuals'- i would hope you feel that way about anyone who holds those views on women and homosexuals- Christians and Muslims- and atheists alike.

I completely disagree with the orthodox religious view of homosexuality in Islam- and in Christianity- but as long as Christians and Muslims do not advocate violence, or breaking the law and the Constitution- then their opinions are protected.

I will point out- that it was not Muslims who made homosexuality illegal in the United States- it was Christians who believed that homosexuality was behavior that should be made illegal- because of their religious beliefs- and until the Supreme Court determined that such laws were illegal, homosexuals were being tossed in jail for the crime of having consensual sex.

I oppose anyone attempting to impose their religious views on others- and I also oppose those who try to deny the Constitutional rights of the religious.

Mainstream Christians have adapted their views, over 30 years ago in my experience. While we still have some points to work out on business public relations and laws, and maybe a bit more work on the whole sticky SSM issue (sanctity issues, idk why we can't just cut n paste "or civil union" in all the damn paperwork so everyone is happy personally,) there are none I know who advocate jailing, much less killing, homosexuals. (And I know a lot of them, there's like 50 Christian churches in my city of 40k)

A more "[un]compromising" adaptation happened with the Mormon's and polygamy as well.

Ultimately religions have to balance the freedoms of this nation with their religious doctrine. I won't make any exceptions for Muslims "religious rights." The down side for them is that they seem to have a lot more compromising to do because their religion is so socially/politically entrenched. I think it's a problem, not insurmountable in my opinion, but I do think they should be more vocal in their acceptance that they're going to have to let some stuff go.

I also have to say that I'm not in the slightest encouraged by the rhetoric from some claiming they'll just out breed us and take over our social/political/cultural and out vote us. I will /not/ live under their rules. I will die before I convert. Thus I feel compelled to resist all things that I feel trends in that direction. I do admit I feel that Muslim's in general would be a lot happier if they remained in their own nations; which embrace their cultural political system, rather than coming here and bringing that oppressive culture with them. Even if you want to overlook the criminal acts. The way they treat their families and women is... unAmerican in my opinion. It's an unpleasant situation all around and I wish someone, anyone, would waste ISIS so these folks can stay home.
Less people were killed during the hundreds of years of the inquisition than were killed on 9-11.

The Roman Inquisition executed no one after the Cathars debacle,

I like that "Cathars' debacle"- is that like the 9/11 debacle?

is reply, recalled by Caesarius of Heisterbach, a fellow Cistercian, thirty years later was "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius"—"Kill them all, the Lord will recognise His own".[61][62] The doors of the church of St Mary Magdalene were broken down and the refugees dragged out and slaughtered. Reportedly at least 7,000 innocent men, women and children were killed there by Christian forces. Elsewhere in the town, many more thousands were mutilated and killed. Prisoners were blinded, dragged behind horses, and used for target practice.[63] What remained of the city was razed by fire. Arnaud-Amaury wrote to Pope Innocent III, "Today your Holiness, twenty thousand heretics were put to the sword, regardless of rank, age, or sex."[64][65]

Friday, May 13 1239, 183 Cathars, men and women, were delivered to the flames of the bonfire lit on the flanks of Mont-Aimé in Champagne

From May 1243 to March 1244, the Cathar fortress of Montségur was besieged by the troops of the seneschal of Carcassonne and the archbishop of Narbonne.[71] On 16 March 1244, a large and symbolically important massacre took place, where over 200 Cathar Perfects were burnt in an enormous pyre at the prat dels cremats ("field of the burned") near the foot of the castle.[71

Of course that was just one of many of the 'debacles' Christians in France waged in the name of Christianity.

Tell us more how the Christians of the era were so much better than the Muslims.

Rubbish. '20 thousand', eh? lol

The Cathars started a 'shooting' war, and lost, simple stuff, the King of France ended it. there was no horde of fanatic priests descending on hapless innocent hobbit like peasants and slaughtering them in their beds.

The First Inquisition - The Cathars
In 1208, there was the "Cathars" heresy in southern France. The teachers of this heresy abandoned their Christian faith for multi-gods, good gods and bad gods. Those of us who are Christian can understand the concern of the Church. We want to cry every time about what the New Age is doing to North American Christianity.

The Cathars had a disdain for scientific innovation and were a serious stumbling block to economic development in the region. The northern Lords also had a bone to pick with the Lords of southern France who were harbouring the heresy. They wanted to assert their authority and expand their empire. They felt that religious unity was the only way to maintain the political unity of a country. They were wrong. This was 700 years before today's religious pluralism.

The Cathars were waging war on Christians and many were killed in southern France. A legate to the Pope was sent to southern France to assess the situation with the Cathar heresy. The Cathars made the mistake of killing him. The Pope talked to the King in northern France and asked what could be done. The King launched a crusade in 1209 that destroyed the Cathar's military might in southern France. It was a brutal invasion where many men women and children died, about 6,000. The Cathars went underground and continued to pull many from the Faith.

The first Inquisition was instituted in 1231 as a response to the Cathars influence in southern France. An Inquisition consisted of two religious judges who would go into an area where a heresy was being spread. They would interview people and find out who was propagating the heresy. Then they would contact the heretics, and give them a grace period of 48 hours to cease their teaching and retract. After that time, if the heretic didn't stop, they would hold court. At this session the two inquisitors would be present, along with the Lord of the region, and some community leaders etc. They would bring forth evidence and seek a confession. Then the heretic would be handed over to the local authorities. Under Roman law, an offense against the faith was considered an offense against the state, so the state would do the discipline. The Church only passed the verdict, not the sentence. The Inquisition could not have happened without collaboration and alliance with the civil power of the time.

The Inquisition was also an attempt to stop Catholic lynch mobs that went around punishing heretics. If the Church didn't step in, the Catholic lay people would gather together in search of heretics and they sometimes got the wrong guy. It was a mess. These mobs would go around doing violence to people who were teaching heresy. For example, a Cathar preacher made a bonfire and drew a large crowd. He preached against Jesus and threw a crucifix on the bonfire. This enraged the townsfolk and they rushed the Cathar preacher and threw him on the bonfire.

Today, in our culture, people speak out against Christianity all the time in public (media) and do the equivalent of burning crosses. We stand silent. Perhaps there is a medium ground between burning someone (middle ages) and standing in silence (now) as critics tear apart the Faith.

Strange as it may seem, in a very wrong way, the Inquisition brought some order to communities who were glad to see the Inquisitors because it meant that lynch mobs stopped. The Inquisition was actually much more civilized than the uncontrolled lynch mobs. Another thing that is exaggerated by the press is the use of "torture" Footnote 3 to bring about a confession. Torture was never used more than once on an accused and it was quite rare among Church inquisitors. Secular Inquisitors on the other hand were quite harsh. Torture was a standard practice in the secular courts of the time.

There are stories of secular criminals "convicting themselves" of heresy so they could be moved from the harsh secular prisons to the Inquisition prisons that had better food and better living conditions. Most Inquisition convictions of the time ended in jail terms. Although it was a life term, the prisoners usually got out after 1-2 years because the prison would become full. The prisoners would often be set free and would return to jail only to sleep. Despite popular belief, executions were not very common.

The inquisition was never used as a way to "force people to convert" to Christianity, but rather it was a way to deal with heresy that was being taught by baptised Christians. In general, "forced conversion" was not the way that the Church evangelized, even though other religions of the time used forced conversion, and still do.

The Inquisition

The Cathars were violent thugs, and got put down.
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