Schiff Greater Threat To Democracy Than Putin

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Remember when the Cohen testimony was gonna be “explosive”?

I wish some of these folks would go to prison.

One common thread throughout the Mueller witch hunt for Russian collusion is that the Democrats often accused the Republicans of what they themselves were doing, from leaking secret information to the press, and other unauthorized parties, to the crux of the matter¸ paying British agents and Russian sources to interfere in the 2016 election.

Democrats, as part of completing the fundamental transformation of America, were hoping for a twofer – put Hillary in the Oval Office and put Donald Trump in prison even if the agencies of the administration Hillary served had to manufacture some and Hillary paid for it.

Jail time or even impeachment for Trump did not happen as the only collusion during the 2016 presidential election with foreign actors was Team Hillary and the DNC colluding with Fusion GPS and British agent Christopher Steele to put together an incriminating, salacious and false “dossier” .

Plan B was to put the winner in jail in a political coup. The lack of actual evidence of Russian collusion was a real stumbling block. So too were the absence of any actual crime as a predicate for a special counsel investigation. Never mind, Trump’s associates, who had their own checkered past would be encourage to “sing” on decades-old infidelities and crimes, many more distasteful than illegal, If the feds couldn’t make Trump irrelevant again people like the good folks at the Southern District of New York would topple the big guy as well as a suspicion and innuendo filled series of implement hearings by many names in the House of Representatives.

Led by Rep. Adam Schiff, who once called the roof top heroes of Benghazi liars, the former Trump lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen hearings would be the culmination of renewed charges that the Trump was unfit for the presidency and that the GOP was obstructing justice for defending him.

But since convicted felon Cohen had told so many conflicting lies and had so many Democrats whispering in his ear, Schiff felt the need to become Cohen’s mentor and speech coach. Not since Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch met on an airport tarmac allegedly to discuss golf and grandkids in the middle of the Hillary shortly before Hillary was exonerated from her treasonous email crimes have we been asked to believe such a ridiculous explanation for a meeting:

President Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen told House investigators this week that staff for Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., traveled to New York at least four times to meet with him for over 10 hours immediately before last month’s high-profile public testimony, according to two sources familiar with the matter -- as Republicans question whether the meetings amounted to coaching a witness.

It has all the markings of witness tampering. Schiff asserted, "The extent of my contact was just inviting him to testify and also trying to allay his concerns about the president's threats against him and his family ... but our staff certainly sat down to interview him, and that's what you do in any credible investigation."

Ohio Rep. Mike Turner sent a letter to Cohen's team on Wednesday demanding answers. Turner specifically asked for confirmation of Cohen’s contacts, if any, "with Democratic Members or Democratic staff of SSCI [Senate Select Committee on Intelligence], COR [House Committee on Oversight and Reform], or HPSCI [House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] prior to his appearances before House and Senate committees last week" -- as well as the lengths of such contacts, their locations and who exactly was involved.

Count Schiff among the many leakers who have released classified information and testimony designed to damage and slander the Trump administration.


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