Schiff BUSTEd For Producing False Evidence / Lying Again To Push Impeachment / False Narrative

How do you know?
Because Shokin never made the complaint at the time he was fired, because the asst prosecutor General at the time asked about Burisma said that the Burisma investigation was dormant for over a year at the time Shokin was fired, because shocking is working with criminals to push this phony allegation, because the whole made up scandal and propaganda was CREATED by The Russians and Ukrainian Russians.... because firing Shokin, only meant Burisma would be investigated by the replacement prosecutor so firing him did not help Burisma...... there's a lot of reasons, you just need to be able to read...... :rolleyes:
You have a transcript of the dude’s firing?

Ohhhkay Francis
March 2016

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
By Andrew E. Kramer

  • March 29, 2016
MOSCOW — Bowing to pressure from international donors, the Ukrainian Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove a prosecutor general who had clung to power for months despite visible signs of corruption.

But in a be-careful-what-you-wish-for moment, veteran observers of Ukrainian politics said that the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, had played an important role in balancing competing political interests, helping maintain stability during a treacherous era in the divided country’s history.

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”

With this pressure mounting, Parliament on Tuesday voted by a comfortable margin to remove Mr. Shokin.

In the final hours before Parliament voted him out, Mr. Shokin had fired his reform-minded deputy prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze, with whom he had been feuding. It was not immediately clear whether that firing would remain in force.

Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corruption.Credit...Genya Savilov/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
With the prosecutor’s office in turmoil throughout Ukraine on Tuesday, one of Mr. Sakvarelidze’s appointees in the Odessa regional office was arrested by military prosecutors, assumed to be loyal to Mr. Shokin.

Foreign donors had complained about rot in the prosecutor’s office, not least because much of the money suspected of being stolen was theirs.

In one high-profile example, known in Ukraine as the case of the “diamond prosecutors,” troves of diamonds, cash and other valuables were found in the homes of two of Mr. Shokin’s subordinates, suggesting that they had been taking bribes.

But the case became bogged down, with no reasons given. When a department in Mr. Shokin’s office tried to bring it to trial, the prosecutors were fired or resigned. The perpetrators seemed destined to get off with claims that the stones were not worth very much.

For many Ukrainians, the case encapsulated a failure to follow through on the sweeping promises made during the heady days of the revolution to root out corruption and establish a modern, transparent state. Instead, there has seemed to be a return to business-as-usual horse-trading and compromise among the tightly knit Ukrainian oligarchic and business elite.

Since his appointment a year ago, Mr. Shokin had been criticized for not prosecuting officials, businessmen and members of Parliament for their roles in corrupt schemes during the government of former President Viktor F. Yanukovych. He also did not press cases for sniping by the police and opposition activists during the street protests in 2014 that killed more than 100 people and wounded about 1,000.

To a certain extent, analysts say, accommodations of this sort are necessary if the government is to get anything done in Parliament, because supporters of the Yanukovych government remain a political force in Ukraine, coalesced around the Opposition Bloc party. It represents Russian-speaking southeastern areas of Ukraine and the former elite, whose support in Parliament President Petro O. Poroshenko needs to push through reforms and to try to implement a peace accord with Russia.

“There are prices the new political establishment has to pay,” Tymofiy Mylovanov, the president of the Kiev School of Economics, said in an interview. “How do they pay? They guarantee some security for their opponents’ business interests.”

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
And? He still was looking into Burisma by his words. Show me other words from him saying different
he's trying to rewrite history, in his own favor...

I'll look for the link that shows he was NOT investigating Burisma and was dormant at the time...

here it is... this article was from MAY 2019, Giuliani was head deep in to it, even then...

and it was...

BEFORE the whistleblower complaint and before The Trump and Velensky, ''do us a favor though'' phone call...

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer is raising the specter that Joe Biden intervened in Ukrainian politics to help his son’s business.

But if that was Biden’s aim, he was more than a year late, based on a timeline laid out by a former Ukrainian official and in Ukrainian documents.

The official described to Bloomberg details about the country’s political dynamic in the run-up to early 2016 when Biden, then the U.S. vice president, threatened to hold up U.S. funding to Ukraine unless it cracked down on corruption. Biden’s chief demand was the ouster of a top Ukrainian prosecutor who he said had been ineffective. The episode has come under the spotlight in the last week because at one point, that prosecutor had been investigating a natural gas company where Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board and received substantial compensation.


Joe Biden, right, with Hunter Biden

Photographer: Andy Wong/Pool/Getty Images
There’s little question that the Bidens’ paths in Ukraine held the potential for conflict, and in a tweet last week, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said the U.S. should investigate the matter. But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

“There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,” Kasko said in an interview last week. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.”

Kasko’s assessment adds a wrinkle to one of the first political intrigues of the 2020 election season. It undercuts the idea that Biden, now a top Democratic presidential candidate, was seeking to sideline a prosecutor who was actively threatening a company tied to his son.

Instead, it appears more consistent with Biden’s previous statements that he was pressing for the removal of a prosecutor who was failing to tackle rampant corruption: According to public reports and internal documents from the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office, U.S. officials had expressed concern for more than a year about Ukrainian prosecutors’ failure to assist an international investigation of Zlochevsky.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
No it isn’t the definition of hearsay, Dummy.
They are HIS words.

  1. information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.
    "according to hearsay, Bob had managed to break his arm"
    • LAW
      the report of another person's words by a witness, which is usually disallowed as evidence in a court of law.

You need the legal definition of hearsay.

Hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of whatever it asserts.

Zelinsky’s statement was out of court. Was it not?
There is a reason you didn't provide a link.

What is HEARSAY?
A term applied to that species of testimony given by a witness who relates, not what he knows personally, but what others have told him, or what he has heard said by others.

What is HEARSAY? definition of HEARSAY (Black's Law Dictionary)
Has Zelinsky given testimony? No. He hasn’t.

The statement you’re referring to is out of court. Therefore it’s hearsay. It can be used as evidence but it’s weak evidence since it wasn’t said under oath and is not available for cross examination.
"Hearsay" doesn't mean it's "out of court," dumbass. Hearsay is not allowed in a court proceeding, period.

You just read the definition, and you still don't get it.

Alright child. I've been patient enough with you but you're wearing on my last nerve. Sit down and listen while I educate you.

The federal courts have rules of evidence. They wrote them down. If you're not as illiterate as you appear to be, you can read them for yourself.

Here's a link: Rule 801- Definitions That Apply to This Article; Exclusions from Hearsay | 2020 Federal Rules of Evidence

I conveniently linked to the relevant chapter that talks about hearsay. First few lines define hearsay as such:
(c) Hearsay. “Hearsay” means a statement that:

(1) the declarant does not make while testifying at the current trial or hearing; and

(2) a party offers in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the statement.

Since Zelinsky is not making his statement while testifying at the current trial or hearing, that makes it hearsay.

Now, as for your last idiotic statement, borne out of complete ignorance of the matter, hearsay can be admitted into court if it falls under exemptions. Those exemptions are listed out in the sections 803 through 807.

Again, these are the official rules by which federal courts operate. No refrain fro calling people dumbass when you've just exposed your complete ignorance of the subject.
This isn't a federal court you blithering idiot. That's the excuse you crayon eating libtards have been using for the Nazi tactics of Schifferbrains and Nadler.

Now you want to apply the rules of a federal court.

You are a moron.
"Hearsay" doesn't mean it's "out of court," dumbass. Hearsay is not allowed in a court proceeding, period.

You just read the definition, and you still don't get it.

Alright child. I've been patient enough with you but you're wearing on my last nerve. Sit down and listen while I educate you.

The federal courts have rules of evidence. They wrote them down. If you're not as illiterate as you appear to be, you can read them for yourself.

Here's a link: Rule 801- Definitions That Apply to This Article; Exclusions from Hearsay | 2020 Federal Rules of Evidence

I conveniently linked to the relevant chapter that talks about hearsay. First few lines define hearsay as such:
(c) Hearsay. “Hearsay” means a statement that:

(1) the declarant does not make while testifying at the current trial or hearing; and

(2) a party offers in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the statement.

Since Zelinsky is not making his statement while testifying at the current trial or hearing, that makes it hearsay.

Now, as for your last idiotic statement, borne out of complete ignorance of the matter, hearsay can be admitted into court if it falls under exemptions. Those exemptions are listed out in the sections 803 through 807.

Again, these are the official rules by which federal courts operate. No refrain fro calling people dumbass when you've just exposed your complete ignorance of the subject.

"(1) the declarant does not make while testifying at the current trial or hearing;"

That means the person testifying didn't make the statement in court, it means he says someone else made the statement outside of court. In other words, everything the Dim witnesses testified to.
Not everything but some of it. Again, that doesn't mean it can't be admitted as evidence.

Now, are you enough of an adult to admit you were wrong?
Virtually everything, and what wasn't hearsay was an obvious lie.

Name one of the "obvious lies" please.
Vindman claimed the transcript was edited.
Mueller clearly found evidence of obstruction in Trump’s effort to dismiss the prosecutor investigating him.
You are such a LYING big as Schiff and DragonLady.

IF Mueller had presented Evidence of undeniable Obstruction Trump would have been IMPEACHED already...and Schiff would not have just been busted for trying to present fake idence again, engaging in Sedition AGAIN.

4 years - no crime, no e evidence of crime, no witnesses.

Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller. Do you agree or disagree?
Mueller clearly found evidence of obstruction in Trump’s effort to dismiss the prosecutor investigating him.
You are such a LYING big as Schiff and DragonLady.

IF Mueller had presented Evidence of undeniable Obstruction Trump would have been IMPEACHED already...and Schiff would not have just been busted for trying to present fake idence again, engaging in Sedition AGAIN.

4 years - no crime, no e evidence of crime, no witnesses.

Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller. Do you agree or disagree?

How is that obstruction of anything. Trump was right to can that corrupt, inept buffoon.

Rudy phone log released by Schiff wrongly claims calls to budget office amid Ukraine aid holdup: report

Enough is enough - this proven Russian-born arms dealer / Burisma-compromised, self-admitted classified leaking, seditious piece of $hit needs to be walked out of his office in handcuffs RIGHT NOW!

For 2 years this coup-obsessed lying POS intentionally falsely claimed to have personal evidence of crimes committed by the President...which was exposed as a LIE intended to incite insurrection and a call to remove the President of the United States from office without just cause...based on his LIES! That's called - SEDITION!

The traitor then recently attempted to submit a fictional account of the phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM - which he wrote himself - as 'evidence' of a non-existent crime. After it was quickly exposed as a Lie (Giving false testimony under oath before Congress, Sedition...), he and the MSM attempted to cover his ass by claiming it was a 'parody' meant as humor.


The criminal Schiff has ZERO Credibility any more. This latest proven case of Lying / Sedition only undermines his already-failed recent Impeachment / Coup circus during which he was not able to prove a crime was committed, provide evidence of a crime committed by Trump, and could not offer up 1 REAL witness, as no one who testified ever 'witnessed' anything personally!

This is further - unnecessary - evidence that Schiff is a committed enemy of this state who continued to engage in Sedition, giving false testimony, and doing whatever he has to do in an attempt to remove the President from office.

His place is not within the walls of the House of Representatives. he should be sitting in a cell in GITMO!

Doubts raised after Schiff claims phone records prove Giuliani’s White House budget office calls
Wonder who Rudy Tutti WAS actually calling, if the OBM number was merely acting as a switchboard to a final number... was it minus 1? The President?

Rudy phone log released by Schiff wrongly claims calls to budget office amid Ukraine aid holdup: report

Enough is enough - this proven Russian-born arms dealer / Burisma-compromised, self-admitted classified leaking, seditious piece of $hit needs to be walked out of his office in handcuffs RIGHT NOW!

For 2 years this coup-obsessed lying POS intentionally falsely claimed to have personal evidence of crimes committed by the President...which was exposed as a LIE intended to incite insurrection and a call to remove the President of the United States from office without just cause...based on his LIES! That's called - SEDITION!

The traitor then recently attempted to submit a fictional account of the phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM - which he wrote himself - as 'evidence' of a non-existent crime. After it was quickly exposed as a Lie (Giving false testimony under oath before Congress, Sedition...), he and the MSM attempted to cover his ass by claiming it was a 'parody' meant as humor.


The criminal Schiff has ZERO Credibility any more. This latest proven case of Lying / Sedition only undermines his already-failed recent Impeachment / Coup circus during which he was not able to prove a crime was committed, provide evidence of a crime committed by Trump, and could not offer up 1 REAL witness, as no one who testified ever 'witnessed' anything personally!

This is further - unnecessary - evidence that Schiff is a committed enemy of this state who continued to engage in Sedition, giving false testimony, and doing whatever he has to do in an attempt to remove the President from office.

His place is not within the walls of the House of Representatives. he should be sitting in a cell in GITMO!

Doubts raised after Schiff claims phone records prove Giuliani’s White House budget office calls
Wonder who Rudy Tutti WAS actually calling, if the OBM number was merely acting as a switchboard to a final number... was it minus 1? The President?
Ya got him now!

The President’s personal attorney calling the President!

Mueller clearly found evidence of obstruction in Trump’s effort to dismiss the prosecutor investigating him.
You are such a LYING big as Schiff and DragonLady.

IF Mueller had presented Evidence of undeniable Obstruction Trump would have been IMPEACHED already...and Schiff would not have just been busted for trying to present fake idence again, engaging in Sedition AGAIN.

4 years - no crime, no e evidence of crime, no witnesses.

Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller. Do you agree or disagree?

How is that obstruction of anything. Trump was right to can that corrupt, inept buffoon.

Well, supposedly we are supposed to believe it’s corrupt when Biden fires a prosecutor, why not Trump?
Mueller clearly found evidence of obstruction in Trump’s effort to dismiss the prosecutor investigating him.
You are such a LYING big as Schiff and DragonLady.

IF Mueller had presented Evidence of undeniable Obstruction Trump would have been IMPEACHED already...and Schiff would not have just been busted for trying to present fake idence again, engaging in Sedition AGAIN.

4 years - no crime, no e evidence of crime, no witnesses.

Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller. Do you agree or disagree?

How is that obstruction of anything. Trump was right to can that corrupt, inept buffoon.

Well, supposedly we are supposed to believe it’s corrupt when Biden fires a prosecutor, why not Trump?
The disturbing fact you can’t comprehend the massive difference between the two situations is a glaring example of just how stupid you are.
Mueller clearly found evidence of obstruction in Trump’s effort to dismiss the prosecutor investigating him.
You are such a LYING big as Schiff and DragonLady.

IF Mueller had presented Evidence of undeniable Obstruction Trump would have been IMPEACHED already...and Schiff would not have just been busted for trying to present fake idence again, engaging in Sedition AGAIN.

4 years - no crime, no e evidence of crime, no witnesses.

Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller. Do you agree or disagree?

How is that obstruction of anything. Trump was right to can that corrupt, inept buffoon.

Well, supposedly we are supposed to believe it’s corrupt when Biden fires a prosecutor, why not Trump?
The disturbing fact you can’t comprehend the massive difference between the two situations is a glaring example of just how stupid you are.

Go on. Tell me the difference. I find them to be quite similar. Ironically so.

Rudy phone log released by Schiff wrongly claims calls to budget office amid Ukraine aid holdup: report

Enough is enough - this proven Russian-born arms dealer / Burisma-compromised, self-admitted classified leaking, seditious piece of $hit needs to be walked out of his office in handcuffs RIGHT NOW!

For 2 years this coup-obsessed lying POS intentionally falsely claimed to have personal evidence of crimes committed by the President...which was exposed as a LIE intended to incite insurrection and a call to remove the President of the United States from office without just cause...based on his LIES! That's called - SEDITION!

The traitor then recently attempted to submit a fictional account of the phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM - which he wrote himself - as 'evidence' of a non-existent crime. After it was quickly exposed as a Lie (Giving false testimony under oath before Congress, Sedition...), he and the MSM attempted to cover his ass by claiming it was a 'parody' meant as humor.


The criminal Schiff has ZERO Credibility any more. This latest proven case of Lying / Sedition only undermines his already-failed recent Impeachment / Coup circus during which he was not able to prove a crime was committed, provide evidence of a crime committed by Trump, and could not offer up 1 REAL witness, as no one who testified ever 'witnessed' anything personally!

This is further - unnecessary - evidence that Schiff is a committed enemy of this state who continued to engage in Sedition, giving false testimony, and doing whatever he has to do in an attempt to remove the President from office.

His place is not within the walls of the House of Representatives. he should be sitting in a cell in GITMO!

Doubts raised after Schiff claims phone records prove Giuliani’s White House budget office calls
Wonder who Rudy Tutti WAS actually calling, if the OBM number was merely acting as a switchboard to a final number... was it minus 1? The President?
Ya got him now!

The President’s personal attorney calling the President!

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it.... just wondering if it was the President, or IF IT WAS someone else...

It also made me realize, that accountability to the American people is crappy with these type of record keeping of phone call practices required by the govt, for the archives and any FOIA requests....

You call someone in the Admin, say Secretary of State or the VP or the President, and the call shows up as a call to the OMB? That simply is bat shi* crazy, with no accountability... just plain nuts...
How do you know?
Because Shokin never made the complaint at the time he was fired, because the asst prosecutor General at the time asked about Burisma said that the Burisma investigation was dormant for over a year at the time Shokin was fired, because shocking is working with criminals to push this phony allegation, because the whole made up scandal and propaganda was CREATED by The Russians and Ukrainian Russians.... because firing Shokin, only meant Burisma would be investigated by the replacement prosecutor so firing him did not help Burisma...... there's a lot of reasons, you just need to be able to read...... :rolleyes:
You have a transcript of the dude’s firing?

Ohhhkay Francis
March 2016

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
By Andrew E. Kramer

  • March 29, 2016
MOSCOW — Bowing to pressure from international donors, the Ukrainian Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove a prosecutor general who had clung to power for months despite visible signs of corruption.

But in a be-careful-what-you-wish-for moment, veteran observers of Ukrainian politics said that the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, had played an important role in balancing competing political interests, helping maintain stability during a treacherous era in the divided country’s history.

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”

With this pressure mounting, Parliament on Tuesday voted by a comfortable margin to remove Mr. Shokin.

In the final hours before Parliament voted him out, Mr. Shokin had fired his reform-minded deputy prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze, with whom he had been feuding. It was not immediately clear whether that firing would remain in force.

Parliament voted on Tuesday to remove Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corruption.Credit...Genya Savilov/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
With the prosecutor’s office in turmoil throughout Ukraine on Tuesday, one of Mr. Sakvarelidze’s appointees in the Odessa regional office was arrested by military prosecutors, assumed to be loyal to Mr. Shokin.

Foreign donors had complained about rot in the prosecutor’s office, not least because much of the money suspected of being stolen was theirs.

In one high-profile example, known in Ukraine as the case of the “diamond prosecutors,” troves of diamonds, cash and other valuables were found in the homes of two of Mr. Shokin’s subordinates, suggesting that they had been taking bribes.

But the case became bogged down, with no reasons given. When a department in Mr. Shokin’s office tried to bring it to trial, the prosecutors were fired or resigned. The perpetrators seemed destined to get off with claims that the stones were not worth very much.

For many Ukrainians, the case encapsulated a failure to follow through on the sweeping promises made during the heady days of the revolution to root out corruption and establish a modern, transparent state. Instead, there has seemed to be a return to business-as-usual horse-trading and compromise among the tightly knit Ukrainian oligarchic and business elite.

Since his appointment a year ago, Mr. Shokin had been criticized for not prosecuting officials, businessmen and members of Parliament for their roles in corrupt schemes during the government of former President Viktor F. Yanukovych. He also did not press cases for sniping by the police and opposition activists during the street protests in 2014 that killed more than 100 people and wounded about 1,000.

To a certain extent, analysts say, accommodations of this sort are necessary if the government is to get anything done in Parliament, because supporters of the Yanukovych government remain a political force in Ukraine, coalesced around the Opposition Bloc party. It represents Russian-speaking southeastern areas of Ukraine and the former elite, whose support in Parliament President Petro O. Poroshenko needs to push through reforms and to try to implement a peace accord with Russia.

“There are prices the new political establishment has to pay,” Tymofiy Mylovanov, the president of the Kiev School of Economics, said in an interview. “How do they pay? They guarantee some security for their opponents’ business interests.”

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
And? He still was looking into Burisma by his words. Show me other words from him saying different
he's trying to rewrite history, in his own favor...

I'll look for the link that shows he was NOT investigating Burisma/owner, and was dormant at the time...
Look up burisma
You are such a LYING big as Schiff and DragonLady.

IF Mueller had presented Evidence of undeniable Obstruction Trump would have been IMPEACHED already...and Schiff would not have just been busted for trying to present fake idence again, engaging in Sedition AGAIN.

4 years - no crime, no e evidence of crime, no witnesses.

Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller. Do you agree or disagree?

How is that obstruction of anything. Trump was right to can that corrupt, inept buffoon.

Well, supposedly we are supposed to believe it’s corrupt when Biden fires a prosecutor, why not Trump?
The disturbing fact you can’t comprehend the massive difference between the two situations is a glaring example of just how stupid you are.

Go on. Tell me the difference. I find them to be quite similar. Ironically so.
That’s what is hilarious. You are too dumb to figure it out.

Rudy phone log released by Schiff wrongly claims calls to budget office amid Ukraine aid holdup: report

Enough is enough - this proven Russian-born arms dealer / Burisma-compromised, self-admitted classified leaking, seditious piece of $hit needs to be walked out of his office in handcuffs RIGHT NOW!

For 2 years this coup-obsessed lying POS intentionally falsely claimed to have personal evidence of crimes committed by the President...which was exposed as a LIE intended to incite insurrection and a call to remove the President of the United States from office without just cause...based on his LIES! That's called - SEDITION!

The traitor then recently attempted to submit a fictional account of the phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM - which he wrote himself - as 'evidence' of a non-existent crime. After it was quickly exposed as a Lie (Giving false testimony under oath before Congress, Sedition...), he and the MSM attempted to cover his ass by claiming it was a 'parody' meant as humor.


The criminal Schiff has ZERO Credibility any more. This latest proven case of Lying / Sedition only undermines his already-failed recent Impeachment / Coup circus during which he was not able to prove a crime was committed, provide evidence of a crime committed by Trump, and could not offer up 1 REAL witness, as no one who testified ever 'witnessed' anything personally!

This is further - unnecessary - evidence that Schiff is a committed enemy of this state who continued to engage in Sedition, giving false testimony, and doing whatever he has to do in an attempt to remove the President from office.

His place is not within the walls of the House of Representatives. he should be sitting in a cell in GITMO!

Doubts raised after Schiff claims phone records prove Giuliani’s White House budget office calls
Wonder who Rudy Tutti WAS actually calling, if the OBM number was merely acting as a switchboard to a final number... was it minus 1? The President?
Ya got him now!

The President’s personal attorney calling the President!

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it.... just wondering if it was the President, or IF IT WAS someone else...

It also made me realize, that accountability to the American people is crappy with these type of record keeping of phone call practices required by the govt, for the archives and any FOIA requests....

You call someone in the Admin, say Secretary of State or the VP or the President, and the call shows up as a call to the OMB? That simply is bat shi* crazy, with no accountability... just plain nuts...
But it doesn’t show up as a call to OMB. That’s just Schufferbrain’s latest bullshit fairy tale.
Trump ordered McGhan to fire Mueller. Do you agree or disagree?

How is that obstruction of anything. Trump was right to can that corrupt, inept buffoon.

Well, supposedly we are supposed to believe it’s corrupt when Biden fires a prosecutor, why not Trump?
The disturbing fact you can’t comprehend the massive difference between the two situations is a glaring example of just how stupid you are.

Go on. Tell me the difference. I find them to be quite similar. Ironically so.
That’s what is hilarious. You are too dumb to figure it out.

I think you’re too dumb to come up with a stupid excuse. Your masters haven’t given you a preprogrammed response for that question.

How is that obstruction of anything. Trump was right to can that corrupt, inept buffoon.

Well, supposedly we are supposed to believe it’s corrupt when Biden fires a prosecutor, why not Trump?
The disturbing fact you can’t comprehend the massive difference between the two situations is a glaring example of just how stupid you are.

Go on. Tell me the difference. I find them to be quite similar. Ironically so.
That’s what is hilarious. You are too dumb to figure it out.

I think you’re too dumb to come up with a stupid excuse. Your masters haven’t given you a preprogrammed response for that question.
Nothing would be funnier than Nancy calling for a vote for impeachment and not have enough Dems onboard to pass it. No impeachment, no trial in the Senate, no nothing, just Adam and Nancy blubbering and backtracking. Merry Christmas, assholes!

That COULD be her plan to escape this. I didn't think she would go forward, a trial in the Senate will be a DISASTER for the Communists. Maybe she is behind the scenes urging her own Comrades to vote against the impeachment. :dunno:
I think you’re too dumb to come up with a stupid excuse. Your masters haven’t given you a preprogrammed response for that question.
Many posts back you admitted after 4 years of non-stop coup attempts Democrats have SUSPICIONS of a crime having been committed. You even admitted the DEMOCRAT Constitutional Scholar Turley stated the Democrats need 'more' evidence.

What he EXACTLY said was that Constitutionally & Legally Tump has committed no crime and has not abused any power, that the Democrats' rush to Impeach is the fastest in US history and their case to Impeach is the weakest in US history.

What he EXACTLY said is what the Democrats are doing is 'DANGEROUS' to the Republic.

What you keep avoiding / attempting to spin and continue to lie about is the FACT that Schiff:

1. Intentionally lied about having evidence of crimes committed by the President with the intent to cause and insurrection and incite the unwarranted removal of the President based off of his lie.
-- This, among other crimes, constitutes Sedition

2. Attempted to present his own self-authored fictional transcript of the President and Ukraine PM's phone call as 'evidence' of a crime.
-- This again, among other crimes, constitutes Sedition.

3. Just got busted AGAIN attempting to present fictitious, manufactured, unsubstantiated lies as 'evidence' of crimes committed by the President, again to cause a political insurrection and and cause the unwarranted removal of the President from office.

That is AT LEAST 3 (THREE) times he has been caught committing Sedition / crimes in an attempt to overthrow the President of the United States through manufacturing and presenting false evidence and through Sedition.

Like YOU, Schiff no longer has any credibility and has been proven to be a lying POS.

IF you care to stay on topic and want to defend Schiff, feel free to post a legitimate link or evidence - not more of your own opinion - to prove he was telling the truth any of these 3 times.

Mueller clearly found evidence of obstruction in Trump’s effort to dismiss the prosecutor investigating him.
That's a damn lie.
He has turned over zero documents and attempted to prevent any cooperation with the current investigation.
He released the transcript of the phone call. You know the one I'm talking about, the one that Schiff got up in front of the cameras and lied his ass off about.
I don’t demand any absolute proof of anything. I just want any amount of evidence to show that Biden got Shokin fired in order to help Burisma as opposed to fulfilling US foreign policy aimed at helping the US interests. Anything at all would be fine. You’re little video that everyone totes around does not show a personal motive.
And we're supposed to take you seriously? If Biden's threat to withhold a billion dollars from Ukraine if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating his son was so innocent, why does he refuse to answer any questions about it? Hunter himself even admitted he would not have gotten the job if his name wasn't Biden. But you completely ignore that inconvenient fact, don't you? What's your excuse for Joe's lack of transparency, or is that just something you demand of Trump?
Mueller clearly found evidence of obstruction in Trump’s effort to dismiss the prosecutor investigating him.
That's a damn lie.
He has turned over zero documents and attempted to prevent any cooperation with the current investigation.
He released the transcript of the phone call. You know the one I'm talking about, the one that Schiff got up in front of the cameras and lied his ass off about.
I don’t demand any absolute proof of anything. I just want any amount of evidence to show that Biden got Shokin fired in order to help Burisma as opposed to fulfilling US foreign policy aimed at helping the US interests. Anything at all would be fine. You’re little video that everyone totes around does not show a personal motive.
And we're supposed to take you seriously? If Biden's threat to withhold a billion dollars from Ukraine if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating his son was so innocent, why does he refuse to answer any questions about it? Hunter himself even admitted he would not have gotten the job if his name wasn't Biden. But you completely ignore that inconvenient fact, don't you? What's your excuse for Joe's lack of transparency, or is that just something you demand of Trump?

Mueller provided evidence that Trump asked to fire the person investigating him. That’s what you’re all accusing Biden of doing. Seems like a parallel to me.

Trump did provide the call. You’re right. I didn’t think of that. Trump turned over ONE document. Not zero.

Biden has answered questions. He has not been subpoenaed by anyone to testify. If Biden were defying a subpoena, then I’d agree with you.

I have not ignored the fact that Hunter Biden said he got his job because of his name. That’s obvious. I’ve never denied it.

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