Scathing New SEAL Ad Blasts Obama for Literally ‘Bowing’ to Foreign Leaders

Si Modo -

And not a single posted - you included - have been able to answer.

Holy cod.
You really are serious. OK.

It is part of our history. We were founded so that we had to bow to no one but ourselves and God (if we choose). It's part of our exceptionalism.

Right....and so when you go to Argentina, you do not kiss people you meet on both cheeks, for instance?

You do not press your hands together in frnt of your chest when you meet Buddhists?

Because you do realise that in not doing these things, you just come across as an ignorant ass, right?

Do I kiss people I don't know? No.

No I clasp hands for Buddhists? No.

Does me make me ignorant? No. It make me me.
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Si Modo -

And not a single posted - you included - have been able to answer.

Holy cod.
You really are serious. OK.

It is part of our history. We were founded so that we had to bow to no one but ourselves and God (if we choose). It's part of our exceptionalism.

Right....and so when you go to Argentina, you do not kiss people you meet on both cheeks, for instance?

You do not press your hands together in frnt of your chest when you meet Buddhists?

Because you do realise that in not doing these things, you just come across as an ignorant ass, right?

LOL! You are exactly the kind of pretentious ass I thought you were.
I'll just leave this here, it appears that this topic keeps coming up over and over.

(This is a previous reply to an earlier thread on the same topic)

I respect anyone who has served in our military, they sacrificed their body (and some, their lives) for us.

However, that does not make their opinion right.

Say what you will, as the "leader" of the free world we have to show respect and be courteous of other people and their traditions. It is what separates us from them, most of these other countries could give a shit less about any traditions held here in this country. Plus, it is the nice thing to do..

Doing so takes the higher ground, furthermore, any elected official would do it.. Even Rmoney.

Sure, some cross cultural faux pas' happen (Bowing to a Saudi).. Every president has made a mistake in these terms. "Bush (41) caused widespread offense when, on being shown the gas chambers at Auschwitz, he commented "Boy, they were big on crematoriums, weren't they?"

Sometimes a little time and understanding goes a long way.
Si Modo -

And not a single posted - you included - have been able to answer.

Holy cod.
You really are serious. OK.

It is part of our history. We were founded so that we had to bow to no one but ourselves and God (if we choose). It's part of our exceptionalism.

Right....and so when you go to Argentina, you do not kiss people you meet on both cheeks, for instance?

You do not press your hands together in frnt of your chest when you meet Buddhists?

Because you do realise that in not doing these things, you just come across as an ignorant ass, right?
Oh well.
You really are serious. OK.

It is part of our history. We were founded so that we had to bow to no one but ourselves and God (if we choose). It's part of our exceptionalism.

Right....and so when you go to Argentina, you do not kiss people you meet on both cheeks, for instance?

You do not press your hands together in frnt of your chest when you meet Buddhists?

Because you do realise that in not doing these things, you just come across as an ignorant ass, right?

Do I kiss people I don't know? No.

No I clasp hands for Buddhists? No.

Does me make me ignorant? No. It make me me.

And this is exactly why Americans have developed a terrible reputation for being rude and arrogant abroad. Ugly American, they name is Windbag!! :lol:
There is such a thing as national pride; some of you have forgotten that,.

I agree - anyone here suggesting that people should travel to other countries, ignore their customs and be deliberately rude to them might want to keep that in mind.

I'm amazed that there are still people think the way to earn respect is to refuse to give it.
If OUR custom conflicts with others', oh well.
Does me make me ignorant?

Yes.. It makes you the quintessential dumb-shit American... A veritable "Quantum Windbag", if you will.. :lol:

See, like it or not, we share this rock with other cultures. I travel the world (in business), often with the CEO and CDO of my company (Both of whom are very conservative), even they know that you have observe the traditions of a culture. It shows a level of honor and respect for the culture of the people you are meeting face to face with.

I am sure your mother taught you manners (just like mine did), how you treat a foreigner is a direct representation of what you were taught as a child by your parents, or the lack thereof.

As I said previously, faux pas happen, even on a Presidential level. This is a perverted "non-issue" at best.
There is such a thing as national pride; some of you have forgotten that,.

I agree - anyone here suggesting that people should travel to other countries, ignore their customs and be deliberately rude to them might want to keep that in mind.

I'm amazed that there are still people think the way to earn respect is to refuse to give it.

I tried to explain for your benefit (you are a Finn, no?) the difference between what ordinary Americans do, and the protocol for what the POTUS as our nation's Head of State, is supposed to do; BIG DIFFERENCE!

And I do agree that it IS different for the POTUS, Gadfly, absolutely.

It's also different in the sense that if I get my kisses a little mixed up in Argentina no one is likely to be terribly offended because I'm just a tourist, and it isn't going to be on youtube 5 minutes later. But for our politicians and business leaders these things can cause offense - and they can appear on the TV news that night.

Put it this way - any business leader representing his firm overseas simply must get this stuff right, and will generally be trained until they do get it right. The other option is losing deals.
Bowing protocol in Asia.

The Japanese Custom of Bowing | Asian Lifestyle Design

What obama does is this kind of bow.

How deep should one bow? The general rule is the deeper the bow the more respectful. Therefore, this means that you bow lower than the other person if they are older than you or have higher seniority or social standing.

What obama does is acknowledge his subservient position. He is not exhibiting behavior as between equals which is what makes that behavior so embarassing.
Katz -

That is no doubt true in Japan, but I believe slightly different in Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam and Burma, just going from my own experience.

I would guess the Chinese also bow...?
WTH?? Did anyone actually listen to what was said in the ad?? Those guys fought for the right to have our own customs. The deeper the bow, the more subservient the "bower" is.

I stand behind our military 100%, after all they gave you the freedom to do business in foreign countries. Too bad their Commander-in-Chief doesn't appreciate the sacrifices they made so you could do that.

Idiots have invaded this America, I'm looking forward to the new, younger Republican Party. They'll be the ones that move our country in the direction it's supposed to go, while protecting our Constitution and the American people.
WTH?? Did anyone actually listen to what was said in the ad?? Those guys fought for the right to have our own customs. The deeper the bow, the more subservient the "bower" is.

I stand behind our military 100%, after all they gave you the freedom to do business in foreign countries. Too bad their Commander-in-Chief doesn't appreciate the sacrifices they made so you could do that.

Idiots have invaded this America, I'm looking forward to the new, younger Republican Party. They'll be the ones that move our country in the direction it's supposed to go, while protecting our Constitution and the American people.

The military doesn't "give" freedom.
WTH?? Did anyone actually listen to what was said in the ad?? Those guys fought for the right to have our own customs. The deeper the bow, the more subservient the "bower" is.

I stand behind our military 100%, after all they gave you the freedom to do business in foreign countries. Too bad their Commander-in-Chief doesn't appreciate the sacrifices they made so you could do that.

Idiots have invaded this America, I'm looking forward to the new, younger Republican Party. They'll be the ones that move our country in the direction it's supposed to go, while protecting our Constitution and the American people.

The military doesn't "give" freedom.

You're right, they "die" for it.
WTH?? Did anyone actually listen to what was said in the ad?? Those guys fought for the right to have our own customs. The deeper the bow, the more subservient the "bower" is.

I stand behind our military 100%, after all they gave you the freedom to do business in foreign countries. Too bad their Commander-in-Chief doesn't appreciate the sacrifices they made so you could do that.

Idiots have invaded this America, I'm looking forward to the new, younger Republican Party. They'll be the ones that move our country in the direction it's supposed to go, while protecting our Constitution and the American people.

The military doesn't "give" freedom.

You're right, they "die" for it.

Maybe 50 years ago.

These days they mostly die for oil.
Right....and so when you go to Argentina, you do not kiss people you meet on both cheeks, for instance?

You do not press your hands together in frnt of your chest when you meet Buddhists?

Because you do realise that in not doing these things, you just come across as an ignorant ass, right?

Do I kiss people I don't know? No.

No I clasp hands for Buddhists? No.

Does me make me ignorant? No. It make me me.

And this is exactly why Americans have developed a terrible reputation for being rude and arrogant abroad. Ugly American, they name is Windbag!! :lol:

Most people respect the fact that different cultures are different. All you have to do is talk to them, and explain why your culture and religion makes doing certain things uncomfortable. The only people that have a problem with that are idiots and assholes.

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