President Obama's Problems with Women


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
President Obama's Problems with Women

By Janice Shaw Crouse


While President Clinton had one kind of problem with women, President Obama has another -- a problem the Democrats are trying to hide by going on offense and creating a faux "War on Women."

Much of the GOP convention is designed to counter the Democrats' accusation of a "War on Women." The Romney forces are playing hardball by highlighting the facts about the distressing deficit of women's well-being under the Obama administration. In fact, the demographic most hurt by the current administration is women -- young women fresh out of college who cannot find jobs, young mothers who have to work when they prefer to stay home with their children, and empty-nesters whose retirement funds have been dangerously depleted by the failed policies of the Obama administration.

During the current administration, the Democrats unleashed a bevy of unpalatable surprises for women, including massive up-front government expansions and enormous deficits that ultimately heap unsustainable burdens on American children and women. It was clear from the outset that President Obama's slanted economic policies were designed to reward, among others, the 70 percent of unmarried women who voted for him in 2008. His policies discourage married women from working because of high tax rates. Young married couples -- those young women who want to stay home to nurture their children until they are of school age and perhaps to home-school them then -- and empty-nesters -- couples who have worked hard to get their children raised, through college, and out on their own as productive citizens -- have been hit especially hard by the economic policies of this administration.


Read more: Articles: President Obama's Problems with Women
Obama's Vanishing Lead with Women Voters

Jeannie DeAngelis

The Democratic party likes to portray itself as seeing women as equal to men. Yet it's the Democrats who think they can woo female voters by dangling free contraceptives in front of them like a carrot luring a donkey.

For months America has been hearing how it's President Barack Obama who has the estrogen vote sewn up. Now, according to a recent USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, America comes to find out that Mitt Romney is currently leading Barry the Birth Control President in the top battleground states, and the women he thought were willing to sell the country down the river for an IUD are driving that lead.

In 2008, a large contribution to Barack Obama's 13-point margin of victory came from women swept up in the euphoria of a wave of Oprah Winfrey flag-waving hysteria. In 2012 it appears that Winfrey and her tear-soaked eyelashes are sitting this one out, and so are all the women who followed her lead.

According to a recent article in USA TODAY entitled Swing States poll: Women push Romney into lead, Susan Page writes

"As the presidential campaign heads into its final weeks, the survey of voters in 12 crucial swing states finds female voters much more engaged in the election and increasingly concerned about the deficit and debt issues that favor Romney."


Read more: Blog: Obama's Vanishing Lead with Women Voters
He was the cool guy who blew some shit in their they are looking for someone who is steady and dependable, and won't even mind if he is sort of boring and lacks the charm of the last smooth talker who delivered nothing of satisfaction in the end.

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