Sb1070 already working


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

SB1070 has already began to work and it is not even in effect until July 29. Illegal aliens are packing up, anchor babies and all, and leaving the state. Arizona don’t care where they go as long as they leave. Arizona did not have to give them amnesty, did not have to round them up, put them on busses and deport them. They simple packed up and left. The threat of enforcement was all that was needed. If every state implemented SB1070 they would self deport.

Illegals Leaving Arizona In Anticipation Of July 29th
June 14, 2010 – 7:36 pm
The USA Today states that Hispanics are fleeing Arizona, however, they, of course, mean illegals. Which is kinda the point of the law: to get the illegals to get the hell out
Arizona’s tough new immigration enforcement law is fueling an exodus of Hispanics from the state seven weeks before it goes into effect, according to officials and residents in the state.Though no one has precise figures, reports from school officials, businesses and individuals indicate worried Hispanics — both legal and illegal — are leaving the state in anticipation of the law, which will go into effect July 29.

SB1070 has already began to work and it is not even in effect until July 29. Illegal aliens are packing up, anchor babies and all, and leaving the state. Arizona don’t care where they go as long as they leave. Arizona did not have to give them amnesty, did not have to round them up, put them on busses and deport them. They simple packed up and left. The threat of enforcement was all that was needed. If every state implemented SB1070 they would self deport.

Illegals Leaving Arizona In Anticipation Of July 29th
June 14, 2010 – 7:36 pm
The USA Today states that Hispanics are fleeing Arizona, however, they, of course, mean illegals. Which is kinda the point of the law: to get the illegals to get the hell out
Arizona’s tough new immigration enforcement law is fueling an exodus of Hispanics from the state seven weeks before it goes into effect, according to officials and residents in the state.Though no one has precise figures, reports from school officials, businesses and individuals indicate worried Hispanics — both legal and illegal — are leaving the state in anticipation of the law, which will go into effect July 29.

Whooooo is gonna pick Arizona's tomatos? :confused:
Anybody want to bet Arizona's GDP goes down.

Bull this seems to be the consensus of many people but a mass exodus of illegal immigrants will not bankrupt a State as a matter of fact may do the opposite;

The state's gross domestic product grew by 2.7% in 2008, the most recent year available, while national GDP that year grew by only 0.4%. "Traditional" welfare enrollment (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is about 0.6% of the population, well below the national average. Per-capita personal income is higher than it was two years ago (+2.8%); nationwide, it's lower (-0.7%).

So why has this happened?

The first of two too-easy explanations posited by commenters at my Pajamas Media column last week was that the Sooner State, as an economy dominated by the oil industry, has disproportionately benefitted from high prices. The trouble is, contrary to the stereotype, the state is not dominated by oil, as this industry-specific itemization of the state's workforce several years ago shows. The second explanation attempt, to pin the state's good fortune on agriculture, was even worse than the first; that same link shows that only 2% of the state's workers are in that sector.

Oklahoma did one thing in 2007 that broke with the rest of the nation. In May of that year, it passed a significant immigration law-enforcement measure that took effect six months later. House Bill 1804 was designed to do four things: deal with identity theft; terminate public assistance benefits to illegals; empower state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws; and punish employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

Read more: Oklahoma, Which Passed Serious Immigration Reform in 2007, Continues to Economically Outperform |
Not bankrupt junior. Nebraska tried kicking out illegals and wound up so short of workers they begged them to come back. Again 20 million paying zero taxes. Both parties are two pussiefied to depot. Legalize and tax the fuck out of them just like we get taxed.
Not bankrupt junior. Nebraska tried kicking out illegals and wound up so short of workers they begged them to come back. Again 20 million paying zero taxes.
You got proof to back that up?

Both parties are two pussiefied to depot. Legalize and tax the fuck out of them just like we get taxed.

OMFG, we finally agree on something, both parties are a joke!

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