Say "NO!" To The Bail Out...


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
At least by Friday! :cuckoo: What the heck is the hurry?!?

Come on! Let's insist that if the tax payers are going to spend 700 Billion dollars, the deal should be set up by someone other than a LAME DUCK president with a 20% approval rating!

We are lookin' pretty stupid from space if this passes!

You know, I would really love to hear what we, Americans, can do to stop this 700B mess our country is in.

Any Ideas People?

(yes, I'm serious, because I'm PISSED it's come this far! :mad: )
You know, I would really love to hear what we, Americans, can do to stop this 700B mess our country is in.

Any Ideas People?

(yes, I'm serious, because I'm PISSED it's come this far! :mad: )

Congress is currently hearing an earful from their constituents. Voices rising above the din of the lobbyists is why this did not pass today. Keep calling, e-mailing, texting, screaming, badgering, nettling, and harassing your congress people and senators.

Contacting the Congress (Clickable map to get contact information)

Congress is currently hearing an earful from their constituents. Voices rising above the din of the lobbyists is why this did not pass today. Keep calling, e-mailing, texting, screaming, badgering, nettling, and harassing your congress people and senators.

Contacting the Congress (Clickable map to get contact information)


Thanks Joe! It's a start!
You know, I would really love to hear what we, Americans, can do to stop this 700B mess our country is in.

Any Ideas People?

(yes, I'm serious, because I'm PISSED it's come this far! :mad: )

1.) Get the fuck out of Iraq (sometime within the next 2-3 years).

2.) Stop the outrageous Military spending.

Military budget of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We spend eight times more then the next leading country, which is China and we now do offically have a larger Military budget then the REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED.

3.) Stop the (so far) $37 billion billion dollars spent each year on "The War on Drugs."

War On Drugs Clock

[ame=]YouTube - Legal Drugs vs. Illegal Drugs 3 of 4[/ame]

Gets really good at 1:49

Also, getting the non-violent drug offenders out of prison will end up helping the overcrowded prison population. Which is 19% over capacity.

Imagine the amount of money saved there.

4.) Do not give these CEOs $140 billion out of that $700 billion which is going to happen if this bailout passes.

You know these people are being paid alot of money in the first place if their BONUSES account for 10% of the entire New York budget.

5.) Stop Tax breaks to companies that outsource jobs, give tax breaks to company that don't outsource jobs.

6.) Stop the No Child Left Behind act and focus on education in the right way. Schools with 2,000 kids aren't big enough (like mine) to have classrooms with 12-15 kids to each class every period. Never mind the fact the amount of money it would cost in teachers.

7.) Explore ways for Alternative Energy such as Solar, Wind, and other safe energy ways. Stop Ethanol as it is having a overall negative impact on not only the economy but around the world.

People who rely on nothing but corn and rice to eat will starve because:

1.) More corn being made into Ethanol instead of food.

2.) Things such as grain are grown less by farmers looking to make money by making Ethanol.

Here's what I think we should invest in:

Air Car Factories - The Air Car

Indian air-powered City Cat car prepares for production run - Engadget

Air-Powered Car Coming to U.S. in 2009 to 2010 - Zero Pollution Motors - 1000-Mile Range - Popular Mechanics

Too bad all the oil company people don't want this to see the light of day in America.

8.) Get rid of the Bush Tax Cuts.

There's plenty of other things and different ways to explain what I stated but that's off the top of my head.

What you think Echo?
I'll tell you how mad I am about this, I actually made a website on this issue, and thats saying something for someone like me whos biggest accomplisment on a computer is comming here and turning it on. I did make a suggestion in the other thread Echo about if we all are going to be forced to eat this, then why spend the momeny to bail out a corporations? To me it makes more sense, to spend the money to reduce the home inventory out there, as well as a stop gap foreclosure program like FDR had in the 30's. I also believe that this should be done in unison with reforms on regulations on lending so that there is more regulation on lending practices.
:lol: Misread that. I thought you meant just get out of the current debt we're in overall.

I think what Joe said would be a start though. You get enough people kicking, screaming, yelling who can vote and your congress people and senators will listen.
1.) Get the fuck out of Iraq (sometime within the next 2-3 years).

2.) Stop the outrageous Military spending.

Military budget of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We spend eight times more then the next leading country, which is China and we now do offically have a larger Military budget then the REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED.

3.) Stop the (so far) $37 billion billion dollars spent each year on "The War on Drugs."

War On Drugs Clock

YouTube - Legal Drugs vs. Illegal Drugs 3 of 4

Gets really good at 1:49

Also, getting the non-violent drug offenders out of prison will end up helping the overcrowded prison population. Which is 19% over capacity.

Imagine the amount of money saved there.

4.) Do not give these CEOs $140 billion out of that $700 billion which is going to happen if this bailout passes.

You know these people are being paid alot of money in the first place if their BONUSES account for 10% of the entire New York budget.

5.) Stop Tax breaks to companies that outsource jobs, give tax breaks to company that don't outsource jobs.

6.) Stop the No Child Left Behind act and focus on education in the right way. Schools with 2,000 kids aren't big enough (like mine) to have classrooms with 12-15 kids to each class every period. Never mind the fact the amount of money it would cost in teachers.

7.) Explore ways for Alternative Energy such as Solar, Wind, and other safe energy ways. Stop Ethanol as it is having a overall negative impact on not only the economy but around the world.

People who rely on nothing but corn and rice to eat will starve because:

1.) More corn being made into Ethanol instead of food.

2.) Things such as grain are grown less by farmers looking to make money by making Ethanol.

Here's what I think we should invest in:

Air Car Factories - The Air Car

Indian air-powered City Cat car prepares for production run - Engadget

Air-Powered Car Coming to U.S. in 2009 to 2010 - Zero Pollution Motors - 1000-Mile Range - Popular Mechanics

Too bad all the oil company people don't want this to see the light of day in America.

8.) Get rid of the Bush Tax Cuts.

There's plenty of other things and different ways to explain what I stated but that's off the top of my head.

What you think Echo?

DAMN BOY! :eusa_clap:

You are only 17?????

Great ideas, how I wish they could be implemented......

I told Navy he should run for President, you can be his VP for 8 years, then be the Pres yourself!

Thank goodness for youth like you...I feel good about my daughter's future with people like you around.....future President! :cool:
DAMN BOY! :eusa_clap:

You are only 17?????

Great ideas, how I wish they could be implemented......

I told Navy he should run for President, you can be his VP for 8 years, then be the Pres yourself!

Thank goodness for youth like you...I feel good about my daughter's future with people like you around.....future President! :cool:

:lol: Thanks, that means I least got one vote in the future and most of those can be easily implemented too.

I think that out of the 700b that 140b is going to those CEOs,etc is a fucking joke.

No Child Left Behind, Bush Tax Cuts, The War on Drugs, Ethanol/Air Car, Military Spending, War on Iraq, no tax breaks to companies like Wal-Mart but to American companies who KEEP jobs in America,etc can all be done within two terms for a President.

I'd personally think it'd only take one but can't give Politicans too much credit. :eusa_whistle:

And how about it Navy? We can compromise on the issues and have a ticket. Haha
:lol: Thanks, that means I least got one vote in the future and most of those can be easily implemented too.

I think that out of the 700b that 140b is going to those CEOs,etc is a fucking joke.

No Child Left Behind, Bush Tax Cuts, The War on Drugs, Ethanol/Air Car, Military Spending, War on Iraq, no tax breaks to companies like Wal-Mart but to American companies who KEEP jobs in America,etc can all be done within two terms for a President.

I'd personally think it'd only take one but can't give Politicans too much credit. :eusa_whistle:

And how about it Navy? We can compromise on the issues and have a ticket. Haha

*laughs* well you obviously didn't see my answer, I spent my time in government housing already, not to mention all those people saying I would be too old for the job lol. On a serious note though, I think seriously, that people on a grassroots level do have to start keeping the people that represent them in check, and if they screw up, hold their feet to the fire and not hesitate to Vote them out. I like to call it my vote for the other person theory. Which so far like all my other theories my wife is the only person forced to listen to them, and I think she just pretends. lol
1.) Get the fuck out of Iraq (sometime within the next 2-3 years).

2.) Stop the outrageous Military spending.

Military budget of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We spend eight times more then the next leading country, which is China and we now do offically have a larger Military budget then the REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED.

3.) Stop the (so far) $37 billion billion dollars spent each year on "The War on Drugs."

War On Drugs Clock

YouTube - Legal Drugs vs. Illegal Drugs 3 of 4

Gets really good at 1:49

Also, getting the non-violent drug offenders out of prison will end up helping the overcrowded prison population. Which is 19% over capacity.

Imagine the amount of money saved there.

4.) Do not give these CEOs $140 billion out of that $700 billion which is going to happen if this bailout passes.

You know these people are being paid alot of money in the first place if their BONUSES account for 10% of the entire New York budget.

5.) Stop Tax breaks to companies that outsource jobs, give tax breaks to company that don't outsource jobs.

6.) Stop the No Child Left Behind act and focus on education in the right way. Schools with 2,000 kids aren't big enough (like mine) to have classrooms with 12-15 kids to each class every period. Never mind the fact the amount of money it would cost in teachers.

7.) Explore ways for Alternative Energy such as Solar, Wind, and other safe energy ways. Stop Ethanol as it is having a overall negative impact on not only the economy but around the world.

People who rely on nothing but corn and rice to eat will starve because:

1.) More corn being made into Ethanol instead of food.

2.) Things such as grain are grown less by farmers looking to make money by making Ethanol.

Here's what I think we should invest in:

Air Car Factories - The Air Car

Indian air-powered City Cat car prepares for production run - Engadget

Air-Powered Car Coming to U.S. in 2009 to 2010 - Zero Pollution Motors - 1000-Mile Range - Popular Mechanics

Too bad all the oil company people don't want this to see the light of day in America.

8.) Get rid of the Bush Tax Cuts.

There's plenty of other things and different ways to explain what I stated but that's off the top of my head.

What you think Echo?

I don't know what Echo thinks but I say Modbert as a write in candidate!!!! :eusa_clap:
At least by Friday! :cuckoo: What the heck is the hurry?!?

Come on! Let's insist that if the tax payers are going to spend 700 Billion dollars, the deal should be set up by someone other than a LAME DUCK president with a 20% approval rating!

We are lookin' pretty stupid from space if this passes!



I was all for fixing this mess until I learned that they basically want carte blache to do whatever they want with absolutely no oversight.

This is an enormous scam.

If Congress goes for this it is time for millions of conservative and liberals to go to Washington hand in hand to give these arrogant nitwits a new asshole.

I was all for fixing this mess until I learned that they basically want carte blache to do whatever they want with absolutely no oversight.

This is an enormous scam.

If Congress goes for this it is time for millions of conservative and liberals to go to Washington hand in hand to give these arrogant nitwits a new asshole.

Now THAT'S what I call grass roots organizing!


I was all for fixing this mess until I learned that they basically want carte blache to do whatever they want with absolutely no oversight.

This is an enormous scam.

If Congress goes for this it is time for millions of conservative and liberals to go to Washington hand in hand to give these arrogant nitwits a new asshole.

Right On!



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