Saudi Arabia sentences five to death over Khashoggi murder.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
It's being called a show trial, and the ones sentenced
haven't been named, so take it with a grain of salt.

Saudi Arabia has sentenced five people to death in the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. CBS News foreign correspondent Charlie D'Agata spoke to CBSN about what comes next in the case that prompted an international outcry.
It's being called a show trial, and the ones sentenced
haven't been named, so take it with a grain of salt.

Saudi Arabia has sentenced five people to death in the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. CBS News foreign correspondent Charlie D'Agata spoke to CBSN about what comes next in the case that prompted an international outcry.

Who called it a show trial?
Of course it was a show trial — it was meant to show that Saudi boss Prince Mohammed bin Salman was completely innocent of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. What we know is that a team of 15 MbS personal bodyguards and hit men used two jets seized by MbS from other Saudi royals to travel to Turkey with a forensic doctor and surgeon’s tools, after Khashoggi was lured there by Saudi diplomats who assured him he would be safe, and butchered him in the Saudi Embassy, while reporting back by phone to their boss. U.S. and Turkish spy agencies knew all about it and leaked the story, so of course some kind of “cover-up” was necessary. Turkey got over a billion dollars to shut down their own investigation.

Who finally got or will get executed … if anyone? Who the f*ck knows?! Probably some innocent immigrant workers or political dissidents!

And let’s remember Trump openly bragged of his help to MbS after the butchery of Khashoggi: “I saved his ass!”
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Who called it a show trial?
Watch the goddam video!

Update: The OP and the CBS video are already almost 4 years old. The BBC in 2020 reported that even the formal death sentences were commuted and changed to 20 year sentences. For all we know the actual killers — and certainly their bosses — are still free and still working for Saudi intelligence or privately for MbS and the Royal Family!

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More publicly exposed information on this grisly murder, the weeks-long efforts to cover it up, the subsequent admissions and creation of a cover story of “rogue” agents, the Trump Administration’s playing along with the whole facade of lies, etc, etc.:

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The actual organizer of the grizzly murder is well known: high-placed Saudi “media consultant,” internet controller, organizer of internet information collecting and hacking, briber, torturer & murderer of dissidents — the once “distinguished” foreign lobbyist Saud al-Qahtani. Much has been written about him. He is even the subject of a long Wikipedia article…
Prince Mohammed bin Salman exchanged at least 11 messages with al-Qahtani in the hours before and after the assassination of Khashoggi, leading the Central Intelligence Agency to conclude that Mohammed ordered Khashoggi's murder. A member of the Saudi hit team, Maher Mutreb, also called al-Qahtani to inform him that the operation has been completed…

On 8 October 2021, the British daily The Guardian reported signs of Al-Qahtani’s return to the court of Mohammed bin Salman. This news is backing reports since … 2021 that several messages of support have appeared on pro-government social media accounts, praising the man as "hero", "patriot" and "leader".
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