Saudi Arabia - Rape Victim Sentenced to 200 Lashes

I remember this thread was about a woman that was going to be lashed to death.

Then evil snuck in and turned this into a hate israel thread

Muslims and Jews fight like they are related.(they are according to the Old testament).
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LOL you forgot how to google?------do not worry-----most muslims do not
know how to read arabic anyway

Most of christians also dont know how to read hebrew , the original bible is written hebrew .

But this is not an obstacle to follow a religion .

What are you calling "the bible" The book that jews call ---or sorta call "the bible"
is the TANACH----which includes most of that which catholics call "the old testament"----
jews do not include the books of ESTHER, SUSANNAH, MACCABEES as part of
"the bible" The thing jews call "the bible" is written mostly in Hebrew but parts
are in Aramaic-------for example the Book of Daniel. The book that most
christians call "the bible"------also includes the NEW TESTAMENT which was written
mostly in GREEK'

Your comment reveals that you have not been familiar with a whole lots of
muslims. Muslims generally not only do not know arabic----but have never
read the koran IN ANY LANGUAGE In fact---If I remember correctly----way back
circa 1970 ----the koran had not been translated into URDU----the language of most
of pakistan. ALSO there are lots of muslims who argue that there is no sense in
reading the koran in any language other than arabic. Some even memorize the whole
thing IN ARABIC -----but do not know a word of arabic. I did not suggest that a person
cannot follow a religion without knowing specific languages------however it is silly to attempt
to INTERPRET books based only on translations which is why I never actually quote the
koran translations For interpretations it is best to rely on scholars who KNOW THE
LANGUAGE of the texts

Yes agree , many people dont read what their book says , scholar also dont know somethings or they make sided translations which is reflecting their own ideas but not original logic . Many of them are influenced by each other or completely copy each other .
I remember this thread was about a woman that was going to be lashed to death.

Then evil snuck in and turned this into a hate israel thread

You are really confused, it was never a thread about a woman being lashed to death.

What it started out as was another attempt by a poster to demonize Islam, but it kind of backfired, posters started talking about the Regime who is responsible for the lashing order and that Regimes ties/links to Israel.

One never knows where evil motives by those starting threads will lead.
I remember this thread was about a woman that was going to be lashed to death.

Then evil snuck in and turned this into a hate israel thread

You are really confused, it was never a thread about a woman being lashed to death.

What it started out as was another attempt by a poster to demonize Islam, but it kind of backfired, posters started talking about the Regime who is responsible for the lashing order and that Regimes ties/links to Israel.

One never knows where evil motives by those starting threads will lead.

Sherri the mind reader.

It was a post concerning a Saudi-Arabia woman being lashed.

Then came the thread high-jackers and made this a bash Israel thread.

I compare those 200 Saudi lashes, administered in 1 day, to at least 200 attacks by Israel on victims of Israels Occupation in Palestine, administered every single day.

Then you're a fucking idiot.


No, I am a human being who opposes human rights abuses carried out by Occupiers in Occupations.

For the sake of argument, let's assume you are a human being, and not some moonbat-bot. In that case, you are a nonsensical relativistic multicultural nincompoop.
I remember this thread was about a woman that was going to be lashed to death.

Then evil snuck in and turned this into a hate israel thread

Muslims and Jews fight like they are related.(they are according to the Old testament).

Islam came along about 1000 years after the last of the events in The Old Testament happened.

There were no Muslims in The Old Testament.
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Then you're a fucking idiot.


No, I am a human being who opposes human rights abuses carried out by Occupiers in Occupations.

For the sake of argument, let's assume you are a human being, and not some moonbat-bot. In that case, you are a nonsensical relativistic multicultural nincompoop.

If caring about human rights abuses, like those in the OP and those carried out in Occupations, makes me in your eyes what you call me from the deluded thought processes in your mind, that is fine with me. I could care less what you call me.

We all make our choices whether we support or oppose Occupations and human rights abuses and other crimes against humanity in our world.

I oppose these human rights abuses, the one addressed in the OP and the human rights abuses carried out by Saudi Arabia's ally, Israel, in her Occupation of Palestine.

I desire Saudi Arabia and her ally, Israel, to stop all of their human rights abuses.
Israel and Saudi Arabia are allies now, I proved that.

And they share in their long traditions of human rights abuses.

This thread is about Saudi Arabia, not Israel.

Stop trolling

Anything to say about the thread.

Anything you can do but launch personal attacks?

Stop trolling.

I have something to say about the thread----what happened to the boys
who did the beating and the raping? anything? I wonder why sherri
refers to shariah law as a 'HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE' ????? gee----now that I
think about it-----who would be the four credible witnesses to the rape? ----and
there is a shariah defense to the beating of the boy who had the girl in his car---
he was in violation of holy shariah law. Sound all very familiar to me-----beating
a person to death can be easily defended under shariah law------just say "he spit on
a copy of the koran" It's a lawyer's paradise
I remember this thread was about a woman that was going to be lashed to death.

Then evil snuck in and turned this into a hate israel thread

You are really confused, it was never a thread about a woman being lashed to death.

What it started out as was another attempt by a poster to demonize Islam, but it kind of backfired, posters started talking about the Regime who is responsible for the lashing order and that Regimes ties/links to Israel.

One never knows where evil motives by those starting threads will lead.

Sherri the mind reader.

It was a post concerning a Saudi-Arabia woman being lashed.

Then came the thread high-jackers and made this a bash Israel thread.


It was a thread about a woman ordered to be lashed.

You know, do you not, if her punishment has not been carried out, enough people contact our representatives ,human rights groups, the EU, we might be able to stop this.

Saudi Arabia is an ally of Israel and the US.

Why don't you send some emails and try to prevent this human rights abuse from being carried out against this woman in the OP.

That is what I plan to do.

This case has apparently been ongoing since 2007, that is what I am reading.

Saudi Court Ups Gang-Rape Victim Sentence To 200 Lashes After Her Lawyer Protests Original 90-Lash Penalty

Saudi Court Ups Gang-Rape Victim Sentence To 200 Lashes After Her Lawyer Protests Original 90-Lash Penalty
This thread is about Saudi Arabia, not Israel.

Stop trolling

Anything to say about the thread.

Anything you can do but launch personal attacks?

Stop trolling.

I have something to say about the thread----what happened to the boys
who did the beating and the raping? anything? I wonder why sherri
refers to shariah law as a 'HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE' ????? gee----now that I
think about it-----who would be the four credible witnesses to the rape? ----and
there is a shariah defense to the beating of the boy who had the girl in his car---
he was in violation of holy shariah law. Sound all very familiar to me-----beating
a person to death can be easily defended under shariah law------just say "he spit on
a copy of the koran" It's a lawyer's paradise

"The male rape victim was also sentenced to 90 lashes. The rapists received varying sentences, the harshest being five years in prison and 1,000 lashes.

Whipping is a common sentence in Saudi Arabia for crimes ranging from consuming alcohol to homosexuality."

Saudi Court Ups Gang-Rape Victim Sentence To 200 Lashes After Her Lawyer Protests Original 90-Lash Penalty
For those who do not know----the "SAUDI ARABIA IS AN ALLY OF ISRAEL" claim
is being promulgated in the KHUTBAH JUMAAT feces flings in order to prepare
the unwashed and illiterate masses for a combined Al queida/Hezbollah assault
on the land of the two mosques. THEY who control the black rock control the
UMMAH. For those wondering how the shiite hezbollah terrorists can get
along with the sunni al quaeda terrorists-------be not amazed. For a time even the
Italians managed to try to get along with the Nazis. Of course any discord between
the two groups------which have been engaged in deadly feud since before the carcass of
the rapist of mecca cooled-------can be BLAMED ON MOSSAD
For those who do not know----the "SAUDI ARABIA IS AN ALLY OF ISRAEL" claim
is being promulgated in the KHUTBAH JUMAAT feces flings in order to prepare
the unwashed and illiterate masses for a combined Al queida/Hezbollah assault
on the land of the two mosques. THEY who control the black rock control the
UMMAH. For those wondering how the shiite hezbollah terrorists can get
along with the sunni al quaeda terrorists-------be not amazed. For a time even the
Italians managed to try to get along with the Nazis. Of course any discord between
the two groups------which have been engaged in deadly feud since before the carcass of
the rapist of mecca cooled-------can be BLAMED ON MOSSAD

I wonder if obama care covers old birds with verbal diarrhoea?

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