SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating

And for a while, we only let rich crazy rich asians come to America.
When was that?

after the koran war America received lots of korean refugees who were not rich

the same goes for the vietnamese boat people, some of whom may have been wealthy in vietnam, but could not take it with them to America

but most had ambition that black people in the ghetto often lack
When was that?

after the koran war America received lots of korean refugees who were not rich

the same goes for the vietnamese boat people, some of whom may have been wealthy in vietnam, but could not take it with them to America

but most had ambition that black people in the ghetto often lack
After the Second World War, immigration policy in the United States began to undergo significant changes.

The funny thing is, until Adam Ruins Everything, we didn't even know this. That Dr. Wu from a university is an expert on this stuff and she was explaining how for a while America only let a lot of smart/rich asians in. Sure we let some Korean refuges in but we had a policy for a while and it was called the

This wave of reform eventually led to the McCarran–Walter Act of 1952, which repealed the remnants of the "free white persons" restriction of the Naturalization Act of 1790, permitting Asian and other non-white immigrants to become naturalized citizens. However, this Act retained the quota system that effectively banned nearly all immigration from Asia, except for small annual quotas. Its primary exception to the quota system was family reunification provisions for US citizens, which allowed both relatives of longstanding Asian American families and those who had married American soldiers during World War II and the Korean War (also known as "war brides") to immigrate. The McCarran–Walter Act also introduced some labor qualifications for the first time

After the enactment of the 1965 Immigration Act, Asian American demographics changed rapidly. This act replaced exclusionary immigration rules of the 1924 Immigration Act and its predecessors, which effectively excluded "undesirable" immigrants, including most Asians.[41] The 1965 rules set across-the-board immigration quotas for each country. According to an article from the Migration Policy Institute from 2021, 31% of American immigrants were born in Asia. As of 2019, according to the same article, there were 29 times as many Asian immigrants as there were in 1960 due to the passage of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act.[42] While Asian-Americans are often grouped together, different ethnicities face different struggles. For example, according to a 2009 study from ScienceDirect, more than 50% of Vietnamese immigrants in the twentieth century came to the US for reasons related to war or political persecution. Meanwhile, only 5% of Filipino immigrants and 16% of Chinese immigrants came to the US for those reasons. Filipino and Chinese immigrants are more likely to come to the US with an educated background than Vietnamese immigrants, and this gap has continued to widen.

Now you know. You're welcome.
Some idiot doesn't remember who built the railroads and worked the Western towns during the Gold Rush.
You mean during the

First major wave of Asian Immigration (1850–1917)​

I'm not talking about that era. Perhaps you need to study Asian American history beyond this era. After the Endearment Camps.
So I was correct that calling Asians the "model minority" is a myth. We did that to say to black people, "why can't you be more like them" when the reality is, we really took good care of Asians during this era and we only let Asians in that had money or job skills.

This myth characterizes Asian Americans as a polite, law-abiding group who have achieved a higher level of success than the general population through some combination of innate talent and pull-yourselves-up-by-your-bootstraps immigrant striving.

What’s So Bad About the Model Minority Myth?​

Asians aren't complaining that this myth hurts black people. That's what I'm saying. That's what Adam is saying. Asians say this stereotype hurts them

When paired with racist myths about other ethnic or racial groups, the model minority myth is used as evidence to deny or downplay the impact of racism and discrimination on people of color in the United States. Given the history of that impact on Black Americans particularly, the myth is ultimately a means to perpetuate anti-Blackness.

The funny thing is, until Adam Ruins Everything, we didn't even know this. That Dr. Wu from a university is an expert on this stuff and she was explaining how for a while America only let a lot of smart/rich asians in. Sure we let some Korean refuges in but we had a policy for a while and it was called the
This paragraph is not clear to me

What does “adam ruins everything” mean ?

and who is Dr Wu?

the family unification act was a terrible idea

America should be admitting only the best and brightest people and their immediate family

meaning wives and children only
This is such a blatant attempt, by the liberal media, to “explain” why Asians score higher as a way to devalue the many other reasons for which Asians do better in school than, say blacks, in order to diminish other attributes. SOME of it is due to the value of education in the home, the discipline with which Asians focus on their studies, and above-average intelligence, generally speaking.
This paragraph is not clear to me

What does “adam ruins everything” mean ?

and who is Dr Wu?

the family unification act was a terrible idea

America should be admitting only the best and brightest people and their immediate family

meaning wives and children only
Professor of History at the University of Indiana

3 minutes in. She's an expert. This show "Adam Ruins Everything" is a show that disproves commonly believed but untrue things we all believe. Like, Asians are naturally smarter..." Hurts Asians and blacks. In fact it was designed to hurt blacks.
America should be admitting only the best and brightest people and their immediate family

meaning wives and children only

I agree with this, sort of. What if your community needs more poor people to work at your factories and subway and taco bell's? As business owners, they would lobby they need more low skilled workers because they can't find enough. Now you're arguing with Republicans and corporations. Finally.
Professor of History at the University of Indiana

3 minutes in. She's an expert. This show "Adam Ruins Everything" is a show that disproves commonly believed but untrue things we all believe. Like, Asians are naturally smarter..." Hurts Asians and blacks. In fact it was designed to hurt blacks.

Best rule of thumb:

Dont trust internet fags to teach history

Tru made one glaring mistake before I switched it off

Tru told its viewers that only Japanese were interned during WWII but not Germans

that was misinformation

Best rule of thumb:

Dont trust internet fags to teach history

Tru made one glaring mistake before I switched it off

Tru told its viewers that only Japanese were interned during WWII but not Germans

that was misinformation

Why didn't you point out that they were overwhelmingly German nationals?
Best rule of thumb:

Dont trust internet fags to teach history

Tru made one glaring mistake before I switched it off

Tru told its viewers that only Japanese were interned during WWII but not Germans

that was misinformation

Oh and

The government examined the cases of German nationals individually, and detained relatively few in internment camps run by the Department of Justice, as related to its responsibilities under the Alien Enemies Act.
Why didn't you point out that they were overwhelmingly German nationals?
Maybe I should have

but the way libs tell it no Germans of any sort were interned

and in spite of hitlers other atrocities such as treatment of the Jews, Germany did not bomb Pearl Harbor, so public anger toward Japanese was much higher
Oh and

The government examined the cases of German nationals individually, and detained relatively few in internment camps run by the Department of Justice, as related to its responsibilities under the Alien Enemies Act.

Concentration camps.
Maybe I should have

but the way libs tell it no Germans of any sort were interned

and in spite of hitlers other atrocities such as treatment of the Jews, Germany did not bomb Pearl Harbor, so public anger toward Japanese was much higher
The point is, the myth of asians being the ideal role model is a lie. For one, we don't treat them like shit. Our belief that they are smarter is a stereotype that may benefit them in the job market but that doesn't mean it's true. They have 2 parents, who have money, who tell them school is important. They aren't just naturally smarter. To say they are would be....racist.

The Asian Boyz, also known as ABZ, AB-26, or ABZ Crips, are a street gang based in Southern California. They were founded in the late 1980s as part of efforts of protection for Southeast Asian immigrants and refugees from the more numerous American gangs in their localities. According to the FBI, the gang is predominantly Southeast Asian-American, of which Cambodians account for their majority, while Vietnamese and other Southeast Asians comprise sizable numbers. With approximately 2,000 members, many are known to have enlisted in the U.S. military through which some were able to use their position to traffic drugs. According to the FBI's 2009 National Gang Threat Assessment, the Asian Boyz are active in 28 different cities, in 14 different states across the U.S.

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