SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating

The commissioner of the NFL is a dictator

he is not bound by details like evidence
It’s like the democratic or republican parties. People don’t realize it but those parties can nominate whoever they want. If the gop decided to run Jeb not trump, it would have been perfectly legal. They can run whoever they want and you can vote for whoever you want. Even if trump wins every primary

Roger can fine or fire Antonio brown or he can welcome him back. What Roger does is okay as long as the owners and players Union let him do it.
It’s like the democratic or republican parties. People don’t realize it but those parties can nominate whoever they want. If the gop decided to run Jeb not trump, it would have been perfectly legal. They can run whoever they want and you can vote for whoever you want. Even if trump wins every primary

Roger can fine or fire Antonio brown or he can welcome him back. What Roger does is okay as long as the owners and players Union let him do it.
Legally they could have appointed Jeb over Trump

but the base would not stand for it
It's time to shut the mouths of white racists and the Asian wannabes in here.

SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating
The organization that oversees the leading college admissions test says it has cancelled the scores of several international students and is reducing future test dates overseas in an effort to crack down on cheating.

The College Board, which administers the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), said the students whose scores are in question might not be allowed to retake the test. It is looking into the scores of other international students, as well, it said.

The Reuters new agency reported the update as part of its ongoing investigation into the SAT and test taking, mostly in Asia.

How Sophisticated Test Scams From China Are Making Their Way Into the U.S.

Chinese students hire imposter “gunmen” to take the SAT, the GRE and other tests.

And it is primarily the Chinese who have filed suits with that racist Bloom to try ending AA.

China and South Korea: Students Given Answers to Repeat Tests​

For the First Time, SAT Test Gets Canceled in an Entire Country

Some 1,500 South Korean students who dream of attending elite American colleges are scrambling after the U.S.-based administrator of the SAT cancelled the scheduled May 4 session of the exam because of allegations of widespread cheating.

Elite Asian students cheat like mad on US college applications

Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud

By educationrealist
To continue my thoughts on college admissions and Asians:

Many people, reading of the clear discrimination against Asians, become all righteous, thinking of those poor, hardworking Asians. Come to America, work hard, and look how the system screws them.
But that reaction ignores the stereotype.

The stereotype, delicately put: first and second generation Chinese, Korean, and Indian Americans often fail to embody the sterling academic credentials they include with their applications, and do not live up to the expectations these universities have for top tier students.

Less delicately put: They cheat. And when they don’t cheat, they game tests in a way utterly incomprehensible to the Western mind, leading to test scores with absolutely zero link to underlying ability. Or both. Or maybe it’s all cheating, and we just don’t know it. Either way, the resumes are functional fraud.

Is it true for every single recent Chinese, Korean, or Indian immigrant? Of course not. I know far more recent Asian immigrants than most people, a fair number of whom effortlessly exceed their academic records, with style points to boot. That doesn’t make the stereotype any less relevant. Or less accurate, as stereotypes go.

This piece will focus on recent Asian immigrants and cheating. I hope at some point to put together a piece on Asian nationals and cheating, but the one that’s hardest of all is the second part of the stereotype, the one that says okay, so they don’t always cheat—maybe—but even if they don’t, their test scores don’t match what we consider reality.
I will include a number of reported stories that back up my own experiences, as well as excerpt from School of Dreams, by Edward Humes, the story of a few years at Whitney High, a selective California public high school that is almost entirely Asian (as early as 1987, it was 45% Asian). Note again that this behavior is of recent Asian immigrants, kids who either came here very young or were born to recent immigrants. Humes’ book specifices this, and the aforementioned Wall Street Journal article also specifies that the troubles are with recent immigrants.

The asian cheaters are mostly foreign students

greedy US colleges benefit by charging foreign students higher tuition

which is more money in the lib professors pocket

we should exclude all chinese foreign students from US colleges reduce the number of student visas from south korea
If the gop decided to run Jeb not trump, it would have been perfectly legal. They can run whoever they want and you can vote for whoever you want. Even if trump wins every primary
The entrenched GOP swamp rats in washington tried to keep trump from winning the nomination in 2016 but failed

they are dirty because thats the nature of the beast on washington

but nowhere near as dishonest as the democrats nor as good at cheating
The asian cheaters are mostly foreign students

greedy US colleges benefit by charging foreign students higher tuition

which is more money in the lib professors pocket

we should exclude all chinese foreign students from US colleges reduce the number of student visas from south korea
It won't stop the trend...though I do have some sympathy for your position. While they may be using less than ethical methods I'm telling you that the average American collage student couldn't eve use their cheat notes that's how much better they are than our home grown kids. We did this....we have no one to blame but US.....we allowed money to dictate the bounds of learning and we got the predictable result. We pay LeBron James 50 million a year but we are only willing to pay a math teacher 35k....I mean .... WTF?

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The asian cheaters are mostly foreign students

greedy US colleges benefit by charging foreign students higher tuition

which is more money in the lib professors pocket

we should exclude all chinese foreign students from US colleges reduce the number of student visas from south korea
Any other ethnicities you're afraid of?
The entrenched GOP swamp rats in washington tried to keep trump from winning the nomination in 2016 but failed

they are dirty because thats the nature of the beast on washington

but nowhere near as dishonest as the democrats nor as good at cheating
Wait till you see the movie RIGGED...... it puts a whole new light on the 2020 election. Yes there was fraud but there was something much bigger than the fraud....several billion dollars of illicit influence money...and so far there's nothing to indicate that it won't happen again. The states are moving as fast as they can to lock this dirty money out but we will have to cross our finger on it. It's wrong to buy a vote but once that vote is's cast. It's starting to look like Biden actually had the numbers but not because he campaigned for them. Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates and a handful of other wealthy patrons did more campaigning on the sly than has ever been done in any election cycle since the nation's founding. Much of it was illegal and unethical BUT! got the vote out. Until the GOP figures out how to do likewise they are probably cooked.

The entrenched GOP swamp rats in washington tried to keep trump from winning the nomination in 2016 but failed

they are dirty because thats the nature of the beast on washington

but nowhere near as dishonest as the democrats nor as good at cheating
You stole the 2000 election then lied us into the Iraq war. What could be worse?
It's time to shut the mouths of white racists and the Asian wannabes in here.

SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating
The organization that oversees the leading college admissions test says it has cancelled the scores of several international students and is reducing future test dates overseas in an effort to crack down on cheating.

The College Board, which administers the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), said the students whose scores are in question might not be allowed to retake the test. It is looking into the scores of other international students, as well, it said.

The Reuters new agency reported the update as part of its ongoing investigation into the SAT and test taking, mostly in Asia.

How Sophisticated Test Scams From China Are Making Their Way Into the U.S.

Chinese students hire imposter “gunmen” to take the SAT, the GRE and other tests.

And it is primarily the Chinese who have filed suits with that racist Bloom to try ending AA.

China and South Korea: Students Given Answers to Repeat Tests​

For the First Time, SAT Test Gets Canceled in an Entire Country

Some 1,500 South Korean students who dream of attending elite American colleges are scrambling after the U.S.-based administrator of the SAT cancelled the scheduled May 4 session of the exam because of allegations of widespread cheating.

Elite Asian students cheat like mad on US college applications

Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud

By educationrealist
To continue my thoughts on college admissions and Asians:

Many people, reading of the clear discrimination against Asians, become all righteous, thinking of those poor, hardworking Asians. Come to America, work hard, and look how the system screws them.
But that reaction ignores the stereotype.

The stereotype, delicately put: first and second generation Chinese, Korean, and Indian Americans often fail to embody the sterling academic credentials they include with their applications, and do not live up to the expectations these universities have for top tier students.

Less delicately put: They cheat. And when they don’t cheat, they game tests in a way utterly incomprehensible to the Western mind, leading to test scores with absolutely zero link to underlying ability. Or both. Or maybe it’s all cheating, and we just don’t know it. Either way, the resumes are functional fraud.

Is it true for every single recent Chinese, Korean, or Indian immigrant? Of course not. I know far more recent Asian immigrants than most people, a fair number of whom effortlessly exceed their academic records, with style points to boot. That doesn’t make the stereotype any less relevant. Or less accurate, as stereotypes go.

This piece will focus on recent Asian immigrants and cheating. I hope at some point to put together a piece on Asian nationals and cheating, but the one that’s hardest of all is the second part of the stereotype, the one that says okay, so they don’t always cheat—maybe—but even if they don’t, their test scores don’t match what we consider reality.
I will include a number of reported stories that back up my own experiences, as well as excerpt from School of Dreams, by Edward Humes, the story of a few years at Whitney High, a selective California public high school that is almost entirely Asian (as early as 1987, it was 45% Asian). Note again that this behavior is of recent Asian immigrants, kids who either came here very young or were born to recent immigrants. Humes’ book specifices this, and the aforementioned Wall Street Journal article also specifies that the troubles are with recent immigrants.

International students aren't Americans you fucking idiot.

No one compares international Asians to American blacks, Hahaha
It won't stop the trend...though I do have some sympathy for your position. While they may be using less than ethical methods I'm telling you that the average American collage student couldn't eve use their cheat notes that's how much better they are than our home grown kids. We did this....we have no one to blame but US.....we allowed money to dictate the bounds of learning and we got the predictable result. We pay LeBron James 50 million a year but we are only willing to pay a math teacher 35k....I mean .... WTF?

We are are free country so the owners of the NBA are free to pay player whst they think they are worth

sad as that may be

I think American kids are fat and happy because life has always bern easy

its true for spoiled pampered asian kids to but asian parents still tend to be more demanding
Wrong & Wrong
You haven't changed a lot after getting banned but you have changed. Instead of trolling me now you just hit the dislike button. I like that much better. Those don't derail threads. Seems like you do have the ability to learn/change/improve. Nice.

What do you think about Asian students? Turns out they are no smarter than black students. It's nurture that makes them smarter. Give an asian couple a black baby he'll be just as smart.

And the reason the asian community is better than the black community is because we as a society really propped up the asian community. We bent over backward for them. And for a while, we only let rich crazy rich asians come to America. So of course their kids did better than poor blacks who only have 1 kid.

What do you think? Do you think asians are just naturally smarter than blacks?
Idiotic and incorrect.
And by the way, this Adam guy sounds to me like he's agreeing with you. So it's funny for you to say incorrect when a lot of what he's saying seems to back up your position about how we treated asians during ww2.

Proof you will tell me I'm wrong even if I say something you've agreed with in the past.
Everything and everybody is for sale in America and the world knows it and and can afford to buy it.
Idiotic and incorrect.
Is this not true?

When Soviet propaganda started to make America seem racist during the Cold War, America went from a country that despised Asians to one that held them up as a shining example of assimilation to gain them as allies.

Dr. Ellen Wu was recently featured on the television show Adam Ruins Everything. The show brought her in as an expert on Asian Americans and the model minority myth.

You know more than Dr. Wu?

Our government skims "the cream" of Asian nations, even sponsors their immigration in many cases, and then uses their successes as an excuse not to help the still-living people it screwed over.

I wish he had gone more into the sheer number of anti-immigration laws we passed regarding Asians: The Chinese Immigration Act, The Quota Act, The Emergency Quota Act, the Gentleman's Agreement... It was disgusting. And that was all before internment.

We explicitly kept our immigrant population as White as possible until 1965, when we started letting in the best students and professionals Asian nations had to offer, but very few poor or uneducated.

As a result of the Immigration Act, the Asian American population today is about 6%, compared to about 0.6% when the Act passed in 1965, about half of the boom coming since 2000.

And that population boom comes mostly from people sponsored in as students, workers sponsored by US companies/government, or kids adopted by parents stable/rich enough to qualify.

By itself, that's a debate-worthy policy. But using it to push the myth that Asians were targeted by the same racist policies as Jim Crow, Redlining, etc? That's reprehensible, and it's let slide all the time. Even questioning it, you're often called a racist.


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