SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating

There is a soul food place that I order from. I'll call it in and try to sound black and I don't walk in the door until I know the food is ready. I don't want them to see me and then go back and add the secret sauce. By the time I get there it's already bagged up. Or when I go to Churches Chicken I try to sound black when I'm ordering. I talk Eubonics into the speaker. Can you imagine?

OK. Go on how do you try to sound black ?

Speaking of saying something to make the blacks went to beat me up, I never did. Funny story though. We would go back every week to the hood because my grandmother still lived there. After a year we were playing and we all piled up on each other. Next thing you know I yell "N&#r pile!" OOPS. In the hood we call it dog pile. In the white suburbs it's called a n*$r pile.

Do you think I care ?

Another similarity to me and my family and the Howard Stern family. He was saying how when they were the last whites to leave the black neighbors came out crying and begged them not to leave. So clearly the Sterns were good people to their black neighbors. They were liked. Maybe even loved.

Well that's what Stern said. But I don't believe him when he says this.

Well Howard was telling a story how behind closed doors his parents used to refer to blacks as Shvartsas. Does that make them racists?

All white people are racist.

Well don't forget you call us honkey's so cut them and us some slack.

What black man uses the world honky ? You're showing your age.

And by the way, they are jewish, so they can't be racist towards you. They don't have the power.

Really ? so explain to me why some of the leaders of the American Nazi Party like Dan Burros and Frank Collin were Jewish ?

A whole community of white Jewish people in Brooklyn had a meeting to share their fears about a new charter school in their area that will have mainly Black students.

Tall people are not the ones shooting up schools. It's THEIR children.

But I'm not surprised. Midwood, Kensington, Mapleton and Bensonhurst are huge tight knit jewish neighborhoods They got a lot of push in those neighborhoods with having there own businesses. They are very Codified


Or remember Judy Mozes wife of the Israeli Interior Minister got on twitter to share a racist joke



And the irony is

Black American soldiers helped to free them when they were getting wiped out by Hitler and his boys




When people discuss WW2 and the holocaust in Europe. They leave out that Black American soldiers in the front lines in WW2 defeating the Nazis and liberating people from concentration cam[s



And Jewish people in Israel get millions each day from the USA and they use that to shit on kill oppress the darker skinned palestinians

Israel is supposed to be the mecca for Jewish people and any Jewish person can and is welcomed there well as long as your not blk.

Saying all white people are racist is in fact racist. You don’t know all white people.
And at the end of the day, Im2 STILL scored lower than if you gave the average 4 year old Asian kid a crayon and had them mark SAT answers randomly.
Do you notice we are never right with Paul. He always has a comeback.

That because I know what you will say.

Which makes me feel like he's not listening.

I am listening. I'm just disagreeing with you.

You make the mistake into thinking that I'm trying to persuade you.

I'm not.

To persuade people you need 3 things
  1. Gain the reader’s trust
  2. Appeal to the head
  3. Appeal to the heart
Hitler said you just need the last. In any case, my style of writing in regard to whites lacks the first and the last.

Persuading whites to give up the benefits of racism, to give up a false pride in their race, to become outcasts from white society, to face their shame and guilt at benefiting from a racist society – all that is way, way, way beyond my powers.

But for some reason you expect me (A black man) to write to white supremacist point of view with concern for their tender feelings.

As if there are not enough people doing that already. See I'm just sick and tired of this


No, I like talking about my brother. He walks up to bums and gives them money. Me? No fucking way.
I used to do that until I worked on and around L.A.'s skid row. Then I learned about "bums" aka "the homeless" and how the sane ones thought I was a sucker for holding down a job and paying taxes. Now I'll donate money to programs to help the ones who want back into society and don't care about the others. You can't help someone who doesn't want help. Giving them money just enables them.
I used to do that until I worked on and around L.A.'s skid row. Then I learned about "bums" aka "the homeless" and how the sane ones thought I was a sucker for holding down a job and paying taxes. Now I'll donate money to programs to help the ones who want back into society and don't care about the others. You can't help someone who doesn't want help. Giving them money just enables them.
I don't want to shoot the bum at the corner with his sign. I want to shoot anyone who gives him money. The story on that guy is he holds down a job. This is what he does when he's not working.

Too many help wanted signs out to give anyone money.

I've been to LA's skid row. Yea, I'd give them nothing. They are hustlers and scum.
The crux of the issue I suspect is, that they assume the reason we mention anything about the black community, it is to justify some wacist view of blacks, like, "look at how stupid or barbaric they are",

when generally it is because we want to properly identify the problem so it can be addressed, if not solved.
Paul actually doesn't believe the violent crime rate numbers because it's whitey who figures out those numbers.

Is there a black group that publicly challenges those numbers? Most cities have around 333 violent crimes per 100,000 people and Detroit is over 2000.
Paul actually doesn't believe the violent crime rate numbers because it's whitey who figures out those numbers.

Is there a black group that publicly challenges those numbers? Most cities have around 333 violent crimes per 100,000 people and Detroit is over 2000.

I think he does believe them. I think he is just lying. I think that he says the shit he does, so that he has a pretend justification for refusing to admit anything that he doesn't want to admit and can keep blaming whitey,

so that he can keep spreading hate and division and racism.
It's time to shut the mouths of white racists and the Asian wannabes in here.
The chinese are cheaters because they are driven to succeed

the same goes for south koreans

if you knew any east asians - a group that black people in the ghetto call “chinks” whether they are chinese, korean or vietnamese - you’d know that they have a lower failure rate in college than black or white students

cheating on the SAT is not good

but in particular the chinese are desperate to escape the brutal communist society that libs admire so much
The Chinese are cheaters because they are driven to succeed

the same goes for south Koreans

if you knew any east Asians - a group that black people in the ghetto call “chinks” whether they are chinese, korean or vietnamese - you’d know that they have a lower failure rate in college than black or white students

cheating on the SAT is not good

but in particular the Chinese are desperate to escape the brutal communist society that libs admire so much
Fuck that shit....even as cheaters they are smarter and more driven's not just because of communist regimes. I know Asian families that are here three generations deep and their kids are totally Americanized....they are still bilingual which is amazing and they are super acheivers academically. They all had jobs as soon as they were legally able to work and most of them paid their own way through school.


I'm afraid there is no masking the ugly truth here.

The chinese are cheaters because they are driven to succeed

the same goes for south koreans

if you knew any east asians - a group that black people in the ghetto call “chinks” whether they are chinese, korean or vietnamese - you’d know that they have a lower failure rate in college than black or white students

cheating on the SAT is not good

but in particular the chinese are desperate to escape the brutal communist society that libs admire so much
Tom brady cheated.

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