Sarah Palin's Link to Militia Leader Charged With Conspiracy to Commit Murder


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Geoffrey Dunn

According to sworn testimony Thursday during federal court proceedings in Alaska, two close associates of former Governor Sarah Palin -- Joe Miller, a staunch political ally of Palin's whom she supported in his failed bid for the U.S. Senate; and Palin's former director of boards and commissions Frank Bailey, more commonly known in Alaska as Palin's "hatchet man" -- were responsible for introducing FBI Informant William "Drop Zone" Fulton to Schaeffer Cox, the leader of the so-called Alaska Peacekeeper Militia.

Cox and two other Fairbanks-based militiamen have been charged with conspiring to kidnap and murder Alaska judges and law enforcement authorities. They have also been charged with violating various federal weapons laws for owning or attempting to purchase machine guns, silencers, hand grenades and other combat-type weapons.

It's an only-in-Alaska story.

More: Geoffrey Dunn: "Pallin' Around with Terrorists": Palin's Link to Militia Leader Charged With Conspiracy to Commit Murder

Alaska militia: Searching for the real Schaeffer Cox | Alaska Dispatch
By Geoffrey Dunn

According to sworn testimony Thursday during federal court proceedings in Alaska, two close associates of former Governor Sarah Palin -- Joe Miller, a staunch political ally of Palin's whom she supported in his failed bid for the U.S. Senate; and Palin's former director of boards and commissions Frank Bailey, more commonly known in Alaska as Palin's "hatchet man" -- were responsible for introducing FBI Informant William "Drop Zone" Fulton to Schaeffer Cox, the leader of the so-called Alaska Peacekeeper Militia.

Cox and two other Fairbanks-based militiamen have been charged with conspiring to kidnap and murder Alaska judges and law enforcement authorities. They have also been charged with violating various federal weapons laws for owning or attempting to purchase machine guns, silencers, hand grenades and other combat-type weapons.

It's an only-in-Alaska story.

More: Geoffrey Dunn: "Pallin' Around with Terrorists": Palin's Link to Militia Leader Charged With Conspiracy to Commit Murder

Alaska militia: Searching for the real Schaeffer Cox | Alaska Dispatch

So, people who know people who know Palin are charged with conspiracy to do what some FBI provocateur was telling them to do, and of violating various any of a labrynth of Byzantine regs that probably most Americans violate regularly on a daily basis.

So Palin is two steps removed from some people who have the misjudgement to associate with FBI employees, is about all this amounts to. Nothing to do with Palin.
Guilt by association. It's an old trick.

Wait, didn't someone say something like that about Obama, Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers?

Where is the part where Palin served on boards with these guys or sat in a pew for 20 years listening to rants about separation theology? Oh, that would be outer current President.

Liberals had their greatest political victory in 2008 and they still fill the need to bash the VP candidate on the losing side of the election.
This board should start charging the OP for every damn worthless thread they start..
Guilt by association. It's an old trick.

Wait, didn't someone say something like that about Obama, Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers?

If you know someone who commits a crime are you guilty of that same crime?


If you surround yourself with people who have been guilty of the same crime it tends to indicate you're up to the same thing yourself.

That's the difference.

Rev. Wright is a racist. Obama's current pastor in Washington is a racist. That indicates to me that Obama likes sitting in the pews listening to racists.

Obama was hand-picked by Bill Ayers, a non-repentant terrorist. Obama attended a fundraiser last week hosted by another person like Bill Ayers last week Marilyn Katz, who used to like throwing sharp objects at cops during protests back in the 60s. It seems that Obama is more comfortable with these folks than he is with normal folks.

You say Sarah Palin knows someone that knows someone that was introduced to a militia member that may have been guilty of a crime...

That's pretty weak. I don't think Sarah Palin ever met this militia member. Is she responsible for everyone that she knows? If anyone she knows meets with a criminal is she supposed to have committed a crime?

The law says no. Guilt by association only works in politics.
By Geoffrey Dunn

According to sworn testimony Thursday during federal court proceedings in Alaska, two close associates of former Governor Sarah Palin -- Joe Miller, a staunch political ally of Palin's whom she supported in his failed bid for the U.S. Senate; and Palin's former director of boards and commissions Frank Bailey, more commonly known in Alaska as Palin's "hatchet man" -- were responsible for introducing FBI Informant William "Drop Zone" Fulton to Schaeffer Cox, the leader of the so-called Alaska Peacekeeper Militia.

Cox and two other Fairbanks-based militiamen have been charged with conspiring to kidnap and murder Alaska judges and law enforcement authorities. They have also been charged with violating various federal weapons laws for owning or attempting to purchase machine guns, silencers, hand grenades and other combat-type weapons.

It's an only-in-Alaska story.

More: Geoffrey Dunn: "Pallin' Around with Terrorists": Palin's Link to Militia Leader Charged With Conspiracy to Commit Murder

Alaska militia: Searching for the real Schaeffer Cox | Alaska Dispatch

Guilt by association. It's an old trick.

Ayers/Obama draws constant discussion. These "links" are tenuous at best. Palin did not keep a 24 guard on everyone in or near her administration.
Someone whose brother went to the same diner as the guy who is the cousin of the guy who once worked the guy who was married to the lady who lived next door to the nephew of the brother of a guy who worked for Alaska...

did a bad thing!


Guilt by association. It's an old trick.

Ayers/Obama draws constant discussion. These "links" are tenuous at best. Palin did not keep a 24 guard on everyone in or near her administration.

Even if she had, the left would still make shit up.

When you're dealing with these folks you spend all of your time trying to disprove their false accusations.

This is why Palin quit.
Someone whose brother went to the same diner as the guy who is the cousin of the guy who once worked the guy who was married to the lady who lived next door to the nephew of the brother of a guy who worked for Alaska...

did a bad thing!



Yes, being in the same state as these people is not much of a "link".
Did somebody say, "paling around with terrorists"? :eusa_whistle:

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