Sarah Palin's Emails


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Guess what folks......they didn't find anything.

The left is bitterly disappointed.

Now I wanna see Obama's emails and see if his stuff passes the smell test. Give him the same treatment that Palin got.

To add insult to injury & deliver a second blow to the far left this past week, Sarah Palins court ordered emails have revealed nothing scandalous.

Unless you want to consider the scandalous behavior by the left leaning media. The pushing and shoving to get their hands on the over 24,000 pages, in six boxes weighing 275 pounds was thought to be scandalous behavior, by me at least.

The left had hoped and prayed(?), a firestorm of impropriety would be revealed in those emails. A Palin misstep would take the heat and spotlight off the scandal that has enveloped the Democrat Party with the revelations coming from Weinergate.

But no such luck for them. The Palin emails reveal an honest, moral, upstanding patriotic conservative American. The contrast cannot be anymore stark for the American public when compared to the revelations of disgraced Democrat Congressman Wiener.
The Sarah Palin Emails Reveal She is Honest & Moral. Left is Bitterly Disappointed | Conservative, Politcs | IrishCentral
Bitter and frustrated they cling to their "Audacity of Nope" and revel in recording of speeches of their Failed Leader
This is the really interesting thing about this email thing, Sarah Palin has nothing to hide but can any other politician say the same?

Obama can't.

It's why he refuses to reveal anything about his past without legal action.
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Wonder if we'll hear anything about their failure from the LSM??

Ain't holding my breath.

Now if they had found something, anything, it would be front page news and we would be hearing about it for the next 3 months.

Palin must be LHAO.
Whatever you think of her views and politics, Sarah Palin has a valiant and resolute
spirit undergo the sustained and constant assaults from the left to herself and her children....she's got a passionate and dedicated determination.....she's a brave lady.

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