The Lies they have taught us and continue to teach our children


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
In 1882 Nietzsche repeated the words of German idealist philosophers: "God is dead" although perhaps as less a statement of victory than the direst of warnings for the new Age breaking on the self-beautifying back of the Enlightenment. So it followed in rapidly evolving idealist schools of philosophy, that if God were truly dead or could never continue to exist in the coming Age of supreme human intellect and wisdom, then the Churches of God must be laid to waste as well.

In the minds of Hegel, Kant, Marx and Engels--early Christian apologists and founders of what was to become the modern atheist faith--no mercy was to be afforded even the still smoldering bones of a God they claimed to have intellectually disproven and dismissed. The Era of the creation of the Christian ossuary was born: a place where after being debunked and wrapped up in neat disbelief, the Logos could be placed, sealed, entombed and done away with for all of time, buried outside of history and hidden from the ken of all coming generations.

What followed in the 20th century were a handful of "revolutionary" thinkers (liars in reality) who set out to bury that philosophical box of bones constructed to hideaway Christianity, and further shovel tons of deceptive dirt over its final resting place. What became of this effort was not the throwing out of actual, true human social history, but rather the rewriting of it with fictional accounts, facts and data still taught to this day in universities around the United States, as the way it really happened. What's terrifyingly worse is how the academically famous works of these grand liars of the last century have become the foundational basis for the anti-Christian, anti-moral, anti-American value system preached to our children on campus, in the media, throughout pop culture and by equally misled parents.

In other words, all of the modern justification--internal and external-- for socio-cultural sexual, societal, entertainment and moral perversion can be laid at the feet of a few academics who fudged their results for the purpose of propagating an anti-Christian, anti-American ideology. Put bluntly: we have been lied to. All the so-called justifications thrown at conservative, Christian, traditional value holding Americans by so-called "liberated" and "enlightened" and socio-culturally progressive radicals has no basis in fact or history. All of their attacks on God, faith and tradition have been founded on lies. And now, here in 2018, the majority of us have been conditioned and programmed to doubt God, doubt the moral, foundational facts of indelible right and wrong, and to accept post 60's cultural revolution America as the de facto "anything goes" truth about historical, normal human behavior.

Below I visit briefly three of the corrupt giants of American cultural ruination whose "research" has, combined, cost our society many millions of potential lives, brainwashed hundreds of millions of American minds, and ruined countless lives. If you have always believed in God, in Christ, in His teachings in spite of the doubt inspired by near modern philosophers and their more recent cultural revolutionary protégés, fear not; you are not alone. Hang in there, keep the faith.

Kinsey Reports - Father of the Sexual Revolution

Alfred Kinsey's 1950's reports supposedly revealed no American sexual revolution was necessary due to the "fact" that nearly every single American adult was already a practitioner of every sexual perversion one could imagine, and many the majority at the time could not. His reports justified pre-marital sex, promiscuity, swinging, infidelity, homosexuality, child sexuality, and casual sex for kicks--all as normative American sexual behaviors--all seeming to prove that the ancient ideas of conservative, Christian sexuality was based on nearly twenty centuries of bullshit. When in fact Kinsey himself was a pervert and sex criminal, and volumes of information have been accepted as thoroughly debunking his "scientific" findings. The truth is out there if you seek it.

Margaret Meade - Mother of the Sexual Revolution

In her 1928 book Coming of Age--destined to become the most widely circulated book in the history of Anthropology--she wrote of her travels to Samoa to study its ancient, closed society. Her findings from her time there reveal a utopian society where its people exist in harmony and productivity despite their cultural tendency for free, casual sex and socially acceptable, anti-Christian sexual perversions. According to some Coming of Age played a key role in shaping American sex education, criminal law, government social policies, and the popular view of acceptable sexual conduct for the next century and beyond.

The problem, however, with Coming of Age stems from later interviews with the same two Samoans Meade studied for her book who lied to her about Samoan sexual culture. That's right, Meade may have only used the feedback of just two Samoans on which to base her entire objective study of Samoan culture. And yet her work is still taught in lecture halls today; still remains a major foundational work on which Western society bases its sexual and cultural norms.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson (National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws - NARAL)

Nathanson's seminal study of and findings on the likelihood and numbers of pregnant women who seek back alley abortions in the absence of legalized, elective abortion set the basis for the popular national outcry (cough-bullshit) for women to have access to legal abortions in America. Guess what? Turns out he made those numbers up.


In review of the above sources of long accepted, yet wholly disproven, academic works based on ideology rather than fact or science, one can only conclude that seeds of deception planted for so long and so often in the minds of our parents, ourselves and our children have not only been done for the purpose of rewriting history and burying Christianity, but also intentionally and out of the most egregious spite aimed at snuffing out millennia of known, practiced and accepted good, responsible, healthy and honest human behavior. An atomic war of culture and philosophy in which we in 2018 America are suffering the endless fallout from and living though a nuclear winter unable to end until the lies are replaced with truth.
Did you intentionally leave out the part where he said that we have killed Him?

Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche: “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have kill...”

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”

Friedrich Nietzsche
Did you intentionally leave out the part where he said that we have killed Him?

Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche: “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have kill...”

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”

Friedrich Nietzsche

No. As I said, his words were a warning.
In 1882 Nietzsche repeated the words of German idealist philosophers: "God is dead" although perhaps as less a statement of victory than the direst of warnings for the new Age breaking on the self-beautifying back of the Enlightenment. So it followed in rapidly evolving idealist schools of philosophy, that if God were truly dead or could never continue to exist in the coming Age of supreme human intellect and wisdom, then the Churches of God must be laid to waste as well.

In the minds of Hegel, Kant, Marx and Engels--early Christian apologists and founders of what was to become the modern atheist faith--no mercy was to be afforded even the still smoldering bones of a God they claimed to have intellectually disproven and dismissed. The Era of the creation of the Christian ossuary was born: a place where after being debunked and wrapped up in neat disbelief, the Logos could be placed, sealed, entombed and done away with for all of time, buried outside of history and hidden from the ken of all coming generations.

What followed in the 20th century were a handful of "revolutionary" thinkers (liars in reality) who set out to bury that philosophical box of bones constructed to hideaway Christianity, and further shovel tons of deceptive dirt over its final resting place. What became of this effort was not the throwing out of actual, true human social history, but rather the rewriting of it with fictional accounts, facts and data still taught to this day in universities around the United States, as the way it really happened. What's terrifyingly worse is how the academically famous works of these grand liars of the last century have become the foundational basis for the anti-Christian, anti-moral, anti-American value system preached to our children on campus, in the media, throughout pop culture and by equally misled parents.

In other words, all of the modern justification--internal and external-- for socio-cultural sexual, societal, entertainment and moral perversion can be laid at the feet of a few academics who fudged their results for the purpose of propagating an anti-Christian, anti-American ideology. Put bluntly: we have been lied to. All the so-called justifications thrown at conservative, Christian, traditional value holding Americans by so-called "liberated" and "enlightened" and socio-culturally progressive radicals has no basis in fact or history. All of their attacks on God, faith and tradition have been founded on lies. And now, here in 2018, the majority of us have been conditioned and programmed to doubt God, doubt the moral, foundational facts of indelible right and wrong, and to accept post 60's cultural revolution America as the de facto "anything goes" truth about historical, normal human behavior.

Below I visit briefly three of the corrupt giants of American cultural ruination whose "research" has, combined, cost our society many millions of potential lives, brainwashed hundreds of millions of American minds, and ruined countless lives. If you have always believed in God, in Christ, in His teachings in spite of the doubt inspired by near modern philosophers and their more recent cultural revolutionary protégés, fear not; you are not alone. Hang in there, keep the faith.

Kinsey Reports - Father of the Sexual Revolution

Alfred Kinsey's 1950's reports supposedly revealed no American sexual revolution was necessary due to the "fact" that nearly every single American adult was already a practitioner of every sexual perversion one could imagine, and many the majority at the time could not. His reports justified pre-marital sex, promiscuity, swinging, infidelity, homosexuality, child sexuality, and casual sex for kicks--all as normative American sexual behaviors--all seeming to prove that the ancient ideas of conservative, Christian sexuality was based on nearly twenty centuries of bullshit. When in fact Kinsey himself was a pervert and sex criminal, and volumes of information have been accepted as thoroughly debunking his "scientific" findings. The truth is out there if you seek it.

Margaret Meade - Mother of the Sexual Revolution

In her 1928 book Coming of Age--destined to become the most widely circulated book in the history of Anthropology--she wrote of her travels to Samoa to study its ancient, closed society. Her findings from her time there reveal a utopian society where its people exist in harmony and productivity despite their cultural tendency for free, casual sex and socially acceptable, anti-Christian sexual perversions. According to some Coming of Age played a key role in shaping American sex education, criminal law, government social policies, and the popular view of acceptable sexual conduct for the next century and beyond.

The problem, however, with Coming of Age stems from later interviews with the same two Samoans Meade studied for her book who lied to her about Samoan sexual culture. That's right, Meade may have only used the feedback of just two Samoans on which to base her entire objective study of Samoan culture. And yet her work is still taught in lecture halls today; still remains a major foundational work on which Western society bases its sexual and cultural norms.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson (National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws - NARAL)

Nathanson's seminal study of and findings on the likelihood and numbers of pregnant women who seek back alley abortions in the absence of legalized, elective abortion set the basis for the popular national outcry (cough-bullshit) for women to have access to legal abortions in America. Guess what? Turns out he made those numbers up.


In review of the above sources of long accepted, yet wholly disproven, academic works based on ideology rather than fact or science, one can only conclude that seeds of deception planted for so long and so often in the minds of our parents, ourselves and our children have not only been done for the purpose of rewriting history and burying Christianity, but also intentionally and out of the most egregious spite aimed at snuffing out millennia of known, practiced and accepted good, responsible, healthy and honest human behavior. An atomic war of culture and philosophy in which we in 2018 America are suffering the endless fallout from and living though a nuclear winter unable to end until the lies are replaced with truth.

This is just an excellent OP and I'm sorry I missed it previously.

I am familiar with the awful work of Kinsey and Nathanson, not so much with Meade, but will look into it. Indeed you are right on all counts--the work of the first and latter especially have laid waste to marriage and families, and thus to our whole society. Which of course was the goal.

The Kinsey "reports" and studies was especially a bunch of hogwash. Men do well in marriage and end up having more sex and more regularly in marriage. But now pornography is the great decimator of their marriages, their brains, and their abilities to then even function in any normal capacity--all the while the deviants tell them this is fine, its fine you burn your brain out so badly that you cannot even function with your wife.

Somewhere, no doubt, Kinsey is cheering. Way to go, Progressives. Way to go.
The concept of 'God' as necessary to a modern human being's thoughts and actions was no longer applicable. 'God' as a human image was 'dead'. The necessary step to a 'higher consciousness', of a human species of a higher order, was no longer held back by archaic projections onto the universe.
This is what Nietzsche was getting at. If anyone's delicate feelings were hurt by the statement, they certainly needed for that to happen in order to awaken.
The concept of 'God' as necessary to a modern human being's thoughts and actions was no longer applicable. 'God' as a human image was 'dead'. The necessary step to a 'higher consciousness', of a human species of a higher order, was no longer held back by archaic projections onto the universe.
This is what Nietzsche was getting at. If anyone's delicate feelings were hurt by the statement, they certainly needed for that to happen in order to awaken.

Oh, humans can certainly imagine a universe without God. But the ramifications of those imaginings are always an utter nightmare, not only intellectually, but morally.

A conundrum, yes?
The concept of 'God' as necessary to a modern human being's thoughts and actions was no longer applicable. 'God' as a human image was 'dead'. The necessary step to a 'higher consciousness', of a human species of a higher order, was no longer held back by archaic projections onto the universe.
This is what Nietzsche was getting at. If anyone's delicate feelings were hurt by the statement, they certainly needed for that to happen in order to awaken.

Oh, humans can certainly imagine a universe without God. But the ramifications of those imaginings are always an utter nightmare, not only intellectually, but morally.

A conundrum, yes?
Not at all. 'God' has become so overused as to be useless as a term. Imagining a universe without the clearly deluded, infantile concepts of a 'being' as described in most religions is positive, even necessary.
Fully mature humans are capable of contemplating a universe that they know they cannot fully encompass. They are prepared to let that universe be what it is and not project what they wish it were.
The fact that consciousness may be the very basis for all we perceive excludes 'God', the limited little idol most. It does not exclude awe inspired contemplation of what life presents us. What is to be found there is much more profound and comforting than the hopelessly wimpy, anthropomorphized deities presented in society.
The concept of 'God' as necessary to a modern human being's thoughts and actions was no longer applicable. 'God' as a human image was 'dead'. The necessary step to a 'higher consciousness', of a human species of a higher order, was no longer held back by archaic projections onto the universe.
This is what Nietzsche was getting at. If anyone's delicate feelings were hurt by the statement, they certainly needed for that to happen in order to awaken.

Oh, humans can certainly imagine a universe without God. But the ramifications of those imaginings are always an utter nightmare, not only intellectually, but morally.

A conundrum, yes?
Not at all. 'God' has become so overused as to be useless as a term. Imagining a universe without the clearly deluded, infantile concepts of a 'being' as described in most religions is positive, even necessary.
Fully mature humans are capable of contemplating a universe that they know they cannot fully encompass. They are prepared to let that universe be what it is and not project what they wish it were.
The fact that consciousness may be the very basis for all we perceive excludes 'God', the limited little idol most. It does not exclude awe inspired contemplation of what life presents us. What is to be found there is much more profound and comforting than the hopelessly wimpy, anthropomorphized deities presented in society.

So consciousness pondering itself for no reason.

No one should bother. I certainly would not, and neither should you.
In 1882 Nietzsche repeated the words of German idealist philosophers: "God is dead" although perhaps as less a statement of victory than the direst of warnings for the new Age breaking on the self-beautifying back of the Enlightenment. So it followed in rapidly evolving idealist schools of philosophy, that if God were truly dead or could never continue to exist in the coming Age of supreme human intellect and wisdom, then the Churches of God must be laid to waste as well.

In the minds of Hegel, Kant, Marx and Engels--early Christian apologists and founders of what was to become the modern atheist faith--no mercy was to be afforded even the still smoldering bones of a God they claimed to have intellectually disproven and dismissed. The Era of the creation of the Christian ossuary was born: a place where after being debunked and wrapped up in neat disbelief, the Logos could be placed, sealed, entombed and done away with for all of time, buried outside of history and hidden from the ken of all coming generations.

What followed in the 20th century were a handful of "revolutionary" thinkers (liars in reality) who set out to bury that philosophical box of bones constructed to hideaway Christianity, and further shovel tons of deceptive dirt over its final resting place. What became of this effort was not the throwing out of actual, true human social history, but rather the rewriting of it with fictional accounts, facts and data still taught to this day in universities around the United States, as the way it really happened. What's terrifyingly worse is how the academically famous works of these grand liars of the last century have become the foundational basis for the anti-Christian, anti-moral, anti-American value system preached to our children on campus, in the media, throughout pop culture and by equally misled parents.

In other words, all of the modern justification--internal and external-- for socio-cultural sexual, societal, entertainment and moral perversion can be laid at the feet of a few academics who fudged their results for the purpose of propagating an anti-Christian, anti-American ideology. Put bluntly: we have been lied to. All the so-called justifications thrown at conservative, Christian, traditional value holding Americans by so-called "liberated" and "enlightened" and socio-culturally progressive radicals has no basis in fact or history. All of their attacks on God, faith and tradition have been founded on lies. And now, here in 2018, the majority of us have been conditioned and programmed to doubt God, doubt the moral, foundational facts of indelible right and wrong, and to accept post 60's cultural revolution America as the de facto "anything goes" truth about historical, normal human behavior.

Below I visit briefly three of the corrupt giants of American cultural ruination whose "research" has, combined, cost our society many millions of potential lives, brainwashed hundreds of millions of American minds, and ruined countless lives. If you have always believed in God, in Christ, in His teachings in spite of the doubt inspired by near modern philosophers and their more recent cultural revolutionary protégés, fear not; you are not alone. Hang in there, keep the faith.

Kinsey Reports - Father of the Sexual Revolution

Alfred Kinsey's 1950's reports supposedly revealed no American sexual revolution was necessary due to the "fact" that nearly every single American adult was already a practitioner of every sexual perversion one could imagine, and many the majority at the time could not. His reports justified pre-marital sex, promiscuity, swinging, infidelity, homosexuality, child sexuality, and casual sex for kicks--all as normative American sexual behaviors--all seeming to prove that the ancient ideas of conservative, Christian sexuality was based on nearly twenty centuries of bullshit. When in fact Kinsey himself was a pervert and sex criminal, and volumes of information have been accepted as thoroughly debunking his "scientific" findings. The truth is out there if you seek it.

Margaret Meade - Mother of the Sexual Revolution

In her 1928 book Coming of Age--destined to become the most widely circulated book in the history of Anthropology--she wrote of her travels to Samoa to study its ancient, closed society. Her findings from her time there reveal a utopian society where its people exist in harmony and productivity despite their cultural tendency for free, casual sex and socially acceptable, anti-Christian sexual perversions. According to some Coming of Age played a key role in shaping American sex education, criminal law, government social policies, and the popular view of acceptable sexual conduct for the next century and beyond.

The problem, however, with Coming of Age stems from later interviews with the same two Samoans Meade studied for her book who lied to her about Samoan sexual culture. That's right, Meade may have only used the feedback of just two Samoans on which to base her entire objective study of Samoan culture. And yet her work is still taught in lecture halls today; still remains a major foundational work on which Western society bases its sexual and cultural norms.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson (National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws - NARAL)

Nathanson's seminal study of and findings on the likelihood and numbers of pregnant women who seek back alley abortions in the absence of legalized, elective abortion set the basis for the popular national outcry (cough-bullshit) for women to have access to legal abortions in America. Guess what? Turns out he made those numbers up.


In review of the above sources of long accepted, yet wholly disproven, academic works based on ideology rather than fact or science, one can only conclude that seeds of deception planted for so long and so often in the minds of our parents, ourselves and our children have not only been done for the purpose of rewriting history and burying Christianity, but also intentionally and out of the most egregious spite aimed at snuffing out millennia of known, practiced and accepted good, responsible, healthy and honest human behavior. An atomic war of culture and philosophy in which we in 2018 America are suffering the endless fallout from and living though a nuclear winter unable to end until the lies are replaced with truth.

This is just an excellent OP and I'm sorry I missed it previously.

I am familiar with the awful work of Kinsey and Nathanson, not so much with Meade, but will look into it. Indeed you are right on all counts--the work of the first and latter especially have laid waste to marriage and families, and thus to our whole society. Which of course was the goal.

The Kinsey "reports" and studies was especially a bunch of hogwash. Men do well in marriage and end up having more sex and more regularly in marriage. But now pornography is the great decimator of their marriages, their brains, and their abilities to then even function in any normal capacity--all the while the deviants tell them this is fine, its fine you burn your brain out so badly that you cannot even function with your wife.

Somewhere, no doubt, Kinsey is cheering. Way to go, Progressives. Way to go.

Thank you.

The works of Kinsey, Nathanson and Meade have become the religion of the radical Left professorship in today's America, and the youth indoctrinated into their highly structured religion have absolutely no idea what philosophies and academically falsified works attempting to rewrite social history their modern Church of social justice was founded upon; our university bound and educated youth simply tow the ideological line and parrot their professors, without much critical thinking.
The concept of 'God' as necessary to a modern human being's thoughts and actions was no longer applicable. 'God' as a human image was 'dead'. The necessary step to a 'higher consciousness', of a human species of a higher order, was no longer held back by archaic projections onto the universe.
This is what Nietzsche was getting at. If anyone's delicate feelings were hurt by the statement, they certainly needed for that to happen in order to awaken.

You've mistaken Nietzsche's evident and self-proclaimed role in the so-called death of God. Nietzsche was the great Christian sentinel of our Modernist Age; he was both an aeonian alarmist and guardian of Christian faith. Where his contemporary German idealist philosophers were Christian apologists and burgeoning atheists, Nietzsche was a cautionary Colossus whose works were intended to warn coming Ages of the nature of coming civilizations in the absence of God. Unfortunately, however not unlike most every other epistemological foundations Marxist inspired Frankfurt School postmodernists get their philosophical hands on, Nietzsche's intent was twisted and redefined in classic Critical Theory and Deconstructionist form, and from his works they built a new religion based on godlessness in hopes of once and for all destroying Christianity and laying the Judeo-Christian God's bones to rest.

Most ironic in your post is the smug arrogance displayed in its effort to "shutdown" the need for our Christian God, when your neo-postmodernist faith was founded upon the necessity not of worshipping the same, but rather on deifying other men into new gods. In other words, your so-called transcendentalist religion is simply one reigned over by intellectuals become philosopher-gods who have replaced the Christian one. You stand for monotheism regressed back to a polytheism not unlike the religion of Classical ancient Greece. Well done, your intellectual revolution has devolved the human mind and its associated history of belief systems back about 2500 years.

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