Sarah Palin Launches Online TV Channel

I think we should start a pool for the death date of Palin's web"TV channel".

This is going to be a giant snore job.
I agree, it will be a flop. By this time next year this will be another funny and embarrassing memory about Sarah Palin.
I wonder if all the RWnuts who are already paying monthly for Glenn Beck's channel will be willing to fork over even more to subscribe to Palin's channel.

Whatever else being a Rightwing Nut is, it's certainly expensive !!
They like to blow their money on foolishness then turn around and blame Obama and the democrats for their bad economy.
Sarah Palin benefits from a cult of personality. 1 out of every 5 voters just loves her. The problem of course is that that's her ceiling now because the other 4 out of 5 think she's an imbecilic know-nothing, including the mainstream of her own party.

It's a great business move for her because that 1 out of 5 are people who are happily going to pay a hundred bucks a year in order to feel like they're in "Sarah's Club". It'll make her followers feel more close to her while the other 4 out of 5 of us will get a good laugh at all the utterly moronic things that happen or are said on that channel.
There is literally nothing that this woman has to offer that I would even be remotely interested in. I think it is embarrassing to see her continuously prostitute herself on the ‘conservative’ vote when she is loonier than anyone I have seen in over a decade. She is an embarrassment to what the word ‘conservative’ means.

Rather she is a testimate to what the words "free market" or "entrepreneur" means.

Your envy clouds your judgment

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