Santorum: "Romney UNIQUELY Disqualified"


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Santorum at the Supreme Court: Romney "uniquely disqualified" to attack health care law - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum came to the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday to lambast President Obama's Affordable Care Act and rival Mitt Romney for signing the Massachusetts blueprint for the national law.

"There's one candidate who is uniquely disqualified to make the case" against the law, Santorum said of Romney. "It's the reason I'm here and he's not. The reason that I talk about Obamacare and its impact on the economy and on fundamental freedoms, and Mitt Romney doesn't. It's because he can't, because he supported government-run health care as governor of Massachusetts."

The Supreme Court is hearing three days of arguments on the constitutionality of the law. With the famous building as a backdrop, Santorum spoke for 15 minutes to a thick crowd of reporters and demonstrators.
Santorum at the Supreme Court: Romney "uniquely disqualified" to attack health care law - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum came to the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday to lambast President Obama's Affordable Care Act and rival Mitt Romney for signing the Massachusetts blueprint for the national law.

"There's one candidate who is uniquely disqualified to make the case" against the law, Santorum said of Romney. "It's the reason I'm here and he's not. The reason that I talk about Obamacare and its impact on the economy and on fundamental freedoms, and Mitt Romney doesn't. It's because he can't, because he supported government-run health care as governor of Massachusetts."

The Supreme Court is hearing three days of arguments on the constitutionality of the law. With the famous building as a backdrop, Santorum spoke for 15 minutes to a thick crowd of reporters and demonstrators.

The Federal Government is uniquely constricted by the U.S. Constitution--whereas states with their own State Supreme courts give more lee-way on issues for Romneycare--that's why there was never any court decision on this. Under amendment 10 of the U.S. Constitution---states reserve their right to make their own decisions--and that is why most of us are required by our states to carry auto liability insurance.
Santorum at the Supreme Court: Romney "uniquely disqualified" to attack health care law - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum came to the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday to lambast President Obama's Affordable Care Act and rival Mitt Romney for signing the Massachusetts blueprint for the national law.

"There's one candidate who is uniquely disqualified to make the case" against the law, Santorum said of Romney. "It's the reason I'm here and he's not. The reason that I talk about Obamacare and its impact on the economy and on fundamental freedoms, and Mitt Romney doesn't. It's because he can't, because he supported government-run health care as governor of Massachusetts."

The Supreme Court is hearing three days of arguments on the constitutionality of the law. With the famous building as a backdrop, Santorum spoke for 15 minutes to a thick crowd of reporters and demonstrators.

The Federal Government is uniquely constricted by the U.S. Constitution--whereas states with their own State Supreme courts give more lee-way on issues for Romneycare--that's why there was never any court decision on this. Under amendment 10 of the U.S. Constitution---states reserve their right to make their own decisions--and that is why most of us are required by our states to carry auto liability insurance.

Santorum appears to have a different view; he says Romney cannot speak out against a NATIONAL health care mandate because Romney supported a STATE mandate.....:eusa_angel:
Santorum at the Supreme Court: Romney "uniquely disqualified" to attack health care law - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum came to the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday to lambast President Obama's Affordable Care Act and rival Mitt Romney for signing the Massachusetts blueprint for the national law.

"There's one candidate who is uniquely disqualified to make the case" against the law, Santorum said of Romney. "It's the reason I'm here and he's not. The reason that I talk about Obamacare and its impact on the economy and on fundamental freedoms, and Mitt Romney doesn't. It's because he can't, because he supported government-run health care as governor of Massachusetts."

The Supreme Court is hearing three days of arguments on the constitutionality of the law. With the famous building as a backdrop, Santorum spoke for 15 minutes to a thick crowd of reporters and demonstrators.

The Federal Government is uniquely constricted by the U.S. Constitution--whereas states with their own State Supreme courts give more lee-way on issues for Romneycare--that's why there was never any court decision on this. Under amendment 10 of the U.S. Constitution---states reserve their right to make their own decisions--and that is why most of us are required by our states to carry auto liability insurance.

Santorum appears to have a different view; he says Romney cannot speak out against a NATIONAL health care mandate because Romney supported a STATE mandate.....:eusa_angel:

Willard also said he'd like to see his HC plan implemented nationwide...

There's tape.
Santorum at the Supreme Court: Romney "uniquely disqualified" to attack health care law - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum came to the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday to lambast President Obama's Affordable Care Act and rival Mitt Romney for signing the Massachusetts blueprint for the national law.

"There's one candidate who is uniquely disqualified to make the case" against the law, Santorum said of Romney. "It's the reason I'm here and he's not. The reason that I talk about Obamacare and its impact on the economy and on fundamental freedoms, and Mitt Romney doesn't. It's because he can't, because he supported government-run health care as governor of Massachusetts."

The Supreme Court is hearing three days of arguments on
the constitutionality of the law. With the famous building as a backdrop, Santorum spoke for 15 minutes to a thick crowd of reporters and demonstrators.

Rick Santorum standing on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to give speech's about the constitutionality of something is laughable.

After all--it is he that is still arguing with a 1965 U.S. Supreme court decision (Griswold v Connecticut) saying that "states have the right to ban birth control contraceptives--and that supreme court activism are giving us to many rights"----:badgrin:
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

I could go on all day long with statements like "I don't believe in the separation of church and state" coming out of the mouth of Rick Santorum--but this guy is so fundamentally ignorant of the basic principles of our founding father's document--it makes him unfit to make a single comment about their actions--or attack anyone else's.

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Romney's Healthcare Fix

For more information, click here to visit Mitt Romney Central's health care page.
RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central

Romney states that there is no easy fix for America's healthcare crisis. The healthcare crisis is so complicated and enormous, that there is no one simple change, or "magic bullet," that is going to easily solve our healthcare problem.

Romney states that "given the magnitude of the healthcare crisis America faces, small measures simply will not get the job done." What is needed is a fundamental restructuring of the healthcare market.

Unlike many Democrats, Romney believes in free market solutions to solve this problem. A government takeover of healthcare or more regulations of the healthcare industry will be counterproductive and inefficient.

Here is a list of items Romney discusses in a recent speech and in his book, No Apology, that will help ameliorate America's healthcare crisis:

Mitt Romney and Healthcare: Romney's Healthcare Fix

Mitt Romney health care presentation - The Washington Post
Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

For a more detailed summary, click here to visit Mitt Romney Central's health care page.
RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central

A recent article in The New Yorker magazine states that "Romney had accomplished a longstanding Democratic goal - universal health insurance - by combining three conservative policies." In other words, Romney had beaten Democrats at their own goal of providing universal health insurance. But Romney's novel approach accomplished this goal not with a government takeover, but with conservative principles. The success of Romney's healthcare law led many Democrats to consider adopting a similar approach to achieving universal health insurance.

The article goes on to say that in 2006 when Romneycare was passed, "most conservatives praised Romney's plan." The Bush administration sent a letter praising the passage of the new law. An often overlooked fact is that without the support of the Bush administration, Romney's healthcare law never would have become a reality.

The Boston Globe editorial board recently published an article defending Romneycare on conservative grounds. The editorial board states "the role Romney played on the state level was skillful, creative, and business friendly. Romney was a governor sensitive to business concerns and worried about the state's business climate."

Mitt Romney and Healthcare: Romneycare Vs. Obamacare
Rick Santorum standing on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to give speech's about the constitutionality of something is laughable.

After all--it is he that is still arguing with a 1965 U.S. Supreme court decision (Griswold v Connecticut) saying that "states have the right to ban birth control contraceptives--and that supreme court activism are giving us to many rights"----:badgrin:

Do you have a link to an article or video of Santorum saying that?
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The Federal Government is uniquely constricted by the U.S. Constitution--whereas states with their own State Supreme courts give more lee-way on issues for Romneycare--that's why there was never any court decision on this. Under amendment 10 of the U.S. Constitution---states reserve their right to make their own decisions--and that is why most of us are required by our states to carry auto liability insurance.

Provided state laws don’t preempt Federal law, comport with the Constitution, and don’t violate their citizens’ rights. See:

McCulloch v. Maryland

Gibbons v. Ogden

United States v. Darby

William G. COOPER et al., Members of the Board of Directors of the Little Rock, Arkansas Independent School District, and Virgil T. Blossom, Superintendent of Schools, Petitioners, v. John AARON et al. | Supreme Court | LII / Legal Information Instit

In Darby, with regard to the 10th Amendment, the Court reaffirmed:
From the beginning and for many years, the [Tenth A]mendment has been construed as not depriving the national government of authority to resort to all means for the exercise of a granted power which are appropriate and plainly adapted to the permitted end.

Otherwise, it seems Santorum has as much of an issue with the NYT as the ACA.
Those on the left have a great deal at stake in insuring Mitt is the candidate, it translates into the final division of the GOP into two parties, insures the big dummy in the woods sits on his ass for another 4 years usurping our freedoms for his progressive state.
Santorum is a dumbass that will sell out the Republicans for the nominee since he thinks it makes him look special just being the nominee.

His ass should be banned from the GOP Convention along with the Newt.

At least everyone sees Ron Paul as a harmless crazy old man but the Newt and Santorum are two greedy assholes only out for themselves.
Santorum is a dumbass that will sell out the Republicans for the nominee since he thinks it makes him look special just being the nominee.

His ass should be banned from the GOP Convention along with the Newt.

At least everyone sees Ron Paul as a harmless crazy old man but the Newt and Santorum are two greedy assholes only out for themselves.

This thread went south quick, with so many Zimmerman/Martin threads.
I beleive the word he meant to us was UNqualified.

To be DISqualified, one would have had to be qualified in the first place.
Rick Santorum standing on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to give speech's about the constitutionality of something is laughable.

After all--it is he that is still arguing with a 1965 U.S. Supreme court decision (Griswold v Connecticut) saying that "states have the right to ban birth control contraceptives--and that supreme court activism are giving us to many rights"----:badgrin:

Do you have a link to an article or video of Santorum saying that?

In the first post.

Santorum at the Supreme Court: Romney "uniquely disqualified" to attack health care law - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

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