Santorum never insulted Obama's Christian faith Transcript here


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Well well one more time the media in the tank for Obama takes something completely out of context, cherry pick a couple of phrases and basically lie their asses off nationwide for days.

Santorum is talking about the phony theology of climate science. I hate the press more than ever.

What evil lying scumbuckets they have become.:evil::evil::evil:

Transcript from Newsbusters:

SANTORUM: The price of fuel right now, they’re talking maybe by the summer we’re looking at $5 a gallon. Why? Why? Because this president systematically is doing everything he can to raise the price of energy in this country.

He’s shutting down all sorts of opportunities for us to drill for oil. He’s now trying to infuse not science when it comes to the environment, not environmental science when it comes to drilling wells for oil and gas in Pennsylvania and North Dakota and other places that use hydraulic fracking.

He’s trying to do again what he tried to do with global warming. Instead of using climate science or global science he uses political science.

And political science in this case is suggesting that a technology that has been successfully used to drill hundreds of thousands of wells in this country, hundreds of thousands of oil and gas wells, all of a sudden now that’s a dangerous technology.

Why? Because it could lead to lower energy prices. That’s the dangerousness of this technology.

It doesn’t fit his pattern of trying to drive down consumption, driving to drive up your cost of transportation to accomplish his political science goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

This is what the president’s agenda is. It’s not about you. It’s not about you. It’s not about your quality of life. It’s not about your jobs

. It’s about some phony ideal, some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible, a different theology.


That's a far cry from what Schieffer and virtually every media member in the nation has depicted about Santorum’s phrase “phony theology.”

The reality is that folks on the right for years have referred to environmentalism as being a religion, and believing anthropogenic carbon dioxide is responsible for the planet’s recent warming is similarly so.

In this context, there was absolutely nothing wrong with what Santorum said Saturday.

Quite contrary to the media meme, he was not talking about the president’s religious beliefs. He was talking about the president’s blind adherence to a different calling – from radical environmentalists who use junk science to advance their economically damaging agenda.

But folks in the media didn’t want to portray that. They’d rather cherry-pick six sentences out of a 41 minute speech to depict Santorum as impugning the president’s faith.

And this is what they’re willing to do to get Barack Obama reelected.

For the next eight-plus months, Santorum and his fellow presidential candidates are going to continually have sentences cherry-picked from speeches to radically change their meaning and assist the current White House resident to retain his position.

We've been predicting this for months and sadly believe you ain't seen nothin' yet!

Read more: Media Cherry Pick 41-Minute Santorum Speech to Misrepresent Obama's

Of course he did.

He said Obama's faith is not "Christian". Which is fine.

I think he should do it more often. Maybe even call him a muslim or something. Then he could start saying other he doesn't think a black man should make decisions regarding people lives..

Oh wait..

[ame=]Santorum: Obama Should Oppose Abortion Because He Is Black - YouTube[/ame]
Well well one more time the media in the tank for Obama takes something completely out of context, cherry pick a couple of phrases and basically lie their asses off nationwide for days.

Santorum is talking about the phony theology of climate science. I hate the press more than ever.

What evil lying scumbuckets they have become.:evil::evil::evil:

Transcript from Newsbusters:

SANTORUM: The price of fuel right now, they’re talking maybe by the summer we’re looking at $5 a gallon. Why? Why? Because this president systematically is doing everything he can to raise the price of energy in this country.

He’s shutting down all sorts of opportunities for us to drill for oil. He’s now trying to infuse not science when it comes to the environment, not environmental science when it comes to drilling wells for oil and gas in Pennsylvania and North Dakota and other places that use hydraulic fracking.

He’s trying to do again what he tried to do with global warming. Instead of using climate science or global science he uses political science.

And political science in this case is suggesting that a technology that has been successfully used to drill hundreds of thousands of wells in this country, hundreds of thousands of oil and gas wells, all of a sudden now that’s a dangerous technology.

Why? Because it could lead to lower energy prices. That’s the dangerousness of this technology.

It doesn’t fit his pattern of trying to drive down consumption, driving to drive up your cost of transportation to accomplish his political science goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

This is what the president’s agenda is. It’s not about you. It’s not about you. It’s not about your quality of life. It’s not about your jobs

. It’s about some phony ideal, some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible, a different theology.


That's a far cry from what Schieffer and virtually every media member in the nation has depicted about Santorum’s phrase “phony theology.”

The reality is that folks on the right for years have referred to environmentalism as being a religion, and believing anthropogenic carbon dioxide is responsible for the planet’s recent warming is similarly so.

In this context, there was absolutely nothing wrong with what Santorum said Saturday.

Quite contrary to the media meme, he was not talking about the president’s religious beliefs. He was talking about the president’s blind adherence to a different calling – from radical environmentalists who use junk science to advance their economically damaging agenda.

But folks in the media didn’t want to portray that. They’d rather cherry-pick six sentences out of a 41 minute speech to depict Santorum as impugning the president’s faith.

And this is what they’re willing to do to get Barack Obama reelected.

For the next eight-plus months, Santorum and his fellow presidential candidates are going to continually have sentences cherry-picked from speeches to radically change their meaning and assist the current White House resident to retain his position.

We've been predicting this for months and sadly believe you ain't seen nothin' yet!

Read more: Media Cherry Pick 41-Minute Santorum Speech to Misrepresent Obama's

How accurate... I mean here we have a MSM Newsweek editor calling Obama
" I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." – NewsWeek Editor Evan Thomas..

So again.. with this attitude the MSM is totally up Obama's backside and I would think most independents would BE really insulted as I was for supposedly professional demeanor of a "hack"???
Obama's theology is rooted in anti-American radical Liberation theology.....remember his pastor's "God Damn America".....?

BO has the cover of being a "Christian"......while pushing his Marxism....
Of course these people want to talk about anything else, EXCEPT the Obama's record.

Expect this crap for the next nine months folks..

I'm pretty sure the people won't let these fake accusations every other day distract them, they are used to these types games.

Of course these people want to talk about anything else, EXCEPT the Obama's record.

Expect this crap for the next nine months folks..

I'm pretty sure the people won't let these fake accusations every other day distract them, they are used to these types games.


Why do you call the President "The Obama"?
Santorum never insulted Obama's Christian faith

That’s nice, the media are bad, and Santorum is still unqualified to be president:

The truth is that for decades terms like “secular,” “secular humanist,” “atheist,” and “liberal,” have been used by the right as if all were synonyms of one another and synonyms of every form of depravity known to the species. Santorum is not the first conservative Christian public figure to draw these loose associations, though he is presently the most visible

It is easy, lucrative, and even pleasurable, to pulverize sinister secularism. It rallies the base, secures contributions, and helps conservative voters focus on demonic (i.e., liberal, Democratic) forces possessing our political system. It is much harder, however, to explain how citizens who base their civic thinking on Santorum’s “divine revelation” could possibly live in peace when those revelations might lead them to completely different policy prescriptions. Anti-secular rhetoric, at its core, is a demagogic evasion.

Why does Santorum despise the separation of church and state? - Georgetown/On Faith - The Washington Post


Santorum is therefore interested only in dividing, not uniting, and focusing on non-issues for a perceived political gain while serious matters go un-addressed. For these and many other reasons, Santorum has no business being president.
Santorum never insulted Obama's Christian faith

That’s nice, the media are bad, and Santorum is still unqualified to be president:

The truth is that for decades terms like “secular,” “secular humanist,” “atheist,” and “liberal,” have been used by the right as if all were synonyms of one another and synonyms of every form of depravity known to the species. Santorum is not the first conservative Christian public figure to draw these loose associations, though he is presently the most visible

It is easy, lucrative, and even pleasurable, to pulverize sinister secularism. It rallies the base, secures contributions, and helps conservative voters focus on demonic (i.e., liberal, Democratic) forces possessing our political system. It is much harder, however, to explain how citizens who base their civic thinking on Santorum’s “divine revelation” could possibly live in peace when those revelations might lead them to completely different policy prescriptions. Anti-secular rhetoric, at its core, is a demagogic evasion.

Why does Santorum despise the separation of church and state? - Georgetown/On Faith - The Washington Post


Santorum is therefore interested only in dividing, not uniting, and focusing on non-issues for a perceived political gain while serious matters go un-addressed. For these and many other reasons, Santorum has no business being president.

But but..he plays with dead babies!

That in itself is amazing.
Liberal must obfuscate...they have no choice.

The plans are set to run against Romney...can't allow that to be screwed up by the Republican party nominating someone else.
Why do you call the President "The Obama"?

The Sisko has returned to us.

If you're going to use the word 'theology', you're talking religion by implication. It was a sly way of elevating his argument in the eyes of the primary faithful. It'll kill him in the general, though.
If you're going to use the word 'theology', you're talking religion by implication. It was a sly way of elevating his argument in the eyes of the primary faithful. It'll kill him in the general, though.

Well they think all this codetalking dog whistle crapola isn't easy to understand.

Here's a hint.

It is easy to understand.
Not a theology based on the Bible. A "phony" theology.

I'm watching Santorum right now on TV.
You people on the far left are nuts. What next? Marxist is a racist code word for.......oh wait. Already been done.

For years upon years we deniers have been calling global warming kooks as following a religion.

But go ahead smear yourself with lies.


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