Sandra Fluke

ahhh the republican party is just going to win over the female voters one "clam" at a time.

Jesus you people are dumber than fuck

Seems some women voters aren't so easily bribed by a desperate smooth talking salesman, willing to do anything to try and get himself re-elected. The question is, now that the country has received a "lemon", why would we want to go through 4 more years of this?
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Why should she? isn't a worthy or credible source of anything.

You might be right about her. Why should a Propagandist actually back up what she says when she can read unchallenged from a script at a convention.


"back up what she says" ? How does one do that on All they are going to do is call her names and yell at her.

Sounds like a day in the life of MSNBC.
You might be right about her. Why should a Propagandist actually back up what she says when she can read unchallenged from a script at a convention.


"back up what she says" ? How does one do that on All they are going to do is call her names and yell at her.

No one said it had to be on Breitbart. I'm sure if she accepted, any neutral venue would do.

Which neutral venue has offered her an interview?
If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.

TAMPA, Fla. — Liberal contraception activist Sandra Fluke isn’t taking up editor Dana Loesch’s challenge to a debate on women’s issues.

The conservative firebrand Loesch has been tweeting at Fluke and publicly challenging the liberal activist Thursday to a debate and discussion on the issues, but Fluke, who strolled through the Republican National Convention Thursday afternoon, has not responded. Loesch has even gone looking for Fluke, who appears to have disappeared after a series of media appearances at the convention center.

Fluke showed up at the RNC with Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, early Thursday afternoon and the two paraded around media outlets in the convention center pushing their message.

Loesch isn’t surprised that Fluke has not agreed to a debate.

“If Sandra Fluke is going to come here and talk about women’s issues, then why not talk to actual conservative women about women’s issues?” Loesch told The Daily Caller. “I mean, that’s the whole point. You can’t just come here and hold a press conference and not take any questions. You can’t just go on MSNBC and say whatever you want. Is she an advocate or propagandist? Which one is she? If she’s an advocate, she’s completely willing to have a discussion on the issues. Democrats don’t speak for women. They don’t speak for me. I would like to hear why she thinks she speaks for all women because she obviously does not.”

“She hasn’t shown any desire to listen to what conservative women have to say and why they’re happy with the Republican Party and why they are voting for Republicans,” Loesch continued. “She thinks that the Democrats have a patent on women’s issues? Here you have the Obama White House which has actual pay inequality and here you have the Obama White House which removed the sovereignty women have over their own body and then there’s this unelected board for Medicare that’s not regulated by HHS? Where is she on those issues if she’s such a women’s advocate.”

Because Fluke is “not willing to engage on the issues,” Loesch said that “signals to me that she’s not an advocate but she’s a propagandist.”

“I’m genuine,” Loesch said. “I want a genuine discussion. I don’t understand why Democrat women — when they claim to speak for all women — why they’re stopping this very important discussion.”

“Is she afraid to be challenged on the ideas?” Loesch added. “That’s what it signals to me is that she’s unwilling to actually engage in a conversation with real conservative women. Is it because she’s afraid and doesn’t have the strength of her own conviction? That says to me quite a lot. I’m willing to put it on the line, why isn’t she?”

Loesch said she thinks Fluke is nothing more than a creation made by President Barack Obama as part of an effort to push liberal politics. “I don’t know of any other ‘private citizen’ who is represented by the Knickerbocker PR firm in Washington, D.C., which happens to be run by Anita Dunn, Barack Obama’s former communications director,” Loesch said. “I don’t know any private citizen who just happens to have that affiliation. This was an entirely fabricated narrative from the Democrats and they needed a face to put on it and so Sandra Fluke was the face that they put on it. I want to know if she’s woman enough to come talk to me.”

Fluke has not responded to a request for comment from The Daily Caller about Loesch’s challenge either.

Read more: Sandra Fluke chickening out on women's issues debate? | The Daily Caller

I dont recall any democrat having anything that could be described as courage in a very long time... You have to break out the history books to find one.
If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.

TAMPA, Fla. — Liberal contraception activist Sandra Fluke isn’t taking up editor Dana Loesch’s challenge to a debate on women’s issues.

The conservative firebrand Loesch has been tweeting at Fluke and publicly challenging the liberal activist Thursday to a debate and discussion on the issues, but Fluke, who strolled through the Republican National Convention Thursday afternoon, has not responded. Loesch has even gone looking for Fluke, who appears to have disappeared after a series of media appearances at the convention center.

Fluke showed up at the RNC with Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, early Thursday afternoon and the two paraded around media outlets in the convention center pushing their message.

Loesch isn’t surprised that Fluke has not agreed to a debate.

“If Sandra Fluke is going to come here and talk about women’s issues, then why not talk to actual conservative women about women’s issues?” Loesch told The Daily Caller. “I mean, that’s the whole point. You can’t just come here and hold a press conference and not take any questions. You can’t just go on MSNBC and say whatever you want. Is she an advocate or propagandist? Which one is she? If she’s an advocate, she’s completely willing to have a discussion on the issues. Democrats don’t speak for women. They don’t speak for me. I would like to hear why she thinks she speaks for all women because she obviously does not.”

“She hasn’t shown any desire to listen to what conservative women have to say and why they’re happy with the Republican Party and why they are voting for Republicans,” Loesch continued. “She thinks that the Democrats have a patent on women’s issues? Here you have the Obama White House which has actual pay inequality and here you have the Obama White House which removed the sovereignty women have over their own body and then there’s this unelected board for Medicare that’s not regulated by HHS? Where is she on those issues if she’s such a women’s advocate.”

Because Fluke is “not willing to engage on the issues,” Loesch said that “signals to me that she’s not an advocate but she’s a propagandist.”

“I’m genuine,” Loesch said. “I want a genuine discussion. I don’t understand why Democrat women — when they claim to speak for all women — why they’re stopping this very important discussion.”

“Is she afraid to be challenged on the ideas?” Loesch added. “That’s what it signals to me is that she’s unwilling to actually engage in a conversation with real conservative women. Is it because she’s afraid and doesn’t have the strength of her own conviction? That says to me quite a lot. I’m willing to put it on the line, why isn’t she?”

Loesch said she thinks Fluke is nothing more than a creation made by President Barack Obama as part of an effort to push liberal politics. “I don’t know of any other ‘private citizen’ who is represented by the Knickerbocker PR firm in Washington, D.C., which happens to be run by Anita Dunn, Barack Obama’s former communications director,” Loesch said. “I don’t know any private citizen who just happens to have that affiliation. This was an entirely fabricated narrative from the Democrats and they needed a face to put on it and so Sandra Fluke was the face that they put on it. I want to know if she’s woman enough to come talk to me.”

Fluke has not responded to a request for comment from The Daily Caller about Loesch’s challenge either.

Read more: Sandra Fluke chickening out on women's issues debate? | The Daily Caller

I dont recall any democrat having anything that could be described as courage in a very long time... You have to break out the history books to find one.

I dont recall any Republican having anything that could be described as courage in a very long time... You have to break out the history books to find one.[/
Andrew has changed his address.:lol:

Laughing at the death of someone else because they hold opinons different then your own. Real classy you gutless fucktard.

If only it was because Andrew held a differnt opinion rather that attack his opponent with untruthfulledited videos.

Oh yes, that makes it much better. Apologists are always funny to me.

So making a video you purport to be edited unfairly, THATS the line drawn on making fun of someones death.

Got it.
I dont recall any Republican having anything that could be described as courage in a very long time... You have to break out the history books to find one.[/

Democratic courage is looking a problem in the eye ... and having someone else fix it for you. I personally don't think "courage" is the right word for that...
We could start a new trend.

"Get fluked"

"Go fluke yourself"

"Trojan brand flukedoms"

The damned car won't "fluken" start

What a "flucken" mess.
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they jsut hate it when women want to be in charge of their own "clams".

keep your fucking dirty heads out of the clams of women who dont invite you into their "clam".

Well you see, dumber'n dirt, it is Fluk herself that has "invited" EVERYONE into her smelly "clam." She wants to live an irresponsible life style getting her "clam" POKED day and night, and she wants THE AMERICAN TAX PAYERS to PAY for HER CONTRACEPTIVES. Well, sorry, shit for brains, I don't care if it's sandy fuck or your greasy crotch, if you want to lay around day and night with your legs spread panting for every swinging dick to pound your pud, THEN YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT!

Now go dunk your head in a barrel of SHIT you IGNORANT FUCKING MORON.

Oh joy, ignorance of the purpose of birth control for women abounds. It amazes me, in this day and age, and with the internet just sitting there waiting for you to inform yourself, that Americans can still be so obstinately and insanely ignorant of how birth control works. Or what purpose it serves. It's not fucking rocket science.
Which Fluke would you like to eat?



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