Same people crying Benghazi panel didnt find anything r the same people still insisting bush "lied"


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
..........................14 years later; with absolutely no proof of anything.
so it's pretty freaking funny to see left-wing losers crying about accusations that haven't been proven, and things that are politically-motivated

idiots and hypocrites
I don't think Bush lied about the WMDs. I think he was mistaken. But he can be forgiven for that mistake because Hussein was being a dick about allowing international inspectors to inspect suspected sites. EVERYONE thought Hussein had WMDs, and Hussein was acting as if he did.

WMDs or no WMDs, though, I think a second war with Hussein was inevitable. Sooner or later, we were going to be at war with that asshole again. I know this from personal experience over there.

So I'm not angry at Bush for invading Iraq.

What I am angry at Bush for is for the way he prosecuted the war. He made what will probably go down as the biggest military blunder in American history. Demobilizing the Iraqi army and de-Ba'athification was about as idiotic as it gets, and a giant chunk of the insurgency was former Iraqi soldiers. Bush should have done what the US did in Germany and Japan and Italy after WWII and kept the Iraqi army on the payroll to keep the country stabilized until it could transition to a new government.

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