SALT Limits: Are you For or Against?

Are you For or Against SALT limits on Federal Income Tax deductions?

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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I don't think the Federal government should subsidize millionaires in high tax states. Do you?
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SALT deductions should not exist at all.

How much you pay in state and local taxes has no bearing on the Fed Govt.
Rich folks will get away with exactly what the Fed lets them get away with. They are within the law when they file. If not the IRS visits.
It's not double taxing, nether are death taxes, state income taxes, gift taxes, interest earned on savings...Why should I have to subsidize some rich persons mansion and vacation home?
So you are cool with double taxation ?

Maybe we shouldn't allow states to tax at all?
Tell ya what let's do this. First we eliminate all other forms of taxation on any level.
Next we have a flat rate tax based on percentage of income, any income.
Next we split the taxes paid in to the feds by how much was collected from each state and the fed keeps say half and the other half is passed to the state from where the tax came from. Next the states split their half with the counties were the tax originated and so on down. Lastly at the end of the year everyone sits down and earmarks where and how the tax dollars they paid in are spent which takes the checkbook away from the political assholes in Congress, state legislators etc. Therefore the more tax you pay in the more say so you have but on the other hand, if you've paid in nothing then you'd have nothing to say.
Would that make everyone happy? Well maybe not the carrer political assholes but it's about time we made them miserable for a change.
SALT deductions should not exist at all.

How much you pay in state and local taxes has no bearing on the Fed Govt.
Should states with incomes on the higher average recive a lesser % of federal benefit programs than states with lesser avg incomes?

How about if the money didn't leave the state in the first place?
SALT deductions should not exist at all.

How much you pay in state and local taxes has no bearing on the Fed Govt.
Should states with incomes on the higher average recive a lesser % of federal benefit programs than states with lesser avg incomes?

I do not think average income should come in to play at all.

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So you are cool with double taxation ?
how so? it is the state's issue, and yes, we are double taxed every fking day.

Buy gas to drive on the roads, tax/ drive on a tollway, you pay a toll, tax. double tax. all within the state. hmmm what's wrong with you, did a fking pelican fly into your head at some point in your life? strange.....

buy a drink, tax/ buy a smoke, tax/ rent a room/ tax. fk dude, tell me something that isn't fking taxed by these leftist fks? no, no, come on answer me.

Ever stay at a hotel and look at the different taxes on the bill? hly fk mthr fkr, you're fking out there.
SALT deductions should not exist at all.

How much you pay in state and local taxes has no bearing on the Fed Govt.
Abusive & Overbearing State Governments that are Over-Bloated and Inefficient and Rife with Fraud and Waste should not have an easy out by using SALT to mitigate their incompetent misuse of tax dollars.
SALT deductions should not exist at all.

How much you pay in state and local taxes has no bearing on the Fed Govt.
Should states with incomes on the higher average recive a lesser % of federal benefit programs than states with lesser avg incomes?
States with large populations of Illegal Aliens and who allow Sanctuary Cities should have their share of Federal Tax Dollars cut in half.
SALT deductions should not exist at all.

How much you pay in state and local taxes has no bearing on the Fed Govt.
Should states with incomes on the higher average recive a lesser % of federal benefit programs than states with lesser avg incomes?

I do not think average income should come in to play at all.

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States with the most LibTard Millionaires should be taxed at a 90% tax rate.
So you are cool with double taxation ?

Maybe we shouldn't allow states to tax at all?
Tell ya what let's do this. First we eliminate all other forms of taxation on any level.
Next we have a flat rate tax based on percentage of income, any income.
Next we split the taxes paid in to the feds by how much was collected from each state and the fed keeps say half and the other half is passed to the state from where the tax came from. Next the states split their half with the counties were the tax originated and so on down. Lastly at the end of the year everyone sits down and earmarks where and how the tax dollars they paid in are spent which takes the checkbook away from the political assholes in Congress, state legislators etc. Therefore the more tax you pay in the more say so you have but on the other hand, if you've paid in nothing then you'd have nothing to say.
Would that make everyone happy? Well maybe not the carrer political assholes but it's about time we made them miserable for a change.
Pretty Good Idea!!!
So you are cool with double taxation ?
Double Taxation is taking in Illegal Aliens in to this country and forcing American Taxpayers pay for Benefits for Them and American Citizens Both.

Illegals should get NOTHING, but Deportation.
SALT deductions should not exist at all.

How much you pay in state and local taxes has no bearing on the Fed Govt.
Should states with incomes on the higher average recive a lesser % of federal benefit programs than states with lesser avg incomes?

I do not think average income should come in to play at all.

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Well, states where there is more income tend to pay more fed income tax and the SALT taxes, yet rural red states like my own in Miss, tend to pay less federal and state taxes, but get more per capita, and more than paid in fed taxes, in fed aid.

So the gop's killing the SALT tax deduction was in it's own sense … class warfare, because the SALT deductions ameliorated the disparity in terms of aid to the states that the fed govt picked up after WWII in an effort to make rural red states less totally sucks in terms of livability.
So you are cool with double taxation ?

Maybe we shouldn't allow states to tax at all?
Tell ya what let's do this. First we eliminate all other forms of taxation on any level.
Next we have a flat rate tax based on percentage of income, any income.
Next we split the taxes paid in to the feds by how much was collected from each state and the fed keeps say half and the other half is passed to the state from where the tax came from. Next the states split their half with the counties were the tax originated and so on down. Lastly at the end of the year everyone sits down and earmarks where and how the tax dollars they paid in are spent which takes the checkbook away from the political assholes in Congress, state legislators etc. Therefore the more tax you pay in the more say so you have but on the other hand, if you've paid in nothing then you'd have nothing to say.
Would that make everyone happy? Well maybe not the carrer political assholes but it's about time we made them miserable for a change.
Pretty Good Idea!!!

Yeah well there may be some details to iron out but that's the gist of it but anything is better than the friggin mess we have now. The best parts are taking the checkbook away from the crooked assholes who makes carrer of leaching off of America and letting every government funded activity stand on its own and be funded and paid for by people who actually contribute something. I think in the long run things would iron themselves out as the shit we don't want or need would naturally dry up and die from lack of funding. I like to think of it as real democracy in action. After all money talks while bullshit walks. I think it would also help bring about drastic changes for the better in the quality of people serving in government as in they might actually start serving us instead of themselves for a change. As you know I also believe in single term limits.
So you are cool with double taxation ?

Maybe we shouldn't allow states to tax at all?
Tell ya what let's do this. First we eliminate all other forms of taxation on any level.
Next we have a flat rate tax based on percentage of income, any income.
Next we split the taxes paid in to the feds by how much was collected from each state and the fed keeps say half and the other half is passed to the state from where the tax came from. Next the states split their half with the counties were the tax originated and so on down. Lastly at the end of the year everyone sits down and earmarks where and how the tax dollars they paid in are spent which takes the checkbook away from the political assholes in Congress, state legislators etc. Therefore the more tax you pay in the more say so you have but on the other hand, if you've paid in nothing then you'd have nothing to say.
Would that make everyone happy? Well maybe not the carrer political assholes but it's about time we made them miserable for a change.
Pretty Good Idea!!!

Yeah well there may be some details to iron out but that's the gist of it but anything is better than the friggin mess we have now. The best parts are taking the checkbook away from the crooked assholes who makes carrer of leaching off of America and letting every government funded activity stand on its own and be funded and paid for by people who actually contribute something. I think in the long run things would iron themselves out as the shit we don't want or need would naturally dry up and die from lack of funding. I like to think of it as real democracy in action. After all money talks while bullshit walks. I think it would also help bring about drastic changes for the better in the quality of people serving in government as in they might actually start serving us instead of themselves for a change. As you know I also believe in single term limits.
I like the idea of automatic and proportional distribution of tax dollars to the states.
SALT deductions should not exist at all.

How much you pay in state and local taxes has no bearing on the Fed Govt.
Should states with incomes on the higher average recive a lesser % of federal benefit programs than states with lesser avg incomes?

I do not think average income should come in to play at all.

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Well, states where there is more income tend to pay more fed income tax and the SALT taxes, yet rural red states like my own in Miss, tend to pay less federal and state taxes, but get more per capita, and more than paid in fed taxes, in fed aid.

So the gop's killing the SALT tax deduction was in it's own sense … class warfare, because the SALT deductions ameliorated the disparity in terms of aid to the states that the fed govt picked up after WWII in an effort to make rural red states less totally sucks in terms of livability.
Nah, because what is going to happen, is that States Like California which are hogging up all the tax money for Illegal Aliens are going to start getting squeezed more and more until they end up with virtually nothing.

States with high populations of Illegals should be punished by having their Federal Funds Cut.

We also need to put in place a system which ELIMINATES the counting of Illegals for determining the number of electoral votes a state gets and the number of representatives as well as the amount of Federal Resources they are given.

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