Sabra and Shatila: 30 Years Ago Today

sick fook.
No doubt Seal equates the Palestinians to the Irish as the underdogs. However, he has never considered the underdogs in Muslim countries, which of course take in all the minorities as well as Muslims themselves of the less favored sect, such as the Shiites and Ahmadisers in places like Pakistan. Christian children are being killed right now in Muslim countries as well as young Christian girls being kidnapped and forced to convert, but somehow Seal doesn't consider these people the underdogs. Maybe he is not concerned with these children since the Jews are not involved. How many Christian children have been killed in the Syrian conflict, Seal, by now, or are their deaths not important to you? I realize on the old AOL Middle East Discussion Board you had nothing to say about the Christians being killed by Muslims in Iraq or Egypt, but I hope you are keeping track of what is happening to them in Syria and also in places like Nigeria at present.

stupid fook.

what do christians in nigeria have to do with what is going on in israel and palestine.
i you want to talk about it though, start a fookin' thread. i/m not stopping you.

obviously you are too concerned about christians in nigeria to trouble yourself with trying to level the wage inequity between men and women in the united states. i was very active in that struggle and was entirely and 100% successful in achieving wage parity between men and women in my workplace in a nationwide company with over 300,000 employees..

and while we are on that subect, i was also the very first person in this whole united states to attempt to enter into labour-management contract language the idea of on site day care for employees with children and while i was not successfulo, that idea was picked up by other activists and has been met with some success.

and, those koala changing stations we now see in men's rooms actoss the USA...there were none in my city, a very sociaally progressive city, when my son was born. by the time my son was three, every men's room in the state had a changing table...BY FUCKING LAW!!!

i don't equate either the palestinians as underdogs or anything else. i equate the palestinians with living, breathing human beings who are being deprived of mtheir human rights and subjected to war crimes by an oppressive state and with the support of peoploe like you who have become so old and useless that all the righteous fight has been sucked out of them and has been replaced by a bitter bigotry that he suckloes off the sour teet of his ewish friends ust so he caan feel some sort of acceptance and self worth.
Now after you have said all that, go help out in a soup kitchen on the weekends. Why are you even wasting your time here when you could do such important work? And, Seal, I equate those being killed in Muslim countries as living, breathing human beings who should be able to practice their different religions in peace without being harassed or killed and their places of worship burned down.
No doubt Seal equates the Palestinians to the Irish as the underdogs. However, he has never considered the underdogs in Muslim countries, which of course take in all the minorities as well as Muslims themselves of the less favored sect, such as the Shiites and Ahmadisers in places like Pakistan. Christian children are being killed right now in Muslim countries as well as young Christian girls being kidnapped and forced to convert, but somehow Seal doesn't consider these people the underdogs. Maybe he is not concerned with these children since the Jews are not involved. How many Christian children have been killed in the Syrian conflict, Seal, by now, or are their deaths not important to you? I realize on the old AOL Middle East Discussion Board you had nothing to say about the Christians being killed by Muslims in Iraq or Egypt, but I hope you are keeping track of what is happening to them in Syria and also in places like Nigeria at present.

stupid fook.

what do christians in nigeria have to do with what is going on in israel and palestine.
i you want to talk about it though, start a fookin' thread. i/m not stopping you.

obviously you are too concerned about christians in nigeria to trouble yourself with trying to level the wage inequity between men and women in the united states. i was very active in that struggle and was entirely and 100% successful in achieving wage parity between men and women in my workplace in a nationwide company with over 300,000 employees..

and while we are on that subect, i was also the very first person in this whole united states to attempt to enter into labour-management contract language the idea of on site day care for employees with children and while i was not successfulo, that idea was picked up by other activists and has been met with some success.

and, those koala changing stations we now see in men's rooms actoss the USA...there were none in my city, a very sociaally progressive city, when my son was born. by the time my son was three, every men's room in the state had a changing table...BY FUCKING LAW!!!

i don't equate either the palestinians as underdogs or anything else. i equate the palestinians with living, breathing human beings who are being deprived of mtheir human rights and subjected to war crimes by an oppressive state and with the support of peoploe like you who have become so old and useless that all the righteous fight has been sucked out of them and has been replaced by a bitter bigotry that he suckloes off the sour teet of his ewish friends ust so he caan feel some sort of acceptance and self worth.
Now after you have said all that, go help out in a soup kitchen on the weekends. Why are you even wasting your time here when you could do such important work? And, Seal, I equate those being killed in Muslim countries as living, breathing human beings who should be able to practice their different religions in peace without being harassed or killed and their places of worship burned down.


And what is it that keeps you from seeing the over 1400 Palestinian children killed by Israel since 2000 as living, breathing human beings who should have been able to have had a chance to live?

Why are they seen as being less human, less entitled to life, in your mind?

Do any of us choose where we are born or into what ethnic background or religion we are born into?

Do you ever see a day to come where you might see yourself seeing all children hurt and dying in our world as our children and feel empathy for their circumstances and their suffering and the place they find themselves in?

stupid fook.

what do christians in nigeria have to do with what is going on in israel and palestine.
i you want to talk about it though, start a fookin' thread. i/m not stopping you.

obviously you are too concerned about christians in nigeria to trouble yourself with trying to level the wage inequity between men and women in the united states. i was very active in that struggle and was entirely and 100% successful in achieving wage parity between men and women in my workplace in a nationwide company with over 300,000 employees..

and while we are on that subect, i was also the very first person in this whole united states to attempt to enter into labour-management contract language the idea of on site day care for employees with children and while i was not successfulo, that idea was picked up by other activists and has been met with some success.

and, those koala changing stations we now see in men's rooms actoss the USA...there were none in my city, a very sociaally progressive city, when my son was born. by the time my son was three, every men's room in the state had a changing table...BY FUCKING LAW!!!

i don't equate either the palestinians as underdogs or anything else. i equate the palestinians with living, breathing human beings who are being deprived of mtheir human rights and subjected to war crimes by an oppressive state and with the support of peoploe like you who have become so old and useless that all the righteous fight has been sucked out of them and has been replaced by a bitter bigotry that he suckloes off the sour teet of his ewish friends ust so he caan feel some sort of acceptance and self worth.
Now after you have said all that, go help out in a soup kitchen on the weekends. Why are you even wasting your time here when you could do such important work? And, Seal, I equate those being killed in Muslim countries as living, breathing human beings who should be able to practice their different religions in peace without being harassed or killed and their places of worship burned down.


And what is it that keeps you from seeing the over 1400 Palestinian children killed by Israel since 2000 as living, breathing human beings who should have been able to have had a chance to live?

Why are they seen as being less human, less entitled to life, in your mind?

Do any of us choose where we are born or into what ethnic background or religion we are born into?

Do you ever see a day to come where you might see yourself seeing all children hurt and dying in our world as our children and feel empathy for their circumstances and their suffering and the place they find themselves in?

I don't wan't to see anyone die, especially kids, but many of them would be alive today if they weren't used as human shields. Your turn. No Turnspeak.
Now after you have said all that, go help out in a soup kitchen on the weekends. Why are you even wasting your time here when you could do such important work? And, Seal, I equate those being killed in Muslim countries as living, breathing human beings who should be able to practice their different religions in peace without being harassed or killed and their places of worship burned down.


And what is it that keeps you from seeing the over 1400 Palestinian children killed by Israel since 2000 as living, breathing human beings who should have been able to have had a chance to live?

Why are they seen as being less human, less entitled to life, in your mind?

Do any of us choose where we are born or into what ethnic background or religion we are born into?

Do you ever see a day to come where you might see yourself seeing all children hurt and dying in our world as our children and feel empathy for their circumstances and their suffering and the place they find themselves in?

I don't wan't to see anyone die, especially kids, but many of them would be alive today if they weren't used as human shields. Your turn. No Turnspeak.

Which one is it?

Scared oppressed men who hide behind babies


Fanatical crazy jihadists who love death and go after every Idf trooper

And what is it that keeps you from seeing the over 1400 Palestinian children killed by Israel since 2000 as living, breathing human beings who should have been able to have had a chance to live?

Why are they seen as being less human, less entitled to life, in your mind?

Do any of us choose where we are born or into what ethnic background or religion we are born into?

Do you ever see a day to come where you might see yourself seeing all children hurt and dying in our world as our children and feel empathy for their circumstances and their suffering and the place they find themselves in?

I don't wan't to see anyone die, especially kids, but many of them would be alive today if they weren't used as human shields. Your turn. No Turnspeak.

Which one is it?

Scared oppressed men who hide behind babies


Fanatical crazy jihadists who love death and go after every Idf trooper
Why do you have two Trannies as your avatar?
I don't wan't to see anyone die, especially kids, but many of them would be alive today if they weren't used as human shields. Your turn. No Turnspeak.

Which one is it?

Scared oppressed men who hide behind babies


Fanatical crazy jihadists who love death and go after every Idf trooper
Why do you have two Trannies as your avatar?

Deflection like the usual....but you talk about trannies a lot...may i ask...are you a tranny?

And what is it that keeps you from seeing the over 1400 Palestinian children killed by Israel since 2000 as living, breathing human beings who should have been able to have had a chance to live?

Why are they seen as being less human, less entitled to life, in your mind?

Do any of us choose where we are born or into what ethnic background or religion we are born into?

Do you ever see a day to come where you might see yourself seeing all children hurt and dying in our world as our children and feel empathy for their circumstances and their suffering and the place they find themselves in?

I don't wan't to see anyone die, especially kids, but many of them would be alive today if they weren't used as human shields. Your turn. No Turnspeak.

Which one is it?

Scared oppressed men who hide behind babies


Fanatical crazy jihadists who love death and go after every Idf trooper
I wold love to see fighting 10 miles from the nearest town. But I realize that's impossible where Jihadists are involved.
I don't wan't to see anyone die, especially kids, but many of them would be alive today if they weren't used as human shields. Your turn. No Turnspeak.

Which one is it?

Scared oppressed men who hide behind babies


Fanatical crazy jihadists who love death and go after every Idf trooper
I wold love to see fighting 10 miles from the nearest town. But I realize that's impossible where Jihadists are involved.

That made no sense what are your trying to say?
Which one is it?

Scared oppressed men who hide behind babies


Fanatical crazy jihadists who love death and go after every Idf trooper
I wold love to see fighting 10 miles from the nearest town. But I realize that's impossible where Jihadists are involved.

That made no sense what are your trying to say?
I knew it wouldn't make any sense to a 'Resistance Fighter.' You see, each Fighter has to have at least 15 kids surrounding him when he fires at the IDF.
I wold love to see fighting 10 miles from the nearest town. But I realize that's impossible where Jihadists are involved.

That made no sense what are your trying to say?
I knew it wouldn't make any sense to a 'Resistance Fighter.' You see, each Fighter has to have at least 15 kids surrounding him when he fires at the IDF.

Do you really believe yourself? Did you forgot to take your meds?

Actually they have 15 subway sandwich stores around them :lol:
Now after you have said all that, go help out in a soup kitchen on the weekends. Why are you even wasting your time here when you could do such important work? And, Seal, I equate those being killed in Muslim countries as living, breathing human beings who should be able to practice their different religions in peace without being harassed or killed and their places of worship burned down.


And what is it that keeps you from seeing the over 1400 Palestinian children killed by Israel since 2000 as living, breathing human beings who should have been able to have had a chance to live?

Why are they seen as being less human, less entitled to life, in your mind?

Do any of us choose where we are born or into what ethnic background or religion we are born into?

Do you ever see a day to come where you might see yourself seeing all children hurt and dying in our world as our children and feel empathy for their circumstances and their suffering and the place they find themselves in?

I don't wan't to see anyone die, especially kids, but many of them would be alive today if they weren't used as human shields. Your turn. No Turnspeak.


They were not being used as human shields, this Zionist claim keeps being falsely made and the human rights groups, like Amnesty in their over one hundred page report on Cast Lead, keep investigating and telling us it is not true.

Over 300 kids died from Israeli weapons in Cast Lead because Israel chose to plan and carry out a military operation in a densely populated area, Gaza, and she chose to violate the rules of war that protect civilians in conflicts, that are a part of interrnational treaties Israel is subject to. This is why 344 childen were killed from Israeli weapons, largely supplied by the US, in Cast Lead.

Amnesty was unable to find evidence one single Palestinian child was used as a human shield by Palestinians in Cast Lead, but they did find evidence Israel used Palestinian children as human shields, a practice long documented by human rights groups. Do we really think we can take away the blood from our hands so easily, do we really think we wipe it away, our sin, as if it never was, by simply blaming our enemies for our own atrocities against children?

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Israel 'used child as human shield' during Gaza conflict

Israel violated a range of human rights during its invasion of Gaza, including using a child as a human shield, the United Nations said yesterday

By Our Foreign Staff
7:30AM GMT 24 Mar 2009

The claims were included in reports to the UN Human Rights Council which also called for an urgent end to Israeli restrictions on humanitarian supplies to Gaza and a full international investigation into the conflict.

They came just days after Israeli soldiers admitted shooting and killing unarmed Palestinian civilians during the invasion between Dec 27 and Jan 17.

"Civilian targets, particularly homes and their occupants, appear to have taken the brunt of the attacks, but schools and medical facilities have also been hit," said one report by Radhika Coomaraswamy, the U N Secretary-General's Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict.

The Sri Lankan human rights lawyer visited the region in early February. She cited a long series of incidents to back her charges.

In one, she said, Israeli soldiers shot a father after ordering him out of his house and then opened fire into the room where the rest of the family was sheltering, wounding the mother and three brothers and killing a fourth.

In another, on January 15, at Tal al Hawa south-west of Gaza City, Israeli soldiers forced an 11-year-old boy to walk in front of them for several hours as they moved through the town, even after they had been shot at

Israel 'used child as human shield' during Gaza conflict - Telegraph

so? I served in the Navy as an officer. ---well---not a combat type officer but if I ended up somewhere in the sticks with others of lesser rank---I would have had command I would have no idea in my mind other than "HOW TO PROTECT" the people under my command. Knowing that the SHERRI side is saturation bombing a residential city on my side with poison nail bombs would have an effect on me. Unless you have served in the military ----been an officer ----you have nothing to say, Sherri. But just think----if the 2006 conflict had not taken place you would not have had the pleasure of knowing that your colleagues engaged in mutilation torture murders that included severing the genitals of young men and stuffing the members down the throats of the still living boys Maybe you will get lucky someday and be able to take part in an islamic style obscene torture murder. btw---there is no way of proving that any of the crap written in the report you cite is true-----but the autopsies of the obscene torture meccaist style murders were definitive
so? I served in the Navy as an officer. ---well---not a combat type officer but if I ended up somewhere in the sticks with others of lesser rank---I would have had command I would have no idea in my mind other than "HOW TO PROTECT" the people under my command. Knowing that the SHERRI side is saturation bombing a residential city on my side with poison nail bombs would have an effect on me. Unless you have served in the military ----been an officer ----you have nothing to say, Sherri. But just think----if the 2006 conflict had not taken place you would not have had the pleasure of knowing that your colleagues engaged in mutilation torture murders that included severing the genitals of young men and stuffing the members down the throats of the still living boys Maybe you will get lucky someday and be able to take part in an islamic style obscene torture murder. btw---there is no way of proving that any of the crap written in the report you cite is true-----but the autopsies of the obscene torture meccaist style murders were definitive


I have a voice, it was given to me for me to speak out with, and I am a voice speaking for peace and not war. War is always a choice, you chose to be a part of it, as a participant and defender of it, and I chose and do choose not to take that path.

And I did closely follow the conflict in Lebanon in 2006, and I did read the human rights groups reports investigating and documenting Israel's killing of over 1000 Lebanese civilians, that included 400 or more children. And they did not document the mutilation torture murders you imagine happened during that conflict, between the two sides.
We can live with truth or fantasy, we each choose about that, as well.

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so? I served in the Navy as an officer. ---well---not a combat type officer but if I ended up somewhere in the sticks with others of lesser rank---I would have had command I would have no idea in my mind other than "HOW TO PROTECT" the people under my command. Knowing that the SHERRI side is saturation bombing a residential city on my side with poison nail bombs would have an effect on me. Unless you have served in the military ----been an officer ----you have nothing to say, Sherri. But just think----if the 2006 conflict had not taken place you would not have had the pleasure of knowing that your colleagues engaged in mutilation torture murders that included severing the genitals of young men and stuffing the members down the throats of the still living boys Maybe you will get lucky someday and be able to take part in an islamic style obscene torture murder. btw---there is no way of proving that any of the crap written in the report you cite is true-----but the autopsies of the obscene torture meccaist style murders were definitive


I have a voice, it was given to me for me to speak out with, and I am a voivce speaking for peace and not war. War is always a choice, you chose to be a part of it, as a participant and defender of it, and I chose and do choose not to take that path.

And I did closely follow the conflict in Lebanon in 2006, and I did read the human rights groups reports investigating and documenting Israel's killing of over 1000 Lebanese civilians, that included 400 or more children. And they did not document the mutilation torture murders you imagine happened during that conflict, between the two sides.
We can live with truth or fantasy, we each choose about that, as well.

I wonder if this "good Christian woman" lives with the truth that the Muslims murdered over 2 million Christians in the Sudan and millions of Christians in Nigeria. Or does she only focus on what Israel does and not what her fellow Muslims actually do to others. I also wonder if her eyes are open as to what is happening at the present time to Christians in Muslim countries.
so? I served in the Navy as an officer. ---well---not a combat type officer but if I ended up somewhere in the sticks with others of lesser rank---I would have had command I would have no idea in my mind other than "HOW TO PROTECT" the people under my command. Knowing that the SHERRI side is saturation bombing a residential city on my side with poison nail bombs would have an effect on me. Unless you have served in the military ----been an officer ----you have nothing to say, Sherri. But just think----if the 2006 conflict had not taken place you would not have had the pleasure of knowing that your colleagues engaged in mutilation torture murders that included severing the genitals of young men and stuffing the members down the throats of the still living boys Maybe you will get lucky someday and be able to take part in an islamic style obscene torture murder. btw---there is no way of proving that any of the crap written in the report you cite is true-----but the autopsies of the obscene torture meccaist style murders were definitive


I have a voice, it was given to me for me to speak out with, and I am a voivce speaking for peace and not war. War is always a choice, you chose to be a part of it, as a participant and defender of it, and I chose and do choose not to take that path.

And I did closely follow the conflict in Lebanon in 2006, and I did read the human rights groups reports investigating and documenting Israel's killing of over 1000 Lebanese civilians, that included 400 or more children. And they did not document the mutilation torture murders you imagine happened during that conflict, between the two sides.
We can live with truth or fantasy, we each choose about that, as well.

I wonder if this "good Christian woman" lives with the truth that the Muslims murdered over 2 million Christians in the Sudan and millions of Christians in Nigeria. Or does she only focus on what Israel does and not what her fellow Muslims actually do to others. I also wonder if her eyes are open as to what is happening at the present time to Christians in Muslim countries.


I have to keep reminding you that this message board we are having this discussion on is designated as a place to discuss Israel and Palestine.

Sabra and Shatila are relevant because those massacres arose out of the Israeli Palestinian conflict and the presence of Israeli Occupying forces in Lebanon in 1982.

What is happening to Christians in Sudan and Nigeria or "Muslim countries" has no relevance to this thread or Israel and Palestine, so there is no reason to address those subjects here.

What is with your calling me both a Christian and a Muslim? You know I am a Christian, I have stated that before. And my refusal to embrace the Muslim Hatefest Program, or should I more correctly call it a Pogrom, does not operate to convert me from a Christian to a Muslim.


I have a voice, it was given to me for me to speak out with, and I am a voivce speaking for peace and not war. War is always a choice, you chose to be a part of it, as a participant and defender of it, and I chose and do choose not to take that path.

And I did closely follow the conflict in Lebanon in 2006, and I did read the human rights groups reports investigating and documenting Israel's killing of over 1000 Lebanese civilians, that included 400 or more children. And they did not document the mutilation torture murders you imagine happened during that conflict, between the two sides.
We can live with truth or fantasy, we each choose about that, as well.

I wonder if this "good Christian woman" lives with the truth that the Muslims murdered over 2 million Christians in the Sudan and millions of Christians in Nigeria. Or does she only focus on what Israel does and not what her fellow Muslims actually do to others. I also wonder if her eyes are open as to what is happening at the present time to Christians in Muslim countries.


I have to keep reminding you that this message board we are having this discussion on is designated as a place to discuss Israel and Palestine.

Sabra and Shatila are relevant because those massacres arose out of the Israeli Palestinian conflict and the presence of Israeli Occupying forces in Lebanon in 1982.

What is happening to Christians in Sudan and Nigeria or "Muslim countries" has no relevance to this thread or Israel and Palestine, so there is no reason to address those subjects here.

What is with your calling me both a Christian and a Muslim? You know I am a Christian, I have stated that before. And my refusal to embrace the Muslim Hatefest Program, or should I more correctly call it a Pogrom, does not operate to convert me from a Christian to a Muslim.

I mention Palestine in my replies but I refer to other Muslim countries because it is an analogy and metaphorical. Can't you get away from your Tinmore-like arguments?And if you don't want to be called a Muslim, stop acting like one. As for your Christian "piety," I have never in my life heard Christian people defile Jews until you started your ranting and raving.

I have a voice, it was given to me for me to speak out with, and I am a voivce speaking for peace and not war. War is always a choice, you chose to be a part of it, as a participant and defender of it, and I chose and do choose not to take that path.

And I did closely follow the conflict in Lebanon in 2006, and I did read the human rights groups reports investigating and documenting Israel's killing of over 1000 Lebanese civilians, that included 400 or more children. And they did not document the mutilation torture murders you imagine happened during that conflict, between the two sides.
We can live with truth or fantasy, we each choose about that, as well.

I wonder if this "good Christian woman" lives with the truth that the Muslims murdered over 2 million Christians in the Sudan and millions of Christians in Nigeria. Or does she only focus on what Israel does and not what her fellow Muslims actually do to others. I also wonder if her eyes are open as to what is happening at the present time to Christians in Muslim countries.


I have to keep reminding you that this message board we are having this discussion on is designated as a place to discuss Israel and Palestine.

Sabra and Shatila are relevant because those massacres arose out of the Israeli Palestinian conflict and the presence of Israeli Occupying forces in Lebanon in 1982.

What is happening to Christians in Sudan and Nigeria or "Muslim countries" has no relevance to this thread or Israel and Palestine, so there is no reason to address those subjects here.

What is with your calling me both a Christian and a Muslim? You know I am a Christian, I have stated that before. And my refusal to embrace the Muslim Hatefest Program, or should I more correctly call it a Pogrom, does not operate to convert me from a Christian to a Muslim.

Of course the "good Chrustian woman" (she can call herself anything she wants on a message board) seems to have no comments about all the Christians killed at Damour. Is the "good Christian woman" on any other message boards condemning what her fellow Muslims are doing to Christians? Somehow I doubt it very much because her entire focus is on Israel and Palestine and those who are killed by Muslims in Muslim countries get a pass from her. Their deaths are not important to her if she isn't condemning them on other boards.
I wonder if this "good Christian woman" lives with the truth that the Muslims murdered over 2 million Christians in the Sudan and millions of Christians in Nigeria. Or does she only focus on what Israel does and not what her fellow Muslims actually do to others. I also wonder if her eyes are open as to what is happening at the present time to Christians in Muslim countries.


I have to keep reminding you that this message board we are having this discussion on is designated as a place to discuss Israel and Palestine.

Sabra and Shatila are relevant because those massacres arose out of the Israeli Palestinian conflict and the presence of Israeli Occupying forces in Lebanon in 1982.

What is happening to Christians in Sudan and Nigeria or "Muslim countries" has no relevance to this thread or Israel and Palestine, so there is no reason to address those subjects here.

What is with your calling me both a Christian and a Muslim? You know I am a Christian, I have stated that before. And my refusal to embrace the Muslim Hatefest Program, or should I more correctly call it a Pogrom, does not operate to convert me from a Christian to a Muslim.

I mention Palestine in my replies but I refer to other Muslim countries because it is an analogy and metaphorical. Can't you get away from your Tinmore-like arguments?And if you don't want to be called a Muslim, stop acting like one. As for your Christian "piety," I have never in my life heard Christian people defile Jews until you started your ranting and raving.


I woke up yesterday, seeing this road, in my mind. It was a road headed straight to DEATH AND DESTRUCTION AND HELL, and Israel was on that road, and the United States was not far behind her. And I knew it was almost inevitable, that there was absolutely nothing that was going to stop them both from reaching their destinations. I knew it was extremely unlikely either nation was going to stop and change the route they were headed down. But I had to remind myself, and I constantly have to keep reminding myself of this, which is true of all Nations and all Individuals, we, all of us, choose every single day whether to pursue peace or war, and the World's values or God's values, and support Injustice or oppose Injustice we see in front of us, and do what is good or what is bad, and for how ever long any Nation or person lives they have that choice to make. And there is hope for all Nations and all persons, be they Jew or Gentile, as long as any Nation exists and any person lives.

When you see your Nation, your Friends, your Family, your people, the World, all headed straight for Death and Destruction and Hell, do you just sit there in silence and watch it all happen or do you at least try to use your voice to speak against what is bad in what you see happening around you? No, I guess an individual cannot change the world or God's plan for it, but we, every single day are responsible for responding to what is happening around us, we are responsible for our responses to what we see and confront each and every day of our lives. And I think we all have the capacity to make a positive difference in our world, with our lives. Sometimes, that does call us to say things that seemingly are harsh or unkind. But if you really spend some time in the Bible, you will find those pursuing/following God there, many times are using harsh sounding language, as well. Matthew 23, that is an example. And the Book of Isaiah is filled with more illustrations. Doing what is right is not always saying kind words to everyone. It's here I am tempted to quote Ecclesiastes and King Solomon, his words about there being a time and place for everything under the sun. But I do not believe everything written there is necessarily literally true (for example, I do not think there is ever a time for me personally to take the life of another), it is not all consistent with the teachings of Jesus, who says, I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. He said that, those words, and He also said those seemingly harsh words about certain people doing certain things in Matthew 23.

About acting like a Muslim, what I see is that everyone who refuses to hate or demonize Muslims is attacked in this fashion. And I intend to keep right on thinking and acting that way, and refusing to hate them. The real enemy, my real enemy, is not any people, but negative emotions and choices, like HATE and WAR. Values of The World? I am taking a Bible Study on the Gospel of John, and so far, we just have gone through a quick overview of the first 11 chapters. And there is this one verse, I cannot get out of my head, where Jesus speaks of the World and the World hating Him, and He refers to the world as it. It is certainly a challenge, to love and not hate, to hate bad acts but not people, to see people apart from the bad actions they embrace, to see we can always, all of us, make different choices and there is hope for all.


I have to keep reminding you that this message board we are having this discussion on is designated as a place to discuss Israel and Palestine.

Sabra and Shatila are relevant because those massacres arose out of the Israeli Palestinian conflict and the presence of Israeli Occupying forces in Lebanon in 1982.

What is happening to Christians in Sudan and Nigeria or "Muslim countries" has no relevance to this thread or Israel and Palestine, so there is no reason to address those subjects here.

What is with your calling me both a Christian and a Muslim? You know I am a Christian, I have stated that before. And my refusal to embrace the Muslim Hatefest Program, or should I more correctly call it a Pogrom, does not operate to convert me from a Christian to a Muslim.

I mention Palestine in my replies but I refer to other Muslim countries because it is an analogy and metaphorical. Can't you get away from your Tinmore-like arguments?And if you don't want to be called a Muslim, stop acting like one. As for your Christian "piety," I have never in my life heard Christian people defile Jews until you started your ranting and raving.


I woke up yesterday, seeing this road, in my mind. It was a road headed straight to DEATH AND DESTRUCTION AND HELL, and Israel was on that road, and the United States was not far behind her. And I knew it was almost inevitable, that there was absolutely nothing that was going to stop them both from reaching their destinations. I knew it was extremely unlikely either nation was going to stop and change the route they were headed down. But I had to remind myself, and I constantly have to keep reminding myself of this, which is true of all Nations and all Individuals, we, all of us, choose every single day whether to pursue peace or war, and the World's values or God's values, and support Injustice or oppose Injustice we see in front of us, and do what is good or what is bad, and for how ever long any Nation or person lives they have that choice to make. And there is hope for all Nations and all persons, be they Jew or Gentile, as long as any Nation exists and any person lives.

When you see your Nation, your Friends, your Family, your people, the World, all headed straight for Death and Destruction and Hell, do you just sit there in silence and watch it all happen or do you at least try to use your voice to speak against what is bad in what you see happening around you? No, I guess an individual cannot change the world or God's plan for it, but we, every single day are responsible for responding to what is happening around us, we are responsible for our responses to what we see and confront each and every day of our lives. And I think we all have the capacity to make a positive difference in our world, with our lives. Sometimes, that does call us to say things that seemingly are harsh or unkind. But if you really spend some time in the Bible, you will find those pursuing/following God there, many times are using harsh sounding language, as well. Matthew 23, that is an example. And the Book of Isaiah is filled with more illustrations. Doing what is right is not always saying kind words to everyone. It's here I am tempted to quote Ecclesiastes and King Solomon, his words about there being a time and place for everything under the sun. But I do not believe everything written there is necessarily literally true (for example, I do not think there is ever a time for me personally to take the life of another), it is not all consistent with the teachings of Jesus, who says, I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. He said that, those words, and He also said those seemingly harsh words about certain people doing certain things in Matthew 23.

About acting like a Muslim, what I see is that everyone who refuses to hate or demonize Muslims is attacked in this fashion. And I intend to keep right on thinking and acting that way, and refusing to hate them. The real enemy, my real enemy, is not any people, but negative emotions and choices, like HATE and WAR. Values of The World? I am taking a Bible Study on the Gospel of John, and so far, we just have gone through a quick overview of the first 11 chapters. And there is this one verse, I cannot get out of my head, where Jesus speaks of the World and the World hating Him, and He refers to the world as it. It is certainly a challenge, to love and not hate, to hate bad acts but not people, to see people apart from the bad actions they embrace, to see we can always, all of us, make different choices and there is hope for all.

No one hates Jesus here. No one hates Palestinians. No one hates Muslims. The hate is for the Evil called Islam. If you can't see or understand that you may as well hand them your head now because they sure as hell are going to get it later. And that's a cold, hard fact. Cheekturning ain't gonna work. That's a fact.

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