Russians Freeze to Death in Worst Winter Since Stalin's Great Purge


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Approximately 542 people are reported to have been hospitalized due to extremely cold temperatures in Russia. Dozens have been killed and an additional 266 people have been admitted to hospitals due to temperatures plunging to -56°F in some regions. The temperature in Moscow has stayed around 0°F for days.

These are the coldest winter temperatures Russians have faced in over 70 years. Not since 1938 have temperatures dropped so low and stayed at such extremes for so long. The Russian winter of 1938 was the year of then-Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's Great Purge.

Read more @ Russians Freeze to Death in Worst Winter Since Stalin's Great Purge
That winter’s cold temperatures were used as a weapon and political enforcement tool by Stalin against his political enemies and countrymen that he and his Communist Party deemed either a threat or an “undesirable.”

Warm temps also seem to be a useful tool to some.
Wider and wilder swings in the weather with an overall warming trend. might want to modify your dogma there olfraud...Mother Nature isn't agreeing with your fables.
Hardly new, been noting it for nearly a decade.

Climate Story Of The Year: Extreme Weather From Superstorms To Drought Emerges As Political, Scientific Gamechanger | ThinkProgress

In 2012 many of the warnings scientists have made about global warming went from dry studies in scientific journals to real-life video played before our eyes: Record melting of the ice in the Arctic Ocean. U.S. cities baking at 95 degrees or hotter. Widespread drought. Flooding. Storm surge inundating swaths of New York City.

All of that was predicted years ago by climate scientists and all of that happened in 2012.

Indeed, 2012 showed that the record-smashing weather extremes of 2011 weren’t a fluke, they were a pattern.

America’s heartland lurched from one extreme to the other without stopping at “normal.” Historic flooding in 2011 gave way to devastating drought in 2012.

“The normal has changed, I guess,” said U.S. National Weather Service acting director Laura Furgione. “The normal is extreme.”

Here is how meteorologist and former hurricane hunter Dr. Jeff Masters put it in his 2012 sum up:

It was another year of incredible weather extremes unparalleled in American history during 2012. Eleven billion-dollar weather disasters hit the U.S., a figure exceeded only by the fourteen such disasters during the equally insane weather year of 2011.
Global Warming and Extreme Weather: The Science, the Forecast, and the Impacts on America | Environment Michigan

A recent report published by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences stated that “the conclusion that the Earth system is warming and that much of this warming is very likely due to human activities” is “so thoroughly examined and tested, and supported by so many independent observations and results,” that its “likelihood of subsequently being found to be wrong is vanishingly small.”

The national academies of sciences of 13 leading nations issued a joint statement in 2009 stating that “climate change is happening even faster than previously estimated.”
A 2009 study of the work of more than 1,300 climate researchers actively publishing in the field found that 97 to 98 percent of those researchers agree with the central theories behind global warming.

The consequences of global warming are already beginning to be experienced in the United States, and are likely to grow in the years to come, particularly if emissions of global warming pollutants continue unabated.

Average temperature in the United States has increased by more than 2° Fahrenheit over the last 50 years. Temperatures are projected to rise by as much as an additional 7° F to 11° F on average by the end of the century, should emissions of global warming pollutants continue to increase.

The United States has experienced an increase in heavy precipitation events, with the amount of precipitation falling in the top 1 percent of rainfall events increasing by 20 percent over the course of the 20th century. The trend toward extreme precipitation is projected to continue, even as higher temperatures and drier summers increase the risk of drought in much of the country.

Snow cover has decreased over the past three decades in the Northern Hemisphere, and the volume of spring snowpack in the Mountain West and Pacific Northwest has declined significantly since the mid-20th century.

Sea level has risen by nearly 8 inches globally since 1870. Global sea level is currently projected to rise by as much as 2.5 to 6.25 feet by the end of the century if global warming pollution continues unabated. Parts of the northeastern United States could experience an additional 8 inches of sea-level rise due to changes in ocean circulation patterns.
I think we'll see a dramatic drop in co2 as more of the world's economies switch to natural gas vs coal.
20 year low here in the U.S. alone.

We'll see a drop in emissions, not in the total CO2 in the atmosphere. That will take a lot of time. And the drop will be a help, but we now need to prepare for the consequences of the GHGs that are already in the pipeline. The nearly 400 ppm of CO2 and 1.8 ppm of CH4 is equivelent to nearly double the amount of GHGs that made the differance between a glacial period and an interglacial period.

We really don't know what the total effect is going to be. Our best minds on the subject predicted the Arctic Sea Ice to be gone in the summer by 2100 in the year 2000. It looks like it may well be gone by 2015, certainly by 2020. We thought we would see recognizable climate patter disruptions by 2050 to 2080. We have seen them since 2010.

We are in unknown territory. Territory that has such things as outgassing clathrates, melting permafrost with consequent CO2 and CH4 emission. Increased rates of precipitation, at the same time with weather patterns that withhold precipitation from some areas for long periods of time. Periods of time that disrupt transportation and agriculture.

One can claim that this isn't happening, and look a fool. One can claim that it is part of a normal cycle, and be asked to show when the numbers of these events were anything near where they are now. What one cannot do, is ignore the fact that we are seeing the effects on the prices of food, of transportation, and cost of replacing infrastructure damaged by the events.
Global Warming and Extreme Weather: The Science, the Forecast, and the Impacts on America | Environment Michigan

A recent report published by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences stated that “the conclusion that the Earth system is warming and that much of this warming is very likely due to human activities” is “so thoroughly examined and tested, and supported by so many independent observations and results,” that its “likelihood of subsequently being found to be wrong is vanishingly small.”

The national academies of sciences of 13 leading nations issued a joint statement in 2009 stating that “climate change is happening even faster than previously estimated.”
A 2009 study of the work of more than 1,300 climate researchers actively publishing in the field found that 97 to 98 percent of those researchers agree with the central theories behind global warming.

The consequences of global warming are already beginning to be experienced in the United States, and are likely to grow in the years to come, particularly if emissions of global warming pollutants continue unabated.

Average temperature in the United States has increased by more than 2° Fahrenheit over the last 50 years. Temperatures are projected to rise by as much as an additional 7° F to 11° F on average by the end of the century, should emissions of global warming pollutants continue to increase.

The United States has experienced an increase in heavy precipitation events, with the amount of precipitation falling in the top 1 percent of rainfall events increasing by 20 percent over the course of the 20th century. The trend toward extreme precipitation is projected to continue, even as higher temperatures and drier summers increase the risk of drought in much of the country.

Snow cover has decreased over the past three decades in the Northern Hemisphere, and the volume of spring snowpack in the Mountain West and Pacific Northwest has declined significantly since the mid-20th century.

Sea level has risen by nearly 8 inches globally since 1870. Global sea level is currently projected to rise by as much as 2.5 to 6.25 feet by the end of the century if global warming pollution continues unabated. Parts of the northeastern United States could experience an additional 8 inches of sea-level rise due to changes in ocean circulation patterns.

I hate to break it to ya, (though I am sure you are well aware of it allready) but this is the same mantra they have been spewing for the last 30 years and there has been no increase in any of the weather swings they claim.

There is nothing happening now that is any different from anything that has happened 50 or 100 years ago. Or 5,000 years ago. Saying the same things over and over doesn't make them correct when they have been wrong over and over and over again.

Propaganda is not going to work for you folks. Too many people are able to get their info from other sources that are not controlled. That's why you are losing....too much dogma not enough real science.
Granny says it's colder dan a cold-hearted harlot in China...
China’s cold winter temperatures dip to new low
Mon, Jan 07, 2013 - China is experiencing unusual chills this winter with its national average temperature hitting the lowest in 28 years, and snow and ice have closed highways, canceled flights, stranded tourists and knocked out power in several provinces.
China Meteorological Administration on Friday said the national average was minus 3.8°C since late November, the coldest in nearly three decades. The average temperature in northeast China dipped to minus 15.3°C, the coldest in 43 years, and dropped to a 42-year low of minus 7.4°C in northern China. In some areas — northeastern China, eastern Inner Mongolia, and north part of far-western Xinjiang province — the low has hit -40°C, the administration said. The state-run, English-language China Daily reported on Friday that about 1,000 ships were stuck in ice in Laizhou Bay in eastern China’s Bohai Sea.

The meteorological administration said on Saturday that ice had covered 27,000m2 of the sea surface by Thursday, the most expansive since 2008 when authorities began to collect such data. The administration expects the ice to continue to grow. In southwest China’s Sichuan Province, more than 1,000 tourists were stranded on Wednesday in a scenic mountainous area because of icy road, the state-run Beijing News reported.

The national meteorological administration said China is seeing dropping temperatures partly because of south-moving polar cold fronts, caused by melting polar ice from global warming. It said the air is moist and likely to dump heavy snow in China, Europe and North America. On Saturday, the forecast by China’s National Meteorological Center said southern China would have more snow and rain in the coming days.

China?s cold winter temperatures dip to new low - Taipei Times
Wider and wilder swings in the weather with an overall warming trend. might want to modify your dogma there olfraud...Mother Nature isn't agreeing with your fables.

Perception of climate change

“Climate dice,” describing the chance of unusually warm or cool seasons, have become more and more “loaded” in the past 30 y, coincident with rapid global warming. The distribution of seasonal mean temperature anomalies has shifted toward higher temperatures and the range of anomalies has increased. An important change is the emergence of a category of summertime extremely hot outliers, more than three standard deviations (3σ) warmer than the climatology of the 1951–1980 base period. This hot extreme, which covered much less than 1% of Earth’s surface during the base period, now typically covers about 10% of the land area. It follows that we can state, with a high degree of confidence, that extreme anomalies such as those in Texas and Oklahoma in 2011 and Moscow in 2010 were a consequence of global warming because
their likelihood in the absence of global warming was exceedingly small. Wediscuss practical implications of this substantial, growing, climate change.

The full article is available at the site.
Wider and wilder swings in the weather with an overall warming trend. might want to modify your dogma there olfraud...Mother Nature isn't agreeing with your fables.

Perception of climate change

“Climate dice,” describing the chance of unusually warm or cool seasons, have become more and more “loaded” in the past 30 y, coincident with rapid global warming. The distribution of seasonal mean temperature anomalies has shifted toward higher temperatures and the range of anomalies has increased. An important change is the emergence of a category of summertime extremely hot outliers, more than three standard deviations (3σ) warmer than the climatology of the 1951–1980 base period. This hot extreme, which covered much less than 1% of Earth’s surface during the base period, now typically covers about 10% of the land area. It follows that we can state, with a high degree of confidence, that extreme anomalies such as those in Texas and Oklahoma in 2011 and Moscow in 2010 were a consequence of global warming because
their likelihood in the absence of global warming was exceedingly small. Wediscuss practical implications of this substantial, growing, climate change.

The full article is available at the site.

And it is full of poo as usual. The last 16 years ahas been flat. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Wider and wilder swings in the weather with an overall warming trend. might want to modify your dogma there olfraud...Mother Nature isn't agreeing with your fables.

The whole "wider and wilder" crap is the new narrative for the alarmists.

And like all the other bomb throwing, its not working.:up:

The brethren of the Holy Order of man-made global warming use the same techniques as the Aztec priesthood. If the weather was good, that proved that human sacrifice had worked. If the weather was bad, it meant the gods were angry and demanded more human sacrifices.

Approximately 542 people are reported to have been hospitalized due to extremely cold temperatures in Russia. Dozens have been killed and an additional 266 people have been admitted to hospitals due to temperatures plunging to -56°F in some regions. The temperature in Moscow has stayed around 0°F for days.

These are the coldest winter temperatures Russians have faced in over 70 years. Not since 1938 have temperatures dropped so low and stayed at such extremes for so long. The Russian winter of 1938 was the year of then-Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's Great Purge.

Read more @ Russians Freeze to Death in Worst Winter Since Stalin's Great Purge

O gee, global warming must mean there will never be cold or ice in the world. I remember it being pretty fucking cold as a child. I had to walk 9 long blocks to get to school. I went to a white school that had 6 white people in the first grade. There was no kindergarten back then.

Approximately 542 people are reported to have been hospitalized due to extremely cold temperatures in Russia. Dozens have been killed and an additional 266 people have been admitted to hospitals due to temperatures plunging to -56°F in some regions. The temperature in Moscow has stayed around 0°F for days.

These are the coldest winter temperatures Russians have faced in over 70 years. Not since 1938 have temperatures dropped so low and stayed at such extremes for so long. The Russian winter of 1938 was the year of then-Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's Great Purge.

Read more @ Russians Freeze to Death in Worst Winter Since Stalin's Great Purge

O gee, global warming must mean there will never be cold or ice in the world. I remember it being pretty fucking cold as a child. I had to walk 9 long blocks to get to school. I went to a white school that had 6 white people in the first grade. There was no kindergarten back then.

:lol::lol::lol: Geeez, you sure whine a lot. Viner made the claim that children wouldn't know what snow was anymore. He's one of YOUR high priests. Don't get all pissy with us when we point out every epic fail you guys commit.....which a hell of a lot of fail, I mean really, you guys are pretty much allways wrong.

Models don't come close to observed reality but you fanatics don't care and march blindly on like the lemmings you are.
Ice Traps 1K Ships in Brutal Cold Snap...
Trapped in an icy prison: 1,000 ships stranded in frozen ocean as China is gripped by extreme cold snap
6 January 2013 | China is enduring its most brutal cold snap in 28 years; More than 1,000 ships are frozen in place in Shandong province; Travel across the nation has been severely affected
Temperatures in China have plunged to their lowest in almost three decades, cold enough to freeze coastal waters and trap 1,000 ships in ice, official media said at the weekend. Since late November the country has shivered at an average of minus 3.8 degrees Celsius, 1.3 degrees colder than the previous average, and the chilliest in 28 years, state news agency Xinhua said on Saturday, citing the China Meteorological Administration. Bitter cold has even frozen the sea in Laizhou Bay on the coast of Shandong province in the east, stranding nearly 1,000 ships, the China Daily newspaper reported.


Frozen: A fishing boat trapped in the sea ice on the coast of east China's Shandong province. Reports state China's national average temperature since late November 2012 is 1.3 degrees Celsius lower than usual

Zheng Dong, chief meteorologist at the Yantai Marine Environment Monitoring Center under the State Oceanic Administration, told the paper that the area under ice in Laizhou Bay was 291 square km this week. Transport around the country has been severely disrupted. Over 140 flights from the state capital airport in central Hunan province were delayed, while heavy snowfall forced the closure of some sections of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway, the China Daily said.

Temperatures in the northeast fell even further, reaching a 43-year low of minus 15.3 degrees Celsius, about 3.7 degrees below the previous recorded average. One truck driver in southeastern Jiangxi province, caught in a 5 km (3.1 miles) queue caused by a pileup that happened after heavy snowfall, told China Daily the snow and extreme cold had caught him unawares. 'I didn't expect such a situation, so I've brought no warm coats or food. All I can do now is wait,' trucker Yao Xuefeng told the paper.

Read more: Trapped in an icy prison: 1,000 ships stranded in frozen ocean as China gripped in extreme cold snap | Mail Online

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