Russian sleeper-cell spy ring targeted Hillary Clinton


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hmmm: Russian sleeper-cell spy ring targeted Hillary Clinton - Hot Air

"Remember Anna Chapman? The FBI arrested and deported the woman who acted as a sleeper intelligence agent in 2010 along with nine others, and Chapman’s good looks got almost all of the attention — even overshadowing the operation. As John Solomon and Alison Spann report for The Hill, that operation turned out to be a lot more effective than first thought. The FBI’s arrest and sudden deportation of the ring was triggered by a fear that one of the women had gotten too close to Hillary Clinton … and it wasn’t Chapman after all, but Cynthia Murphy who scored a position with a major Democratic fundraiser for Hillary.

A female Russian spy posing as an American accountant, for instance, used a false identity to burrow her way into the employ of a major Democratic donor in hopes of gaining intelligence on Hillary Clinton’s department, records show. The spy was arrested and deported as she moved closer to getting inside the secretary’s department, agents said. …"

Hillary was up to her ass in the Russian Extortion / Bribery / Influence Purchasing Scandal and the uranium One Scandal (along with Mueller, Holder, and Obama) - $145 million from the Russians for influence in helping the deal go through.

Bill was on the Russian payroll, working for Vlad's KGB buddies.

Her Campaign Manager took thousands of unclaimed Russian shares of stock while 1/3rd of his company's board chairmen were comprised of prominent Russians connected to the Kremlin and Putin himself.
-- His brother was working for the KGB BANK and the Russian spy agency that supposedly attempted to hack the DNC.

Liberal butt-hurt extremists and snowflakes have spent a year trying to find / manufacture evidence for a crime that never happened while ignoring all the evidence against the traitors they continue to defend.

The Russians were involved with crimes within the US and attempted to inject themselves in US politics...but it was for Hillary and protected / defended by Obama and his appointees / Cabinet.
Is it possible that the FBI exposed and quickly deported the spy in order to protect Barry and Hilly from adverse publicity? Something is really fishy about the Hussein administration's lack of attention to the alleged tampering of the U.S. electoral system and then being able, with the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the media, to blame it all on a then private citizen, Donald Trump.
Hillary REALLY Doesn't Want You To Hear About This Russian Bribery Scandal Involving The Clinton Fnd.

"The New York Times reported in April 2015 that the Clinton’s had a hand in helping a Russian energy company obtain drilling rights in the U.S. The Russian company had to get State Department help to purchase the Canadian company Uranium One, which made the Russian agency — Rosatom — one of the largest uranium producers in the world. Rosatom purchased the Canadian company — UrAsia — in January 2005, obtaining its uranium stakes stretching from Central Asia to Western America.

Clinton did not back up her assertion the reports are bogus with hard evidence."


"The US government had to sign off first, a decision that must go through the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which includes executive members of the cabinet, the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, and the secretary of state."

Interesting how Mueller, Director of the FBI, and then-Obama-US Attorney General Eric Holder did not inform the Committee about the wide-spread known/evidence of Russian Bribery / Extortion and $145 million donation to Secretary of State Clinton's Foundation. The Committee went on to approve the sale.
The other half of the story, is that Russia actually was making contributions to Hillary Clinton's Campaign. This was in addition to the so called "Donations" that were made by Uranium One CEOS and Board Members and other Russian Businessmen totalling $145 Million to her and $64 Million to Obama for agreeing to THE Uranium One Deal.

If they were spying on her, it was only to make sure she was going to hold up her end of the bargain after being given $145 Million.
So the Russians paid Hillary, Bill, the Podestas, Obama, BLM, Zuckerberg, and several other Democrats, and Mueller / his FBI hid it all from the American people. Latest news is the Russians financed / funded ads spurring on the violence in Baltimore and Ferguson, funding / manipulating BLM...

Romney tried to warn them, Obama laughed, and Vlad used them all like Nero playing his fiddle.....

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