The reason democrats use identity politics.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.

I agree. Their ideas fail with the American people time and time again, so the only ammunition they have is to rile up ignorant people and get them to vote with their emotions. Of course, Republicans do the same thing.
It's the politics of division. Divide and conquer has always been the method the Marxists have employed when attempting to overthrow a government. When the focus is on "us" verses "them" the focus is NOT on the collective verses the individual.
Outstanding. I posted this in another thread this morning, but it's also very relevant here.

Here's professor Mark Lilla, the latest in a growing list of honest, REAL liberals who are fighting back against the madness of the Regressives:

I'm listening to an interview with him right now (with Sam Harris, another actual liberal)....

...and he's disappointed at how liberalism is being infested with people (Regressives, of course) who have taught nearly three generations of kids to think of politics through group identity, rather than what is best for the country. He says:

"What happened is that people who were wrapped up in the politics of these (identity) movements became very self-referential. And for them, an identity was not something that bound people together and to the country, but rather became a way of reflecting on DIFFERENCE, and a lot of groups broke apart on the basis of identity resentment. So the united front of the Left broke down over these identity issues.

"Then there was a retreat to the universities. So people on the Left really abandoned electoral politics in these groups, and instead developed this idea that all social change happens through social movements that are tied to identity.

"And you end up with Gender Theory, you end up with Race theory, you end up with Feminist Theory, and you end up now with maybe three generations of young people, liberal elites, who've been brought up in the universities to think about politics in terms of the group and their own individual identities, rather than the common good and a message that might bind us together as a nation."



From an LA Times review:

But the real problem, Lilla argues, is what American universities neglect to teach: a notion of citizenship, the common aims we share as a society, the ideals to which we should all subscribe and strive. Our universities failed “to teach young people that they share a destiny with all their fellow citizens and have duties toward them. Instead, they trained students to be spelunkers of their personal identities and left them incurious about the world outside their heads.Who you were — a black woman, a gay Jewish man — became all you were. And someone who didn’t share your material reality couldn’t possibly share your politics. You might be allies for a quick minute, but not longer."
Dems defend those who are getting a raw deal in society

If that means identifying who they be it
What in the world is "identity politics"?

Is that like women are concerned with women's right so that's nefarious beca use they're women?

White us are funny because it's easy to claim everyone else is pushing their policies when 99% of those in Congress are old white guys lol.

Just imagine the pigs in Animal Farm complaining about what the one horse wants.
If you fight for the rights of have to identify them as gays
If you fight for have to identify them as women
If you fight for the rights of blacks or have to identify them as blacks and hispanics
Republicans claim...We treat everyone the same

Yes, you get treated the same as a wealthy person. If the things Republicans do to help the wealthy harm is your fault
You have an opportunity to be wealthy too
If you fight for the rights of have to identify them as gays
If you fight for have to identify them as women
If you fight for the rights of blacks or have to identify them as blacks and hispanics
If you say that Nazi's are "good people", then you are a Nazi.
They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.


If you had any clue as to what the term identity politics actually means, you'd be attacking the Republicans, and especially Donald Trump, for it.
Identity politics is not just what you support, it's what you oppose.

You can say that Democrats campaigning for LGBT rights is identity politics, but then so is the GOP's campaigning against them.
What in the world is "identity politics"?
Wow, you don't know what Identity Politics is, you don't know what Political Correctness is.

You're wrapped in pretty tight & comfy in that ideological cocoon of yours, that's for sure.

Here are some honest liberals to lay it out for ya. Better than some crazed right wingers, huh?

I'm sure that, being as intellectually curious as you are, you'll just eat this up! You're welcome!

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What in the world is "identity politics"?
Wow, you don't know what Identity Politics is, you don't know what Political Correctness is.

You're wrapped in pretty tight & comfy in that ideological cocoon of yours, that's for sure.

Here are some honest liberals to lay it out for ya. Better than some crazed right wingers, huh?

I'm sure that, being as intellectually curious as you are, you'll just eat this up! You're welcome!


Please define what you consider identity politics and why ALL POLITICS would not be identity politics
What in the world is "identity politics"?
Wow, you don't know what Identity Politics is, you don't know what Political Correctness is.

You're wrapped in pretty tight & comfy in that ideological cocoon of yours, that's for sure.

Here are some honest liberals to lay it out for ya. Better than some crazed right wingers, huh?

I'm sure that, being as intellectually curious as you are, you'll just eat this up! You're welcome!


Please define what you consider identity politics and why ALL POLITICS would not be identity politics

Those videos go over it in great detail, but to boil it down, this definition answers both of your questions:

i·den·ti·ty pol·i·tics
noun: identity politics

  1. a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics
The actual liberal in Post 4 also describes it in detail.
Dems defend those who are getting a raw deal in society

If that means identifying who they be it

Yeah like all those Weinstein women...oh wait :eusa_think:
I know, in North Carolina if men aren't allowed in girls restroom. They will be penalized by the state. Liberals are really fighting for the safety of little girls!
What in the world is "identity politics"?
Wow, you don't know what Identity Politics is, you don't know what Political Correctness is.

You're wrapped in pretty tight & comfy in that ideological cocoon of yours, that's for sure.

Here are some honest liberals to lay it out for ya. Better than some crazed right wingers, huh?

I'm sure that, being as intellectually curious as you are, you'll just eat this up! You're welcome!


Please define what you consider identity politics and why ALL POLITICS would not be identity politics

Mac's radical centrism (that he pretends to embrace) is another example of an identity in the world of identity politics.
Consider one little element of the recent HRC presidential campaign: Look at the number of prominent women who, at Hillary's urging, told an audience of mainly-women that they were not being true to their gender if they did not vote for Hillary. Barry Soetoro did exactly the same thing with "Blacks," and tried it with other minorities. Please folks, don't look at the issues and cast an intelligent vote; vote for me because I'm a woman/Black. It is disgusting.

And yet, JFK, the first Catholic President, who faced an ARMY of Protestant religious zealots who tried to frighten their congregations with fears of the U.S. being ruled from the Vatican, NEVER asked Catholics to vote for him because he was Catholic. Never asked people of Irish ancestry (there are MILLIONS OF US) to vote for him because he was Irish.

As Jed Clampett would put it, Dems are lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut.

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