Russian Collusion Totally Discredited.....And Yes....Hillary Did It


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It looks like the cats totally out of the bag about Russian Collusion.....and yes....Hillary is guilty of perpetrating fraud with respect to Russian Collusion. And Rachel Maddow made millions off of the scandal but now it's turned out to be one massive hoax.

Durham Is Steadily Exposing the Real ‘Russia Collusion’ Scandal​

"Donald Trump might have desired a closer relationship with Vladimir Putin, but it was Democrats who had aggressively and successfully disseminated Russian disinformation during and after the 2016 election, manipulating a pliant media and law enforcement, plunging the nation into four years of paranoia meant to undermine trust in the American electoral system.​
Special counsel John Durham has now handed down another indictment, arresting Igor Danchenko, a grifter, suspected Russian spy, and primary sub-source for the “Steele Dossier,” the discredited file that was assembled by opposition-research shop Fusion GPS and funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign through its law firm, Perkins Coie.​
Not only did the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party operators pay for these uncorroborated allegations, they then spread the lies to government agencies and major media organizations. The candidate herself often perpetuated a conspiracy theory that she almost surely knew was bogus. And because it was Trump, everyone ran with it, including law enforcement."​

We dodged a nuclear missile when the Dims completely underestimated how much they had to cheat to get hillury elected. We should take comfort in knowing that she has to guzzle a quart of gin every day just to get through it and that's got to be the most miserable shit beast knuckle-dragging on the planet.

Thanks Karma.
We dodged a nuclear missile when the Dims completely underestimated how much they had to cheat to get hillury elected. We should take comfort in knowing that she has to guzzle a quart of gin every day just to get through it and that's got to be the most miserable shit beast knuckle-dragging on the planet.

Thanks Karma.
Don't hold your breath waiting for leftists at USMB willing to defend this.
It looks like the cats totally out of the bag about Russian Collusion.....and yes....Hillary is guilty of perpetrating fraud with respect to Russian Collusion. And Rachel Maddow made millions off of the scandal but now it's turned out to be one massive hoax.

Durham Is Steadily Exposing the Real ‘Russia Collusion’ Scandal​

"Donald Trump might have desired a closer relationship with Vladimir Putin, but it was Democrats who had aggressively and successfully disseminated Russian disinformation during and after the 2016 election, manipulating a pliant media and law enforcement, plunging the nation into four years of paranoia meant to undermine trust in the American electoral system.​
Special counsel John Durham has now handed down another indictment, arresting Igor Danchenko, a grifter, suspected Russian spy, and primary sub-source for the “Steele Dossier,” the discredited file that was assembled by opposition-research shop Fusion GPS and funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign through its law firm, Perkins Coie.​
Not only did the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party operators pay for these uncorroborated allegations, they then spread the lies to government agencies and major media organizations. The candidate herself often perpetuated a conspiracy theory that she almost surely knew was bogus. And because it was Trump, everyone ran with it, including law enforcement."​

The stories coming out are definitely disturbing. What is almost as disturbing is most of the main stream media refuses to cover it. Amazing.
We dodged a nuclear missile when the Dims completely underestimated how much they had to cheat to get hillury elected. We should take comfort in knowing that she has to guzzle a quart of gin every day just to get through it and that's got to be the most miserable shit beast knuckle-dragging on the planet.

Thanks Karma.
Not enough---she belongs in prison.
We dodged a nuclear missile when the Dims completely underestimated how much they had to cheat to get hillury elected. We should take comfort in knowing that she has to guzzle a quart of gin every day just to get through it and that's got to be the most miserable shit beast knuckle-dragging on the planet.

Thanks Karma.
What brand of gin does she drink, since you know so much about Hillary.
Wow. The arrest of one person from the fringe of an investigation, and the right is having wet dreams. It's not that simple, and it's far from over. Trump can't walk away from all his illegal, unethical actions that easily.
Wow. The arrest of one person from the fringe of an investigation, and the right is having wet dreams. It's not that simple, and it's far from over. Trump can't walk away from all his illegal, unethical actions that easily.
Besides the US Senate as well as the Mueller report documented collusion between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russian intel.

His supporters will never believe it but it's there for anyone to read in black and white.
Besides the US Senate as well as the Mueller report documented collusion between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russian intel.

His supporters will never believe it but it's there for anyone to read in black and white.
That's a result of the completely different reality the right has manufactured.
No. She has been falsely attacked for a long time, but never discredited. That's a big part of why she scares you so bad.
They have tried their best since 1992 when Bush sr was defeated to destroy the Clinton's yet they cry when Trump is treated the same as Hillary.
They have tried their best since 1992 when Bush sr was defeated to destroy the Clinton's yet they cry when Trump is treated the same as Hillary.
They can never honestly claim trump is treated the same as Hillary. Trump actually said and did the things he is accused of. There is video showing it.
Wow. The arrest of one person from the fringe of an investigation, and the right is having wet dreams. It's not that simple, and it's far from over. Trump can't walk away from all his illegal, unethical actions that easily.
He is not as good as Hillary at being evil and ugly.
Well that's a load of shit. The Mueller report cleared Trump. Guess you missed that. No one else did though. Carry on you Bidungista you. LOL
No. She has been falsely attacked for a long time, but never discredited. That's a big part of why she scares you so bad.
She does not scare me. Its those who will kill for her who do. Recognizing evil is bad when we have political views. If honest, she would have told us about her health. She would have been cheery and went in front of her supporters on election night in 2016. I actually liked her, until I found about her. This woman never earned anything in life. Always on coattails. She is what we see today. Incompetent and does not know what to do during a tough time. So we need 85 thousand Truck Drivers....Oh gee...what do we do? So we have ports available for ships sitting in the harbors of of L.A. Oh gee...what doe we do? Trump would have taken charge and fixed this by now. The trucking schools would be doing a bang up business. The ports across the Panama Canal would be inviting to the Southeastern United States. See. I gave solutions to two problems. But the Progs. and the diversity Progs are to busy laughing and self appreciating themselves.

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