Russia recalls its ambassador to U.S. after Biden brands Putin a 'killer'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Russia recalls its ambassador to U.S. after Biden brands Putin a 'killer'
Russia recalls its ambassador to U.S. after Biden brands Putin a 'killer' (
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By Yuliya Talmazan & Tatyana Chistkova

Russia has recalled its ambassador to the United States after President Joe Biden made comments criticizing Russian leader Vladimir Putin that were “very bad” and without precedent, the Kremlin said Thursday.
"I won't be wordy in reaction to this," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. "I will only say that these are very bad statements by the U.S. president."
In a television interview on Wednesday, Biden branded Putin a “killer” and said he would “pay a price” for 2020 election interference. Just hours later, Russia recalled its ambassador “for consultations” back in Moscow.
Peskov said Biden’s remarks show that he “definitely does not want to improve relations with our country."
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova did not cite specific reasons for recalling ambassador Anatoly Antonov, but indicated that relations between Moscow and Washington “have been going through hard times,” blaming the U.S. for bringing them “to a blind alley.”
During Wednesday’s interview with ABC News Biden also confirmed that he once told Putin the Russian leader doesn’t "have a soul." He said Putin responded to the comment, made during a visit to the Kremlin as vice president in 2011, by saying "We understand each other.”
Biden also said Wednesday that Russia would face consequences for meddling in last year’s presidential election after a declassified report from the U.S. national intelligence director’s office found earlier this week that Putin authorized influence operations to help former President Donald Trump in last November’s election.
“(Putin) will pay a price,” Biden said, asked about the report. Biden did not disclose what price Putin could pay, only saying, “you will see shortly.”
On Thursday, Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Russian upper house of parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said Biden calling Putin a killer was a “watershed” moment.
“Any expectations of the new U.S. administration's new policy on the Russian direction have been written off by this boorish statement,” Kosachev said in a Facebook post.
He called Antonov’s recall an adequate reaction from the Kremlin, adding that it won’t be Russia’s last move unless there is an explanation or apology from the American side.

There goes Chyna Joey Xi the diplomatic genius shooting off his mouth again and Psaki covering for this mentally addled puppet of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Party.
Just imagine Chyna Joey Xi with less than 100 das as president has created an international rift.
Meanwhile, the greatest mass murderers of the last 70 years, the Red Chinese Communist Party, sits back and laughs, secure in the knowledge that Joe is their puppet...
This is just another "Look at the squirrel" scenario of the PM/DSA Democrat Left... Russia is not a military threat to the United States. China however is a far greater threat to our Natonal Security and conquering us in several aspects.
Just imagine if DJT had used the same words Joey Xi uttered about Putin....
The Quisling Media and the Marxist Dems go bersek and the talking heads would have had a field day. Indeed Nancy and Chuckie would be calling for another impeachment, calling for invoking the 25th Amendment, demanding the nuclear codes and football kept away from him and be walking around with their hair on fire.
Hah,,,,, Who was that Hollywoodiot celeb that recently tweeted, “It’s good to have ADULTS in charge again.”?
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Who cares? Russia, under Putin sucks.
Who cares? Russia, under Putin sucks.

They do suck, but they have sucked for centuries, long before dumbass Biden was born, but calling him the LEADER of the worlds largest nation a killer in PUBLIC is stupid, that is what YOU don't understand is the repercussions this creates.
Who cares? Russia, under Putin sucks.

They do suck, but they have sucked for centuries, long before dumbass Biden was born, but calling him the LEADER of the worlds largest nation a killer in PUBLIC is stupid, that is what YOU don't understand is the repercussions this creates.
World's largest nation by area is not the most powerful or the most populous.

I put to you that those 'repercussions' are just what Biden is counting on? Putting pressure on Putin and his oligarch handlers. Push comes to shove...Russia's military is a bit of a joke...full of lies about performance and ill-trained troops.

The issue is..that Pution needs to stop fucking with us and our system of govt.--He has seized on our cultural wars as a our detriment, as has China and Iran.
Who cares? Russia, under Putin sucks.

They do suck, but they have sucked for centuries, long before dumbass Biden was born, but calling him the LEADER of the worlds largest nation a killer in PUBLIC is stupid, that is what YOU don't understand is the repercussions this creates.
World's largest nation by area is not the most powerful or the most populous.

I put to you that those 'repercussions' are just what Biden is counting on? Putting pressure on Putin and his oligarch handlers. Push comes to shove...Russia's military is a bit of a joke...full of lies about performance and ill-trained troops.

The issue is..that Pution needs to stop fucking with us and our system of govt.--He has seized on our cultural wars as a our detriment, as has China and Iran.

Your naivete is astounding and so is your ignorance, since the Russian Military is big enough and strong enough to be a concern to anyone. Obama backed down over the Georgia invasion..... which is conveniently forgotten.
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Who cares? Russia, under Putin sucks.

They do suck, but they have sucked for centuries, long before dumbass Biden was born, but calling him the LEADER of the worlds largest nation a killer in PUBLIC is stupid, that is what YOU don't understand is the repercussions this creates.
World's largest nation by area is not the most powerful or the most populous.

I put to you that those 'repercussions' are just what Biden is counting on? Putting pressure on Putin and his oligarch handlers. Push comes to shove...Russia's military is a bit of a joke...full of lies about performance and ill-trained troops.

The issue is..that Pution needs to stop fucking with us and our system of govt.--He has seized on our cultural wars as a our detriment, as has China and Iran.
Lol, now our troops have identity issues. Liberalism destroys everything it touches.
Russia recalls its ambassador to U.S. after Biden brands Putin a 'killer'
Russia recalls its ambassador to U.S. after Biden brands Putin a 'killer' (
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By Yuliya Talmazan & Tatyana Chistkova

Russia has recalled its ambassador to the United States after President Joe Biden made comments criticizing Russian leader Vladimir Putin that were “very bad” and without precedent, the Kremlin said Thursday.
"I won't be wordy in reaction to this," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. "I will only say that these are very bad statements by the U.S. president."
In a television interview on Wednesday, Biden branded Putin a “killer” and said he would “pay a price” for 2020 election interference. Just hours later, Russia recalled its ambassador “for consultations” back in Moscow.
Peskov said Biden’s remarks show that he “definitely does not want to improve relations with our country."
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova did not cite specific reasons for recalling ambassador Anatoly Antonov, but indicated that relations between Moscow and Washington “have been going through hard times,” blaming the U.S. for bringing them “to a blind alley.”
During Wednesday’s interview with ABC News Biden also confirmed that he once told Putin the Russian leader doesn’t "have a soul." He said Putin responded to the comment, made during a visit to the Kremlin as vice president in 2011, by saying "We understand each other.”
Biden also said Wednesday that Russia would face consequences for meddling in last year’s presidential election after a declassified report from the U.S. national intelligence director’s office found earlier this week that Putin authorized influence operations to help former President Donald Trump in last November’s election.
“(Putin) will pay a price,” Biden said, asked about the report. Biden did not disclose what price Putin could pay, only saying, “you will see shortly.”
On Thursday, Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Russian upper house of parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said Biden calling Putin a killer was a “watershed” moment.
“Any expectations of the new U.S. administration's new policy on the Russian direction have been written off by this boorish statement,” Kosachev said in a Facebook post.
He called Antonov’s recall an adequate reaction from the Kremlin, adding that it won’t be Russia’s last move unless there is an explanation or apology from the American side.

There goes Chyna Joey Xi the diplomatic genius shooting off his mouth again and Psaki covering for this mentally addled puppet of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Party.
Just imagine Chyna Joey Xi with less than 100 das as president has created an international rift.
Meanwhile, the greatest mass murderers of the last 70 years, the Red Chinese Communist Party, sits back and laughs, secure in the knowledge that Joe is their puppet...
This is just another "Look at the squirrel" scenario of the PM/DSA Democrat Left... Russia is not a military threat to the United States. China however is a far greater threat to our Natonal Security and conquering us in several aspects.
Just imagine if DJT had used the same words Joey Xi uttered about Putin....
The Quisling Media and the Marxist Dems go bersek and the talking heads would have had a field day. Indeed Nancy and Chuckie would be calling for another impeachment, calling for invoking the 25th Amendment, demanding the nuclear codes and football kept away from him and be walking around with their hair on fire.
Hah,,,,, Who was that Hollywoodiot celeb that recently tweeted, “It’s good to have ADULTS in charge again.”?

Red Joe has got his best girl working on this one:

Who cares? Russia, under Putin sucks.

They do suck, but they have sucked for centuries, long before dumbass Biden was born, but calling him the LEADER of the worlds largest nation a killer in PUBLIC is stupid, that is what YOU don't understand is the repercussions this creates.
World's largest nation by area is not the most powerful or the most populous.

I put to you that those 'repercussions' are just what Biden is counting on? Putting pressure on Putin and his oligarch handlers. Push comes to shove...Russia's military is a bit of a joke...full of lies about performance and ill-trained troops.

The issue is..that Pution needs to stop fucking with us and our system of govt.--He has seized on our cultural wars as a our detriment, as has China and Iran.

You naivete is astounding and so is your ignorance, since the Russian Military is big enough and strong enough to be a concern to anyone. Obama backed down over the Georgia invasion..... which is conveniently forgotten.

Hah, Obama also drew two red lines in the sand and got sand kicked in his face.

Who cares? Russia, under Putin sucks.

They do suck, but they have sucked for centuries, long before dumbass Biden was born, but calling him the LEADER of the worlds largest nation a killer in PUBLIC is stupid, that is what YOU don't understand is the repercussions this creates.
World's largest nation by area is not the most powerful or the most populous.

I put to you that those 'repercussions' are just what Biden is counting on? Putting pressure on Putin and his oligarch handlers. Push comes to shove...Russia's military is a bit of a joke...full of lies about performance and ill-trained troops.

The issue is..that Pution needs to stop fucking with us and our system of govt.--He has seized on our cultural wars as a our detriment, as has China and Iran.

Your naivete is astounding and so is your ignorance, since the Russian Military is big enough and strong enough to be a concern to anyone. Obama backed down over the Georgia invasion..... which is conveniently forgotten.

He sure proved he was 'flexible,' Ol' Quid Pro Hussein.
During Wednesday’s interview with ABC News Biden also confirmed that he once told Putin the Russian leader doesn’t "have a soul." He said Putin responded to the comment, made during a visit to the Kremlin as vice president in 2011, by saying "We understand each other.”

File that in the "things that never happened".

Pissed Canada off, now Russia. I thought he was going to be the unity president.
Don't forget Mexico.....they are quite upset at the Xiden Humanitarian Crisis on the border, and uptick in Cartel power and actions

The only countries that really seem to be thrilled right now are, China and know the two countries that sponsored his election
Good for the Russia
I am sure their nukes are ready to go
Naaaaah, Russia's got nothing --- 140 million population, and falling, and most of them drunks on vodka. Better Biden threaten them than China: we would lose a war with China.

I don't know about ol' Putin, though --- he doesn't like Trump, he doesn't like Biden --- and you know what he does about people he doesn't like: he poisons them. So everybody better watch out for Putin Minions wandering about, like they did in England before they poisoned those two Russian escapees.

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