Russia and the US - pretty much the same place

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I have been watching some documentaries on the state of modern Russia. I have also visited the country.

There seem to be growing similarities between the Russians and America

Corporations call the shots
Corrupt political system
Destructive imperialist foreign policy
Rise of anti gay activity
Sponsoring terrorism

I am sure that there are more similarities.

I have travelled far and wide and Moscow is the only place on earth that I felt uncomfortable.
So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.
I have been watching some documentaries on the state of modern Russia. I have also visited the country.

There seem to be growing similarities between the Russians and America

Corporations call the shots
Corrupt political system
Destructive imperialist foreign policy
Rise of anti gay activity
Sponsoring terrorism

I am sure that there are more similarities.

I have travelled far and wide and Moscow is the only place on earth that I felt uncomfortable.
If your theory is correct, that Russia and America are in the same place, then you would not feel comfortable in most American cities, either.

If that is the case, you are welcome to stay where you are, and not to visit us.

I seriously doubt that anyone will notice.
...For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.
And you are from WHERE, again?

Oh, wait, never mind... just spotted your 'location' tag on your profile stub... the UK.

Strike One.

That explains a lot.

And a Liberal academic from the UK, no less.

Strike Two.



Hell, boy, we've spent most of the past 70 years, trying to fix the world that you phukked up, with centuries of war-making and colonialism and imperialism and brutal occupation and suppression of countries around the globe with lots of little brown ignorant peasant folk in them.

Until they wised-up and kicked your nasty asses out, and sent you packing back home, with your tail between your legs; leaving you with nothing more than warm and fuzzy memories of an Empire lost, and your power and importance sliced into a mere fragment of what it once was.

Rather like the pot calling the kettle black, old boy.

Strike Three.

You're out.
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So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.
It must suck to be you, Tommy, full of uppity wispy opinions about every place except where you actually live.
...For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.
And you are from WHERE, again?

Oh, wait, never mind... just spotted your 'location' tag on your profile stub... the UK.

That explains a lot.

And a Liberal academic from the UK, no less.

Strike Two.
Oh yes! He probably reads some of them there books too. Those are stacks of paper bound to each other on one side.
"There seem to be growing similarities between the Russians and America

Corporations call the shots
Corrupt political system
Destructive imperialist foreign policy
Rise of anti gay activity
Sponsoring terrorism

Yep, you're an American liberal.
So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.
Just stay where you are. We have more than enough idiots here without you.
I am surprised that nobody has anything to say about the specifics.

Why are you surprised? Do you really think Americans aren't aware of our problems? Most of us are far more aware of the specifics than you are.
In fact, I'd say, some of us are aware that many of those problems stem from the Anglo-American Establishment dating back to the turn of the twentieth century.

I think if Tommy would research Cecil Rhodes and the interaction between the Chatham House or the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Rockefeller's founding of the Council of Foreign Affairs, he might actually find that most of the problems in the US can be traced back to the fact that our nation has never really become independent, financially, or policy wise, of the foreign intrigue of the Rothschild influence in Britain .

That corruption dates back to 1776.

Nothing has ever changed.


All of it;

Corporations call the shots
Corrupt political system
Destructive imperialist foreign policy
Rise of anti gay activity
Sponsoring terrorism

It is all his nation's fault in the end. It all stems from divide and conquer strategies causing distractions among the populace. It's why our founders continually debated about having a central bank, they didn't want the influence of the slimy international bankers out of the City of London causing all the problems here.

So yeah, thanks for all of that.

Maybe the folks of Britain should look in the mirror and clean house before criticizing others.
Who ever wins the Republican and Democratic nominations for president, (other than Trump, why do you think they addressed that in parliament?)chances are, they will be Rothschild's puppets.

The only foreign war I think I would ever support is one on Britain. :badgrin: Those spies need to be kicked out yesterday.

I am so damn sick of English interference in American domestic affairs. Them, and Israel. Seriously. It's always been insane.

They should just leave us the fuck alone.


Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP - American Free Press

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