Russell Wilson vs. Peyton Manning - Can Wilson Best Manning's Legacy?

I think that Wilson is a QB that can be great, but not the way Manning has been, I do worry about injuries as Wilson ages, not sure if his career will be as long.

I agree. Wilson's longevity in the NFL will probably be somewhat similar to a running back more so than the typical pocket passer QB that doesn't take too many blindside shots.

If it is, it'll be because he never even becomes an okay pocket passer. And if that is the case, I think all the great talk is short sighted. He may have a relatively great window; but that speaks to the team he is on and the system he is in. He wouldn't be winning titles in Cleveland or otherwise be making pro bowls.
I saw Wilson before he made his first regular season start ever in a pre season game here in town and I knew right then,he was going to be great.i saw his complete a pass deep down the filed accurately where only the reciver could catch it on a long third and long play and it just made my jaw drop.i said right then-This guy ia amazing,he is going to be a great quarterback and hall of famer someday.

I understood right there and then,WHY carrol chose to make him the starter that year his rookie year over matt Flynn who they paid tons of money for. talking a little further on this,i mean he put it right there where only the reciever could get it and the defender had excellent coverage on him as well.i thought at the time there was no way in hell he would complete it,i could not believe he did.reminded me of the playoff game against the saints last year in the playoffs.they had like a 3rd and 18 and he threw it deep down the field and i thought to myself man what the hell is carrol doing? cause you would think they would have just called like a safe screen pass and try and run to pick up the 18 years,you never thought they would take a chance like that when it was a critical time on the game but carrol had confidance in wilson that he could throw it deep down the field accuratly with a defnder all over baldwin and his condifance in wilson paid off.
I think that Wilson is a QB that can be great, but not the way Manning has been, I do worry about injuries as Wilson ages, not sure if his career will be as long.

I agree. Wilson's longevity in the NFL will probably be somewhat similar to a running back more so than the typical pocket passer QB that doesn't take too many blindside shots.

If it is, it'll be because he never even becomes an okay pocket passer. And if that is the case, I think all the great talk is short sighted. He may have a relatively great window; but that speaks to the team he is on and the system he is in. He wouldn't be winning titles in Cleveland or otherwise be making pro bowls.

That is a silly comment. Wilson is already a very good pocket passer. The Seattle offense has a variety of plays mostly based on the read option. They mix in a few classic pocket style plays occasionally and Russell has been very successful from that formation. Seattle leads the league in plus 20 yard plays many of which came from throws inside the pocket.

Another thing I find annoying from casual viewers of Seahawk games is the misconception derived from overall yardage measurements at the end of Hawk's games. Seattle FREQUENTLY gets excellent field position from a combination of Special Teams play and the many fumbles and interceptions we enjoy. In a typical game we might only need to go somewhere less than 50 yards to score while our opponents typically have to go nearly twice as far. A final score of 31-7 with the other team actually gaining MORE yards than the Hawks is not uncommon.
3rd Quarter of NFC Championship; Thus far, the girly special teams passer has one more TD completion than Wilson.
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Interesting that the combination that led to 4 interceptions also accounted for the winning TD.

Packers didn't play over the top safety help on two plays in a row. Any halfway decent QB could have made that pass. In fairness, Wilson was unlucky on some of those interceptions. But come on; nobody can say that Wilson looked good today.
Interesting that the combination that led to 4 interceptions also accounted for the winning TD.

Packers didn't play over the top safety help on two plays in a row. Any halfway decent QB could have made that pass. In fairness, Wilson was unlucky on some of those interceptions. But come on; nobody can say that Wilson looked good today.

Are you crazy? Who in their right mind would say Wilson had a great or even a good game today?

Wilson played like dog shit for three qtrs. He totally stunk up the CLink.

Then he and Lynch reached in deep and willed their way to a win today.
wow,nobody can dispute wilson has a great quarterback now.regardless of what he does in the superbowl,every few quarterbacks have the resiliency he displayed to keep his composure like that and black out those 4 interceptions to come back and win the game like he did and being accuarete on the 2 point conversion like that. i have said it before.he reminds me so much of montana and elway.thoes two guys would have days they would stink up the joint for most the game like wilson did today but in the end,they were moneytime and won the game when it matterd with key throws which is what wilson did today.He did what thge greats do,forget what he did in the past and be cluth whnen it counted.
Interesting that the combination that led to 4 interceptions also accounted for the winning TD.

Packers didn't play over the top safety help on two plays in a row. Any halfway decent QB could have made that pass. In fairness, Wilson was unlucky on some of those interceptions. But come on; nobody can say that Wilson looked good today.

Are you crazy? Who in their right mind would say Wilson had a great or even a good game today?

Wilson played like dog shit for three qtrs. He totally stunk up the CLink.

Then he and Lynch reached in deep and willed their way to a win today.
thats what the greats do,stick up the joint for most the game but put that out of their mind and make the plays they have to when it matters as he did today.
Interesting that the combination that led to 4 interceptions also accounted for the winning TD.

Packers didn't play over the top safety help on two plays in a row. Any halfway decent QB could have made that pass. In fairness, Wilson was unlucky on some of those interceptions. But come on; nobody can say that Wilson looked good today.

Are you crazy? Who in their right mind would say Wilson had a great or even a good game today?

Wilson played like dog shit for three qtrs. He totally stunk up the CLink.

Then he and Lynch reached in deep and willed their way to a win today.

Wilson made the right plays in general down the stretch. But Lynch, GB playing not to lose, and a tight end not making a simple grab were the reasons that Seattle won a game they had no business winning.
Interesting that the combination that led to 4 interceptions also accounted for the winning TD.

Packers didn't play over the top safety help on two plays in a row. Any halfway decent QB could have made that pass. In fairness, Wilson was unlucky on some of those interceptions. But come on; nobody can say that Wilson looked good today.

Are you crazy? Who in their right mind would say Wilson had a great or even a good game today?

Wilson played like dog shit for three qtrs. He totally stunk up the CLink.

Then he and Lynch reached in deep and willed their way to a win today.
thats what the greats do,stick up the joint for most the game but put that out of their mind and make the plays they have to when it matters as he did today.

Well, certainly the media and fan boys are fond of ignoring facts and pointing to pivotal plays. Based on that reality, Wilson may as well have thrown for 400 yards and 4 TDs and ran for another couple TDs today. Cos in the end, that's how it'll be remembered.
Well.......I will write tomorrow but tonight is for celebration. That was by far the worst game of Wilson's career....until it mattered and then he stuck it in their heart. Most amazing comeback I have seen in years, if ever. Like I said....I will write more another time. Tonight is just for celebration.

GO HAWKS!!!!!!
Well.......I will write tomorrow but tonight is for celebration. That was by far the worst game of Wilson's career....until it mattered and then he stuck it in their heart. Most amazing comeback I have seen in years, if ever. Like I said....I will write more another time. Tonight is just for celebration.

GO HAWKS!!!!!!

I wouldn't doubt Wilson's heart or say he's not a good QB. I will be the voice of reason though.
Wait...I just saw this thread. Who in the world would think Russell Wilson will ever hold a candle to Peyton Manning?!?!?!!

No disrespect to Wilson - he's a good young player, but Peyton is one of the best to ever play the game!
Bar the last 5 minutes, Wilson was terrible.

But he was good when it mattered most.

Well I have had my night of celebration and I have shaken off my hang over.Wel you know usually Wilson has the Midas touch, but for 55 minutes yesterday he had the Mr. Hanke touch....everything he touched turned to shit. Seahawks were dominated in all phases of that game....until it mattered most. Was it luck? Was it domination? I tend to think that excellent play creates your own luck. The two point conversion was probably nothing more than a gift from almighty God. The TD pass to win it in overtime (including the pass to Baldwin right before) was simply perfect execution. The onside kick I suppose had the element of luck that the guy didn't catch the ball, but it was a perfectly executed kick and a perfectly executed flood of the zone by the Seahawks too.
But as far as Wilson....yeah I have never seen him play that bad....until stuck a dagger in the Packers. Take away from it what you will I guess.
Wilson also has the highest career quarterback rating in the playoffs in NFL history; better than Aikman, better than Favre, better than Montana, Marino, Rodgers, Brees, Bradshaw, Unitas, Starr, Brady, Staubach, and yes far better than Manning. No quarterback in the history of the NFL has exploded in the playoffs like Russell Wilson has the last three years. I'd say he is pretty confident.

Impeccable Russell Wilson in rare company after another strong postseason performance - Seattle Sidelines

Well, Wilson is no longer has the highest QB rating in the playoffs in NFL history. One game moved him from 1 to 5.
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As for the OP, I'd take Wilson over Manning every day of the week and twice on Sunday... Ten times on Sunday's in January.