Rushcrappe_ "75% want to repeal O-Care- Court should take that into account...Jeebus


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
A)not that many..and they just don't approve.
B)30% want single payer...
Strangely, this is supposed to be about constitutionality...JFC! Curiouser and curiouser. Luckily, Kennedy is not a bought off shit like the four worst Supremes ever...

Rush: Pure Pubcrappe as ALWAYS. Pub dupes...
A)not that many..and they just don't approve.
B)30% want single payer...
Strangely, this is supposed to be about constitutionality...JFC! Curiouser and curiouser. Luckily, Kennedy is not a bought off shit like the four worst Supremes ever...

Rush: Pure Pubcrappe as ALWAYS. Pub dupes...

A)not that many..and they just don't approve.
B)30% want single payer...
Strangely, this is supposed to be about constitutionality...JFC! Curiouser and curiouser. Luckily, Kennedy is not a bought off shit like the four worst Supremes ever...

Rush: Pure Pubcrappe as ALWAYS. Pub dupes...

Another Rush follower :clap2:
I check all sources, but I'm no moron Pub dupe...Rush, Fox, Savage, Beck, Murdoch and Moonie papers, Breitbart Inc and RW bloggers, lie in lockstep.
A)not that many..and they just don't approve.
B)30% want single payer...
Strangely, this is supposed to be about constitutionality...JFC! Curiouser and curiouser. Luckily, Kennedy is not a bought off shit like the four worst Supremes ever...

Rush: Pure Pubcrappe as ALWAYS. Pub dupes...

Like you aren't aware that Dear Ruler is pissing and moaning about an "activist court". What's good for the goose......

Of course, I'd like to hear an exact quote of what Rush said in actual context and the tone of his voice too.
I check all sources, but I'm no moron Pub dupe...Rush, Fox, Savage, Beck, Murdoch and Moonie papers, Breitbart Inc and RW bloggers, lie in lockstep.

FrancoHFW should be ignored at all costs

Franc and beans is a troll. One of the only people I reguarly neg just for general principle.

A) Rush was being serious. A great and tireless bought off liar...

You're a lying POS dittohead. The dupes are inveterate neggers- a bunch of circle jerk morons who then say it means something, kinda like the Pub Propaganda machine LOL

Later chumps.
Yeah right we need a populist supreme court.

You should tell that to Obama as he drones and and on admonishing the SCOTUS to be mindful of the "human factor" of repealing his law.. and telling of all the letters he's receiving about all the people who Obamacare has saved....

But yes, you are correct.


Franc and beans is a troll. One of the only people I reguarly neg just for general principle.

A) Rush was being serious. A great and tireless bought off liar...

You're a lying POS dittohead. The dupes are inveterate neggers- a bunch of circle jerk morons who then say it means something, kinda like the Pub Propaganda machine LOL

Later chumps.

I hate to break it to a sheep like you, but the only time I've ever spent listening to Limbaugh is when I've been searching thru the stations. Maybe a total of 30 minutes of his whole career. He simply isn't my cup of tea, but I DO understand his schtick. You don't. Find another board to troll. Maybe Pinterest. You can post the 128 different uses of bong water.
It is funny that libs spend more time listening to Rush than cons do.
The ones who should have listened to the people were the ones elected to represent them. But, that didn't happen. Actually, those who voted on Obamacare had a duty to read and understand the bill instead of just passing it and waiting to see what was in it later. Now we know, it's a piece of shit.

If congress passed an unconstitutional bill, which is the SC's only concern, then those who voted on it should be asked to resign. Voting blindly is stupid and we can't accept that any longer. We elect people to work hard for us, not phone it in.
It is funny that libs spend more time listening to Rush than cons do.

And oddly, they're very comprehension challenged as I was listening to him on my way back from lunch. He did speak of this, but he never said anything about 75%.
Gee, the top CON RETARD demonstrates his lack of how the SCOTUS is supposed to work?

I'm stunned.

Maybe he could call them "sluts" and demand sex tapes of them?

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