...Ruby Freeman back in the political arena....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
In today's online Newsweek there is coverage on the prosecution's filing of notice to the court and to the defense that they will introduce testimony from Freeman and her daughter, and of Don Trump's aggressive attacks on them. The prosecution is desiring to establish a pattern of behavior that Trump engaged in over many years and in many situations that lend support to their position that he was doing it all intentionally and with motive.

From Newsweek:
Donald Trump's Repeated Attacks on Mother and Daughter....

Mother and daughter, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss were falsely accused of using suitcases of ballots to add votes for President Joe Biden at an Atlanta voting center during the 2020 presidential election.

Prosecutors filed allegation of online abuse against Trump on Tuesday. The prosecutor's filing shows for the first time that prosecutors intend to introduce evidence about Freeman and Moss into the Trump election fraud trial.

"Long after the charged conduct, the defendant continued to falsely attack two Georgia election workers, despite being on notice that his claims about them in 2020 were false and had subjected them to vile, racist, and violent threats and harassment," Senior Assistant Special Counsel Molly Gaston wrote in a nine-page court filing on Tuesday.

Trump listed one of them as being among the "monsters" who had stolen the 2020 election and "doubled down" on his attacks after the pair testified before the January 6 committee, the court filings show. Allegations that Trump's comments prompted racist abuse could be bad news for the former president. His trial will be before a jury in Washington, D.C.

In her submission, Gaston said Freeman and Moss gave "graphic testimony" to the January 6 committee "about the threats and harassment they endured after the defendant and his agents falsely accused them."

"In apparent response, the defendant then doubled down and recommenced his attacks on the election workers in posts on Truth Social," Gaston wrote. "He even zeroed in on one of the election workers, falsely writing that she was an election fraudster, a liar, and one of the 'treacher[ous...]monsters' who stole the country, and that she would be in legal trouble."

In Tuesday's filing, prosecutors said that Trump had a long history of "falsely blaming fraud for election results he does not like."

In today's online Newsweek there is coverage on the prosecution's filing of notice to the court and to the defense that they will introduce testimony from Freeman and her daughter, and of Don Trump's aggressive attacks on them. The prosecution is desiring to establish a pattern of behavior that Trump engaged in over many years and in many situations that lend support to their position that he was doing it all intentionally and with motive.

From Newsweek:
Donald Trump's Repeated Attacks on Mother and Daughter....

Mother and daughter, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss were falsely accused of using suitcases of ballots to add votes for President Joe Biden at an Atlanta voting center during the 2020 presidential election.

Prosecutors filed allegation of online abuse against Trump on Tuesday. The prosecutor's filing shows for the first time that prosecutors intend to introduce evidence about Freeman and Moss into the Trump election fraud trial.

"Long after the charged conduct, the defendant continued to falsely attack two Georgia election workers, despite being on notice that his claims about them in 2020 were false and had subjected them to vile, racist, and violent threats and harassment," Senior Assistant Special Counsel Molly Gaston wrote in a nine-page court filing on Tuesday.

Trump listed one of them as being among the "monsters" who had stolen the 2020 election and "doubled down" on his attacks after the pair testified before the January 6 committee, the court filings show. Allegations that Trump's comments prompted racist abuse could be bad news for the former president. His trial will be before a jury in Washington, D.C.

In her submission, Gaston said Freeman and Moss gave "graphic testimony" to the January 6 committee "about the threats and harassment they endured after the defendant and his agents falsely accused them."

"In apparent response, the defendant then doubled down and recommenced his attacks on the election workers in posts on Truth Social," Gaston wrote. "He even zeroed in on one of the election workers, falsely writing that she was an election fraudster, a liar, and one of the 'treacher[ous...]monsters' who stole the country, and that she would be in legal trouble."

In Tuesday's filing, prosecutors said that Trump had a long history of "falsely blaming fraud for election results he does not like."
At some point people will not volunteer to do these jobs and democacy will fail.
That is trumps aim because he cant win elections. His brand is toxic.
In today's online Newsweek there is coverage on the prosecution's filing of notice to the court and to the defense that they will introduce testimony from Freeman and her daughter, and of Don Trump's aggressive attacks on them. The prosecution is desiring to establish a pattern of behavior that Trump engaged in over many years and in many situations that lend support to their position that he was doing it all intentionally and with motive.

From Newsweek:
Donald Trump's Repeated Attacks on Mother and Daughter....

Mother and daughter, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss were falsely accused of using suitcases of ballots to add votes for President Joe Biden at an Atlanta voting center during the 2020 presidential election.

Prosecutors filed allegation of online abuse against Trump on Tuesday. The prosecutor's filing shows for the first time that prosecutors intend to introduce evidence about Freeman and Moss into the Trump election fraud trial.

"Long after the charged conduct, the defendant continued to falsely attack two Georgia election workers, despite being on notice that his claims about them in 2020 were false and had subjected them to vile, racist, and violent threats and harassment," Senior Assistant Special Counsel Molly Gaston wrote in a nine-page court filing on Tuesday.

Trump listed one of them as being among the "monsters" who had stolen the 2020 election and "doubled down" on his attacks after the pair testified before the January 6 committee, the court filings show. Allegations that Trump's comments prompted racist abuse could be bad news for the former president. His trial will be before a jury in Washington, D.C.

In her submission, Gaston said Freeman and Moss gave "graphic testimony" to the January 6 committee "about the threats and harassment they endured after the defendant and his agents falsely accused them."

"In apparent response, the defendant then doubled down and recommenced his attacks on the election workers in posts on Truth Social," Gaston wrote. "He even zeroed in on one of the election workers, falsely writing that she was an election fraudster, a liar, and one of the 'treacher[ous...]monsters' who stole the country, and that she would be in legal trouble."

In Tuesday's filing, prosecutors said that Trump had a long history of "falsely blaming fraud for election results he does not like."
Didn't trump claim during the primaries for the 2016 election that Cruz cheated in a state Trump lost during the primaries?
She put her own fat ass in the political arena.
She volunteered to help in the election counting process.

What in the hell is wrong with those folks, like poster Oddball above, who think that our occasional election workers are evil and crooked just because..... There is an insecurity, a mendaciousness at work here. Lash out at anyone who is even tangentially associated with a process that produces a result that they do not like. It is immature, unsophisticated, irresponsible, and short-sighted. And corrosive to America and our democracy.

And, in the case of Ruby Freeman and her daughter ...vis-a-vis Rudy Giuliani ... well, we will see what the penalty for that mendacity will be.

To wit:
(Newsweek: After the 2020 election, Giuliani had accused Freeman and Moss of stuffing Trump ballots into a suitcase and smuggling them out of a Georgia polling center, making them the focus of a hate campaign by supporters of former President Donald Trump. Giuliani's claims were later shown to be completely false and the "suitcase" was a standard container used in polling booths across America.

On August 30, Howell, who sits in Washington, D.C, found mother and daughter, Ruby Freeman and Shayne Moss, had been defamed by Giuliani. At the time, Howell ordered Giuliani to pay Freeman and Moss' legal fees and costs and said that a trial to decide defamation damages would be set ..... now expected to begin on December 11)

That is this coming Monday. Perhaps poster Oddball, and others of his mindset, can see what a jury of peers thinks of Dripping Rudy's mendacity in villainizing election workers.

At some point people will not volunteer to do these jobs and democracy will fail.
I quite agree.
The MAGA's, the QAnon'rs, (and the World Economic Forum secret agents, per a couple of posters on this chatroom), plus the sentiments as expressed by poster
Oddball above....will drive these well-meaning, civic-minded, worker-bees from our democratic voting process. It is short sighted. It is toxic and corrosive to our free and fair elections administered by patriotic volunteer citizens. It is anti-America.

We should take every opportunity to push back, criticize, and condemn those efforts to villainize our election workers.

And we are looking at you.....poster Oddball.
In today's online Newsweek there is coverage on the prosecution's filing of notice to the court and to the defense that they will introduce testimony from Freeman and her daughter, and of Don Trump's aggressive attacks on them. The prosecution is desiring to establish a pattern of behavior that Trump engaged in over many years and in many situations that lend support to their position that he was doing it all intentionally and with motive.

From Newsweek:
Donald Trump's Repeated Attacks on Mother and Daughter....

Mother and daughter, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss were falsely accused of using suitcases of ballots to add votes for President Joe Biden at an Atlanta voting center during the 2020 presidential election.

Prosecutors filed allegation of online abuse against Trump on Tuesday. The prosecutor's filing shows for the first time that prosecutors intend to introduce evidence about Freeman and Moss into the Trump election fraud trial.

"Long after the charged conduct, the defendant continued to falsely attack two Georgia election workers, despite being on notice that his claims about them in 2020 were false and had subjected them to vile, racist, and violent threats and harassment," Senior Assistant Special Counsel Molly Gaston wrote in a nine-page court filing on Tuesday.

Trump listed one of them as being among the "monsters" who had stolen the 2020 election and "doubled down" on his attacks after the pair testified before the January 6 committee, the court filings show. Allegations that Trump's comments prompted racist abuse could be bad news for the former president. His trial will be before a jury in Washington, D.C.

In her submission, Gaston said Freeman and Moss gave "graphic testimony" to the January 6 committee "about the threats and harassment they endured after the defendant and his agents falsely accused them."

"In apparent response, the defendant then doubled down and recommenced his attacks on the election workers in posts on Truth Social," Gaston wrote. "He even zeroed in on one of the election workers, falsely writing that she was an election fraudster, a liar, and one of the 'treacher[ous...]monsters' who stole the country, and that she would be in legal trouble."

In Tuesday's filing, prosecutors said that Trump had a long history of "falsely blaming fraud for election results he does not like."

In the mean time, the video is still out there, that clearly shows Ms. Freedman and her daughter illegally tampering with the ballot-counting process.

In spite of the best efforts of the cheating Democraps and the complicit media, this video is not going to go away, nor is there any credible way to explain away what it very clearly shows.

She volunteered to cheat....Fuck her.
Which.....says far more about poster Oddball's vulgarity in lieu of informed insight than it does about anything involving the election worker.

Oddball's expressed attitude is corrosive to America.


"... the video is still out there, that clearly shows Ms. Freedman and her daughter illegally tampering with the ballot-counting process."

So sayeth, an anonymous poster using a fake name on an American internet social-media site.

On the other hand, the Georgia Secretary of State, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.......well, they actually investigated, in contradistinction to the anonymous poster.

And they officially...and legally....and firmly found otherwise.

But good poster Bob Baylock, will have the welcome opportunity to compare his opinion to all of their opinions as he follows coverage of the court proceedings scheduled to begin this coming Monday, the 11th.

So Bob, you should welcome that.
Just maybe all those honest-to-god professional investigators who are required to put their real names on their work.....will agree with you.

So sayeth, an anonymous poster using a fake name on an American internet social-media site.

Is Chillicothe your real name, or any form thereof?

Technically, legally, my true name, as it appears on my birth certificate, is “Robert Wells Blaylock”, and as everyone knows, “Bob” is a very common short form of “Robert”. “Bob Blaylock” is the name by which I go in real life, the name by which all of my associates know me.


Now, tell us all, once again, which one of us is an anonymous poster hiding behind a fake name?
In the mean time, the video is still out there, that clearly shows Ms. Freedman and her daughter illegally tampering with the ballot-counting process.

In spite of the best efforts of the cheating Democraps and the complicit media, this video is not going to go away, nor is there any credible way to explain away what it very clearly shows.

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The film does not support your insanity bob.
“Bob Blaylock” is the name by which I go in real life,
......which one of us is an anonymous poster hiding behind a fake name?
Ah, that is so unfortunate, Bob.
I was pained to read your confession about the avatar name.
You claim it is your real name.
OK, I guess.

But if that is so, well then, Bob....you are wrong twice about that video.
Once with your avatar's name.
And once with your real name.
That's regrettable.

Help yourself out....and follow the coverage of the Rudy 'Shirttuck' Giuliani trial that is scheduled to begin this coming Monday, December 11th.

I kinda think the issue of that alleged 'ballot cheating' may be relevant.


Let us know what you think after the trial is over.

Thanx, in advance.

Chlte ;)
Ah, that is so unfortunate, Bob.
I was pained to read your confession about the avatar name.
You claim it is your real name.
OK, I guess.

But if that is so, well then, Bob....you are wrong twice about that video.
Once with your avatar's name.
And once with your real name.
That's regrettable.

Which one of us is going anonymously on this forum under a fake name? Is Chillicothe any recognizable form of your true, legal name?
"....the video is still out there, that clearly shows Ms. Freedman and her daughter illegally tampering with the ballot-counting process.

Watch Rudy, your Paladin....coming to theatres near you next week (if he doesn't cop a deal...or not show up.)
Let' see....from an intellectual view.....how your video fantasy fares.

Should be interesting to you, to the court, the defendant, and this forum.

Good luck.
"....the video is still out there, that clearly shows Ms. Freedman and her daughter illegally tampering with the ballot-counting process.

Watch the Rudy Show....coming up next week (if he doesn't cop a deal...or not show up.)
Let' see....from an intellectual view.....how your incriminating video fantasy fares.

Should be interesting to you, to the court, the defendant, and this forum.

Good luck.
She put her own fat ass in the political arena.

Well, there’s a really nasty comment from an asshole. She volunteered to help in election. She volunteered to do her civic duty. She did not put her self in the “political arena”.

She was not running for office or campaigning for anyone running for office. That’s putting yourself in the political arena.

Every time one of you right wingers post, some thing about a woman, you have to make some nasty, uncalled for comments about her age or appearance. Especially if the woman being commented on isn’t white.

And then, of course, you deny that you’re a racist.

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