Giuliani's trial began's ugly


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
As has been referred to in other threads today (December 11th) has some interesting political aspects .... courtroom trial-wise.

Kenneth Cheseboro was slated to meet with the Nevada SOS's investigators looking into the 10 fraudulent electors. Flying into Nevada today for that series meetings and testimony. NOT a good day for those phonies. We'll watch the Arizona news feeds to see how that progresses.

But today, Rudy's situation kinda took a step up in immediacy. The 'Ruby Freeman & Daughter' trial began this morning. With this one too, we should all look to our Atlanta newsfeeds to see what the reportage will reveal.

Tonight Politico put this out:

"The jury’s only role is to settle on Giuliani’s punishment — a dollar amount they can tie to the harms he caused as well as additional “punitive” damages meant to deter others from acting similarly in the future.

As the case kicked off Monday, jurors also heard jarring audio of racist and violent phone messages and saw the text of emails, some echoing the false allegations that Giuliani and Trump lodged against Freeman and Moss as Trump sought to subvert his defeat in the 2020 election. Many of the messages contained racial slurs, including the N-word, which was played in court repeatedly and quoted aloud by another of the pair’s attorneys, Von DuBose.

Giuliani targeted Freeman and Moss in remarks to Georgia lawmakers in December 2020, falsely claiming that video evidence showed them manipulating ballots at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta. The allegation spread like wildfire among Trump’s allies who were seeking evidence of election fraud that could give Trump a pretense to challenge the results — and they persisted even after Georgia election officials debunked them. Trump himself supercharged the attacks on Moss and Freeman by raising them on a Jan. 2, 2021 phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

They're hunting for the "ghetto lottery"...

gibs me da Joe Floyds skrilla!!!

What do you figure they got paid for election theft.... a few Snickers bars and a $25 Golden Corral gift card?

Fuck 'em... don't give em shit. They already got paid.
Poster Esdraelon: "ALL lynchings are like that."
Poster 2Iron: "Fuck 'em... don't give em shit.


The OP quoted from Politico.
Other newsfeeds have their reportage also.
Here is the report from right-leaning......"The Hill":

"Following the 2020 election, Giuliani made the two women an epicenter of the Trump campaign’s unfounded claims of mass electoral fraud.

Freeman and Moss sued Giulaini for defamation, intentionally inflicting emotional distress on them and engaging in a conspiracy with others to do the same.

Their attorney, Von DuBose, began his opening statement by playing jurors clips of what he said were hundreds of threatening voicemails left for his clients in the wake of the 2020 election, often including racist statements.

Squarely pinning the blame on Giuliani, DuBose noted that groups at times showed up on Freeman’s doorstep “acting on what Mr. Giuliani told them.”

“It was swift, it was racist, and it was vicious,” DuBose said of the threats.

Joseph Sibley, Giuliani’s attorney, conceded that Freeman and Moss “didn’t deserve” what happened to them.

“There’s really no question that these plaintiffs were harmed. They’re good people,” Sibley said."
Ah, I wanna hope those two ladies get enough money to live safely from the MAGA/QAnon world of violent RWNJ's.

But a little jail time for his criminal behavior ain't a bad thing. Could serve a prophylactic to prevent other dumbasses from following his path.
They were ready to sell out on everything about the fraud. There could be proof of that coming up in an upcoming trial.
As has been referred to in other threads today (December 11th) has some interesting political aspects .... courtroom trial-wise.

Kenneth Cheseboro was slated to meet with the Nevada SOS's investigators looking into the 10 fraudulent electors. Flying into Nevada today for that series meetings and testimony. NOT a good day for those phonies. We'll watch the Arizona news feeds to see how that progresses.

But today, Rudy's situation kinda took a step up in immediacy. The 'Ruby Freeman & Daughter' trial began this morning. With this one too, we should all look to our Atlanta newsfeeds to see what the reportage will reveal.

Tonight Politico put this out:

"The jury’s only role is to settle on Giuliani’s punishment — a dollar amount they can tie to the harms he caused as well as additional “punitive” damages meant to deter others from acting similarly in the future.

As the case kicked off Monday, jurors also heard jarring audio of racist and violent phone messages and saw the text of emails, some echoing the false allegations that Giuliani and Trump lodged against Freeman and Moss as Trump sought to subvert his defeat in the 2020 election. Many of the messages contained racial slurs, including the N-word, which was played in court repeatedly and quoted aloud by another of the pair’s attorneys, Von DuBose.

Giuliani targeted Freeman and Moss in remarks to Georgia lawmakers in December 2020, falsely claiming that video evidence showed them manipulating ballots at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta. The allegation spread like wildfire among Trump’s allies who were seeking evidence of election fraud that could give Trump a pretense to challenge the results — and they persisted even after Georgia election officials debunked them. Trump himself supercharged the attacks on Moss and Freeman by raising them on a Jan. 2, 2021 phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
The only obvious fact is that it's all lawfare and Democrats will suffer in the end.
They were ready to sell out on everything about the fraud

On the other hand:
"Joseph Sibley, Giuliani’s attorney, conceded that Freeman and Moss “didn’t deserve” what happened to them.
“There’s really no question that these plaintiffs were harmed. They’re good people,” Sibley said."

There could be proof of that coming up in an upcoming trial.

Ummm, that 'upcoming' trial is today. Proof is what trials are intended to demonstrate. Watch the reportage of the Giuliani trial all this week.
The only obvious fact is that it's all lawfare and Democrats will suffer in the end.

The obvious fact is these people are lying criminals. This trial isn't about guilt, it's about damages. Guiliani has already been found guilty. This is just about how much he'll have to pay. He confessed at trial that nothing he said about these women was true and he made it all up.

And yet, outside the courtroom, Guiliani continues to repeat the slander, so we'll see what happens about that in this damages trial.

Jack Smith will use Rudy's courtroom confession in the upcoming January 6th trial.
Fuck 'em... don't give em shit."

On the other hand, this morning offers this reportage in contradistinction to poor poster TwoIron's schoolboy vulgarities.

Washington Post:
"Many messages called Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ArShaye “Shaye” Moss traitors. Others said they should be hanged from trees, close enough to the U.S. Capitol “for people to hear their necks snap.” And another message was from a person who just repeated the n-word at least 11 times.

“We’re going to burn all those n----- clothes you had … and your daughter she’s a f---ing whore. … It’s all over the internet,” another man said in a recorded message to the two Black women, mother and daughter, a volunteer and a temporary election worker in Georgia.

On the first day of a defamation damages trial against Rudy Giuliani, attorneys for Freeman and Moss showed jurors examples of hundreds of thousands of communications that the two Georgia election workers received or were the subject of on social media after the former Trump lawyer and New York mayor baselessly accused them of tampering with 2020 presidential election vote counting at State Farm Arena in Atlanta.

The “campaign of defamation and emotional terror” unleashed against the two women was “swift … racist, and it was vicious,” the plaintiffs’ attorneys, Michael J. Gottlieb and Von A. DuBose, said, respectively, in opening statements."
If Slimy Rudy is relieved of whatever money he has left by those deserving women the question becomes...........what implications does it have for his criminal defense? That is, will he plead guilty due to his inability to pay his defense attorneys?
Wait, I'm sure Dear Leader will help him out. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
On the other hand:
"Joseph Sibley, Giuliani’s attorney, conceded that Freeman and Moss “didn’t deserve” what happened to them.
“There’s really no question that these plaintiffs were harmed. They’re good people,” Sibley said."

Ummm, that 'upcoming' trial is today. Proof is what trials are intended to demonstrate. Watch the reportage of the Giuliani trial all this week.
I am following this Ruby/Rudy defamation trial because.....well, because it is Rudy.
He's a loose cannon. And fun to a snarky way.

Rudy is MAGA.
And MAGA must be so proud to have him as part of their cheerleading squad.
(Never mind his searching for votes in his underwear with the hotel hottie.) (Never mind his Viagra overdose dripping down his face).

For example, Mr. Loose Cannon shot off again yesterday immediately after leaving the courthouse.

This was reported this morning:

"Rudy Giuliani’s defiant public statements outside a Washington, D.C., federal courthouse — just minutes after he departed the first day of his civil trial for defaming two Georgia election workers — may have defamed them yet again, the judge presiding over the proceedings said Tuesday.

His attorney, Joe Sibley, agreed that he could not reconcile Giuliani’s out-of-court comments on Monday evening with the more contrite argument Sibley had made on behalf of the former New York City mayor earlier in the day.

After the first day of his trial, when jurors began to hear evidence to determine just how much Giuliani must pay for defaming the two women, Giuliani approached television cameras outside the courthouse and reiterated his attacks on them.

“Of course I don’t regret it,” he said of his years-long discredited efforts to accuse Freeman and Moss of election fraud. “They were engaging in changing votes.”

When the trial reconvened on Tuesday morning, an incredulous Howell said the comments “could support another defamation claim.”

Sibley told jurors in his opening statement Monday that Giuliani had wronged the two election workers, who he described as “good people” who did not deserve the torrent of threats they received.

But Giuliani contradicted that sentiment by renewing his false allegations about Moss and Freeman to reporters outside the courthouse.

“I’m not sure how it’s reconcilable,” Sibley acknowledged in response to Howell’s questions.


Rudy Giuliani, personal attorney to Don Trump, has been a very watchable long-crashing train-wreck for years. We are lucky to have such affirming entertainment. For one thing, it makes us all feel superior. That we are smarter than that knucklehead. And he WAS 'America's Mayor', no less.

[Challenge to the USMB posters who are handy with creating polls on this venue: Well, how 'bout working up a poll on how much money the forum participants think Rudy will be charged by the court with paying the mother and her daughter?

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