Royal Flush by Lindell

I don't think there's a person on the planet that doesn't know our last presidential election was a FARCE, that the democrats CHEATED, with help from other corrupt actors from all around the world. But when we hear the idiots from AZ say... "we're not doing this audit to reverse the election results"... well then, why the fuck ARE you doing an audit? What's the point? All the proof in the world is worthless unless there's people with enough GUTS to DO something about it.

When it becomes PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, and it already is, that Biden absolutely was CHEATED into the white house, there is no way in HELL he should be allowed to stay. That's like someone robbing a bank, then catching them and proving they robbed the bank, but then allowing them to KEEP THE MONEY. I mean... that's just moronic beyond comprehension.
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I don't think there's a person on the planet that doesn't know our last presidential election was a FARCE, that the democrats CHEATED, with help from other corrupt actors from all around the world. But when we hear the idiots from AZ say... "we're not doing this audit to reverse the election results"... well then, why the fuck ARE you doing an audit? What's the point? All the proof in the world is worthless unless there's people with enough GUTS to DO something about it.
Pushing The Big Lie again.
I don't think there's a person on the planet that doesn't know our last presidential election was a FARCE, that the democrats CHEATED, with help from other corrupt actors from all around the world. But when we hear the idiots from AZ say... "we're not doing this audit to reverse the election results"... well then, why the fuck ARE you doing an audit? What's the point? All the proof in the world is worthless unless there's people with enough GUTS to DO something about it.
Pushing The Big Lie again.
The "big lie" = the election was clean and pure
I don't think there's a person on the planet that doesn't know our last presidential election was a FARCE, that the democrats CHEATED, with help from other corrupt actors from all around the world. But when we hear the idiots from AZ say... "we're not doing this audit to reverse the election results"... well then, why the fuck ARE you doing an audit? What's the point? All the proof in the world is worthless unless there's people with enough GUTS to DO something about it.
Pushing The Big Lie again.
Got your head rammed up your ass chewing on another turd again.
"China is trying to enslave the American people".

You want to laugh, but this is the type of source from which the Trumpsters get their dangerous paranoia.

It's a shame people make a living do this to others.
The capitalist in the US already have us enslaved..People who charge way too much for pillows and pillow cases.
Another load...
Yep... you just shit your diaper again...
Mike Depends on the mentally handicapped and elderly dementia patients.

The Democrat party is so done. Look for them to offer up 'sacrificial lambs' when the truth of their election fraud hits the fan. We can only hope that Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, etc. will be cast on the political pyre.
"China is trying to enslave the American people".

You want to laugh, but this is the type of source from which the Trumpsters get their dangerous paranoia.

It's a shame people make a living do this to others.
The capitalist in the US already have us enslaved..People who charge way too much for pillows and pillow cases.
Yep... you're a POS, America hating commie cuck.

How much you getting a post from the CCP to spread their anti American bull shit?

Or do they just keep you supplied with DOPE?
Another load...
Yep... you just shit your diaper again...
Mike Depends on the mentally handicapped and elderly dementia patients.
And whatever he's saying is going right over your head, or you're just a dishonest fucking demtrash hack.
Reagan and the capitalist in both parties already sailed that boat long ago selling off our jobs to the lowest bidder in the world of manufacturing
I don't think there's a person on the planet that doesn't know our last presidential election was a FARCE, that the democrats CHEATED, with help from other corrupt actors from all around the world. But when we hear the idiots from AZ say... "we're not doing this audit to reverse the election results"... well then, why the fuck ARE you doing an audit? What's the point? All the proof in the world is worthless unless there's people with enough GUTS to DO something about it.
Pushing The Big Lie again.
And offering proof that it is not a lie. Deal with it.
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