Roy Wood Jr will host 2023 White House Correspondents’ Dinner honoring Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The 2023 White House Correspondents’ Dinner has found its entertainment.
Daily Show correspondent Roy Wood Jr. will be the entertainer for this year’s event, set to be held at the Washington Hilton on April 29. The White House Correspondents’ Association announced Wood’s participation Thursday.
“Roy Wood Jr. brings a journalistic eye to his comedy. He’s hilarious — but also makes sure his audiences are thinking as they laugh,” said Tamara Keith, WHCA president and White House correspondent for NPR. “My aim with this year’s dinner is to lift up the importance of a free and independent press to a functioning democracy, so I am thrilled to be able to feature a comedian who gets what journalism is all about.”

How could a Black Man with any dignity host a show that honors a racist asshole like Joe Biden?
But that is the sort of thing that happens in a crazy political cult like the Democrat Party.

1. Biden led the fight against busing and desegregation in the 1970's.
2. When discussing integrating schools, Biden said he didn't want his children to grow up in a "racial jungle."
3. In 1975, Biden said keeping segregation was a matter of "black pride."
4. Biden worked with former segregationists to help co-author the 1994 crime bill that many critics today unjustly put a generation of black non-violent offenders in jail.
5. Biden's pro-segregation busing bill was so bad that even a former member of the KKK-turned congressman voted against it.
6. In 1977, Biden was the only member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to block two black appointees to the Department of Justice.
7. Biden says you're not really black unless you vote for him!
8. Biden said that Klansman Robert Byrd was "like a brother" to him.
9. Biden said that he admired George Wallace.
10. Biden "one can’t go into a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts without having a slight Indian accent"
11. Biden said that Obama was “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, …"
12. Biden came under fire for making reference to “gangbangers” when describing Black teenagers.

and there is more.....

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