ROTFLMFAO~DemonRAT Julian Castro expected to launch 2020 presidential bid

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I think this will be candidate 1,254 for the DemonRATS....where are they going to hold the debates Yankee Stadium outfield?....but he does have the gay, Hispanic vote locked up! With the name of Castro, he has a shot....after all America voted for a Hussein, 7 years AFTER 9-11!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Texas Democrat Julian Castro, a former San Antonio mayor who went on to be the top U.S. housing official, was expected to formally announce his White House bid on Saturday, the first Hispanic in what looks to be a crowded field of candidates vying to challenge President Donald Trump in the November 2020 election.

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:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :dance: Looks like he is about to make his formal announcement as some of us are watching Fox News. Why are they making such a big deal over this? Now keep in mind, his last name is "Castro". You think that at least whites and cubans will be racing to the polls in the primaries to vote for him?
This is like the equivalent of lets say someone named "Whitey Buldger" about to run for President.
:iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :hyper: :laugh2:
Democrats will be trembling with excitement, voting for a Castro.


"I've always admired that Castro feller, he had such a magnificent beard. I heard his son is running for President here, so I'll surely be voting for him..."

:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :dance: Looks like he is about to make his formal announcement as some of us are watching Fox News. Why are they making such a big deal over this? Now keep in mind, his last name is "Castro". You think that at least whites and cubans will be racing to the polls in the primaries to vote for him?
This is like the equivalent of lets say someone named "Whitey Buldger" about to run for President.
:iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :hyper: :laugh2:
It has been proven that people will vote for anybody....
I hope he is as loony as AOC.

I LOVE the hard left collectivists who are rising in the DNC. Nothing can offend the sensibilities of rational productive people more than commies like them. Nothing could more effectively undermine the agenda of billionaire globalist sociopaths than the little marxist monsters they've created taking control of the treasonous criminal enterprise they fund. Can you imagine if Soros was forced at gun point to give away 70% of his shit?

He'd be the most radical republicrat in history minutes after the legislation was written.

I hope he is as loony as AOC.

I LOVE the hard left collectivists who are rising in the DNC. Nothing can offend the sensibilities of rational productive people more than commies like them. Nothing could more effectively undermine the agenda of billionaire globalist sociopaths than the little marxist monsters they've created taking control of the treasonous criminal enterprise they fund. Can you imagine if Soros was forced at gun point to give away 70% of his shit?

He'd be the most radical republicrat in history minutes after the legislation was written.

i am watching now, he says that we are going downhill? people are miserable? we can do better than this? ahh,,has he mentioned how great the economy has been since Trump became President?,,,,ahh,,i am as excited as my last proctologist exam
i am watching now, he says that we are going downhill? people are miserable? we can do better than this? ahh,,has he mentioned how great the economy has been since Trump became President?,,,,ahh,,i am as excited as my last proctologist exam

My doc always takes me out for a steak dinner and some wine.

It's included in his bill somewhere I'm sure as well as his meal, but at least I feel better afterward.

Kinda like when you get a "tax return".

It will be a long battle, people like the Pete has begun, and for the next 18 months others will work, to assassinate the character of Julian Castro.

The blue guy didn't listen to Mr Castro's speech today, knows nothing of his personal or professional background. But that matters not to someone like him, and there are many others, who will never vote for a Democrat, a Latino or someone who won't tell them what they what to hear; those who speak the truth scares the shit out of them.

I was particularly impressed with his welcome of the press at his announcement today in San Antonio. That alone should scare the crap out of the blue boy and other willful ignorant's.
It will be a long battle, people like the Pete has begun, and for the next 18 months others will work, to assassinate the character of Julian Castro.

The blue guy didn't listen to Mr Castro's speech today, knows nothing of his personal or professional background. But that matters not to someone like him, and there are many others, who will never vote for a Democrat, a Latino or someone who won't tell them what they what to hear; those who speak the truth scares the shit out of them.

I was particularly impressed with his welcome of the press at his announcement today in San Antonio. That alone should scare the crap out of the blue boy and other willful ignorant's.

Trump will only be able to win a 2020 run when he uses the same old rhetoric: Hate and Fear. Three of the front runners for the Nomination of the Democratic Party include two women; one African American; and a Latino. This alone scares the bullshit (which they'll spread on this message board) and character assassination for the next many months.
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:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :dance: Looks like he is about to make his formal announcement as some of us are watching Fox News. Why are they making such a big deal over this? Now keep in mind, his last name is "Castro". You think that at least whites and cubans will be racing to the po, who will probably be Pencells in the primaries to vote for him?
This is like the equivalent of lets say someone named "Whitey Buldger" about to run for President.
:iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :hyper: :laugh2:
It matters not who runs against the Republican candidate (probably Pence or Romney). Whoever runs on the Democrat ticket is our next President. Like shooting orange fish in a barrel. Can't wait for 2020.

P.S The Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller, will take care of Dumpf in 2019.
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :dance: Looks like he is about to make his formal announcement as some of us are watching Fox News. Why are they making such a big deal over this? Now keep in mind, his last name is "Castro". You think that at least whites and cubans will be racing to the polls in the primaries to vote for him?
This is like the equivalent of lets say someone named "Whitey Buldger" about to run for President.
:iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :hyper: :laugh2:
Right at the moment I'd say about a 4. But then again it has nothing to do with any politician running for anything. :dunno:
If the orangeade it with the help of Russia, I think stormy Daniel's can is popular.

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