Rosenstein Hearing On Now

Ruskin implying Strzok made a villain, when he’s not. Lol

Strzok made HIMSELF a villain, as being exposed in numerous cases now:

- Changed the language of the FBI report, protecting Hillary from indictment / charges.
- Protected Huma Abedin / Cheryl mills from indictment / prosecution for lying to the FBI
- Charged Flynn with the same crimes he allowed Abedin and Mills to get away with
- Exposed for extreme Anti-Trump / Pro-Hillary Bias

...should be fired from the FBI but instead is 're-assigned'....which is a black mark on the FBI
He does have a pinched voice, but I think it is pretty low to make fun of something he can't help.

To the point, though, I have not entirely written off Mr. Gowdy. I think he still has some scraps of his soul left.

Speaking of pinched voices, in my mind the most annoying pinched voice in Trump admin belongs to Steve Mnuchin. Good GOD I can't listen to that man for more than 60 seconds. I do a great Mnuchin imitation btw. Anyone can actually. All you have to do is keep your teeth clamped shut and try to talk! :cool-45:

He is being evasive so far.
Evasive = Political Witch Hunt by Corrupt Clinton Obama Cronies who still refuse to accept the results of The Election.

Tell you what though, we live in a new era, one where everything new is really old.
Nazi Germany and With Hunts are alive and well in America now.

No longer does The Democrat Party want to talk about issues. They think the only way back to power is through Slander, Innuendo and False Accusations.
Jayapal just warned the gop, not to undermine Mueller.

Rosenstein says fbi as any agency is not biased, but can’t say any one agent isn’t.
"Rep. Hakeem Jeffries now asking who authorized the DOJ to invite reporters to come view private texts between 2 DOJ employees who were subject of pending investigation. Also asked how it's possible that Fox News has 10k Strzok-Page texts when DOJ only gave Congress 375 texts.

Rosenstein responded that the DOJ turned over to Congress (and the press?) the texts that they thought were "fit for public consumption." Could not immediately explain the 10k vs. 375 discrepancy."

Probably because the two were sexting during business hours!
Well it's pretty damn clear that the commiecrat congresscritters have no clue how to differentiate between State and Federal crimes.
That began with our very own Sheila Jackson Lee. She was asking the DOJ to investigate rape allegations. We need to get somebody in Houston to get her the fuck out of congress. She is an embarrassment to all Texans.
Once you corrupt organizations like The FBI, The DOJ, and The Court Systems in America, there can Never BE JUSTICE

I think Special Counsels are Unconstitutional.
Doesn't one have to have evidence of a Crime to Investigate a Crime?
Instead they go laying petty traps, and trying to get people to contradict their statements while under duress, and call that an "Investigation?"

What Crime has been committed?

None that Mueller was appointed to So called "Investigate".

This whole thing stinks to High Heaven, and we can expect more of the same from The Democrat Party between now and until the 2nd coming.
Well it's pretty damn clear that the commiecrat congresscritters have no clue how to differentiate between State and Federal crimes.
That began with our very own Sheila Jackson Lee. She was asking the DOJ to investigate rape allegations. We need to get somebody in Houston to get her the fuck out of congress. She is an embarrassment to all Texans.

The people who vote for her don't tend to follow the news, they have no clue what an embarrassment she has been, they just vote party line.

Collins asking whether Strzok had his security clearance revoked. Not to Rosensteins knowledge. Collins, why not? Due to govt employment regulations, we can’t, until full investigation.
Clinton, Rice, Mills, Lynch, Comey, Holder, all have their security clearances and IMO they are a hostile threat towards American Democracy.

And why have Rice, Lynch, and Mills all for some inexplicable reason been allowed to repeatedly skip testifying?

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