Roosevelt's Greatest Blunder

4. And most persuasive of all....he recognized that there would always be a coterie of total imbeciles who would never question anything he matter how established the ignominy.

Raise your pay, reggie.
FDR still number one Kiddo, top of the heap, America's best president. Call me if that changes.
Hitler would not allow his armies on the eastern front to surrender. Even when they were surrounded and had no hope of survival. At the end when Germany was being invaded from the east and the west, he ordered boys of 12 years old and old men of 75 be given uniforms and handed panzerfausts (anti tank weapons) and ordered to attack the enemy. Dedicated brainwashed SS stood behind the last of the German forces and hung or shot any who refused to fight to the death.
The OP claims to know of some secret plan that would have convinced the fanatical Adolf and his henchmen to surrender. Destruction of the entire nation with the certainty of rape and murder of many of the survivors couldn't bring about a surrender, but the OP's secret plan would. It was so secret we still don't know it today.
It's either that, or the OP is just a bunch of fantasy conspiracy theory garbage.


Can't find any such post of mine????

Another custard pie smashed in the dope's kisser.
No, it isn't necessary to go on one of your wild goose chases. The OP and very basis of it supports my contentions and comment that you challenge. It is obvious that in order to reject an unconditional surrender as a viable policy, a conditional one would have to be sought. You are proposing a conspiracy theory that requires other conspiracy theories to support your primary conspiracy theory. I pointed out Hitler's rejection of conditional surrenders or any other kind of surrender. That leaves the only type of surrender to be the one where everyone is destroyed until only the people willing to surrender unconditionally remain. You kill them until they are coming out of the basements with white flags or totally rejecting the wartime leadership and everything it stood for. That is what happened. It is history. You are in the history forum. It is not the conjecture and guessing forum or the conspiracy theory forum.
FDR did the right thing. He made sure the NAZI's were beat into the basements and pleading for mercy. He assisted and allowed Stalin to smash them like bugs. He set a precedent that war criminals like the NAZI's would not be allowed to escape justice. Your ideas about conditional surrender would not have done that.

Well, well, well....what have we here?

Let's were caught in a lie...

. "The OP claims to know of some secret plan that would have convinced the fanatical Adolf and his henchmen to surrender."
Clearly, you are a liar. can find any post of mine where I claimed that."

Obviously there is no such post.
And now you're trying to hid same in that post.....

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....

Have I told you how scummy I believe liars are?

Or has everyone who knows you already appraised you of what they think of you?
4. And most persuasive of all....he recognized that there would always be a coterie of total imbeciles who would never question anything he matter how established the ignominy.

Raise your pay, reggie.
FDR still number one Kiddo, top of the heap, America's best president....

He was the worst villain ever to sully the White House.
4. And most persuasive of all....he recognized that there would always be a coterie of total imbeciles who would never question anything he matter how established the ignominy.

Raise your pay, reggie.
FDR still number one Kiddo, top of the heap, America's best president....

He was the worst villain ever to sully the White House.

That poster, among others, never even tries to deny the faults and evils of his hero....he simply shrugs and claims the approval of 'historians.'

A characteristic of Liberals.....righteousness has no place in their firmament.

I'll never understand that.
4. And most persuasive of all....he recognized that there would always be a coterie of total imbeciles who would never question anything he matter how established the ignominy.

Raise your pay, reggie.
FDR still number one Kiddo, top of the heap, America's best president....

He was the worst villain ever to sully the White House.

That poster, among others, never even tries to deny the faults and evils of his hero....he simply shrugs and claims the approval of 'historians.'

A characteristic of Liberals.....righteousness has no place in their firmament.

I'll never understand that.
Got any more scholarly information to share on FDR?
4. And most persuasive of all....he recognized that there would always be a coterie of total imbeciles who would never question anything he matter how established the ignominy.

Raise your pay, reggie.
FDR still number one Kiddo, top of the heap, America's best president....

He was the worst villain ever to sully the White House.

That poster, among others, never even tries to deny the faults and evils of his hero....he simply shrugs and claims the approval of 'historians.'

A characteristic of Liberals.....righteousness has no place in their firmament.

I'll never understand that.
Got any more scholarly information to share on FDR?

It seems I correctly identified you earlier.
4. And most persuasive of all....he recognized that there would always be a coterie of total imbeciles who would never question anything he matter how established the ignominy.

Raise your pay, reggie.
FDR still number one Kiddo, top of the heap, America's best president....

He was the worst villain ever to sully the White House.

That poster, among others, never even tries to deny the faults and evils of his hero....he simply shrugs and claims the approval of 'historians.'

A characteristic of Liberals.....righteousness has no place in their firmament.

I'll never understand that.
Got any more scholarly information to share on FDR?

It seems I correctly identified you earlier.
Are we now switching from FDR to me? I know who I am, how about you?
FDR still number one Kiddo, top of the heap, America's best president....

He was the worst villain ever to sully the White House.

That poster, among others, never even tries to deny the faults and evils of his hero....he simply shrugs and claims the approval of 'historians.'

A characteristic of Liberals.....righteousness has no place in their firmament.

I'll never understand that.
Got any more scholarly information to share on FDR?

It seems I correctly identified you earlier.
Are we now switching from FDR to me? I know who I am, how about you?

Let's stick to you for a know, as a prime example of the sort of Roosevelt apologist one comes across....

1. Either you are simply a desperate individual who has such little faith in himself that he relies on the opinion of others, you know, those 'historians' you constantly refer to....


2. You simply don't care to know the truth.

Oh...and the truth about Roosevelt?
"Nous sommes trahis!" (We are betrayed!)
He was the worst villain ever to sully the White House.

That poster, among others, never even tries to deny the faults and evils of his hero....he simply shrugs and claims the approval of 'historians.'

A characteristic of Liberals.....righteousness has no place in their firmament.

I'll never understand that.
Got any more scholarly information to share on FDR?
He was the worst villain ever to sully the White House.

That poster, among others, never even tries to deny the faults and evils of his hero....he simply shrugs and claims the approval of 'historians.'

A characteristic of Liberals.....righteousness has no place in their firmament.

I'll never understand that.
Got any more scholarly information to share on FDR?

It seems I correctly identified you earlier.
Are we now switching from FDR to me? I know who I am, how about you?

Let's stick to you for a know, as a prime example of the sort of Roosevelt apologist one comes across....

1. Either you are simply a desperate individual who has such little faith in himself that he relies on the opinion of others, you know, those 'historians' you constantly refer to....


2. You simply don't care to know the truth.

Oh...and the truth about Roosevelt?
"Nous sommes trahis!" (We are betrayed!)

It seems I correctly identified you earlier.
Are we now switching from FDR to me? I know who I am, how about you?

Let's stick to you for a know, as a prime example of the sort of Roosevelt apologist one comes across....

1. Either you are simply a desperate individual who has such little faith in himself that he relies on the opinion of others, you know, those 'historians' you constantly refer to....


2. You simply don't care to know the truth.

Oh...and the truth about Roosevelt?
"Nous sommes trahis!" (We are betrayed!)
I'm well aware of the mistakes of FDR, as are the hundreds of America's best historians since they first rated presidents in 1948. What kinds of idiot would I be if I took the word of some poster that wore a superwoman outfit, over all the best historians America has to offer? Add to that I lived through that period of our history and am well aware of mistakes FDR and many others of that period made.
That poster, among others, never even tries to deny the faults and evils of his hero....he simply shrugs and claims the approval of 'historians.'

A characteristic of Liberals.....righteousness has no place in their firmament.

I'll never understand that.
Got any more scholarly information to share on FDR?
Are we now switching from FDR to me? I know who I am, how about you?

Let's stick to you for a know, as a prime example of the sort of Roosevelt apologist one comes across....

1. Either you are simply a desperate individual who has such little faith in himself that he relies on the opinion of others, you know, those 'historians' you constantly refer to....


2. You simply don't care to know the truth.

Oh...and the truth about Roosevelt?
"Nous sommes trahis!" (We are betrayed!)

It seems I correctly identified you earlier.
Are we now switching from FDR to me? I know who I am, how about you?

Let's stick to you for a know, as a prime example of the sort of Roosevelt apologist one comes across....

1. Either you are simply a desperate individual who has such little faith in himself that he relies on the opinion of others, you know, those 'historians' you constantly refer to....


2. You simply don't care to know the truth.

Oh...and the truth about Roosevelt?
"Nous sommes trahis!" (We are betrayed!)
I'm well aware of the mistakes of FDR, as are the hundreds of America's best historians since they first rated presidents in 1948. What kinds of idiot would I be if I took the word of some poster that wore a superwoman outfit, over all the best historians America has to offer? Add to that I lived through that period of our history and am well aware of mistakes FDR and many others of that period made.

And here is where you reveal yourself to be a liar:
" What kinds of idiot would I be if I took the word of some poster that wore a superwoman outfit, ..."

I never give my opinion without the quotes, links, and documentation.

That's why you are unable to deny them.

And...why you will never be anything but an apologist/lapdog for Roosevelt.

True, isn't it.
Got any more scholarly information to share on FDR?
Let's stick to you for a know, as a prime example of the sort of Roosevelt apologist one comes across....

1. Either you are simply a desperate individual who has such little faith in himself that he relies on the opinion of others, you know, those 'historians' you constantly refer to....


2. You simply don't care to know the truth.

Oh...and the truth about Roosevelt?
"Nous sommes trahis!" (We are betrayed!)

It seems I correctly identified you earlier.
Are we now switching from FDR to me? I know who I am, how about you?

Let's stick to you for a know, as a prime example of the sort of Roosevelt apologist one comes across....

1. Either you are simply a desperate individual who has such little faith in himself that he relies on the opinion of others, you know, those 'historians' you constantly refer to....


2. You simply don't care to know the truth.

Oh...and the truth about Roosevelt?
"Nous sommes trahis!" (We are betrayed!)
I'm well aware of the mistakes of FDR, as are the hundreds of America's best historians since they first rated presidents in 1948. What kinds of idiot would I be if I took the word of some poster that wore a superwoman outfit, over all the best historians America has to offer? Add to that I lived through that period of our history and am well aware of mistakes FDR and many others of that period made.

And here is where you reveal yourself to be a liar:
" What kinds of idiot would I be if I took the word of some poster that wore a superwoman outfit, ..."

I never give my opinion without the quotes, links, and documentation.

That's why you are unable to deny them.

And...why you will never be anything but an apologist/lapdog for Roosevelt.

True, isn't it.
There are sources and there are sources and that is why future historians spend so much time in college courses learning to tell the difference.
There are quotes links and documentation that said, George Washington as a child chopped down a cherry tree and told his father the truth, but did he?
FDR is one of my heroes but so is Truman, Lincoln, Jefferson, even Jackson. I have some respect for Reagan, he was not afraid to deal with the USSR--and he did vote for FDR.
FDRs greatest blunder:

Letting Stalin lose 25 million while we only lost 400,000
The US moving from the 17th largest military to number one in the world
The US having the only functioning economy at wars end

What was he thinking?
Stalin sure pulled a fast one on FDR

But the worst blunderwas bowing to Stalin's demands that Germany be pulverized, reduced to ashes, rather than be allowed to surrender.....the doctrine of 'unconditional surrender'....was the very worst.

Should we have accepted conditional surrender from the Japanese as well?

Would have been less fireworks, for sure...

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