Ron Paul's Last hurrah

No, the amazing thing is anyone would be so lacking in moral compass he would sit out the greatest example of Good v Evil in the 20th century.
Yeah, if that story is true Ron Paul isn't fit to be president. No matter what he espouses.

I don't remember the history lesson where we went to war to prevent the Soviets from exterminating people, or the various genocides in Africa over the years. Hell, during the second world war the Croats began to exterminate Serbs, Jews, and Romani's.

The holocaust was horrible. But, how can we justify outrage over saying we should not have gone over there, when other similar actions have taken place w/o US intervention.

Pol Pot meet Kettle?

You idiot... the U.S. saved Europe and eventually freed 10s of millions in the former Soviet Union. Are you always this stupid? Or, is today a special occasion?

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

Come back when you have a clue Sherlock.
Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:

The guy came in an impressive 2nd place!!! 24% of the vote. IT was reported he won the independent vote. He is more in the game than any other candidate.
We have a deficit that is larger than our GDP! We have budget deficit of $2 trillion annually. Our taxes are insane and our monetary policies are crippling. All candidates say they will cut spending and taxes. The only one people believe is Ron Paul. The only one I believe is Ron Paul. On spending and taxes, Ron is right on. When he talks about taxes and spending he is hard not to love!
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Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:

The guy came in an impressive 2nd place!!! 24% of the vote. IT was reported he won the independent vote. He is more in the game than any other candidate.

The problem is the no-brainers are mad because thier choice is a slick back corporate hustler, a serial adulterer who got 300,000 worth of his ass kicked by his own party and is a chickenhawk to boot, then there is the guy who is more worried about who yer bangin.....

Ron Paul looks good and it is killing them.

Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:

The guy came in an impressive 2nd place!!! 24% of the vote. IT was reported he won the independent vote. He is more in the game than any other candidate.

WOW!! What exctly does that mean? the anti Romney vote is split 4 ways. Paul has his supporters, 24% so what the people that supported the other 4 would not be voting for Paul. Like I said Ron Paul is done, this is the best he'll do from here on out :cool:
We have a deficit that is larger than our GDP! We have budget deficit of $2 trillion annually. Our taxes are insane and our monetary policies are crippling. All candidates say they will cut spending and taxes. The only one people believe is Ron Paul. The only one I believe is Ron Paul. On spending and taxes, Ron is right on. When he talks about taxes and spending he is hard not to love!

If you support that whack job your a fool.
We have a deficit that is larger than our GDP! We have budget deficit of $2 trillion annually. Our taxes are insane and our monetary policies are crippling. All candidates say they will cut spending and taxes. The only one people believe is Ron Paul. The only one I believe is Ron Paul. On spending and taxes, Ron is right on. When he talks about taxes and spending he is hard not to love!

Perhaps if we were living in the 18th Century.
We have a deficit that is larger than our GDP! We have budget deficit of $2 trillion annually. Our taxes are insane and our monetary policies are crippling. All candidates say they will cut spending and taxes. The only one people believe is Ron Paul. The only one I believe is Ron Paul. On spending and taxes, Ron is right on. When he talks about taxes and spending he is hard not to love!

Perhaps if we were living in the 18th Century.

Close. Paul wants to take us all the way back to the budget levels of the dark ages, circa 2000 AD. You know, back when we were all scraping in the muck and dying before age 30! The horror!
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We have a deficit that is larger than our GDP! We have budget deficit of $2 trillion annually. Our taxes are insane and our monetary policies are crippling. All candidates say they will cut spending and taxes. The only one people believe is Ron Paul. The only one I believe is Ron Paul. On spending and taxes, Ron is right on. When he talks about taxes and spending he is hard not to love!

If you support that whack job your a fool.

I love his domestic fiscal policy. Its ingenious and the best of the bunch. However, I could never support him fully because of his naiveté on Islamic terrorism and its TRUE threat! He is Neville Chamberlain to the Islamic threat!
Seems like those who don't like Ron Paul have some sadistic desire for a holy war.

Thank goodness I'm not afflicted by neoconservatism.
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Reports of Dr. Paul's 'last hurrah' seem to have been somewhat exaggerated.
Obama's top donor is Goldman Sachs. Romney's top donor is Goldman Sachs. Ron Paul's top donor is The US military.
Obama's top donor is Goldman Sachs. Romney's top donor is Goldman Sachs. Ron Paul's top donor is The US military.

Lol and the Obamabots and Bushbots truly believe their heroes aren't bought off by special interests.

What do they think? That Goldman Sachs is run by a bunch of idiots who don't think their investments will warrant a good return?

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