Ron Paul: "Why Don't We Mind Our Own Business?"...

Friggin Neocons. They violate every single Conservative principle and then have the nerve to sit around all smug insulting real Conservatives. Ronald Reagan would be absolutely appalled at their awful treatment of a fellow Republican Ron Paul. They should all be booted over to where they belong...The Democratic Party. There they can compete with the other Big Government stooges to see who can create the biggest Government. We certainly don't need them in the Republican Party anymore. Time for them to go.

Reagan would be appalled at our being critical of Ron Paul?

More bullshit that you can't prove!
Friggin Neocons. They violate every single Conservative principle and then have the nerve to sit around all smug insulting real Conservatives. Ronald Reagan would be absolutely appalled at their awful treatment of a fellow Republican Ron Paul. They should all be booted over to where they belong...The Democratic Party. There they can compete with the other Big Government stooges to see who can create the biggest Government. We certainly don't need them in the Republican Party anymore. Time for them to go.

Reagan would be appalled at our being critical of Ron Paul?

More bullshit that you can't prove!

No he would be appalled at the smug demeaning treatment of a fellow Republican. Especially coming from people who have violated every single Conservative principle. Who are they to be so smug & arrogant? What have they done for the Republican Party? They've only helped destroy it. Their Big Government Endless War/Endless massive Debt Platform is an absolute disaster. So they really should hop off their high horses and actually thank Ron Paul. He's just trying to save the Party by stearing it back to real Conservatism. Yet all he gets is ignorant insults from his own Party.

Neocons really should consider leaving the Republican Party and heading over to the other Party. It's actually a better fit for them. But don't sit there all smug and talk down to Ron Paul. Because it's you Neocons who have brought the Party to its knees. Ron Paul is a good & honorable man who deserves better than this. So shame on all you Neocons.
MOST Paul supporters SUPPORT Israel. That's one of the reasons Israel is loaded to the eyebrows in nukes... like I say sell to Israel all the nukes we can sell em! Where or who told you that Paul supporters hate Israel??? I don't believe in GIVING military aid to Israel but like the rest of Paul supporters I believe we should SELL every type of weapon we can to Israel & as MUCH weaponry as we can. You need to get your facts straight!

We can still be an economic & military power without meddling in every nations' business. Nothing wrong with free & fair trade with everyone. Ron Paul fully supports that. He also fully supports a strong defense. We're still operating in an outdated foreign policy. Let the Syrians worry about Syria.

If you do not undeerstand the strategic importance of Syria, then you are one ignorant person.

And don't ask me to educate you. There's not enough hours in a day.

Most Paul supporters despise Israel so countries like Iran and Syria can do no harm in their eyes..
It was the neocons you love who had us put Osama and the Taliban in power in Afghanistan thanks to our support in the 70's and 80's, how did that work out? .

It worked out exactly the way we wanted. We saw the Soviets driven out of Afghanistan. Trouble started building that would eventually cost us a lot when we then turned around and ignored it the way isolationists like you myopic dopes think we should handle everything.
Neocons haven't earned the right to ridicule and talk down to Ron Paul. They're the reason the Party is a mess. Who created this awful Big Government Endless War/Endless massive Debt Platform? Here's a hint...It wasn't Ron Paul.
Yes, it has.

Yo Unko, Cuba and Venezuela have a more comprehensive "patriot" act. Why the fuck don't you move.

Esther La Vista.


Aw, look at that. You thought you were being clever. But, no, that typical lefty attempt at creating a false equivalency fails entirely. Back to Drama Club for you.

My bad. You are looking for someone to screw you in the name of god......well try Afghanistan, Iran.........


It was the neocons you love who had us put Osama and the Taliban in power in Afghanistan thanks to our support in the 70's and 80's, how did that work out? .

It worked out exactly the way we wanted. We saw the Soviets driven out of Afghanistan. Trouble started building that would eventually cost us a lot when we then turned around and ignored it the way isolationists like you myopic dopes think we should handle everything.

Installing the Taliban and a terrorist haven is exactly what we wanted? I guess if you don't think 9/11 was a big deal, and if you don't then continue pushing for round the clock round the globe military interventionalism. That's what your masters tell you to think.

If we stayed out of it, and the Soviets took over the 3rd world dump that is Afghanistan what would've been the negative downfall on us?

These are 3rd world sharia law abiding muslims, you think the soviets would've stuck around and been able to rule these guys for long?
[He claims Republicans are "big government police staters" and again it's merely opinion..

Senate Passes Bill Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans ... Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture

co-sponsor John McCain R-Az said that Americans suspected of terrorism could be sent to Guantanamo.


Yes this quietly passed with very little resistance. Do they really represent the People anymore?
I truly despise smug arrogant Neocons. If they would only close their huge suck-holes for a minute and listen to Dr. Paul,the Party might actually be put back on track. Their far too busy sneering and insulting the man to actually listen. They're like petulant children for God's sake. It's like they really do believe they've done so much good for the Republican Party. Talk about believing your own Bullshit? They need to stop sneering & screeching and just listen. They've done enough damage. Now let Dr. Paul have a crack at things.
[He claims Republicans are "big government police staters" and again it's merely opinion..

Senate Passes Bill Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans ... Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture

co-sponsor John McCain R-Az said that Americans suspected of terrorism could be sent to Guantanamo.


Good place for terrorist, American or otherwise.
[He claims Republicans are "big government police staters" and again it's merely opinion..

Senate Passes Bill Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans ... Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture

co-sponsor John McCain R-Az said that Americans suspected of terrorism could be sent to Guantanamo.


Good place for terrorist, American or otherwise.

Mr. Dumb Ass, Sir:

I strongly suggest that you read the German History and learned how the Bismarck and Weimar administrations had previoulsy adopted every piece of legislation that Adolf needed to subjugate the Germans.

Read, Learn and wake the fuck up.

Senate Passes Bill Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans ... Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture

co-sponsor John McCain R-Az said that Americans suspected of terrorism could be sent to Guantanamo.


Good place for terrorist, American or otherwise.

Mr. Dumb Ass, Sir:

I strongly suggest that you read the German History and learned how the Bismarck and Weimar administrations had previoulsy adopted every piece of legislation that Adolf needed to subjugate the Germans.

Read, Learn and wake the fuck up.


Dear Mr. Asswipe,

I'm not worried about German history, we aren't Germans and he didn't have to deal with international and domestic terrorism on the scale we see today.

Wise up dickhead!
Yo Unko, Cuba and Venezuela have a more comprehensive "patriot" act. Why the fuck don't you move.

Esther La Vista.


Aw, look at that. You thought you were being clever. But, no, that typical lefty attempt at creating a false equivalency fails entirely. Back to Drama Club for you.

My bad. You are looking for someone to screw you in the name of god......well try Afghanistan, Iran.........



Now you're not even trying to make sense. I can see why.
It was the neocons you love who had us put Osama and the Taliban in power in Afghanistan thanks to our support in the 70's and 80's, how did that work out? .

It worked out exactly the way we wanted. We saw the Soviets driven out of Afghanistan. Trouble started building that would eventually cost us a lot when we then turned around and ignored it the way isolationists like you myopic dopes think we should handle everything.

Installing the Taliban and a terrorist haven is exactly what we wanted? I guess if you don't think 9/11 was a big deal,

Even you can't be this stupid, so I am forced to conclude you are being deliberately dishonest. Don't try to put words in my mouth you greasy little punk bitch.

With every post you ignorant, short-sighted little morons prove what most people think of you.
If we stayed out of it, and the Soviets took over the 3rd world dump that is Afghanistan what would've been the negative downfall on us?

It's not my fault you are too young to remember the Cold War, kid. Go read a book sometime, shitforbrains.

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