P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]RON PAUL is ELECTABLE because he's DELEGATABLE! The MOST important thing to KNOW!!! - YouTube[/ame]
He's pretty basic and sticks to fundamentals, you wanna talk about extremes? Look at the extremes being created in our society now? It's scary how the gap between the rich and the poor has grown so huge. And Obama has done nothing but keep it going.
People say Ron Paul is extreme, but what he really is intelligent and willing to talk about real issues.
Time will tell. Would his extreme ideas provide for governance or chaos?

If what our status quo democans and republicrats do is normal, Ron Paul's ideas being considered extreme is even more reason to elect him.

I'm a big supporter, but I disagree with the OP Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance in the Sahara. The politicians, their P-R campaigns, and a subdued media have helped convince americans that these piece of shit status quo reps and dems are what they actually want.
I think we need another teleprompter reader with nice hair who can't count. Like James Richard "Dick" Perry.
LMAO Ron Paul is just as electable as Bary was,. He has quite a few supporters.

He's got way more experience than Barry ever had or probably will have.

If he got the nom i could vote for him.
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Time will tell. Would his extreme ideas provide for governance or chaos?

Ron Paul is center, I don't know where this "extreme" idea comes from... Or wait, recognizing the constitution before the President Bypasses congress to attack foreign countries or pass unconstitutional laws is extreme now days?
Ron Paul is the only republican I could not vote for. He is as bad as obama, in every way. In some ways, perhaps worse. To his supporters, Paul is electable, in reality, he will never be electable.
Ron Pauls ideas do not resonate with the American people.

He has tried and tried, he never gets any traction
Ron Paul sounds SUPER, up to a point. His supporters stop listening when he goes off into la-la land. He says "Constitution" and his supporters collapse at his feet, right before he goes off on one of his embarassing tangents.
Ron Paul is the only republican I could not vote for. He is as bad as obama, in every way. In some ways, perhaps worse. To his supporters, Paul is electable, in reality, he will never be electable.

I'm a supporter, did you not read where I just stated the exact opposite and said he isn't electable? Scroll up it's not hard to find.

Ron Paul is the opposite of Obama, your neocon status quo republicans are the same as Obama. Obama is the doing the same things Bush did.
Ron Paul sounds SUPER, up to a point. His supporters stop listening when he goes off into la-la land. He says "Constitution" and his supporters collapse at his feet, right before he goes off on one of his embarassing tangents.

I won't fall at anyones feet. I am not really a follower, I just happen to agree with his positions on a lot of issues. I do not agree on a few but I respect him enough to consider that I might be wrong on those and I am willing to give him a chance to prove it.

He says a lot of things I have been saying to my family and friends for 20 years and for that reason I support him.

I do however believe that the establishment is doing everything in their power to ensure that he isn't elected. For example they know that there is no such thing as bad press so they are ensuring they give him no press.
I think his ideas do resonate with the public and that's one reason that no one wants to let the public hear them. Otherwise they would let him talk until he stuck his foot in his mouth just like they did with Cain. I would like to see a survey done for example of how many people out there know that the federal reserve is not a government entity. I would bet you that 80% of them do not know that and if they did they would start to question things.

They don't want him raising the awareness of the public to their shenanigans.
Ron Paul sounds SUPER, up to a point. His supporters stop listening when he goes off into la-la land. He says "Constitution" and his supporters collapse at his feet, right before he goes off on one of his embarassing tangents.

I notice when he goes into tangents, it gets annoying for me personally, in one on one interviews and speech's he's great. In debate he definitely struggles to make his points which I'm upset about. But I already understand his issues and where he stands on most things so it's not very much a problem for me.

Ron Pauls ideas do not resonate with the American people.

He has tried and tried, he never gets any traction

Most Americans want the wars to stop and don't want another war with Iran, most Americans are against the bailouts and borrowing money. IDK what you're talking about how it doesn't resonate with Americans...his ideas definitely resonate.
Ron Paul interested me last go around. Then I started really paying attention to what he was saying. He starts out sensible, and ends up in lunatic.

Paul isn't like obama, he is as damaging as obama for other reasons. I understand he has some passionate support. I can't. He comes across as a man who has tied his shoelaces together.

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