Romney's Great Paying Jobs

obama's planned restructuring of governmental agencies will result in the loss of 2,000 good paying government jobs with great benefits.

3 billion there, another 70 billion taxing the rich, A few bucks cancelling heating assistance.
Defense cuts......

Just 1.3 trillion left to go.......... Before the spending increases kick in.
Thats just a defection. My state min wage already disproved your chart. WA. ST.

Now rather then get pissy, which I am willing to do. Just answer where your figures apply. OK

Last time I checked there were Staples outside Washington State. In fact, there's one about a mile down the road from me.

so misinformation was the intent?

Or you just dont know where the fuck those figures apply?

The link I provided was NATIONAL data on the employer. And it gave ranges of salary. Now, if it's true that in WA state because you have a higher minimum wage law, they can't cheat employees as badly as they do in Illinois, that would be a good thing, I guess.

Of course, if Romney and his ilk had their way, we'd get rid of the Minimum Wage.
Please explain how I am personally making people dependent upon the US Government.


When you replace the good union factory job with the crappy minimum wage job at Staples, you make that person eligable for Food Stamps, for MediCaid, for WIC, for Housing assistance and a bunch of other benefits if they are supporting a family on that.

In short, you've made government their best friend in the world.

Personally, I'd like to have none of these things because we all have good jobs making decent wages and earning our own way... but that's not the vulture capitalist way. Every recession is an oppurtunity to knock down wages a little more.

I replaced 'good union factory job' with crappy minimum wage jobs? When?

Clue: in the last election, I didn't vote GOP... nor did I vote Democrat. Just so you know... and it prove that you use opinion instead of fact.

So I'll ignore the rest of your ranting... because you can't deal with facts.
Last time I checked there were Staples outside Washington State. In fact, there's one about a mile down the road from me.

so misinformation was the intent?

Or you just dont know where the fuck those figures apply?

The link I provided was NATIONAL data on the employer. And it gave ranges of salary. Now, if it's true that in WA state because you have a higher minimum wage law, they can't cheat employees as badly as they do in Illinois, that would be a good thing, I guess.

Of course, if Romney and his ilk had their way, we'd get rid of the Minimum Wage.

Where did you get that statement about Romney getting 'rid of the minimum wage'? Because that is not what he has said.
Last time I checked there were Staples outside Washington State. In fact, there's one about a mile down the road from me.

so misinformation was the intent?

Or you just dont know where the fuck those figures apply?

The link I provided was NATIONAL data on the employer. And it gave ranges of salary. Now, if it's true that in WA state because you have a higher minimum wage law, they can't cheat employees as badly as they do in Illinois, that would be a good thing, I guess.

Of course, if Romney and his ilk had their way, we'd get rid of the Minimum Wage.

There are good arguments for keeping and repealing.

I can tell you that when our first increases were implemented that the price of milk and bread went up immediately. IE OVERNIGHT.
so misinformation was the intent?

Or you just dont know where the fuck those figures apply?

The link I provided was NATIONAL data on the employer. And it gave ranges of salary. Now, if it's true that in WA state because you have a higher minimum wage law, they can't cheat employees as badly as they do in Illinois, that would be a good thing, I guess.

Of course, if Romney and his ilk had their way, we'd get rid of the Minimum Wage.

There are good arguments for keeping and repealing.

I can tell you that when our first increases were implemented that the price of milk and bread went up immediately. IE OVERNIGHT.

JoeyBoy lied about Romney ditching the minium wage. Flat out. Lied.
Please explain how I am personally making people dependent upon the US Government.


When you replace the good union factory job with the crappy minimum wage job at Staples, you make that person eligable for Food Stamps, for MediCaid, for WIC, for Housing assistance and a bunch of other benefits if they are supporting a family on that.

In short, you've made government their best friend in the world.

Personally, I'd like to have none of these things because we all have good jobs making decent wages and earning our own way... but that's not the vulture capitalist way. Every recession is an oppurtunity to knock down wages a little more.

I replaced 'good union factory job' with crappy minimum wage jobs? When?

Clue: in the last election, I didn't vote GOP... nor did I vote Democrat. Just so you know... and it prove that you use opinion instead of fact.

So I'll ignore the rest of your ranting... because you can't deal with facts.

I'm going by what you say you support.

If you see something wrong and do nothing about it, you are part of the problem.

Just because you had a hissy about McCain last time doesn't get you off the hook.
The link I provided was NATIONAL data on the employer. And it gave ranges of salary. Now, if it's true that in WA state because you have a higher minimum wage law, they can't cheat employees as badly as they do in Illinois, that would be a good thing, I guess.

Of course, if Romney and his ilk had their way, we'd get rid of the Minimum Wage.

There are good arguments for keeping and repealing.

I can tell you that when our first increases were implemented that the price of milk and bread went up immediately. IE OVERNIGHT.

JoeyBoy lied about Romney ditching the minium wage. Flat out. Lied.

You don't think weakening Mimimum Wage laws isn't part of his "economic" package.

Now, it's hard to tell what Romney stands for, because he's been on both sides of EVERY issue.
so misinformation was the intent?

Or you just dont know where the fuck those figures apply?

The link I provided was NATIONAL data on the employer. And it gave ranges of salary. Now, if it's true that in WA state because you have a higher minimum wage law, they can't cheat employees as badly as they do in Illinois, that would be a good thing, I guess.

Of course, if Romney and his ilk had their way, we'd get rid of the Minimum Wage.

Where did you get that statement about Romney getting 'rid of the minimum wage'? Because that is not what he has said.

I stopped paying attention to what Romney says a long time ago.

You know how I can tell when the Weird Mormon Robot is lying?

His lips are moving.
There are good arguments for keeping and repealing.

I can tell you that when our first increases were implemented that the price of milk and bread went up immediately. IE OVERNIGHT.

JoeyBoy lied about Romney ditching the minium wage. Flat out. Lied.

You don't think weakening Mimimum Wage laws isn't part of his "economic" package.

Now, it's hard to tell what Romney stands for, because he's been on both sides of EVERY issue.

I'm quite clear about his views on the minimum wage. He supports small, regular, planned increases rather than occasional large increases. Given my understanding of how business functions, I happen to agree with him. And, fyi, I support the minimum wage concept. Just like Romney.

So you lied.
OK Brainiac

How much more do you want to pay for stuff you buy at Staples?

10%, 20%, 50% more?

If you and every other staples customer is still willing to shop there and pay much higher prices so as to give the employees raises to what you think they should be then fine.

But in the real world that doesn't happen does it?

Or better yet when a Staples employee helps you, hand him 20 bucks and tell them that you think they don't get paid enough.

The question isn't how much the labor costs, it's a question of the division of the spoils, really.

If 30% of the cost of pencil is markup, I'd rather have it go to the guy who helped me find it than the investor who just collected the profit.

More to the point, which you aren't getting, is that if we become a country of just the poor and rich, with no middle class, there won't be a safe place for any of us, rich or poor to hide.

If the investor made no profit then there would be no pencil to buy would there?
The link I provided was NATIONAL data on the employer. And it gave ranges of salary. Now, if it's true that in WA state because you have a higher minimum wage law, they can't cheat employees as badly as they do in Illinois, that would be a good thing, I guess.

Of course, if Romney and his ilk had their way, we'd get rid of the Minimum Wage.

Where did you get that statement about Romney getting 'rid of the minimum wage'? Because that is not what he has said.

I stopped paying attention to what Romney says a long time ago.

You know how I can tell when the Weird Mormon Robot is lying?

His lips are moving.

Yea, I can tell you don't know what he says. So your opinion of what he says is, by your own admission, invalid.

Thanks for playing.
"Romney regularly uses this line of attack against President Obama, saying in New Hampshire last week, “Capitalism, free enterprise works. Crony capitalism does not. This president has engaged and is engaging in crony capitalism.” But as the LA Times noted, “The story of Bain and Steel Dynamics illustrates how Romney, during his business career, made avid use of public-private partnerships, something that many conservatives consider to be ‘corporate welfare.’”

The argument for the Romney Supporters is that it's perfectly okay that Romney destroyed thousands of good paying union jobs with benefits because, hey, Staples was one of his investments. And Staples employs 90,000 people today.



What does Staples Pay?

PayScale - Staples, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

Computer Repair Technician - $7.66-12.85

Retail Sales Associate - $7.39- $11.15

Copy Center Specialist - $7.50- $12.82

Sales Asscoiate - $7.37 - $9.89

Seriously? This is the argument he's going to make. It's okay I eliminated good paying jobs at GS Steel or AmPad because I created these wonderful oppurtunities at Staples with crappy wages and no benefits.


(I'm Sure California Ghoul will say I'm taking this photo "out of Context", too.)

We call that "Prosperity through lower wages".
This country became great not because of its 'manufacturing' but because of its work ethic. Americans grafted, pure and simple. We dared to dream, and we believed that if we could dream it, we could do it. We didn't talk about 'class' because we didn't see 'class', we saw character and courage. All the things that made America great are things that we are told are 'wrong' now. We believed we were exceptional - and because we believed it - we were. Now, exceptional is a dirty word.... and that is decade after decade of liberal pandering and nannying.

And now we have a distribution of wealth curve that is skewed so far to the right that our economy can almost be described as 'feudal'.

Note that simple ca$h redistribution is not the answer... the answer lay in policies of fair and simple taxation, a budget that is balanced by law and transparency in all things politics. The wealth distribution curve is simply a gauge to let us know that the current status quo is 'Royally' fucking us - pun very much intended.

"Skewed to the right"?

By (insert your preferred Deity here), you're correct!!

Our wealth distribution curve is skewed to the LEFT, showing FEWER and FEWER controlling the nations wealth! I can be down right silly when I drink and post before 10 am.

It hasn't gotten to the point of having to call CEO's "your Majesty" yet, but the golden thrones are on order and we're getting closer with every republican elected to national office.

Unfortunately, the democrats offer of complicated control and micro-management from DC is not any better.


Fair and simple taxes...
A budget that's balanced by law...​
Transparency in all things politics...​
and then build an economy your kids can drive to the stars.

It ain't rocket science, y'all.
Romney threw some money at the computer/technology/office supply retailing business just before the computer boom took off,

and for that he's a business genius?

Romney threw some money at the computer/technology/office supply retailing business just before the computer boom took off,

and for that he's a business genius?


Obama threw a whole truckload of (taxpayers) money at a green energy company - just before it went bust. And for that he's a fucking idiot.

Your whole post is inaccurate. But you're too fucking moronic to know that.

Translation: I can't.

Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Congratulations for not falling for another commonly used liberal ploy. Smart girl.

The lib will ask for an explanation, but no matter how many times you give one, the lib will deny you ever gave one. They can keep this up forever. No matter how many supporting links you give, the lib will deny it. When the target eventually gets tired of the game the lib will declare themselves successful becase you never posted a response.

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