Romney's Great Paying Jobs

Your whole post is inaccurate. But you're too fucking moronic to know that.

Translation: I can't.

Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Lots of Romney supporters here have made defenses of your guy.

You aren't one of them.

But let's be blunt, the whole support of Romney by the far right is cynical. They know he's a liberal, but they just hate Obama so much they don't care.
Romney and Bain Capital were extremely active during the 90's, investing, making money, starting businesses, and all that...

...all under the Clinton tax rates!!!

Why then are we told now (including by Romney and his supporters) that any return to those tax rates,

which btw helped to balance the budget,

would kill business investment?

Aren't Romney and Bain the best refutation of their own argument??

Think about it.
Your whole post is inaccurate. But you're too fucking moronic to know that.

Translation: I can't.

Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Well, then, why don't you momentarily assume the guise of good person and kindly link us to your previous proving of the content of the OP as not factual?
Romney and Bain Capital were extremely active during the 90's, investing, making money, starting businesses, and all that...

...all under the Clinton tax rates!!!

Why then are we told now (including by Romney and his supporters) that any return to those tax rates,

which btw helped to balance the budget,

would kill business investment?

Aren't Romney and Bain the best refutation of their own argument??

Think about it.

Ouch... That would be an unfortunate narrative...
The argument for the Romney Supporters is that it's perfectly okay that Romney destroyed thousands of good paying union jobs with benefits because, hey, Staples was one of his investments. And Staples employs 90,000 people today.



What does Staples Pay?

PayScale - Staples, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

Computer Repair Technician - $7.66-12.85

Retail Sales Associate - $7.39- $11.15

Copy Center Specialist - $7.50- $12.82

Sales Asscoiate - $7.37 - $9.89

Seriously? This is the argument he's going to make. It's okay I eliminated good paying jobs at GS Steel or AmPad because I created these wonderful oppurtunities at Staples with crappy wages and no benefits.


(I'm Sure California Ghoul will say I'm taking this photo "out of Context", too.)

OK Brainiac

How much more do you want to pay for stuff you buy at Staples?

10%, 20%, 50% more?

If you and every other staples customer is still willing to shop there and pay much higher prices so as to give the employees raises to what you think they should be then fine.

But in the real world that doesn't happen does it?

Or better yet when a Staples employee helps you, hand him 20 bucks and tell them that you think they don't get paid enough.

Romney and Bain took a small retailer of office supplies and, using leverage, hard work and luck, turned it into a retail powerhouse with a LOT of great entry level jobs for kids and an appropriate amount of middle class and executive class jobs to manage all those kids. Nothing wrong with that - a LOT right with that.

:dunno: Why couldn't Bain have done the same fucking thing for the companies they acquired that required a bigger percentage of cashflow dedicated to payroll?

There is no reason, other than selfish, short-term thinking and the paranoia that tens of millions in the bank is just not enough to be considerate of others.
This country became great because of its manufacturing ability and its middle class. It saved the world, put men on the moon, and built the "shining city on the hill", as Ronald Reagan used to say.

Romney wants to shutter they city and sell off the assets.

That you consider this Rational is kind of scary.

If you can provide actual evidence that Romney wants to 'shutter the (sp) city and sell off the assets', I'm happy to consider it. But the evidence must be legitmate... ie not some left wing hack shit.

I'll wait.

This country became great not because of its 'manufacturing' but because of its work ethic. Americans grafted, pure and simple. We dared to dream, and we believed that if we could dream it, we could do it. We didn't talk about 'class' because we didn't see 'class', we saw character and courage. All the things that made America great are things that we are told are 'wrong' now. We believed we were exceptional - and because we believed it - we were. Now, exceptional is a dirty word.... and that is decade after decade of liberal pandering and nannying.

well no...we nuked japan, europe was in shambles, the USSR had nothing..We the Usa was left.We took over everything and therefore our MANUFACTURING made us what we are.

Exceptional is not a dirty word, its just not what you think. You are not exceptional, I am not exceptional. Very few in this world is actually Exceptional. You are nothing more than a fraction of a fraction, of a fraction of a grain of sand on a beach. You are meaningless, and never will be exceptional. You need to have people tell you that you are and this nation is because you are weak. A weak minded, selfish, and "all about me" person.
You are a thin layered flake, who wishes she was something more than the nothing she is. So she puts people down in order to make herself feel smarter, when all you have to do is go under the thin flake and see she is empty.

You are a wannabe.

Fascinating that you know so much about me. You must have read my biography... oh wait... no, I haven't written one. Then you must know me personally... oh wait.... no, we have never met.

You are some jack shit stupid fool whose sum of knowledge would fit on the back of a stamp... in large print.

Also, from a grammatical standpoint, you should stick to either addressing me or referring to me.... but mixing both makes your jibberish even more jibberish than your SOP jibberish.

I am a 'wannabe', but I will get there.... you are a never was.... and never will be.
The link I provided was NATIONAL data on the employer. And it gave ranges of salary. Now, if it's true that in WA state because you have a higher minimum wage law, they can't cheat employees as badly as they do in Illinois, that would be a good thing, I guess.

Of course, if Romney and his ilk had their way, we'd get rid of the Minimum Wage.

Where did you get that statement about Romney getting 'rid of the minimum wage'? Because that is not what he has said.

I stopped paying attention to what Romney says a long time ago.

You know how I can tell when the Weird Mormon Robot is lying?

His lips are moving.

yeah, i can tell by the way you post about him obsessively that he never enters your mind.
Translation: I can't.

Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Lots of Romney supporters here have made defenses of your guy.

You aren't one of them.

But let's be blunt, the whole support of Romney by the far right is cynical. They know he's a liberal, but they just hate Obama so much they don't care.

You've even fucked your avatar up......

Romney and Bain Capital were extremely active during the 90's, investing, making money, starting businesses, and all that...

...all under the Clinton tax rates!!!

Why then are we told now (including by Romney and his supporters) that any return to those tax rates,

which btw helped to balance the budget,

would kill business investment?

Aren't Romney and Bain the best refutation of their own argument??

Think about it.

Ouch... That would be an unfortunate narrative...

You'll hear it somewhere within a week or two. As happens with most things of merit I say here lol.
Translation: I can't.

Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Well, then, why don't you momentarily assume the guise of good person and kindly link us to your previous proving of the content of the OP as not factual?

And of course, this won't happen because there was no such thing. CG has a total of 9 posts with the word Staples in them and not one of them disproves anything in the OP.
Romney and Bain Capital were extremely active during the 90's, investing, making money, starting businesses, and all that...

...all under the Clinton tax rates!!!

Why then are we told now (including by Romney and his supporters) that any return to those tax rates,

which btw helped to balance the budget,

would kill business investment?

Aren't Romney and Bain the best refutation of their own argument??

Think about it.

Ouch... That would be an unfortunate narrative...

You'll hear it somewhere within a week or two. As happens with most things of merit I say here lol.

Yea, cuz no one has even hinted at balancing the budget as part of their campaigns.... oh wait.... yea, most of them have talked about it.

Funny thing how you predict what will be talked about.... after it's already been talked about.

Oh.... genuine question... do you have a link to any of these 'things of merit' that you say? I think I've missed them.
Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Well, then, why don't you momentarily assume the guise of good person and kindly link us to your previous proving of the content of the OP as not factual?

And of course, this won't happen because there was no such thing. CG has a total of 9 posts with the word Staples in them and not one of them disproves anything in the OP.

That might possibly be because I look at bigger pictures rather than focusing one one company that Romney was involved with. That's how I roll... I like to look at lots of information, rather than rant about one.

Naturally, this leads me to view his record substantially differently to the intellectually challenged.
Translation: I can't.

Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Well, then, why don't you momentarily assume the guise of good person and kindly link us to your previous proving of the content of the OP as not factual?

I tend to address claims that have some basis in reality. If you can point me in the direction of where Romney has claimed to have created 'great paying' jobs, I'll look at it.

Seems to be that some posters are happy to throw critical thought out the window for partisan hackery and bullshit. And, as I have already explained, I tend to ridicule bullshit and hackery.... I generally don't respond to illogical fantasy with facts and reason - no point reasoning with the mentally challenged.
Translation: I can't.

Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Congratulations for not falling for another commonly used liberal ploy. Smart girl.

The lib will ask for an explanation, but no matter how many times you give one, the lib will deny you ever gave one. They can keep this up forever. No matter how many supporting links you give, the lib will deny it. When the target eventually gets tired of the game the lib will declare themselves successful becase you never posted a response.


It's like an excerpt from 'Wild Kingdom'! :lol:
Well, then, why don't you momentarily assume the guise of good person and kindly link us to your previous proving of the content of the OP as not factual?

And of course, this won't happen because there was no such thing. CG has a total of 9 posts with the word Staples in them and not one of them disproves anything in the OP.

That might possibly be because I look at bigger pictures rather than focusing one one company that Romney was involved with. That's how I roll... I like to look at lots of information, rather than rant about one.

Naturally, this leads me to view his record substantially differently to the intellectually challenged.

Fine, then link us to the post(s) where you proved the OP was not factual. That was what you claimed you'd already done.
Translation: I can't.

Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Congratulations for not falling for another commonly used liberal ploy. Smart girl.

The lib will ask for an explanation, but no matter how many times you give one, the lib will deny you ever gave one. They can keep this up forever. No matter how many supporting links you give, the lib will deny it. When the target eventually gets tired of the game the lib will declare themselves successful becase you never posted a response.

She claimed she's already proven the OP not factual. That's a lie. She never did any such thing.
Ouch... That would be an unfortunate narrative...

You'll hear it somewhere within a week or two. As happens with most things of merit I say here lol.

Yea, cuz no one has even hinted at balancing the budget as part of their campaigns.... oh wait.... yea, most of them have talked about it.

Funny thing how you predict what will be talked about.... after it's already been talked about.

Oh.... genuine question... do you have a link to any of these 'things of merit' that you say? I think I've missed them.

When did you hear someone talk about Bain Capital being successful under the Clinton tax structure?
Where did you get that statement about Romney getting 'rid of the minimum wage'? Because that is not what he has said.

I stopped paying attention to what Romney says a long time ago.

You know how I can tell when the Weird Mormon Robot is lying?

His lips are moving.

yeah, i can tell by the way you post about him obsessively that he never enters your mind.

Didn't say that. I think his nomination will be the biggest disaster the GOP has committed in its history. I'm saying I don't pay attention to what he says because he's such a lying sack of shit that you can't trust anything he says. His opinions change faster than the weather in Chicago.
Yet again you are mis-translating me. The full translation is 'I can't be arsed to do it again. Because I've already demonstrated his total divorce from reality on numerous occasions'.


Lots of Romney supporters here have made defenses of your guy.

You aren't one of them.

But let's be blunt, the whole support of Romney by the far right is cynical. They know he's a liberal, but they just hate Obama so much they don't care.

You've even fucked your avatar up......


It's not about communism, it's about ethics.

Mittens ruined a lot of lives making himself wealthy. Besides it being morally wrong to do that sort of thing, it's also HORRIBLE POLITICS.

It looks bad. I mean, I hope on some level you kind of get this. This is like a photo of John Kerry popping up hugging Jane Fonda level awful.

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